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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1964, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 1lth, 1964 J4rom Orono l2nited Church Planning "THE MARK 0F CAIN". from God and started te set their (Contlnued frou Page 2) Scritur Leson- Rman 12own course. Doors were being This point is at times hard te in- SiTke ro aseonRached !closed. Jesus came and was re- stili inte the mlnds of the public byke Rev B asileron j ected. Because of their blindnessibut good planning could resuit i-n and hardness of lieart they nailed a better commufllty in which to I i In the Old Testament story ofllim- to a cross and said, "We live.U Cain and Abel it says, "And the havé finished with this Man; we M.Sonri paigt h Lodptamr nGi etayhave triumphed." But it wasn't MrIpoe nsekn ote oedwhotameruon Chnlestoud n g ni iti ruo eperecent conference stated that an KE N one ho cme uon hm shuld ong ntila litle roupof popleofficiai plan is a plan te anticipate KE N kili, him"... and Adam knew his were filled with the Holy Spirit tefutur f orc 1mntï ad you aren .wife again and she bore a son and and a new religion swept the' olki the piaygeai of ail planning Registere calied hiý xname Seth-' for she said, iadoikaardvsorain bees.s5thepi ary htispliForms a<e -God hath appointed for me an- When God's chosen people re- bards nte etabrtheuis plicyes offices. other, chid inistead of Abel, for jected God's way, another doorway Tae meniteaf or th e duntipalts Gain slew him." To Seth also a was epened and Paul went te the Temnse iepitdetta Gentles.more Boards are hiring profession- son was, born and hie caiied bis Gnie.ais te hei 1p them define their de- CHAN( namne Enos: at that time men be- 1 In the history of the Christian velopment problemns and te frame KE N gan te cail upon the namne of the Churcli, tee eften the churcli las their policy statement threugh an EPIS Lord." become ail wrapped up with it- officiai plan. W. E. Thoemson atintcio Tody s e hik f hemakself, aware of its power, wealtli the samne conference strongly re- Form 104, of Cain, remember this is net and position. God lias had te open cornmended the hiring of experts just something related fromi the 'anotner cloorway because tue to frame the off iciai plan cf a coin- past. It lias a direct relationship Cnlurcli turned away from its true munity and further said te the te self,' as we pursue the read of ýpurpose iunrnany ways. Wihen tiielconference "You can't do it yeur- G ETTIf jif. nurcn was, net concerned about self." KEEP INSI Two men have been associated charity, soieties grew up througu At, the next meeting of' the mnust be with each other and with God. Iwfich this expression couid be Township Planning, Board the dependai The expression of one life was exercised. When tue churcli fail- members intend te 'plot their. tell the Co acceptable te God; the expression ed, God -epened other doors. The course and proposais which at, a> of the other if e was net. Abel was Gnurch ouglit to be' the place future meeting thev will present 'l accepted; Cain rejected, Was ang- wliere we find the ricliest, wam-te Council liopingÏ" gain thieir ry and frustrated. H1e f eit God was est of f eiiowship. Yet many people appreval. unjust and lifie ,was net f air. have gene away from the Churci There bulit up within him the feeling an icy hand had gripped e urge te take ýi t eut on semeone, so their heart. When the churcli FIow'er Showr ONTARIO the axe cf i-is anger and jeai-eusy closes the door of warrn, reward- came down upon bis brother's ling, ricli feliowship, Ged opens up (Co ntinued from page 5) head. There'is more te this than ether ways. God is net' defeated. Chailice and Dennis Cobbiedick. just tlie words cf the Scripture. tLet us cf the Cliristian Churcli lass 4 - Geranium Grown fer Cain's anger was exerted againstrernember that we -may cause a 'FalGutting - Bonnie Bar low, Abel because lie couid net ex- situation wliere Gdla eoe ensGbldc n oet press bis anger against God.Ginaerdo. Chalice was angry because lie was wrong i-n lis, reiationship witli Ged. In a sense, we are al Gain and Susan Aslett opened the regular Gain's outlook, attitude and re- I hope we are Abel and Seth.In meeting witl the Junior Garden- $ponse te 1f e was contrary te us as individuais ail tliese ex,;ers.Ged.Tiss oiowd y AcROS Ms Firbrother,, gîvi-ng in- L, Reaches . that whicli would bring hlm into pressions are usuaiiy found. There structions on. care and planting across a riglit rclatienship with God. As is so mucli that is good in any of the children'ls gardens ýand ai-l.ea fs a resuit of that relatienship lie person, yet in that geodness there Se the Gentennial Garden. Tenta- 6, eao a took lis brotlier's ,iif e. God, said is that. which is evil, se easily tive, plans were made fer a trip Il. Yellôw1sh te him, "If you do well, wîi- yoi cerning te the ferefront. So often around the -Ganaraska His in fruit:, net be received: And if yeu do the geod that is in us gets srneth-. the Fali, The next meeting wiii be So2~uth. V. S. net well, is it not that sin is wait-lIered, but God stili intends te have a weiner roast for member o2,îy. tresÉ in ttede, Bswywth us. Mr. L. Aslett then showdsie 3 rplt Ganis timeless; Gain is any w lds,.3 rplt on fus. Wleinwe become frus- I u ie n ncrscey taken in EngIand. This was then 1.Dipa ontdwt iew eoeiri-godi fe nrden cfdfollewed by the awarding cf te nous fabric trte it 1fe ebeoe rrt go i otn ontode adprizes. 25. Legal ,,ble with our fellewemen. Wlien evil exalted. Gain lias been used to The evening lesed witli Garel 1 action suit -ihe love cf Ged is 'n cur, liearts descfibe those tlirough -whom the AnuGlw edn h unior 16. Therefore -e are ut peace with Ged and aise -expression cf evil cornes. 3SecfetGar efl rar..1.thec ou *~~~~~~~~ wtiurascae.Yteknwwants te destroy these whora God1 There were 14 members pre- 19Htc ý%at ameng us there is the work- would save. God did net des trey sent, Mr.:,aflci Mrs. O, Gh'nllice--, hie' ing cf' frustration upen secietY. Gain, 11e put a mark gin hlm te Mrs. Sclimid and Mr. and Mrs. L. 2.Br le 1 ,dncividuals whe are, eut cf bar- save hlm frern destruction. , Aslett asse uigte e- 24. Bearkwbn mony.-witli Godare fuîli et resent- Let us realize that the mark< cf >n. asse uigteee- 28. Sesaw moents, bittern 'ess- and frustrations. Gain is God's way cf saying that_________________ 30. Common- Inevitably ,the axe cf their jeal- allvsaeBs ehv e~lc ousies, frustration and anger fail right te destroy. God i-s net ever- OHW D3E TA 1. An artlàtie uppn the head cf thoir flomn corne by evil, but when good is VISITS ORONO. dance Yes, Gain i-s timei-ess. jdestroyed in one place, a doorway (Gone b> tinud fom pagevr e for-' 3. Diavestr -It is easy f or us te bute Gain opens for it te be expressed i-n frvrbtwowii ee efr- 3.Dsoe and say, "Let us bani-sh this kind another. gotten by these stihi- carrying on. et North ofprobut that is net Ged's n a rwra is Under communications a i-et- :Polo cfy peronu ako an nymno oa h a ter fromn the Severeign Granld 36. fleeert In way Gd uta ar o Gi.given real thouglit te life bas Master, Bre. C. E. Murphy, pro- SÈ Man stands before God in every seen ail this in hi-s own 1f e or lier clairned June as Goed Wl-i Month. 39 tJO generation and what lie is as an ewn 111e, i-n society and i-n the twsanuedttBrhr river indii-dal i-u- b releced -n I wa anouned hatBroher 40. Subside seciiety. Tink e efedbsi-n world. Often we despair because and Sister Wliyte, charter mem- 48. Shake- England; think of the urge te de man seems to be getting the upper bers of Heather Lodge, wi-il cele- paa. Eng1 lnd;thik o th Threr e band of God. This neyer liappens. brute their 59th Wedding Anni- nrt strey' everywliere in Canada. hr God would have. us live the 1f e cf versary. Congratulations and best 4.Laete HolIy. is uneasiness und unrest ail over love and redeem those- who have wislies wi-il be sent te themn. Wood #<'ing»# the werld,, with man set te turn been lost by their own relation-- Under new busi-ness a committee 4.7. To ' maya against >ann and nation ïainst slip te God, and neyer destroy wus chosen te mùake plans te, cater merl tsatwnh,'the resuit cf which ceuid them, The mark, of Gain is the te a wedding recepti-en, August 8. 48. encnIr be a devastating war. It ail speaks mark cf God's concern femu.i Business bei-ng conciuded, lodge swords cffrustration and a wroiig r- It is the mark of God's i-net-nicosed9n te4sua mnne a ter latîenship with God. But remem- te save man. It is the expression I wh supper was served i-n the ~Uut ber God put a mark on Gain just ef God's love. i banquet ball. as He would put a mark on the nation we weuld destroy. ,Hew often as indivi-duais there J is frustratien expressed i-n jeal- ousy. Because we are wrong with God, we are I at ease and under tN mine eacb other.- Just as we could I destroy lives - by our tengue and our actions. When we de, we have jeined the Éociety of Cai-n. AIN-W- thougli this i a tireat and a N WAT £aAOW S -IKNGV131 tragedy in a'cemmunity, sti-l' I IN Gods ar i ~eis.HEARINOY AID WITH ]FRONT-FAC) We reud he4%' Eve said, "Ged bas appoi-nted me another seed in- __ stend of Abel,, who VCàin,,siew," i ~- Another high-peérformic>e Hearing has bo Seth was born; "Then men-ea te cil pon be ame f te- a' behind-the-ear instrument with its inicro Loet. d ete Aben ene dor was * MI ar z6 1DOWN 1. leustreus ininerai 2. Rate of mnovement 3. Sacred bull: 2igypt. 4. Girl's mick- .namcl 5. Sound of whip eut., ting the air 6. Astern 7. Edible berry S. To foil 9. Voided Go. 'e]!ersý 17. Retired 19. An ap. çS te-red A 21.,G ecl n 22. 'Wine ceptacle 23.C ca-d È 25. Pi-d 26. G, a3k 27. ~p a 29. Bern 32. Spgt 36. Wanders 1about idi1y [AST WEEKS ~. 'pokER.n-ý issutn. -_e HAW A BE HIND-THE-EAR êING MICROPHONE! oen added to our "Vikîig" Hearing Aid Une.e iphone facing forward, faclng the way you face tes, to a great extent, interfering noises front rte "On" and "Off" switches, telephone pick-up appointment for a, Home Demonstration Phone AND OPTICAL CENTRE PHONE 725-7373 6:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday id Friday nights until 9 1 BI-RTHDAY? ' ISURED! When you reach your i 9th birthday ,o longer covered by your parents' certificate. separately within thirty days ta keep insured. ýavailable at hospitals, banks and Commission IGING JOBS? SURED! If you change lobs, follow carefully th8 ns on the bock of the Certificate of Payment, 4whkch your group is required to give you. NUG MARRIED? [URED! When you marry, the Famiy premium paid' f0 cover husband, wife and eIigible its. Tell your group OR, if you, pay direct, :ommission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGEý STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO

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