ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, JUNE lS8th, 1964 ~ '. -'RANK~ YETERINARY SURGEON RALESJAIE PLone 106Ù erono, Ont. C, g LIMITED 0 V ~ g177 Chlurcb St. VI AY LYCETT B.A.~ Bowmanvmif23le 9 QGC= C=O =ç==oc= c=oc::><:n ïBarister - 5*ozisuua- in theOf fices of R. R WadellQ.C. MANST.. ORONO Telephoue 138 Oromo N ERR1LL D. BROWN 0 B.S.A. B.A.Sc. OL.S.G (Civil) Ontario Laà ~survor 121 Qacen st Bax Bow,.uianUO, Ontauio Telephofle 08.711 LJ . SKAJFE Chartered Accouatî »y Applentmlent OftIy ain st., Orns. Telephone 188 P.O. Bo« M00WHITY phose "&$UnW Montoith, Riehi, Waters &- Co.' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS General1 INSURANCE FRED LTT Oo'FIOE- MAIN ST., ORONO pârme !2516 Rs.2016 JACK REID- Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoil ..cQý,afize îiii. ii ua1and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis 1and dates Phone 5 r 18 Oronc TED J ACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Caoduets Auctlon Sales of all sizes andat reasonable rates Coirununicate wth hlmi at Port perry , ntrlo a a C ANKS WITE WASHLNG STABLES Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville SM5 4~O~Ee. Orville Chatterton Elecreal CentractinzI Electrie Heatingj and Service PHONE M5 Orono, Ontario Oroco Electric FHONE 129, CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andII OUSE WIRING Free.fflott APPLIANCE SALES Prompt'anti Guaranieed R"M» *0 ail kid*et iuelectl B quipment Mnd Appilmc Sucb at, Notais- Water Heaters T.V. - Rtados - Stoves - Ironi I f - a -H rnitons 1 luil l nurance Serfice Au Poll e id sfw soiier, wIily Boa& . ~Sadie HamiIto.ne Phone Orono Ri FIRST MORTGAGE LO ANS ( Box 133 Mo. 8-352 IStafford Brothers I Lirnited I318 Dundas St. E. lVhitby, Ont. Maaulaeturers of Ceîaetery Memorials J Dealers in and Marbles - inscriptions Cul O)ui qua ~aoeý '<~x' nothing te be desired Ask the peison wbo bought froim us, n neigbibour, f riend or relative The RUT1TE R GRANITF COMPANT 78 Ontarie Street PORT HOPE <cArgest Dlsplay In Southera %naro FOR SALE FOR SALE I1952 Chev. Excellent conditioni Case 200 Power-hAkIe off Baler, and licenced, $100.00.f as ýgoodas new. R. Merrison, R.R. 1, Orono. - amedMaDnad poe tr b-22-p Orono - d-p FOR SALE FOR SALE '57 Ford Fairlane, 2 door hard- Strawberries for sale at Market top, fully equipped, excellent con- Price.237 dition. $600.00. Albert Pos, Orono, Phone 2-237. Telephene 1813j, Orono. a-p ISTRAWBERRIES FOR SALE FURNITURE SALE-- Strawberries for sale, every day 1 except Sunday. The undersigned has_ receivedi Klaas Reitsma, R.R. 2, Orone. instructions te sdil by public auc- Phone 1177. a-c tien the furniture from the Estate, ________________ of the late Mrs. Herbert Layman on Saturday, June 2Oth commen-! WANTED cing at 1 p.m. at her late résidence Lady for housework 2 heurs 70 Division St,, Bowmanville. weekly, preferably Saturday 1Terms cas] Phone 1208 after 6 p.m. Jack Reid, Auctioneer a-PI - - 1 1 )lYIfot PLANNING A WEDDING? Contact the Orono Weekly Times for ail the necessary sta- tionary, including: Wedding Invitations and Announcements Serviettels, Napkins, Matches Reply Cards, 'Thank You' Notes Excellent quality, moderate prices Phone Orono 109 NOTICE The Kirby Sunday hold their Annual Strawberry, Supper, July lst. School willt Salad -and Wednesday, 1b-22-c LOST Kentuckyý Blue Tick maie hound strayed fromn lot 9, concession 8, Clarke Township. Finder please notify Reg. Elliott, phone 6-r-i1, ~z-.co'o~o jNOTICE __________________ UC The Junior Gardiners wili ENGAGEMENT g O ON Ohandle Flower Arrangements for O OO ail occasions, Weddings, Birthdays Mran Ms.HC.Rsery e tc. Please contact Isabelle Chai- Orono, Ont., announce 'the engage-' g TINSHOP li lice, phone 1731, Orono. Im-nt-o their daughter, Mary Sheet Metal Wor k of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cox, Or- Eavetroghin O NOTCE ono, Ont. Themarriage will take The JuughngNOTarIErs wi a e n at *-e Orono United Churcb O fe 91 h nor .adnr il aeo the 9th day of July, 1964 al Oromno Ontariofors sale, Fresh Flowers, Centain- 3 o'clock.-ap ers, for prices at $1.00; $1.50 and - $200 for Decoration Day. Aise Ipote Mms t 2.0.Ail arrange- WASHINGTON TOUR met r ncontainers. Five days, June 26 te 30th. R~ADIO - T.V- REPAIES 1 The Flowers rnay be purchased Price $59.00. Travel air-conditioù- WIl do part Umne Radio and Ir.v. on Saturday, June 27th from il ed motor coach. No night travel. repais. AU worl< guaranteed. o'clock a.m. until al sold. Hotel, sight-seeing and b oat cruise RAIM wiýUBMI 1The place - The store recently arran'ged. P'hone Ormoo160. gvacated by Partner Plumbing and For information phone or write __________________________in the Hiotel Building. __________________ orders accompan- ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY, Building a flose? or remodcflhag your priet one, then contact Floyd Nicholson PROSE 2191 OBONO jinge *UZiIN REAL ESTATE. A.J. McGILL RKEAL ESTATE BROKER Phones; Orono 1407 DoUg~IMSON G Phone Orono 208 G PAINTING - INTERIOR & g EXTERIORO BULIGHNIGREMODELLINO G SFURNITURE ïREPAIE & FI.NisHz AND ALL OUDJOBS Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVIGE0 0 Low Jiterest RatesQ 0 [J Hmpton ce.O.82288 0Tyrone (3O. 8-.2M< 1 i v 1.1nnau ArUviàxenu wlu ci- er Mrs. Leslie Aslett or Mis, Or- ville Challice, Oroiie or phone 1731 Orono for further informa- tion. Money orders should be ac- companied by ail necessary in- formation for the Committe jj charge. b-21-c TENDERS The Bo'ardetof roitePuliet School request tenders fer alter. J atIons te ciassroomse. efc- tiens M'ay be obtained frein the undersigned. Al Work te ho com.- 'pleted by August 15, 1964. LoWeSt or any tender net necessaily ac- cepted Repies, elearly marked "Oiass- foSn Tender" iill be received not' ilater than noon Monday June. 15, 1964 add'ressed t- Horace' R. Best, Orone, Ontarfe, Secretaiy-TrelasuxeS., b-20-c CIIILD CABE Wflh care fer cleldren in my own home. Mrs. Douglas Simupson, phone 128Orono.c- ESTABROOKS TREE SERVICE Trees trimmed, remoaved. Cable, Phone 15216, Orono. i-27,p ORONO CEMETERY The regular annual :-emem- brance and decoration day service wilI be held in the Chapel, Orono Cemetery, on Sunday, June 28thi at 2:00 p.m. Resident clergy in charge of service. b-21-c 1Is Calg Iu your neighbourhood through T.V. Be thie Aven Representa- tive and turn spare time mbt money. Write P.O. BOX 512, SHAWA Port Hope 885-2527 b-22-e CHATEEDBUS TO WORLD'S FAIR IAugust l2th te l6th.--Price -$57.0 No night driving. Hotel, sight-see- ing arranged. For information phone or write ROWEi TRAVEL AGENCY, Port Hope 885-22 d-24-c TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Notice of Meeting to Consider By-Law Take notice that a by-law for Jraising $75,000.00 under the Jprovisions of The Tule Drain- age Act wiil be taken into consideration by the Counci of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke at the, hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon on the Fourth day, of August, 1964, in the Cout- cil Chamber at Orono. H. E. Milison, Clerk. c-23-c THANK YOU We would' like te express, our sincere thanks and appt' 1 "n to friends and neighbours and _ er Rebekah Lodge for the înany beautiful cards received, for flowers and other tokens of friend- ship and good will sept te us on the occasion of ouÏr fifty-ninth wedding anniversary. Ben and Eva White, a-p IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Williamil H Geary, whoý passed away June 19, Yuwerc a Iovitn. htsband, A pal se good and true; Aà better husband neyer lived. Your equals are but few. Ever remernbered by his wife Ethel Geary. a-p IN MEMORIAM MITCHELL, William C. H. We do not need a special day', To bring hlm to our mimd. For the days we do net think of him Are very bardl te find. Ever remembered by hjs wif e 'Minnie ani family. a-p a-c '