<IRON1TflWÉIrT.VTIMES. TURSDAY. lUNE lRth. 1964 June is Dairy month across Canada. This is the month whenP we pay special tributé to this truly Canadian Indutstry which serves the public day in and day out ail year long. At IGA we have selected 3 of your facourite dairy foods economically priced for this sPecial occasion. Remember, in our Dairy Department, in fact every department, of your IGA Store YOU ALWAYS GET A LITTLE MORE TITAN YOU EXPECT Kaft Cracker Barrel MILD CHEESE Royal Gold First Grade ICA BV5UTT"ERK, IA Royal1 Gold 12oz cut 43c lb, print SSC : gllo 79c Prices Effective June 17, 18, 19 & 20. We r'eserve the right Wo limit quantities e"BUY 2 GET'ONE FREE" - Swift Premum I nstant Sand.wich 2-02% Cone ee pg 5cTABLERITE - Canada's Finest Quality Red orBleradef "IGA - SWIFT SALE! Luncheon Meat SWIFT PREM Beef or Irish SWIFT STEW Swifts BABY MEATS' 2r 75 ?42 oz. Tins 2 for 75c 2 ins 39c Swifts SJpaghetti & Meat Bal. jewel1 SHORTENING 2 .Beef or Beef Gravy Pard Dog Food 13 ti "A Deliclous Dessert"e Produce of Mexico - No. É" Grade COANTîlALOUPE Produce of U.S.A. - Canada Noi. 1Grade CAr%àLIFrORNIA PLUMS Easy t Peel - Ont Span NAVAL ORAINGES Tropical ,.Q.T.F. FruitSalad fid Baits Q.T.F. 1PINEAPPLE FROOTLOS Davids Biscuits WEEK-END MIX Layjnond2f5c ?kgs. CHEESE TWISTS White IT SHOE POLIS I- 15 oz. U.lns 2 tins 45c 215 oz. Tins' 2tins 43c il oz. Pkgs. 2 "pkgs 89e, 23/4 lb. Pkg. pkg 99C 2 pkgs 39c 2 Small Size 2for 29c iumbo c25' size 45,' C quart box 39c large sizel 76 doz 59c Direct from l7îe Bahamas PINAPLESsogood so ýCmany ways each 39C 9 oz. Pkg. 6 pkgs 89C E.xtra This Week A Total .9$ 6'nBonuis 0f 'I1.J Tapes RECEIVE AN EXTRA - $10i,001 BONUS TAP~E WITIT MIR LIQUID DETEIIGENT 2 24-oz. Size RECElVE AN EXTRA $6.0a BONUS TAPE WIýTH CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE ý 6 oz. Jar RECEIVE. AN EXTRA $-2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH ST, LAWRENCE CORN OIL 15 oz. Size CATE'ýLLI MACARONI & SPAGHIETTI 16 oz. Pkg. FARMITOUSE FROZEN PIES - Assorted 'Varieties each SLICEl> COOKEI) RAM Tablerite Vac. Sealed 6 oz. Pkg. CELLO Cl PROTF - Ilri-uÏtce cf U.S.A. Cani. No. 1i grade " lb. jKendal N.ews Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood took a trip to Kemptville last wyeekend. It was their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Catheart and Bonnie have taken Up residence in the former Cecil Glass house on the 7th line. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan et- tended Kendal Anniversary and had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. .Mrs. Thos Stevens gave a garden tea in Toronto last Satur- day for Miss Valera Marsh and Miss Rose M arie Marsh, daughters of Bishop and Mrs. Marsh, in hon- oui' of their forth coming marriage in September. About sixty guests were in attendanice. Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton of Yarmouthi, Nova'Scotia ;(nee Mary Stevens) have a baby daugh- ter, Betni, boril last week. MVr. and Mrs. Spence Gordon en- tertained Mr. and MVrs. -Alfred Gordon of Whitby last Sunday, Mr. Percy,,Morgan is in' Bow- manville Hospital for:a check-up, Ralph Barnett is also in the', hospital with a touch of pleurisy. 'We hope both' will soon be home, Summer is returning, Mr. G'eo.' Mercer has his Swimm ing Pool flooded 'again. Al the' children need now is warmi weather. Hydro To Instil Ne w-Style ,E.ipment Comm issioners'of. the Orono Hy. dro System paýeËd a resolution Iast week which-in effect will place in Orono- one of the moast modern transformer-light-stand. ards 110W in use., The new equipment will be put into service for the south section of Division Street whlere it has be- corne necessary to increase tran&~ former capacity due to four, al-. electric homes. The move to the new installa- tion will necessitate that this sec- tion of Division Street be serviced with underground wiring. The equipment includes a new-style, street -lighit standard. Aý thirty. seven KUA transformer is install- ed inside the standard and is thus ,out of view. The Commission was previously considening a pad- mount transformer. (one which is placed in a steel container on the grounid), The new standard, thgt is being installed, won the favour of the Commission over the pari- The new style standard will also includle besides the transformer a mercury vapour light simnilar to those now in use on the Main street. The new-style standard, it is understood, was first used ini Peel Village. Local iNews Mrs. Ada Galbraith of Bowman- ville is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Rena Waddell. .1 11 Miss Agnes Ferguson ofý Roch- ester is visiting with her sister Mirs. Alex Watson and Mr. Watson. Mr. R. E. Logan is home from the Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Newtonville Cemetery (Contlnued from Page 1) the cost ofrestoration alonfg with I perpetual care. Deputy-reeve Stone was of the opinion, that 'as- the responsibility «rested' wif h the Preshyterian Church that they should bear the total cost of the restoration and provide thte $1900.00 to the Town- ship for perpetual care. Mr. Lovekin doubted that the Church would accept ,t1sis pro- posai and felt that a compromise' would be in order. He stated that if the proposad was not accepted that then only a Supreme Court Jorder could force thc Church to Ilook after the cemetery and- this 1he said would be costly, possibly as much as restoring the ,cemetery. Deputy-reeve Stone saîd that thIis issue should be settled now,, f 7' i1 assed a res- olution that they would accept the I vo 1N WOfli,.e CUcmeteýy piîoviding the resyteianChuýrch iirst re- s;tore thie cemetery to the approv- ai project of acquLirinig -wenty-two allocated to the Township the arn3 ft '51031, l'o ~ nual BAKERY FEATURES Hospitallty, Plain or Suxgar DONUT'S 12 for 29c HRospitality Strussele CHERRY PIE ea 59c Dempster JCED TWIRLS .39c 24 oz. T"n è 39c lb 53c 15 oz. Tins ins 35c Goodness Me - lPrften F rench Fries ARMSTRONG'S - -------------- Fb%,JrINU