ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, .TUNE llth, 1964 GET YOUR FREE CAIRD THIS WEEI( EXPANSION SALE PLAY UT LIKE 'BINGO' watch for winning numbers for game No. 1 in next Wednesclay's ad and oftail RED& WHITE STORE New gamne each week for 10 weeks You are invited to corne in and sec our newly expaxided f acilities for serving the people of Orono and surroundiug Distîit ln the rnost modern fashion. vWHEILE HEY ýLAS T 1 loaf of Aunt Mary's Breadl with the purchase of 1 loaf, -the first 100 Ladies Thurs. aud the first 100 Ladies on fflday 1 Pkg. Maple Lea~f Weiners with the pur- FREE!chase of one pkg. of Sunbeam Weiner Rolîs Sat. only il Pint of Sunspuu Ice Cream FREEIwith the purchase of 1 Pint of Ice Cream 1~ lb. pkg. Holiday Beef Steakettes with FREE! purchase of 1 pkg. FREE! Draw -for 5 Beautiful Miss Sunbeam doils F!"E.,E! - Draw for 6 Long Ilandled Barbecue sets FREE! Jig Saw Puzzles for ail the kids F REE! one pkg Stuart House Poil with' purchaseof 2. RE~e! j ar of Rose Sweet Mix Pickles with pur.~ FREE! One Bottle E. D. Smith Catsup with purchage of two. Oue 20 oz. tin York Pork F REE!aud Beaus with purchase of two. Two pkg-. of Mouarch FREE! cake Mix with purchase of two pkgs. 'Choice Frying or Roasting Chickens sweet Sun¶dst 0OwRA N G I - Grade A býave 23c! 14-oz. Tins býave 1e!Tanl Tins Save e 15-01. Tins zl<ely's Fancy 6 $ E0ortdMB7$1i ioIAL7TlP O Xernel (orn.,____$l__CARNATION__71_H o l $ Silve 5û! 24-oz. Jars Save 16c! A Real Saving! 20-oz. Tins Yor BrndF FRSI F IE. D. Smith's Assorted Save 15c! Choice Quality 241-oz. Tins 1 Save 16c! Celio Bags Sav'e 40c! 4-oz. Cans Crushed 6r Tid Bi 50$ Golden Hour Spreme PureF i1 CANDIES 4$R Bac eppeW R R,'ed & White Supreme Aunt Mary's ean~ ~ttrJ $1 Fresh Donuts q 1 Siced Bread~I$ DO1LLAR. DA"-' Save 18c! Mashed-Flakes 12-oz. DOLLAR DAYS! Save 17c! Mýoný,arch Pouch Pak ES TT ESShirriff 2Z $1 CAK 3dozen 89C Supreme Apple - Frozen 24 z. Raisin Pies 3 9c DOLLAR DAYS! - SAVE 37c Pkg. of 200's Kleenex Tissues 7-$1 White or Coloured Toilet Tissue Whîtte ,Sw"àan»' DOLLAR DAYS!1 Twin Pack SAVE 20e Boston Brown 20 oz. tin Beans 5-$1 DOLLAR DAY5! SAVE 15e Borden's Powder fInmstant Slarlac 3 lb. pkg. $1 5IZE 20"x 40'ýeï-r. "DUET" FASHION STRIPES *PINK -BLUE -YELLOW . GREEN BROWE1 *t BIRDS EYE DELICIOUS NEW VEGETABLE DISHES SMALL ONIONS with Cream Sauce ...... 8-or-. pkg. ý.. 41 c GREEN PEAS and Pearl Onions ........-oz. pkg.. 29c RICE AND PEAS with Mushrooms,...7-oz.- pkg. . 41 c Juicy Red Mcntosh, Fancy Crispy fresh No. 1 Cetery Hearts 3-lb. poly bag 4'9c pkg. Rosebud 25c Radishes 3 bchs. 19c IGarden fresh green Large green sweet No. 1 Onions 3 bchs. 1 9c Peppers .. 3 for 25c DOLLAR DAYS BISCUIT FEATURE! Supreme MAPUE GROVE MARKET 5 Vrieiesceilo CORNISH'S MARKET Fany Bscuts -$ PECK'S RED & WHITE SAVE 2c! - CL1,R', l uu-Ê,ot Rol WAX PAÀRPoER - 2.01c SAVEý 16c! AYLMEE. BRAND 15-oz. Jars Sweet Green Relish 4for$1 NEW! - NEW! - 16c OFF PACK! LAIJNDRY Giant PkgI. Ajax Detergent mm 71C Weston or Sunbeam Raspberry Butterhorns --41c Aylmer 1-u Pickles Sweet Mixed -2 9c Maple Grove' * ._Newtonville FREE! Specially Selected Value Check'd- Fresh Picnic Style KRoas CHOICE SHOULDER CUT Always Tender - Choice Boston Style orkc Butt Steak - lb à59c Schneider's Famous - Pure Pork - Tray Pack C;ountry Sausage- lb 49C SCHNEIDER'5 - 4 VARIETIIES Trend - 5 Varieties 6-oz, V.P. SNACK CHUBS 2 for 39c Lunclieon Meats 5 for 1.00 1 Fresh Pienie Style