t ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, IHURSD)AY,JUNEl8th, 1964 R.C Fo~e Rpoits LOCAL NEWS 10 lune, 1964 Mrs. Geeorgc-e York celebrated Ruisseli C. 11oney, .P Durhamfi ler 8th birthday lasi Tuesday.i Neighbour.,s and friends gave lier By this timie of the- year most a suirprise birthday ,pat(y. people have already miade def- M!ýr. C. P. MNaartense has success-E mnite plans for their summer hol-Iffliy passed lis tourîli year ex- i idays. For nmembi-ers oiiri-aria ions i edicine at Queen's metthings are a littie different Uiest nKIngst on. Coàk is because there is no way we can I one- of seventy-five medical stud- I teil when we wll be through ents dhosen from universities a- with the work that must he done cross Canada to participate m a before a summer recess. Tri-Service Medical Programme and is presently taking an Of- Last week the government gave ficer's Training Course at Camp the House a list of items which it Borden for six weeks. hopes to get completed before Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun at-! we can even think of, a recess, tended the funeral of their cousin, much less start packing for a va- Miss Myrtie Cookman at Sunder- cation. The list contains quite ai land on Monday. number of fairly routine items,' A surprise party in the form of- but even those are given a thor- a quilting was held at Mrs. Stan- ougli examination by the opposi- ley Chapman's on Monday where ti on before. they are approved. ten ladies gathered to honour Mrs. James Wannan on lier 86th birth- Thiere are also quite a number day. She was presented with a of major pieces of legisiation on birthday cake and a floral ar-1 whichi we hope to make progress rangement in a cup and saucer. before a recess. For instance, On Sunday her daughter Miss there is an amendment to the Jea Wannan entertained ata B.N.A. Act that must be obtained famnily dinner party when thoýe so that supplementary benefits to 'present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mil-i1 widows and orphans may, be in- ton, Wannan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.l ciluded in, our Canada Pension Wannan and Ross, Mr. and Mrs Plan. !Harold'Souch, Alvin, Donna andi Jim. Our new defence legisiation,. Friday night thieves broke intq) whichhave btenl given first and Miller's Restaurant on Highway second reading in the House, is 115 for the fourth time since it now being studied by the mnuiti opened a, number of years ago. party commttee, and it is hoped They stole ail the cigarettes in that il will, be-brouglit back f0 the _______________ bouse for final approval before summer. la1aîr1r qL Dt 1 The government also hopes' to' - CHLDRE 60emake early progress with its bill establishing a 12 mile fishing lim il. ren 16 and 17 stili attending school and the proposai f0 provide interest free boans to University IG B O . students. Tegvrmn i n lios, f curs, t hae tesethe N..," 25 Traine-,d Animal AndCiusAt Under Mammoth W'ieatherproof Tent Sponsored By Oron-,o Chamber of Commerce FOUND'S 1EILLIARDS RAINEY'S ORONO RESTAURANT (Jrono pastoral Mnste r Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 2lst, 1964 CurelServices Kry-9:45 a.m next scilool y7ear. Oro-no- ] For farmers' fhe governmenf Leskard wili enact legisiat 'ion to increase Sunday jthe volume of faimn credit and a plan to bring forward legisiafion oo - on farm improvement loans. The government aiso wanfs to estab Iî-'rby lish- its Department of Forestry " esar and Rural Development, and:,im-1 prove federal provisions rýegarding In ail, the list indiudVs some 20 government orders, plus the nor- mai supply, motions and otherý routine items. In addition, the[ government has indicated that theý fiag resolution mustf be deaif with before Parliament ean consider a summer recess. At the time of writing this Report the lengîli of this flag debate is a mialter of conjecture but flie Prime Minister has clearly indicated that it mus' sinllrbcedspsed of before the The agenda is indeed lengthy, [but if alniembers of the House agree t0 settie down to work in an, atmospiiere of cooperation, then a great deal will be acc.om- plished. At this particular time there is at least one very strong inceiî-ve ~'~r1'J~ &~b"c r!2- x the length of the debates . . . the Idea that they too may eventually be able to go' out in the sun, where many of their constituents will be.- Maintenance Service Com,,piete Maintenance on Windows, Floors and Wall Rug and Upholstery Commercial, Industrial, PHONE 255 Orono, Ont. .:15 a.m. -2p.m. Sehool 10 am. 11 ar. - 2, pmr the Restaurant oï which t,'here was are visîting with the latter's father a good stock at the time. Nothing îne othrMr. and Mrs. George else was mnolested.1 Morton. Entry was ýmade the same even j Sunday service at St. Saviour<s ing at the Durham Farmers' Co- Ani,-.can Church will be held at op but here nothing was taken. j :0 hsSudy-n il oniu Recently five houses have been athis houri throughout-the Sum- entered in Newcastle where.mon. nmer m1onth"s. -y was souglit even to the point ,)r Dr. and Mrs. L. McKenzie oe -aking piggy-bns Toronto visited on the weeknd The break-mns are being investi-1with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Billings. gated. Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeVaillant Professor and Mrs. James Gren- of Scarboro spent the weekend ured of Saint Cloud, Minnesota,-iwith Mrs. J. F. Stephenson. ORONO Sc tIo$1 STORE NIALN STEDMAN'S & ASSOCIATE STORES NINE HIAPPY DAYýS SEE TUE LARG E SALE BILLS ïN TUE MAIL TO-DAY 64DON'T FORGET FATIIER" ON JUINE 21 Wh (e j dCotured short slceve Shirts pri-ed froin $300 -C$60- Al sizes Long siceve Shirts, Dan River wash and wear,. ligft and dark colours. Size S MU L Price $5.00 - $6.00 TapeIýrs. Casual lcs featuring split waist bawd forw easy adjustment in check or plain colour. Siz,ý e p t 38 waist. Price $4.95 - $6.95 Men's Shortý Pants in check or plain cotton, Size 30 - 40 waist, Price $2,95 - $3.95 Crew-Cutter Playboy apparel. Ail cotton,,was,,h- ableý. V tapered Jerseys. Ail different clu~- patJïerns. I'ruceu î rom $3.59 - $4350 10%pure weool Cardigans in plain or cable stitch. Colouars blue, wine, ýgrey and charcaal - $11.95 Super Durable Twil i pants' Lwice as tou.gh, talered for long we ar, Smart ppaane tub fast shirtîs Êo mthpants. Prc ants, $5,00; Shirts, $3.75 Cotton broadcloth Pyjamas ini printed patternis or plain shades. Size B C D 'E Price $.'.95 - $5.00 Shortie Pyjanias, paisley de- sign, ecolur blDue, hrown and wine. Size B C' DIlPri*ce ý-$2,M5 hîadkerchiefs, Cuff Lînks, Tie Bars, Swim Tru-nks,-, Ties, 'S0,lk,, Beits, RMSTRONG..'S, Thu.,Jonc25 TWICE DAILY 4:30 & 8 P.M. IJoors open 1 hour before Fair Grounds À OROK%0NO NEW'LOW FAMILY PRICES ADULTS 90çe GENE KI1PLà-IN