ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUJRSDAY, JULY 9, 1964 Report> From Ottawa Russell C. Honey, M.P.- Durhamn The inistituioni of Parliament lias neyer been as sever ely tested as at the present time. Whether or flot the government eau event- ually assert its mastery over Par- liament will be determined in the next month or six weeks, The in- tervening period of time will wit- nýess a display of brinkmanship on the part of Opposition Leader Diefenbaker and Prime Minister Pearson. Mr.,Diefenbaker seems intent on precipitating an election. If he can sta1l the legisiative machinery, to the point o f frustrating the Prime M1inister and cause hlm to caîl an election then he will have achiev- ed his purpose. The above assessment of Mr. Diefenbaker may be too critical. H1e is, after ail, the Leader of the Offici ai Opposition and as such has a duty to inspect~ and criticize government legisiation. The ex- tent to which the Opposition must go to fuif iii its duty ln this re- gard is a matter of opinion. Op- Position which , may described as AL NEWS JMrs. M. H. Staples, her brothers, a Pld l'es Penfound, Oshawa, andi Mrs. Kyle Square of Bowmanville. have left, on a motor trip to the West Coast. A Wi u (,nd ïi'Mr. and Mrs. William Bunting Ja 1k 1ei ,dr-, ïgFlemington's and. family. have returned home JackRei driingafter a week holiday in Kingston Sis, a horse owned by Governor with the iatter's parentsi General Earl Rowe, won the Sup- ertest Stake in London last Sat- Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, of u rday. The stake race for a tidy Bowmanvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl $530000 was held in London. This Billings had sunday niglit dinner is the second win for Mr. Reid as with Mrs. H. Souch, Mrs H. Bailey a driver in this stake. and Lynn. Another en try in' a stake, was Mr. and .M rs. Wm. Irwin, Mr that of Canal View Song. which land Mrs. Mowat spent'last week at was entered ln a stake race at actaea tebr ae Peterboroughi on Saturday night The horse was driven by Keith ,West. In the elimination, Canal View Song took third place but in the final stake hea t finished in eighth position. The horse had to go a long mile in the first and ln the final heat was boxed in unabie. to gain on its position. Nancy Jar- vis, a horse owned by L~ Hooey and driven by Bill Hooey was also entered in the stake takingfourth lu the elimination and sixth lui the Miss Leslie- McGee of Don Milîs is spending holidays with her Mgradee. s Mr. and Mrs. L. G.1 Weekend visitors With Mr. and Mrs. J.. De, Paepe were Mr. and Mrs Parmenter and daughters of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Micha~el De ýpaepe and family of'Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvian De Paepe and ýfamily of Langton. So n4tru et ive- cr iticêism b-y ,one- ob- final stake race.1 Mrs. De Poorter, daughter and server may, be wilfui obstruction ' son from Port Burwell1, are spend- toth uxt jKing of Diarnouds owned and.1 to thenext.driven by Dr. R. J. Taggart, also ing 'the week with her -parents, 1This week we compieted six ràlced in Peterboroughi pîacing Mr. and. Mrs. J. De Paepe. days of debate on an interim sup well.back of the winner. I Mr. and Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. ply motion. The granting of inter- Dave Roughley's "Count Marky" Harold Hodgson, Toronto. visited Îm supply provides the goveru- pîaced third at the Greenwood Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunday ment with funds for requirements Monday lu a race that went in 2.05 and together eujoyed dinner at of Civil Service and Armed For- Tommy Direct, owned 1y Ronnie the Village Motel and Restaurant ces paylists and accounts of thous_ etpaedy fhi Bfàoîs at Welcome. ands of contractors and corpora- Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin llamm of fions ail over the country who are ________________ ively are speuding holidays with suppiying goods and services to the goverument. HOEI TOWNSIIIP MAY The granting of the- supply f or LEGALIZE FIRE COMPANY July was held up whiie Conserva- Acinath Hoe owsiUN tive back-benchers berated Mr.cocimetnFrdy ovdte . TB flKn Pearson for what they charged was volunteer Coi. Giles Fire Com- dishonesty in statements he made pauy toward officiai status as a Orono Pastoral with respect to the controversialfiedprmn ascuilo- C.B.C. film. sideredpassing the necessary :by- -Cag The -Obvious way to breïe the l UJ. VVs ii ntin"..Lvoi~ve any log-jam' of legisiation is for ail saiary to the volunteers-mereiy parties f0 agree on the time, to be legal recognition, allocated to each item of legisla- Hlerbert Mllôry, of the Oftariol tion coming before the flouse. Fire Marshal's office at Belleville, This must be, done by agreement recommended the setting upof an' between ail five parties... and 'officiai fire, departmnent by of- such agreement has been partie- ficialiy recognizing the existing uiariy hard to get lu view of the group with a series of by-laws. persistent refusai, until rece ntly,l I r of Conservative flouse Leaderl"The days of littie volunteer Gordon Churchill to attend meetlfgroups banding together to fîght 1- ings of House Leaders for the fires in their community have goneli purpose of attempting to reach by, as there are a number of seri. agreement. ous risks involved lu such a seri-, ous job as fighting fires," Mr. Mal- A major problem which has ad-Ilory said. ded to the general bad feeling iný Parliament has been the insist- 11He pointed out that the group ence of the Prime Minister that is not covered by the municipaiity the flag debate must be concluded in the event of personal -injury before a summer recess. He has whjile performing the municipal been roughly criticized for inIsist- service of figliting fires, and7 that ing on. tliis ite m when m'Ore im- as private indîviduals the mem- portant legisiation waits. Mir. Pear- bers might'find themselves hiable son has now given ground.. but for damage caused to, property I not too much.. as lie has indîcat- whiîe fîghting fires. ed that. the goveramienit wîll shelve the flap, debate until several it- M.Mloyakdta h on ems of esitmn.ae eenUnpass- cil pass five, by-laws, considered ed. hes itms re () Uives- standard in the establishing of a ity Students Loan Fund (2) Youth, Allo wances ($10 . per mo1(nthI to! Municipal fire departmnent iu this ages, 16 and 17 whiie in sehool) (3 area. Federal-Provincial fiscal arrange -_________________ ments (4) the '12 mile fishing lim- it and (5) the Defence ýAct. Whenï both leaders that a solution, short these items of legisiation have of a general election, will have to been passed the Prime Minister be found. Hlethinks the people at says Parliament will go back to home are not going to be impress- the f lag debate which must De ed with displays of brinkmanship settled before a summer break. by either the Prime Minister or Rumfours are rife that Mr Dief- M.Deebkr enbaker will not let the fiag Res -_________ lution come to a vote . . . that i Conservative speakers will talk in- Y terminably to preveut a ýdecision W AYNLIE, being taken. By moving amend-W TN .I ments the debate could be car- ried on indefinitely. Each amend- Mainjtenance Service ment pro vi des ail Members witb ope 3Itnc n right to again speak for 40 min- CopeeMintnceo j utes. J W indows, Floors and Wall If Mr. Diefenbaker's 'plans lu- clude the continuance cof the flag debate -indefinitely somiething will have to give. t wiil. be the oid story of ân irresistable force meet- ing an immovable object. If he foliows this course it wiil be ob- vious that Mr.,Diefenhaker hopes for a, general, election. For my money I amn betting that the peo- pie of Canada, through the medi- um of the press, will point out to Rug and Upholstery Shampooing Commercial, Industrial Résidential PHONE 255 Orono, Ont. 'I.'? tii SUN»mAYSCHOOL07 Kirby at 11:00 a.m. CHURCH SERVICE Kirby at 9:45 am.ý Orono at 11:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamm. Word has just been received ,, the death of Mrs. Fanny Long atý Mrs. Ruby Porter and her cous- Los Angeles, California, on Jn tin Miss Camilla Irwîn, Toronto 29th. She is survived by a dauglitý. have taken a trip to the West er, Mrs.--Neil Derrick ofChw Coat.chilia, Calif., a sister Mrs. Evely7n A miscellaneous sliower was G. Potter of South Pasadena an held in honour of Miss Sheila Bar- brother Fred G. Honey, Pattuï Irabali Wednesday evening in the Deser t, Calif. Orono United, Church Sunday Memor iai Services were hielda~ School Auditorium. About seventy ISanta Monica, Calif., on Juiy ii friends and relatives were present Guardian Chapter, Order Easter.a to shower Sheila with lovely Star of South Gate, participatùn.%ýý Egifts and best wishes. Interment at Ebeter,Cairna LADIES'.HATS, We stili have a few good hats whhch we are practicallyF giving away. We have ten bats which we are clearing at $1.95 eigch and three hats at $1.00 each. LADIES' DRESSES Ail our Spring and Summer Drèsses are nuw reduced in price. Corne in apnd pick one 'or more while the choice is good. The regu.. lar pîiices ranged from,$8.50 to, $29.50 and the Sale Prices are from $6.95 to $21 .50. LADIES' SHORTIE PYJAMAS 16 pairs Ladies' Cotton Shortie Pyjamaý, different styles. Pink and blue. Sizes S., M. and L. Regular $2.95 on Sale for .. $1.95 GfRLS' SLIM SETS 2-pfece Slim Sets of Knitted Cotton for girls. The slims are in plain shM~es of blue, red, brôwn and gold and the niatching tops are in a striped design. Sizes 8 to 14X years. Regular $4.98. Your Choice, per set...... $3.49, GIRLS' SHORT SETS Girls' 2-piece Shorts Sets of D fn River DantWeed" which requires lÏttle « oi roning. Ther~e are tvio styles - one lias plain Pink or blue Jamaica Shorts with attractive check- ed tops. The other has checked Shorts with plain Tops. Sizes 7 to 12 years. Reguflar $3.95 per set. Sale Price -. - $2.98 G'S ORONO Sc to $1 STOR E The store wiIl be closed Mon., Tues. and Wednesday Juy 3, 14, 15 For Inventory Opening Thursday JuIy. i 6th Under NEW MANAGEMENT MAR. J. BO0URNE Manager Sum mer SalIe LADIES' SHOES .4 pairs only, Lades' White PUMPS, Sizes 61/2 and 9. Regular values up to $7.95 Sale Price per pair,.... $2.95 LADIES' CANVAS SIIOES We are clearing the balance of our Ladies' CP.'nvas Shoes at the low prîice of per pair .............. $1.95