ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY.9, 1964 PLAN PIONEER MEMORIAL > W nsAt M osport a ted from the feature race after D eltail O fi Floral IzmrbIem ' AS CENTENNAL FROJECT vll vOp T they were, involved in rainor ci I A Scarborough rnetorgyrJistWOfl dents. Neither were injured. IN DARLINGTON I the 100-mile international Cana- I dian Grand Prix for motorcycles In the iightweight 20-lap final, S tam A n i un e A memorlai to ail pioneer set- at Mosport Track last Saturday.,He Jody Nicholas of Nashville, Tenn., tiers is Dariington Township's covered the forty laps on' bis led from'the start and finished Tefloral embims and, the that the Ontarioad Qée etnilpoet twa r-Mn otnmciei ourft cvrn h 0mlsi arm-orial bearings of the provinces stamp)s were chsna1hefrti posed at a recent meeting that a 18 minutes and 49.1 seconds. time of 38592Ile was ridng a of Ontario and Quebec are depiet- the floral series as these, provinces pioneer settier f armi shouid be re- Blae cr6og a a ed in two new postage stamps to were, aiong with New Brunswick- constructed at the original, site of Lucien Lamoureux of Iberville,Butc.ASabrohmnwa be issued June 3th by the Canada and Nova Scotia, the original part- 'the Conant Homestead, the first Quebec, finished second and R-IadaPiaepi a Post Office. In announcing -the ners, in the 1867 Confederation farm in the district. bert Smith of Gait was third. Both third. iewý stamps, the Hon. John, R. agreement. Stamps for New Bruns- The Conant H-omestead site was the second and third place drivers lVe Nicholson, Postmnaster General, wick and Nova Scotia wil be in- originaliy where Darlington pro- were driving Nortons. IS afety M e ting said that the new issues are the cluded in the 1965 postage stamp vincial Park is now and that is i a, eaesA Jhsno first of a series, showing the floral issues. wnere the problemi cornes in, coun- Toot and Roger Beaumont of Last Wednesday evening at the emblemns and armoriai bearings of cil was tuld, by E. Lovelin, har-t. Hubert, Quéece, were elimin- Orono Fair grounds the Durham eac-. of the provinces. Other The white trillium of Ontario ný of the township's centenn..ii- 1(,)lnty Safety Counoil sponsored a stamps'in t1ne series will be 1.ssue, was selected as.the officiai flower proldct 12 feet and a barn. The barn also special Safety night for all 4-H- periodically during1 1965 and 1966. of the province, in 1937. The whitE poet containeda trading post. members a]ong wlth their parents The floral series, Mr. Nicholson garden iy of Quebec was chosen anc h ln snw we Ïd ther 'rarnm folks. indicated, iîs part of the Post 0f- as the Lo ai ernblem of that prov- Sic1h >n ano we It was decided hy the Council Mr. Hal Wright, Safety Spécial- fie rgrme fspcaiisusince in 1963.1 by the CÀiown difficulty could a- to set-up a committee and that ist, Ontario Departineiit of Agri- tiep oàr thi e Ceay of Theétampaweridssgnedand ise in getting the provincial g90v- two members of the Departmnent culture, .O. A. C., Guelph demon- leading up toteCneayo h sap eedsge n ernment's centennial preject grant of Lands and'Forests shouid sit strated fire extinguishing, and al- Confederation. Tihe series *cor.tinu-,eilg.aved 4y the Canadian Bank of 4;£,000.00. The federai gevern- in wîth the commltee to give ad- so tractor safety. The next meet- es the sequence of rnulti-colored NÇote Company Limited of Ottawa. îieit wiii give a further $10,000 vice as to how -the memorial ing will be held on July 21,st at stamps pro 1uced for the fîrst tîme A total of 18 million of each wt.i the T'ownship matching this should be' setup 9:00 a.m. in the Orono Park. this year by the Canada Pst- stamp is to be printed. The stamps amount._______________________________ ahare of the large or double size an d lice. The floral issues are eac are on the horizontal plane. The Conant f armn was'founded D* U~ A'~ y LLOYD cifm e"I~ printed in three colours two ~~IAZ. A colours by offset lithography andi The floral stamps are the fourth in 1790 by lioger Conant, United,"ODOk7ý: WVA-% MEA one by the traditionai tellie1964 by the Canada Post Office house approximately 25 f eet by ~ ca~ stecîn n ifhnwisuspodcdi Epr oyls ndcnite frA.TJY lJ z HPPD ~ RP iritaglio printing. l and the second and third in the- Department's histo y to be pro-! Tlhe Postmaster General said duced in more than two colours.abeto hld e caed- ®S 4Pc-Ipo®AIyo1 that the inspector had recommend-____ w-z wi-r I - LVW, 2.01 RMEr Y. R od A nd G ubed the beginning of negotiations R~~PAPg..R MEPA*A The old one would require im-4 médiate repairs costing $35,000, Opens New'v Rifle Rangre and woud still b unsatisfactory I Te126-ac2re site of the Union because of is ontiquity, he said. :PA ý CTaN t r' Rodan* unClub's new rifle and (iOVERNOR-GENERAL TO OPEN From next January, on, the in -_OF____________________e pîstol outdoor range was officially TETUIEST spector had said, ail debentures _ N~. O11A dedicated last -Saturday aft ernooNVERIT will be based on the enlarged'ar-1 when Reeve Walkey of C-ark The Governor-General of Cana- ea assessment of $2%½ million, of Township turned the first sod.di hsa-et,!niviaio 0which Millbrook's proportion is After turning the sod with thedopenlTretobnersity oSauredThe governent grant wouid prob-D U IU I ;- nîckel-piated shovel the reeve 1dy 7Otbr twsanuedal ei xeso 0prcn. C EJ D r z" welome th cub o te Twn recentiy by President and Vice- al ei xeso 0prcn ship. The shovel was haer pe-Chancellor, T. H. B. Symons. Gen-f Uetyearl axb pay off the deO .Sor see- sented 10 the reeve by thecus erai Vanier will be joined in the, uewul e3 rMinîsade, m 4. Shot e ep 231u 1n' ursîet.WllamTlbtopening ceremony by -the Honour- tra leepei 1 able William G. Davis, the Min- On the 126-acre site, part of il lister of Educ Ition of Ontario. was puirchased in the early 50'sDea the remander being acquired a- De.aled arrangements for the bout four years ago.,It was pur opening ceremoxiy iare now being chased for the purpose of build- planned by a commnittee . haired ing a récreatiori area for its mem- by Dean Richard Sadleir,, the Deani bers who now total over 2200. of Men, and Professor Marlon Fry, :- the Dean of Women. The first nroiect to'go un is the, outdoor rifle range which is be-1 n addition 10 the ceremonial *ac- îng peahealed by haimanademic opening on Saturday, 17 Paul Hycha, Ed. Shrigiey and E. October, il is planned 10 extend a Gmitrowicz and also Gus Man- general invitation to the citizens drYk. Park tables and benches of Peterborough and of the Trent wll be Put up with swings and Valley 10 visit the University to) slides for the children as soon as have téa and tour the University possible. premises at Rubidge Hall on the A large indoor range is plan- afternon of Sunday, 18 October. ned and il is hoped to have il er -_______________ ected hae this f ahi. Also on theNE SI-OM COL planning board are two ponds NWSXRO COL near the third concession .te be'LIKELY IN MILLBROOK stocked wlth fish for the yeung (Continred from Page 2) lishermen.I Reeve Gibson reviewed the The, rifle ý range, te be -one of metn1o h cucL n h the finest in the country, wlll bel board a week ago with the in- v ready for target practice wthin spector. For the information, ofaj the ext wo weks.council member who had been a V~ Calyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanica 'Contractai who seils, instalis and guarantees CA RMAN PLUMBING - IIEATINC PIu.3ne 148 Orono kéw EBI buildilng opened THE NEW- $75,000 administration building, labora-. tories and barns at Eastern Breeders Incorporated, Kemptville, were officially openked on Açril 24 by R. H. GRAHAM, Live Stock Commîssioner. for Ontario. Above, in front of the plaque erected te commemorate the officiai opening, are, left tb right, incoming EBI president,, RUSSELL OSBORNE, Newcastle, Ontario-, MR. GRAHAM, and C. A. CAMPBELL, Arnprior, past president. West Pointas: 12. Cmpretitor Run IIiaway &M inarry 14. Omit, as a 18yllable 15. Aduit males 16. Ciattered "., Dwellings 19. Hospital worker article 23. Back 26. Tiny Plec ut bread rellglous Order: Ceitu 30.!Ugly oId' 33. Incite 34, Âpart ploalveý ». Lbrarlua: abbr, 42. Port 43. on tire 46. Harangue 46. Black a" bltae «?. Let aner 48. Headland DOWN 1. Branch 2. North «- 3QS $. Sings cheer- 24. Mani- fully pulate j 7.Wiclhcd fraiudu-, 8. R~qeztcd entîy to come: 25. Poeen D. Vehicle sil teel runners helmet 11. Cipher 29. Regret 17. Candienut 32. Morsel tree 1 34. Rugged if. - and inountain haw crest 19. Exclamna.- 35-eTo pQrtion tioft out 20. Man's naine 34. God of 21. Excavated thunder 27. -t 39. DvcIl 44. The band' si. 1' i PUZZLE NO. 811 JUST ANNOUNCED BY KODAK.. AND AVAILABLE HERE RIGHT NOW! INS'eTAMATIC '100' -SEfàTS STUTTS PHARMACY OBONO10*ONT. PHONE, 198 . 1-- 1