ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY lBth 1964 More-Children Wantec For Park Summer Program Ten echildren have enrolled lu the Athietie Summer Park program whilh is being con- dueted at the Orono Park dur. ing the month of July. The en- rolment is below expectations and the Association is desir- ous of seeing more children taking part in the program. The enrohuent fee is a mod- PRO VIDE PARKING AR"A est $1.00 for the entire month Work was completed this week Miss Leslie Stephenson, who in and any child wishing to en. npoiigaprigae tti June took a course in conducting -roi is asked to contact the on povid Chring A area h such a program,; is providing a Counsellor, Miss Stephenson, Oot anid wsCo he EducAnatio most interesting three hours for at the Park any morning. Bunlding has been conditioned for the 'children each morning with crafts art, games etc. This program The program is arranged s0 parking with the entrance to the will continue for the remainder of that it coincides with the swim- 1 area being paved. The north-east July'from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. ming programn. drive to the Christian Education Building has also been paved. PUyit 1k Check Youm«r Cr is innng mbrs orGamNo4 Luseio)us Red C a r o. 1 MiId Flavourful Spanish No. 1 IlI Tasty Ontario No. 1 New Ptte lb. 7c kg. of 2 29 c 10 [b. 59 Place your orders now for Fresh chilled cherries For preserving or f reezing CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! --- SAVE 10c NUM~JR70TOPLAY 4~ 6 12 A» 141 16 18 PIA CARDS 2411 26 28 FRE 30136 38 40 42144FU 46 56 58TO 46 5615-8PLAY OU 64 166 68 SAV 7à 76178 go 9698TOAY EtcYRK 1%lUM. NW PAK Vagstaffe 24-oz. JarCIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! AE1e With Pectin CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! - SAV 1i c' -FANCY QUALITY 48-oz. Tins A~~ L R omtouie F~ CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! - SAVE 15c! - SOLID WHITE MEAT 7-oz. Tins !.7 :F Tuna Fish O Ci RCL-E 5 BEST BU(Y! - SAVE 25c! -LlBBYý'S 2 -z. Tins CIRl-CLE 5BES BUY! SAE2c- LIL ABNER'S- 4 FJUUAVOURS D S~48 z. tîns CIRLE ) EIBY* - SAE 0c! KADANA Cello Pkcg. lOOs 69C rRZ~ OOS!-SAVE 9c!- Supreme Brýand 22-1.1. Size SUPREv'E FANýCY KERNEL CORN 2-1b. Bag 49c CIRCLE 5 FEATURE! FSave 25e Ful1y Cooked 20-oz. Tins CIRCLE 5 FEATURE!- Save 6c! -z Size C rn i flCoffee -Mate CIRCLE 5 FEATURE! Save 10e! Sweet Mîxed- Bread 'n Butter- Sweet Rellsh 16-oz. CIRCLE 5 FEATUJRE! Save 8c! -'c Off Pack plus 5c coupon in Pkg. J AX Laudry'Detergent39 CIRCLE 5 FEATURE!'- Save 40e'. FLYT oX 1Is lO-oz. Aerosol Bomb SF SAVE 4e! -Sunspun SA%'LAD DRESSING 24-oz. Jar Reg. 43e! Wes.ton or Sunbeam Pkg. of 6 Raspberry Daunish Buns 3'9c 12-oz. Tin LOCAL WINNERS- Mrs.,H. Dean, Judy Vagg, Mr.ý Van der Sp'ruit I AAPLI GROVE MARKET CORNUSH'S MARKET K'S RED & WHIT7E * . . MpleGrove Orono * . * Newtonville - ___________ q M Specially Selected - Choice - Branded SHORT RIB lb Spcaly Select'ed- Choice Lean - Centre Cut For the barbecue - Fresh ineried GROUND CHUCK lb55 ;For luneýs or sniacks Trend 16-oz. Variety Pack LUNýýcHENMA 9 a 1 '.