ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY l6th 19b64 by Nancy Forrester. The Orono Girls played to a 36-11 Win in Welcnme VWednsday night ywith Beverly Tennant on the mound. This ends the first part of the scbeu-'le of play for the league. The league is now considering more game, for the our eams. The OronoTykes Basebaîl Club )ay in Oshawa Tbursday niglit. B'y Leslie Hopper of this area seemn to feel, and right- For now, we are ail youthful ly so, that it is more rational to and bold. Let us forget about rid-!build slowly with design than to icule and gossip and the dfrear.ylblunder onward witb an utter dis- mnono tony of everyday living. Let's'regard for vital natural resources. shake off the old famîliarity of To uase an example on a much Orono and become adventurers. ilarger scale, just witness how un- Let's leàve the safe,, the secure,i controlled urbàn,,developmnent is and acquire a new perspective on engulfing large tracts of land our villagýe. Let's be scallywags around Toronto and Hamilton. and go aioft and view Orono as Sepn otenrhadws few bave dlone or dared. Sepn otenrhadws Looking down upon the business ýof the village, we observe that the sýection, we behold the legacy o)f1 neatly patterned fields and f arm old rono Aprt fom be feshwoodlots siope gently upwards un- coats of paint on somne of the build- tii, with minor recessions,, they ings, the singular boxlike archi- blend into the distant his of the tecture and weathered bricks car- Piae Ridge. North'and east of Or- ry us back to the Orono of tb the gain is more pr- 1890's. Peering upon the scene i~n 1ounced and the land spills intý) this way, it is easy to visualize woodedbis mucb sooner, Tbis the ponds wbich once occupied a1rea of curious oval sbaped .his 4the ravine just west of the village (drumlins) is our héritage fromn end parallel to Main Street. This tbe last glacial epocb. Througbl rýavine is heavily wooded now withlthie wbole drowsy, languorous the willow, as far as we can dis- countryside winds the 115bi- terni, 1eing, the dominant species. wýay until even this is lost in the' Other>trees, pine and cedar and afternoon haze wbichi bathes the maple, seem to encroacli upon the northern hlighlands. very threshold of the village until So we take one last fleeting the smallest shops and bouses gaze at the wbole vast panorama are obscured. And it is because of before we again join the earth- this effect thiat the most, notice- lings. 1 hope tbat we are ail so)me- able modern structure .the wbat pensive by our flight of ehurch - is higblighted. The soft- fancy and that when next we be- luied colouring and steeply in- comie listless with Our tedîous dlined roof rises above its some-ilabours we can in znemory fly wbat mediocre surroundings and1 back and see it aIl again, :see bestows a digiity and simple no- Orono's often oyerlooked beauty bjlity upon the scene. iand cbai-m. For we do possessi South of Station Street bloomis more wealthi than gold, you know', the modemn residential area with,'but resources unitapped are like its yriad colours and fascinatiixg gemis uncut.'Tsarstpoud shapes. In this quarter, in partie- stage we occupy. Let us not ring tlar we perceive the evidence of dOwn the curt&in before t1ie' construction. -It is bere n1Ïote 1play's begun. Wby, the drama has> *worthy to inteiject that the sec-Pjbrely started, and the actors ,but tion seems te be growing in a nlewly awakened. but the stage sensible fashion. No unsigbtiy, alone, no miatter hew woundrous, *ferocous indulgences by )Ailderscannot brin g forth a'trin e qre beîng welerated. Tje planners nmasterpiece, ta' for man to do. Oîono jipior Cils The ronio Junior Girls bave found cloýse competition with the NewonvlleGirls bu-t did manage- tu dg out a 12-11 win over New- tonil last Thursday in Newton- The 0Orono Girls, who have yeti ORNITHOLOGISTS NOTE! tc be defeated this year, found LIt seems that aimost every year themselves trailing in the game la new species of bird is sighted at and were only'in the last few , 11 Presqu'ile Park, adding another nings abie to, turn the defeat into name to a check list already im- 'victory. Carol Mercer carried pressively long. Énost of the mound duties for the1 Last year a pair of Mocking game with relief in the last frame birds established a new northern ________________________ i boundary for their species when they, set up housekeeping in the IPROFESSORt DENIS SMITH park and raised one fledgling. APPOINTED VICE-PRESIDENT Thsy1 oa rihlgss The ppontmnt f Pofessor S.1 amateur' and professional, were G, Denis Smiith as Vice-President delighted with the appearance of of Trent University was announced'a pair of bluegray Gnatcatchers. icecently by the President and1 Although they buiît a nest of Vice-Chancellor, T. A . BSymlOns. lichens in an old cedar tree and Proessr mit i atpreen As jthe female was observed on the sîstant to the President and As-inest in what was assumed to be sistant Professor of Politics at the an incubation posture, they have University. During the past year.sne dapard rgetby which his been devoted -to plan-'îeaving no evidence of success in, nmng and preparing for the. open- their attempt to propogate in' ing of Trent in September, he bas jteelttds heenSecetar oftheCampusj They were Welcome visitors, Planning Committee. ýhwvradw illo owr A native of Alberta, Professor t hevr'er n w e a okrwar Smitbý was educated in Edmonton, t hi eunnx er at MeGili University where he I uut16 oetE is graduated with first-class standing I uut16 oetE is ini Political Science and History, dale a Cambrid.ge University andat xfod Uivrsiy werehegraduate and amateur ornitholo- and aeOxrdhi UA niverity whehegist was employed by the Depart- recived his M.A.i hsopdythement of Lands and Forests live furtber degree of B. Litt. in Pol. lrapping ahd banding wood .ducks itics. At McGill, Professor Smith at Nogies Creek seven miles north- won the 4. W. McConnell Mem- east of Bobcaygeon. oria Scolarbip Whle a Oxord Mr. Dimsdale is eminently quai- heia aSchaarded t he aO xf. ost- ified for such work having been gr aaOreas hIolar. stiforthus engaged in bis native Eng- -grduae Oersas choarsip orland,-in Scotland, Wales and sev- Queb ec, a Scbolar's Exhibition eral countries on the continent. from University College, and, a We'recently received word from grant £rom the Bryce Funid for the U.S. Department of the In- travel and study in Poland. H1e terior, Bureau of Sport Fisberies spent 'a furtber postgraduate year and Wildlife at Laurel, Maryland at Oxford on a Rockefeller Fellow- ta adN.66-17 oeo ship from the University ofTor-ithe bands in the group used.by onto,. Omdaeon bis projeet) was re- Prpf essor Smith bas held ap- covered 25 miles east of Selina, pointments at the' University Of Alabama by a Mr. J. Redgood of Toront, as an Instructor and Leo Salem, N.C. turer in the Department of Politi- Selma, Alabama is approximately cal Economy, and at York Univer- 1,100 miles from Nogies Creek. sity as Registrar and Assistant The Bureau at Laurel, 34ary- Professor of Political Science. Theè Iand is tbe nerve centreof bird author of numerous scholarly art-I banding activity and information idles and revîews, he bas since for North America, ail bandings 1962 been joint Managing1 Editor and recoveries being recorded of the Canadian Forum. here. IAni Invitation To Oro n o Phones: Garden - 194MI Lycett - 33R11 The Council of the Muni'cipali*ty, of the Townshiip of Cl'.arke NOTICE The Council of the Municipality of the Townsh'ip of Clarke here- by gives notice that it inténds to pass'a, By-law to close or stop- up the Road Allowance in the Township of Clarke in the C oun- ty of Durham, following, that is to say: The Road Allowance between Lots 32 and 33 in the Sec- ond Concession of the Town Ahip of Clarke, County- of Durham, excepting - IErstly,- the southerly 1600 feet of the said Road Ailowanice measured northerly from thenortherly limit of the OId Kingston Road and, secondly, that portion of the said Road Allowance lying between, the ~l Kingston 'Road and King's Highway No. 2. AND TAKE, NOTICE that any iuterested pgirty desiring to make claini or to oppose the said By-Iaw, wMl be'heard in per- son or by proxy at the meeting of the, said Council to, be held iîn the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario, on the lst day of Septeni- byer, 1964> at the hour of -10 O'elock in theforenoon Daylight Savý ing Tume. Dated this 7th'day of July 1964. Clerk of the Munkiîpality. driven by Jack Williamfs placed Two local horses wereetrd Wione r Circle Elusive fit uMnfywihJc edsin the races at Peterboroughlis Thelier plcin forthon heSaturday. Worthy Mite, owAnetd Durng he astwee .loal same night. Harold Hooey placed fourth whdeL horsemen have been looking forý a Dave Roughley's "The Leo"i Kingý of Diamonds, owned by Dr win at either Greenwood or at; p laced third last Wednesday at, Taggart and driven by Keith Peterborough but found it impas- th1e Greenwood' and seventh on West broke 'to place seventh. This sible to place ainy of their horses Monday ý. Count Markey, also own- Saturday a number of theloa in this position. ed by Dave placed fourth on Tues-1 horses will be appearing on th day nIight. Peterboroughi card whichi wiUi in- Brown Valley racing at the Tomimy Direct, owned by lIon- clude "Bonnie Girl" owned by F, Greenwood and drîven by Junior nie West placed fourth in BuffaloFreadoBaetnadbeg West placed seventh. Hlappy Mac, last Friday night iand bf Keth et of no en A NNOCUNCEMENTý,' Max Lycett and Jack E. Garden wish to announce the formation of their new Plumbing and Ileating firmn to serve Orono and district. Ail PlumUbing and lleàting work undertaken using qua.Iity prod- ucts..,,Free Estimates. LICENCED TRADESMEN LUMBIN& I G&H DEATI Orono, Ontario 1 11