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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1964, p. 1

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Oron VOLUME, 26, NUMBER 28 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1964 m *UýUU m 'LUw a % The Orono Red Cross Swimming, in Water -Safety classes which1 » re held tic first four wpeks il u-ly were concludcd July 24th, 325 chldren were , enrolled from Tadpoles to Senior Red Cross There wcrc also classes la Roy- iiLif e Saving, Bronze M,, dalio ln Award of Menit. The Red Cross Exams were hceld on Thursday, July, 23rd and results were very good.,Thie Sen-, !crs and Juniors ail passed with just one Intermediate failing. The examiner had been to four pools b"'fore coming te Orono and said tiese wene the best Yýe had cx- i iied this yean; se the boys and grsaleng with the Instructor and helpers felt tic bard work paid off. Tic resuits are as foi- Iows; Beginners Awards: Sheilai Ken nedy, Karen Coatham, Charmaine '-Jewman, Richard Dcn Hollander, i eti Powell, Paul Staples, Steve Sdw,,yers, Wilfred Gifford, Tracy Sttt, Steve Sylvester, Syl- vseJohn Robinson, John Sný_ook, Steve Boyd, Brenda Hoy, Mwolly Newman,' Wayne Couvier, Jane, eynolds, Lynda Kilpatrick, -~l-Ann De Groot, David Hender- soTom Matin, Judy Stephenson, .lIon White. Junior Red Cross Awands: Julie Joncs, Raye West, KarenHorne- îý ood, Paul Todd,-Doug Stapleton, Do-nna Bannes, Barny Hazeldon, ColChatterton, Karen Loweny, Ficky Simpson, Don Sylvester. Intermiediate Awards: Chienvi ,4catbami, Gica. Grady, Ly_,.da Mc- 4.Laren, Tom McDonald, MAarilyn Tamblyn, Carol Caldwell, Senior Awards: Donna Ternill, D-eibie Reynolds, Gary Black, Cl'ive Joinston, Ian Hughes, Don McKenzie. Bronze Medailion: Jancé Ruthen-i lord, Carol Nixon, Sandra John- ston, Ginger Balson, r îl, ýIK-Un' ;, -â - h ýý ýrc, Ni AuthoritvMav Hein 0ver Frankfurt 6-5, Owners Plant Trees nmingTest _AB The Orono Midget basebaîl club The Caaaraska liegion Conser classes to the Armouries in Or- which has entered the plaiydownF vation iiuthority lias <iccided on a on fr heuse of the building on series fo 0h Otno champion- Street e planting assistance prograir the one day the w eather was un-,IShiP, group 'C" won their open iniD uOfO l the face of lising land costs in srnitabie te go in the water ing game in Orono on,,Wednesdayj the forcst area. fnistead of games, the parents, cvening against Frankfurt. The M ed Now in effect in several other were shown the progressionîs that win camne in the bottom of 'the l Vq esa uthiities, thie program ivill as- weeuscd at ecd level from Be- ( final i nning when Paul Jones hit sist landowners in planting trees ginniers to 'top. Seniors and also1 a two-bagger to drive across two the Orono Chamber of Cern- where thie cost of landA is 1hto high the Bronze and Silver classes dern-1 runs bringig the score. te 7-5 for1 mer ce sponsor their annuai Street for the authonity budget. onstrated. This provcd most in-')ono. 'Fair and Dance this ceming Wed- terstig a th prens culdse Th gae eteed he cvethnesday afternoon ýand evening, The feeling, say members, is teresting as the'parents could sec The gàeetrdtesvnhT event will be heldý on the that the original necommendaion what is e xpected at tie level1 and final inning with Oronu down 1 Main sre fteVlaewt f3,0 ce fln o h ther hi] psse i an asoone run. Barry Lane on the rnound full line of games and 'entertain- foi-est area will bie impossible to what tiey have learned this sum-1 for Orone retired Frankfurt 'in or- metfralae.recieas flnct. mer. der with thrce consecuttive strike- There are 8,000 acres now ta Regret was expressed for not"outs. In the -bottom haîf Orono Kiddies land starts at 4:00 oet being able to secure someene from came to bat with the first batter oclock in the afternoon and willfost the Bewmanville Red Cross Branch out. Bob Best ht a safety as did feature a merry-go-round, fish Assantetrees wiî ac)msho to assis t ln giving out the awards Brian Foster and Earl Cobbledick pond and other attract' 1ons. pl amn erpse.l 'c)mls this Year. However the President In this rally Bob Best scored te1he StetFarwaifaur noter autories htt of te Orno ed Coss wîmtie the game. Paul Jones then gebnoangwtotîadtth lnow rfrtrepntg Class in Orono, Mrs. Joyce Ten- came up with his two-base hit to hgbioalnwt t2 du 'elnonrfrte pnig nantalon withthe nst score boti FosteYr and Cobbledick games. A mammouth 50-50 draw h i $5 for 1,000 trees if planted by and helpers presented awards to ans hueinteiae will also been drawn at 11:15 p.m. machine, and $10 for 1,00 *hand- all Tdpols, Beinnes, Juiorsplantcd trees. The 1minimum, num- ah Tadpoles, Beginners, Juniors.Old time and moder nc bepatdlaoe ra île Intermediates and Seniors. Barry Lane, tic wining pitchere i oe re Wlfb Duringti fiseko the tok igt trkeous ith rk ig will be held, durîng thev 2 000 and the maximum 15,000 eniag rigofthehtokonghtheikeManSte et. (o n adwe nasn1 er classes Mr. Paul Meldrum, Red, furt being retired in two------- inningsonteManSretfr ý adonrinasnle er Cross Water Safety Superviser, by successive -strike-otits. Barry Chiîdren are admitted to the On the recemmendatien of auti- visited the programme and stress-*i allowcd only six hits during the Street Fair free of charge while'OritY forester Bert Haas,. an op- ed the need to get things organiz ýcourse of thc seven inniings. aduits are levied a charge of 25 tion of 90 acres of land was 'taken ed and also with suci a large en-< cents. up at the Wednesday July 22nd rolîment 2 instructors were needed meeting of the authority. The and at least 3 helpers which Brian Foster with a double anfi land lies in, Lot 9, Concession 10, woud et dwn n te sze f cas-a triple, Bob Best two and singles [ses and more individual attentio to ýTed Stark, Eanl Cobbledickc Corls. nnfutw.taedOf Clarke Township. inPerrault, Paul. Jones and Barry by tiree in the fourth with Orono. A request by the Town Gf Port could be given those who need it.r Lane. netaliating with two in the1 fifth. Hp o sitnewt mrv It is hoped this can be done an.j Hoti Frankfurt and rono scon- The sîxth was also scoreless -and Hn obett'sPoistndeswithmîngone oenya.ed two nuns in the first with the not until the bottom oi the seven on the Ganarak l bigut The Water Safety ChainÀnan ofisecond and third innings going (Oontinued'on page 5) - t fed ask wllbin at this anea, Mn. Win. Bagneil of.oît fedm i on Canruthers to Bowmanville also visited the pool town Fniday. and elpd. et p th prgrameAithougli the authority cannot thes Bownvîlle Rafiaed os ie sephi ne IVargaret Britton igive direct financial assistance for Ase omn ois afiaed r itsh JO impnlovemierts on landdflot owned rorught wit ihll, çolrle aiinrgl or 1 an giethecWoiica liarrce assists secured for the Onono pool. r ue cal Jg.L 1e wit ee t waladitiErn. The Instructon tuis year was Te wl etwt ýns Mrs. Shirley Reynolds of, Hamptonl Bouquets of pink and whitemade flowens and laurel leaves Brown, secretary of the Parks and bier lielpers were Mrs. Nel gladiolus, carnations and baby's,.She carried a cascade bouiquet Oard Sneldens, Mrs. Marilyn Banrbî breati, formed an attractiv7e sett- nced rose buds and white carnations T onh av rks boad andTowetn and Miss Lynn Baîley. jing in Bailyduff Presbyterian Mns, Anthony Mfitchell of P011tyICuniîhveexrssd nerstl gettuing uthity assistance,'w1LU river bank improvemients on the aarsawithin town limits. *of bine chiffon over taffeta, With niatching over-skirt white1 acces- sories and a corsage of pink and white carnations. The, groom's mother wore a-jacket dress of im.- ported printed silk of rosewood and pale honey, white accessories kand a corsage of white and yellow carnations. After the reception the happy couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falis and the United States. For travelling the bride chose a linen sheath of pale pink and" matching three-quarter length co at, white accessories and a pink and white corsage complefed ber Censemble. Asks Silven Award of Menit. Tenry Church, for tic wedding on Sat- ( pool was maid of boueur. She wore ~Graham. PROFESSOR BLISHEN urday, July 25th, 1964 of Josephine! sheli pink nylon oirganza even net Mns. ýNel Sneidens taugit thi AWARDED Margaret Bitton, daugiter ,of Mn. and taffeta, sprays of lace, Guipure £Rroaze Class and receivcd lber Ia-ILAIDLAW FELLOWSHIP and Mý,rs. Gordon Bitton of R.R. trimmfed the necklne and skint.1 structors from tic Royal Lif e Sav- Professon Bernard Blisien of 2, Pontypool and Mn. Ronald Lloyd'Tic siceves were tirce quarter mg Society. TetUiest a enaad Taylor, son of Mr. and Mns, Lloyd lengti and tic back fcatuned a On Friday ,July 24th parentsiecd a Fcilowship Iby the Laidlaw Taylor, of O0rono. panel and tailored bow. She wore wene învited te the "Award Day" Foundation it was announced yW, Rcv. R. F. Swann of Bowman- a flowefýed bat and vciling -toi Mrs. Tennant 'opened the occas-1 T. I. B. Symons, tic Presidcntad vilfictdadtcwdinmtc and anedacIclr oe ion by welceming ail and called Vice-Chancelier. The Fellowshi 'music was piayed by Mrs. Gordon gay of pink and white carnations. on Mrs. Don Staples who gave tic lis for $6,000, witb an associate Strang, Pontypeol. Tic bridcsmaid, Miss Yvonne treasurer's report. Mrs. Tennant1 grant, ef $5,600, for tecînîcal as Given in marniage by bier fatien Britton, sisten of the bride wore a bhanked Mrs. Reynolds, tic la- I sitanïce, research and travel toena at thein double ring cenemeny, tcdeso i aedsg nbn sýtructor, and ail the helpens foriable Professer Blishin te carry bride wore a full lengti gewn Of and carried a circular aesegay of ~ucha sccesfu yer. ie iseeuta sudyon nbaizaionandLace Alencon, it iad a Dortrait bine and white carnations. tanked Debbic Reynolds who had1 the Provision of Medical Servicesnckie evswnelypotd. A ridoficgom M. Aiven quite a bit of lier time tu Professer Blisien has been the Tic very full skirt wern ever Robent Lewis of Orono, was bcst ttclp witi Watcr Safety, r'caching Secreta'ry and Research Dînector hoops had tiers of net edg'd W'thiman and Mr. William Britton, a-ssists and aise demonstrating dif- for thc Royal Commisson on lace from waist te hem at te back. brother of tic bride, was 'usher. utrent. things la tic pool, te 'tic , Healiri cswoe report wNas 11cr elbow lengti veil of French Tic reception was beld at tic classes. Mrs, Reynolds then hank- pubtiblishicd last inonîth, P" o illusion mas lace tnimmed and at- home of tic bride's -parenýs. Tic ced -ail for coming, also tic beys] joininig the staff o,-f Trent Univers tahd eahapic ofan bidsmtercivdaadcs aînd girls who wonked 'seliard atity, lie was Director of ti.- Instii thdi cacimbelpeandSic also cxpns e ofSaci la ndivecnsiyofit - - em swimming, andSh astuxr hak- ued of Scial ae, ndietyofmi et tbanks on bebaif of al laintic isi Clù 1ia1 0 ro .. 51 ch-I Se lit,o Orono Junio'r Girls, Edge 'out, 0f New Township Area N e'w tonvill 1 6 - 151 hTenhioClreounil Hi 1ghway No-2:etended ote 'TeOo ,met o usa hn>hyr-es.Tecekw' author-zd te 0 Junior Girls Softball ccived a from 'tie' schooi apply ftte ic Dantrmenthof Hii. Tic Oronèd o u n i or y Gi rls So tba l ru te s of S.S., N o. 12 (O r n ) w ays f r a g a t f r s c o k teamedge onta vctor ove theha onda Tenuant for tic final that tuis sciooi section be net in. ReeH akyadCuclN Ncwtonville Junior girls on Tues-' score of victory, cluded in tic set-up of the new -ReChatakyan onclà day evening at the Orono park.- Newtonville scered tb&-r finst Township Public Sehool Anca Caer werc ;appointcd te meý Tic local girls trailed ta rufis rua ha the second wiile Oneno whiic is'te take affect on Tannary wîth Mn. A. Carrutiers to seck, dning tic game and eniy ha the went scoreless for tic finst two Ilst, 1965. TE s vias thc first suci information and support on tic fiftb and iast inning did ceme on inniags. Newtonville scered foun 'request of the Township ýeIo are application of the Township oî to win tic game 16-15. This vic- more in tie tiird whiie Oreno'bit bound by the recently passed act Clarke for a subsidy for tia necent tory continues 'tbcin winaing witi for thnce. Oreno went eut in front te enfold ail sciooî sections in: purchase of tic fine cagine. An neo loses being registered against ha the fourth wien tiey scored tic Township inte a single area. 'application iad sometime age ticm tuis year. Thc Onono-New- At tic top ef tic fifti Orano was CuclitearneascI'been made by tic Township of t-oaville games have ah been chose dca ruas te Newtonviiie's four, meeigwîî itarunestee f ialwhich-ne Word bas been received coatcsts with two of tic tire in front 13-9 but lest this lcad Orono section wica tic ncquest A letter fnom tic Ontario Muai. games being won by a single rur wien Newtonville scored 'six in will bc dscusscd in full. cîpal Board stated-that tli inforn- la tic iast inning. thc top baîf te brrng tic score te 1 àtion on costs submittcd for tic Caret, Mercen and Dalene West 15-13 for Ncwtenville. Tirr-e runs A letter was aise neceivcd fnôm road program aànticipatcd te' be shancd. tic pitciing duties for the fer Oreno in tic bottemn haîf by E. F. R.,Osbornc wio askcd tiaàt undertakeni by tic Township witi Onono girls. Ronda Tennant and Carol Mercer, Caroline Johnson if tic road is cloed at lots 32 'assistance fnom the Municipal Nancy Fornester caci scorcd ine and Honda Tennant brough i 1anIld 33 that the western bal be ossistance from tic Municipal ruas for Orone and tus c _ombina- tory for Orono, paced in is possession, Loan Fund was net sufficient, Tic tien brougit la the wîianing rua Thý"ýese-two teams play again.oni A rcquest was aise received Board askcd for a dctailed aature Iu thé bottomi of tic fiftii ning Thurliisdlay nigit ln Newtonville at from a aulmber in Ncwtonviiie of wonk wti r'ealistie sic~ wien Nancy Forrester bit tu e-scidl7:100 p.m. seeking te bav e ig6dewalk aîaong prier te passing any judgeýment on tic proposai. A similan letter was réceivel from tic Municipal Board la con- nection witi tic Centennial pro,- jeet to deve lope, a park land and nature anca in Clarke Tuwasbip. Tic Board bas rcquestcd tiat t Irepent by an engineer be fiied, aloag witi preof of finaneing. Clarification has aise been asic. cd of tic Township ha respect te tic Jackson Memorial . Park ln Kendal, Tic Township bas been, asked te, clarify a seiiteace lnaa letter'la wiiei it wps stated tiat tic Township would net permit aay games of sport on Sundays This is te, be discnsscd wâhtheti Township solicitor. Ia tic cornespendence it was aise nôted that tic Depantîuent of Municipal Affaîns is censiderng tice Orono Water projeet as a pro- j eet for assistance -under 'tic Mun- icipal Loan Fund,

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