-SOMEWHERE LOST - Continuedd from page 2) new delights and challenges every moment. These delightsq, intangible perhaps, are richer because -the person has ex- perienced and dleveioped his outlook freely without being bu'dened with nonsensical whims and affixed at one partie- qýay stage of intellectual growth. Age will, I believe, judge îf îie monetary goods, beyond the necessities, supersede týhose of the mind. When one grows old and refleets back 4pon his life and attempts to evaluate its worth, he doesn't lfondly remember the goods of wealth, but the goods of ini- ~lta-gïbles - the friendships, the little, thoughtful acts of gratituide and sincerity, the deeds done in aid to others and, pehpthose doue because they just seemed right some- This is what makes life amount to something, isn't it? Butthe souls, iost somewhere,, back in the swamps of fragile tangÂbility, what, wheu they are old and thoughtful and perhaps somewhat wistful, what will they have of worth to LONO WEEKLY TliMES, ZURSDWY AUGUST Gith, 1964 evaluate? Theý tèel hôt the,,oss, now; t here's so much tct ob- scure it. T4ere's the ,rhythM p .ç ntan11 and often ridicujous atit.There's aIwaYs ftew, ,things to buy, new styles to be, tried (because to, be somiewhat different from one's fel- lows is indeed a lost frightening youthful ca1amity), new values, and ail the rest - the whoie. endless cavalc'ade. Some of what they do seems to be worth the effort, somne things seem almost reasonable; but, 'eneral1y, the c. de and stanuarci (or whatever it is termed) is faithfully maintaîned, new guardians arise constantly. But if they would look a littie above the here, the now, and glean the basic, the solid values, how rnuch better would seem ail of this bright life. Wnen once they look beyond the glitter of merchanctise, the rewar ds will corne tumbling in, and the harvest lincthe aut. uin years' will be worth reaping and savouring when the heaving seas of winter lash the shore and turn to mnyth the yu~i~ways aaa ctaîing dreams that onceseemed so noble. Leskaîd, News Earl Duvall on, their forty-fifth Wedding, Anniversary on Àugumt 4th Mrs.' Walter Loucks is staying at the Rest Home in Orcno, Mr. and Mrs. Fred and famiiy spent the with her parents, Mr. u.aire Grant. Anderson week-end and'Mrm Miss Lorraine- Martin spent her holicays with her parents, Mr. ançi Mrs. C. Martin. N PIay it like llBINGýoy Check Your Circle 5 Card Against Game No. 7 Winning Numbers CASH WNES Violet Dunlop Audrey Walker IAME No. SIUEN NUMBERS TO PLAY 2 8 10 PIE 16~ 1824 VALUE FU 26 1281 30 TO PLAT 36138140 421481 50PIE 521 54 56 YR START 581 68 70 To ToDAT 761 78 80 82 88 90g 96 98 100 n,~io? iio PMU . "»M n L my=l. . . SPECIALLY SELECTED - FRESH - PICNIC STYLE For Frying - Lean - Well Trimmed - Boston Style BUTT CHOPS lb 53c Well Streaked - Mld Cured TREND BACON Fresh Sliced - Variety PFack TREND LUNCH MEAT Fresh Minced GROUND - Burger Blend BEEF CHUCK lb 65 16-oz. Pkgs. 53c Per lb. CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Save 6c! Deluxe KRAFT CHEESE SUICES CIRCLE 5 -BEST BUY! Save 17c! YOr EAS with Pork CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Save 8c! Reconstituted SAICO ORANGE JUICE, 8.oz. Pkgs. 31C 20..oz. Tins 6 0R' 48-oz. Tin 5c CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Save 6c! Layer Style pkg., PiIsbu (CKE MIXES 3m 9c CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Save 14e! KOO"U L - AID, Pre-SweeteneA 5 P49 CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY!, Save 12e! Buy 1 - Get 1 Free! Twin Pýack "- 24-oz. MUR LIU ID DETERGEN T79 SAVE 4c! 7-oz. Tiii Solid White- SAICO ICU TPIE . UN IH .39c Reg. 45e! - Johnson's Sm. SAICO SMOKED OYSTERS - tini 29el Baby Powder-3 SAVE 5c! Catelhis Macaroni or 16-oz. spaghetti2 9,C SAV 20! hIC aeT3i nt SAVE 4e! HENRY'S Toasted'MALO'S 9-oz, Bag 3à5 c IReg. 2 for 29c! Johnson's Bacby Socap 3 bars 39c.j [ 1 FUOZEN FOODS, .. . Save 4c! Dragon Chicken or Shrimp I Cantonese Dinners 65c Save 4! Birds Eye Fancy 12-oz. pkgs. Green Peas 2pkgs43c PRODUCE FLAVOURFUL HOME-GROWN No. 1 TOMATOES 6Quart Basket ts9v Tree-Ripened California ORANGES 3 doz. 99c Mild, TenderNoi NEW (ARROIS 3 lb bag 25c Sweet, Julcy No. 1 BARILEIT PEARS, 5 for 35c SAVE 28e! 10c Off Pack NESCAFE 6-oz. Jar Instant Coffee $11 INTRODUCING - Canada Packer's 25-oèz. Size CAPR OIL 59,c SAVE 9e! Trcesweet 6-oz. Tins LEMON JUICE ............ .....4 for 49c REG. 49e! Fresh Baked! Weston or Sunbeam LEMON-LlIM"E GUEST CAKE . ..... 45C AUNT MARY'S 24-oz. Loaf SLICED BREAD ............... ..22c SUNSPUN Brick ICE CREAM............................. 27c, MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET. PE CK'S RED & WHITE * * . .Maple Grove * * Orono Newtonville aaii Tin 39c