ORONO UKLY TIMES, TJIURSDAY, AUGUST ftb, 19"4 - I is aisoj buildim 'Do you èver drive long distances to aBG TP »o shop for "bargains"? If so, you're beating yourself for nothing, becau the biggest bargains can be had right here', from your local merchants. Here's why: Every dollar you spend in our town- does double duty . e . gives you a bonus purchasel F'or it makes you a partner of our hometown inerchants in building a better community for youj, and your family to live in. The educational, recreation ai and1 heaIth facilities) we need for better livi .-g corne mostly from the taxes paid by louai businessmen. The more business they do, the more taxes they pay; the more taxes they pathe more of the good things of life will be ours.,"' So doesn't it make sense to keep your shopping dollars at home, especially when the quality, stYICý selection and price of themrhd~ ofterec' ,ýre just as favoralhIc?">% -'--i H ere 's How You Benefit By Doing Your Shoppin g In Orono WHEN YOU BUY FROM VOUR HOMETOWN WORKMEN YOU GET: 1. HONEST VALUES 2. AMPLE SELECTION 3. INSTANT DELIVERY, SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT 4. MORE PERSONAL AND FRIENDLIER TREATMENT 5. SAVING OF TIME 6. RELIEF FROM COSTLY TRAVEL 7. FREEDOM FROM ROAD HAZAlRDS 8. ELIMINATION 0F COSTLY PARK. ING PROBLEMS 9. AVOIDANCE 0F JOSTLING CROWDS 10. THE CHANCE TO BUILD A BETTER COMMUNITY BYPUTTING VOUR DOLLARS TO WORK HERE -L J 1 ---------------