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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1964, p. 1

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Oron W.kiy l me VOLUME 26, NUMIBER 29 ORONO WELiY TiMyES, THURSDAC,.IAUGU ST l.3th, 1964 h School Ilm Grade Thirteen esuIts Ms ,F~id Cran Ci~ il ITenn I124lýp tiilîânt 1'Ist [~ ~ ~JI VF VUAE8~t~AI,.~FU A The following is the 1sf of win- ners of the field crop competition spons'i)redl by the Durblani Cen- tral Agricultural Society.I The marks wihich weref madi XÉ konwn on Wednesdlay shiows that Ist Prize - OArntSRcai-n et feu students at Clarkb So)n, omn'le wil rcele onor radaton 2nid Prize -Erniest L. Gilbank ~ tclass hocnours 75 and ove: Oono. 21d lass 66 to 74; 3rd clasïs 60 to 65; Criedit 50 f0 59.) 3rd Prize- Horace Best, Oronio, l",î Alu.n-Bot. C; Zoo. C. 4th Prize - George Carson,'Orono Mary Lnu- Bailey-Eng. C. 2; IgLit. 2; Hiist 2; Geom, 2; Trigý 2; 5th Prize- A. L. Blanchard, ,B 2 Zoo 1,. Lat A. 3; Lat C 3. Hmtn Drug BrrabaIll-Hist C: Geom 6t[h Prîze -Robert Chiater, Les- C; Chm C.kard. WîlsBarrabalI - Eng Lit C; Iiset C; Alg C; Geomn 3; Zoo. 2. 17thi Prize - Russell Jsborne, M. J. Bro.ýugh-Bot C; Zoo 2; NýeWcastle. Lyný- Brow2n-Music 1. 8th Prize- R. D. Morton, Kendal Jo A, Cameron-Chema C. I 9th Prize IlH. Bruce Tink, Hamp- Doýn Colwill-Hist C. tn VciCotte-Hist C; Geotn 1; l0th Prize- Carlos Tamblyn-; Or- 'Tr;g 3; Chemn 3. oo Teresa DeJong-Eng C. C; Eng oo L, C;Geom 2; Trie 3; Zoo 1; Phys ,llth Prize Francis W. Jose, 4-i7Ceem 1; Fr. A.,C; F- C. C; Newcastle. D r-I n iWr-n .1 n . 12th Prize - William S. Tamblyn, 4; Hiïst 3; Lat A. C; Lat C. C; Fr. Orono. A. C: Fr C. C; Geog C. l3tb Prize Williami Forest, Les H Iopper.-Eng C. C; Eng L2:oth rn. eom nC; Trig C; Bot 1; Zoo 1: Fr A. C Fr C. C; Geog C. - Geom 2; tig 2 ; Em L2; .2; ri 2;Zo ,Cheg L2; F alcon pÎe Ïn Fr- ýA. 2 Fr C. C; Geoyg C. iig MaKri-Eng C 2; Eng L 2,- 1: Bo)t I1 Zoo 1;ý Lat A 3; Lat A lsort 17-,F A C'r . 2. » A m s Wayn MilerBot3: Zoo C: PalCooke of Toronto, driving la Cïa C C; Fr. A C; FÏr C C;' a Com)istoc!k racing teýams Ford G~ogC. alcon sprint, topped 21 other Andy Mu ,'Lýrphy-Zoo C;,Fr, A C; car:s at- Mosport Park Saturd-(ay to Fr ' C C Geog C win the- first endurance race for Charles lvurphy-Alg 3; Geom .2-,sedans ever held in Canada. Tre 2; Phys 2; Chem 3. T1 acnSrn,1lr tcri Rick Pearce-Alg 3; Geom 3: he Flcn Srinthae. 21ilearsi Trig 1. BErry 'Pedwell-Music C. Shirle3y 3harron-Eng C. C: Eng L. C;Bo C; Zoo 3. Keith Swarbrick-EngL, C; Alg 3., Geom C; Trig C; Phys C; Chemn 3: Lat A. C. James Westheuser-Eng C. 3; En g L. C; Geom C. Zoo 1; Chema 3; Musîe -2. Lînda Westheuser- Eng L 3; Bot 2; Zoo 3; Music 2. Cathy Wilson-Eng C C; Eng L. 3; Hist 3; Bot 2; Zoo, 1; (hem 2; Lat Aý C; Lat C. 2; Geog 3, Jim Wilson- Musiè 1. Grant Yeo-Eng L. C; Bot C; Zoo 3; Lat A. C. Frankie Curran-Eng C 3; Eng L C. in- two hours, 59 minutes, 18,8 sec- onds for an, average speed of 7-4 miles per bour. AI. Pease of Toronto, driving an Austin-Cooper, took second over. ail. Pe ase was 13.4, seconds behind Cooke. Werner Gudzus of Toronto in a Volvo, took third over-a'l, 19.2 seconds behind Pease. Gudzus was the only driver to go the full dis- tance without a refueling., Walt MacKay of Richmond Hill, Ont., in a Lotus Formula Junior won the 25-lap William Cleland Memorial 'Trophy race. lan Mc- Cauley in an Astor was second and John Cordts of North Bay in a n Elxvi Courier was third. M'idgets Lose'Second Game In 1OtIh Inning The,, series niow stands at one A last mninute, triple bit in theý api)ece with the deciding tenth inning by Frankfurt, âssist- gamne being played in Frankfurt ed by three successive walks, gave Saturday. Frankfurt a win over the Orono Midgets last Saturday in the sec- La st Saturday's game- went fine ond gaine of the three-game play- innînirgs with the score tied at 2 dlown series. The game was played ail.' Paul Jones 'pitched hie first 'in Frankfurt with the third game ,$even for Orono lglving LIp only piayed there this Saturday five bits and taking twelve strike- otHe was then replaved by Orono appeared to have the oec- Ràrry Lanle, ond gamne in the bag when they opened the tenth inning by scor- GrAllun and Paul Jones scor- ing two runs. This gave Orono a ýnd the two Orono1 runs, in the 4 to 2 edge in the gamne. Orono tenthýI- while Bob) Best and Ea.r! then retired the fiirst two Frank Ccobbl,;edick counted the first twxo furt 'batters in the bottom of the Çamec-ron Perrault hit two for tenth and had only one t0 retire Lhree while Ted Stark an&d Brian to win the game. The odds were in FoIýtýýrhit twvo for four. Sinlgle their favfir. bits went to Bob Best, EarI Cob- However Barry Lane then gave bledckDou MofatBary Lne.up three walks. to i oad the bases., 4mnd Patti Jones. IThefourth batter drove out a ..,riono committed oxnly two er Itriple f0 scorâ the thËéee neededi .zYore in the ganié. runs to win the game. a d the in rea<i suit [a gistrate Raps Car Crash Injqreîsý Provincial Police LclRsdn vlgsit R. B. Baxter'levelled LclRsdn caring blast at the Ona ro-~ wo distict me wee jured cial Police in court in Port about idu,,,iglit Monday I when pe on -Monday, criticizing, their thçýreir as collided on CountY em of laying charges.1 RoadJ 73, just northl of Newc'astle. e tore up a sworn c inge 1 Taken io Bowmanville Memorial emonstration of bis secrn, fori Hospital was Thomas Lewis, 53, system, which lie sayb resuits of1 Orono and Gordon MacDonald, duplicates of mnost chargesi39, R.B. 2, Newcastle. ching bis office, and could re- Bowmanville OPP investigated. Sin the same charge beinj Damage to both cars was heavy. reàa against a person twice. Apparenitly the confusion re- .3lrthrough a sumnmons being, mailed to a person charged, imerI J-amed Up !by a sumnmons en lOrono Flower Show The Orono Horticultural So- *deliveredl personally. A copy cey and teOooJno a .,j, summnonises is received by the deners are holding their annual mnagistrate of the area, and resuit Flower show, on Tbursday, August I n somie confusion in court and 27th. The show is being held in, I xtra filing for the staff ini thelthe main Auiditorium of the Or- 4agistrate's office, ono United Church and is opeil Magistrat e Baxter said it- w as t h ule flot the local officers hie was find-1 This annual show is one that ing fault wvith in any way, but the displays colour and beauty that systemi that they are madc, to fol-orgntsithVlaeadar. low as laid down by higher auith Cookies and tea will be served' hy M.Douglasý Martin oâf Clarke orîties, miembers. of the Junior Gardeners Township r-eceived 3 per>eentage j fromn 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.,The doors of 74 percent in his grade 13 exopnf the public at 6:30 with an ams which w'as the hiighest per admission charge of 25 cents. cent at Clarke Hligh jSchooî Q Special prizes and awards will He holds four 'filrst class honor LEflU ueason be presented'at 8:30. mnarks with four second class h9n. There are some thirty classes our mark: and one tird, class, \Vithout A Loss 'in which members may ciii maA tlula.t~e o school and these classes' cover a wide thais ye;r re ,a 1- _ eii1ýý Of, a The Orono Junior Girls Softball variety of flowers and arrange- stacked np another victory ments. Be sure to mark this date last Thursday when ibey defeafed on your calendar. TL Newtonville by a score of 17-6 Prospective Teach~ers over a îive-inning iour7nQY,L b ay T _Nancy F orr-ester pitched theL b ar o game fIU or Orono with nine t4e R ut S. Nancy Nixon, thie prof icient nemain 'upen catulher, tagged five bits. Caroli Mecer wvas ai'so a heavy bitter The Orono Library will be with this Friday and the fol- j9. lowIg-Friday. XMs Reid wili 'ii&grKnwenter th legeI b in charge of the Libray p ay'downis vith the first game be- while the Librarian, Mrs'. B. wel atroniized(ing piayèd tonight Mercer, is on holidays. -Mary Lynn BàiIey (left) an 1 ýCathyv WilSon riht .ucesul1b passed their g-rade 13 at Clarkce .rono r alr r ze List Hligh Scbool and willthis et- ber enter Peteborough 'h 1eher Coliege. Miss Bailey obtai-,ed on)e1 a g t E e lst c'ass paper, 6 second <!ass pa. a ac. heOooFî1ai iiels eran, tw I irb;. ..,1_____________________ Miss Wilsn had one firY three bai F i D« as now been publis hed and is seconds, thrýee id and' two cre 9%91 being distributed to exhibitors and dits.____F i Dates , il ehibiors. Sandrhe Johnson isa, iist .of the fall yettobe published by teDra ities.takes up sorne one bundre and Jfl J %rU~ ~aw Peterborough August 12-15. twenty pages. Despite chilly weather atten- IBelleville - August 17-20 The classes for exhibit range dance ai the Orono Chaniber of Blackstock - August 28-29 fromn heavy and fight borses 'to Commerce Street Fair held un Port Perry - September 5-7 1ponY and saddle classes along with with former ycars. Paid atten Marmora - Septecber 5-7 cattie exhibits,'poultry, 4-H Clubs, danc byaduts a th gaes nm- RON Sepembr 1-12 Grain and Hay, Field Crops, Veg- danc byaduts i th ga~s~ nu ORNO -Sepembr 1-12 etables, Fruit, Drama, Photogý bered 750. Stirling - September 1516 ahFoesNelwr ad The varions gar-nýs were well, Lakefield - August 21-22 rahy, FlowerseSceeor and patronized and these games cover- Uxbridge - October 9-10 chrn n tdet ok hs ed a wide range îrom a ring gam Beaverton- September 17-19 chlsifcans v andsudnswide choice to darts, baithw an ohe Port Hope- Septembe i1 ho nober 18-19 casfctosý,v iecoc games of c>hance. Bingo- vas also Lindsay - ýSeptember 2326- in which one may exhibit and take a feature of the evening. Oshawa .- August 19-22 :part in the fair. They also provide Dancing held forth on tlip main Plicton- Septe'mber 24-26 mn tm of interest for thn stetwith ntIusic supplied by -1 iWarkworth - September 18-19 setos group headed by Mý,ax Lycctt. Both ýCampbellford - Septemnber 29-30f Te fir iain eighl round and squt'are dningi kept Bbago October 2-3 1both on Frieay and Saturday with patrons on the move to figbt a- RoscIeet etebr2-6 events of interest for both days. aiýnst the chili of the evening.. Nrw o ctober 9 - 10 - 12. Fridlaywilftuete'oo Miss Sandra: Johnson, north of ________________ parade along with the Training Oroio, ws te wÎner f te -fftySchool Band, a Rodeo Show, HoL Orono, drwas it the vinn e of theit stein Sho w,ý, 4-H Club events, Fat ity daw wnih thewleo here a-E jDgîee s ompile Caif show and auction and Tug-of.- rieaoun ting$15w0.00aer War event. An old time i'iddler's round $150,00. r.m nucontest, choosing faToac The gross recejpts of theý even- of aWtrri iQee n Tobaccoteig cs ing totalled wl over $2000.00 ou t Fra ae li ue adTbcoten ots of which thie Chambe'- exp cets to will aiso be features on Friday ev- lerL om $SI-.oo 0 $ )00 1The engineering firin ol Mar- eninig. shaîl, Macklin and Mono-han are Saturday feafures the horse currently preparing the final plans shows and harness racing along PaDer O for the QroouQWafrte m. with horse-shoe pitching and catm N o Pa er O n !fied cre is 'w ta ticshow.llTehekp 1la mth e urenn August 2Oth. The Officec of the Orono Times wil be closed due to hoiidayW from August l3th to August 24th. There, will be ne paper published on Thursday, Aug ust 20th. ments. in the Village wlhich i en- otetat wllcopee o formtin welanbsu. dii cmithe top prize imoneyin front of pAntg te ans. hMr rmua the grandstand. This will be fol- linspekin wih M. Eamualowed by a -dance in the Town who is doing the work, if was learn Hall with Jimmy Fisher providing jed that the plans should be cGIfl the music, Ipleted and approved ready for The competition is extensive in calling tenders about mid Septem- ail fields at the Orono Fair andj Iber. f bis with the entertainmenf should This should allow work of con- mnake if a must again tbis Sept2m,- strief ion' b start eariyin. Oecer.llber. CiarkeHigi The olloiugis tlie gradie 13 quul f students whio thisý year ateddCarke Mh g~School. t sestimated that about 80 nren of the papers wriffen by tz; studeents reoeived passing

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