ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAC, AUGUST l3th, 1964 Sunkist Frozen Pink or White 6 oz. Tins LEMONAIDE 10- for 95e oi, lOcea IGA Royal Gold 2,,gallo)n 79c "BAKERY FEATURES" 10spitaiity .j§ e cEach RASPBERRYRkHUÜARB PIE 49C 2 doz. 45c 24 oz. ioaf 26e Praduce of U.S.A. Cmn. No. 1 Grade BARTLETT PEAteS Fresh Chiicken Cults LEGS andl BREASTS Freslily Ground MI'NCED BEEF Tablerite WEINE.RS lb 49C lb,,43e' TabIeiite -7 f anadas j3'nest'Ried and Bline Brand Berf Short Cult STANDING RJUiOAS1 1b 69c An Outdoor Special RIB" STEAKSBarbecue lb 79c AHearty Energy Food - Ontario No1 101h .39C Ont. No. 1 Gradie A salad 4ývour-ite Valencia New Crop Juicy sz 1' Oranges doz.49e 6 for 39c' B.C. APRIÇOTS a tasty treat pint 23c Reciv A Exra$1.00Tae It Receive An Extra -$4.«0 Tape -With ax ll ouse COFFEE 1 lb. bag Extra"ThisBread & Butter HEIN PICLES16 oz. Jar A Total nr u 1àAE e 30-oz. Bottles 11 JI,ýý£:Olihi qa Tp«A.I'HES ox of 50 pkgs SERVIETTES 3 pkgs of 60. "HEINZ OUTDOOR FEATI Hot Dag, Hamburg, Butter URES1"'I 12 oz.i ja£ 33c Piccallile, Bread& 12 oz. Jarm 2 for 55cë, Baby Dilis 16 oz 33e Prem LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz. Tin 3'7e 16 oz' size 1 23c, IGA Barbeque 32 oz. Tin Frenieh's HAMBURG LIFT pkg., 29e LIGHTER FLUID Hardwood or Briquets CHARCOAL i b.1 -Ken1daý News iiMiss Marion MclCelvey R~N. was, makin a let turn on No._ 2 higli Iway west of Oshiawa wh v1en ra motor- ie me lier car, causing iînjury to b-er kne. This wa ývlast Priday laïternoon. We hope shi, ' 11 soon ua the Luse of tekneaian. ianisIdpe aic Sýchool Section 2 of Hope Town- ship, operating the one roon1 schooI at Wesleyville lodged a protest Iwith the t(,wn';bip council recent- IV wai - -the iýnpending iamàlgam- s"oIboards inth tnwDnsYp into one board. Fd-7ar 'iarrowclough, secretary of the board, told the councëil that tI~badis of the' opiWon that they, can better serve theirilschool ara'-esidents- hy remainîng ag 'ii eiident~ school section.' The amnalgamation of the school Iboards into one for each township .is compulsory under new 1 rovin- cial legisiation, which provide s thtthe change must be made by Janulary 1, 1965. Protests againsi the mnove mutst be lodged before September 1. Reeve W. T. Lighlte agreed that the township council -.and school boards shouki flot, just suLnit to quepstion, if it is feit that it would be better for' the cmmnunity if a government ,ruling without the rulfing is flot obeyeci. IH said that lie would seek the opinion of others in the township, and coun- 'cils of adjacent townships, sp coun. clwill have some guidance as to fho w to handie the,,situation. COL"' illor Weston Banister com- mented thlat as timie pruogresses it ýseem-is less and less feasible to f "As foýr the c of modern scholingand.~he1cno!î,panying tax inraewedntlke them," Goucilo Bai~ersaid. "Yu an see~~~~~~ taprsndmad or per- sonnel mean fita hr is ne roomi foryougstrs ithutan ade- qua~ euctio. av-en't we any respnsiilit tofuiture genema- tinfie askecl. 'Is there no stopp,*ing these higli- er costs?", Mr. Bar-rowclot-gh ask- cd. With a special council meeting slated for later this month, it is possible that Reeve Lighlte will report on bis findings at thut timýe and the inatter of retaining ing- pendent school sections miglit ho ruled on by council. DUNHAM.,BUSH TO MOVE OPERATIONS TO WESTON One hundmed local employees weme told on Tuesday that their jobs in Port Hope would end in three months. Dunbam-Bush of Canada Lîmit- cd, fommemly Brunner Corporation, who have been on Peter Street in Port Hope since 1948, on,,Tuesday Imorning announc ed to al omployý ees that the Port1 Hope plant I Quld close in November, The Port H-ope operations are to bec moved to a wing to be collstructed o n the D)unham-Bush pknt at, Weston, Ontarîo. 39c~ bàg~ 39c Receive An Extra $2.00 Tape With Ingersoli CHEESE, SPREAD 16 oz. jars Highlines Frozen HADDOCK N'BATTER 14 oz. Pkg. Ontario No. 1 Grade COOKING ONIONS 3 lb. Bag, Irablerite Sandwich'Style WAYNE'S Maintenance service Complote Maintenanceeon Windows, Floors and WaU Service Rug and TJpholstery Shampooing Commercial, Industrial Reslidential Orono, Ont. e2e Plain - Sugar or Cinnamor HOSPITALITY IPONUTS Dempster Premiurn Select .ENRICHED BREAD For Hot Dags or Hamburgs FRENCH'S MUSTARD,