.A m iVOUTH MIDWAY, Farm Implenient Display - Ne,,edie WrkAr-Cafts - Baking Livestock - Hay and Gralin *SOMETHING 0F INTEREST FOR EVERYOlNE* same aif the remaining proble rests with ail, and particular with delegates ta the Inter-Parlia., mentary Conierence,"I said'-!, DanishPrime Minister. He offereý la Most cordial weicame on behalf ai the Danish government and -ýhe Danish People and hfe said lie hoped the Canierence would o tribute ta better understanding and .Brown, HYbrid Tea Rose - Airs. J. Moi fat, Mrs. T. Fairbrother, Jack Moffat, Spray Floribunda Roses - Os car Luxtan, Mrs. J. Moffat, Airs. L. Plain. Stnray Grandiflora -MArs. T. Fairbrother, Oscar Luxton, M .'. j, :'vofat. greater tolerance among nations. Ken Jqrgensen, Airs. F. Tamblyn -As t he Canference got under Tuberose Begonias - Airs. N. way the heads ai the variaus na- Porter, Airs. o. Challice, Airs. C. tional delegations were the fîrst ta Billings. speak. Thé leader ai the Canadian delegation is Senator, J. M. Des- Winners ai the Door Prizes don- sureauit, who said that Canada is ated by Jackman Florists ai Bow- proud ai the part which she ýi manville were: Airs. H. Aiurray, playing in the UTnite-d Nations, . WMArs. J. Mofat, Airs. Wmi. Raid, have placed tronps at the dispp.ai Airs. R. Schoenmaker, Air'W. J. ai the United Nations in an at- Caldwell, Air. -Ralph Woad, M'iss tem'pt ta avoid the 'ext en sion aio Donna Challice. conflicts. The présence af a Un- The Wallace Gibson O)rchard teNations farce in Cyprus had îPrize, a traY ai fruit, was .won by diminished the threat of war lu Airs. 'C. Silver, Oshawa, for gue>ss. the Eastern Mediterranean anid,: îng the nIYstery flower" whichwa Canada saw na better way ta a sol-, a bioami fromn the commoil I£enl utiotn ai the Cyprus probiemi than !and Chiekens." through the United Nations, Pli said. I lPîesident aior rooHarticulÉurý jaïsocietY, Air. cari Bilingýs, spokep -The Selao eto î a ~a a iew Mword(s thanking ail tlîose muc rmansta be done taoDver-l i ho Lad came as exbibitars and came the économic division ai the las onlookers and stating he feit world aid ta enrableud-eel-ilad been thie best show yet. Hie oped cauntries ta play their part welcomed Airs. Stevens, Directar among nations. Canada attaches ai, District No. 4, who spoke brief- great importance ta, the icrease ly, commending, the society on in the exports af the less-develop- their beautiful show. FRIDAY OFFICIAL OPENING 1:30 P.M. School Parade 1:00 P.M. Training School Band, Bowmanville North Oshawa Rodeo, Show - 2:30 p.m. Hlistein Show - 4-H Clubs School Grandstand Performance $25.00 Wm. Riddell Memorial, Spelling Bee Fat Caif Auction Sale - 6:30 p.m. Tug 0f War - Sponsored by Russell CM IdTme Fiddling. ,Contest Tobacco Contest Tobacco Quéenland. Tieing -Contest 8 p.m. S-ATURD AYý 1:30 O1FICIAL WELCOME Big 4 Guernsey Club Regional Show Light Horse Show Heavy Horse Show Beef Cattie Show' Horse Shoe Pitching liaress ilorse Racing Amateur Show' SATURWAY NIGHIT DANCE Town Hall . 9:30 pari. - Jimimy Fisher & Oihsr ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1964 A. Carru hers 4~q ç~s Onpeople. It isgeberally proven' ~o t Fm O t w '"'si t '1 lN ew Yk i (6) It is able through the ser- 28 August,, 1964 led countries as a major way 3f v or vices of a nutritionist to provide Russell C. Honey,,M.P.- Durham raising their standard of living- Alex Carruthers, M.PP. - Durham patt blocks surrounded by counasslistnedireti nthracit- This Report is written from 'aad asbenastog u- j pa men ica asistace i metingthe ietCopenhagen, Denmark, where Ilporter of United Nationspr On o te es wystolernfactories exeiept on the west side and nutritional needs of older have the honour to be one of grammes as weli as being a foun,,d- Oneofth bet ay tolernwhere it is bounded by the Hud- persans. Canada's delegates to the à3rd jing member of the Colombo Plan s om eth îng about a problem is to son R iver. W ithin this lim ited ar- n e - ar .i i e t ry C fe n c . nd as p a d co i e ab e listen ta people whio are the mfost ea ar-e housed some ten thousand j()Truhtesrie fa ore ttedsoa fteCl knowledgeable'about ýthe subiect. people- of which some 1500 are Throgh he ervce ofan oures t te ispsaiof he ol My recent visit to New York as sixty five years or older. optometrist it bas been able to Thnce Conference isRpois t l ombo nations of Africa and South- ;provie eyeexamiationa nte r a aEhasepr i r t Ai" eao esral chairman of the Select Committee p-vd y xmnto n y ten. ln next week's' ixeport I i wî atAsaSntr esra on Aging. provided varied oppor The director of the centre is Dr. !glasses with the resuit that manyb tunities for listening to just such Nioetas Kuo, a truly dcdicated elderly people are able to take e cocbie onsive you same thealsssid experts in this field. persan in the field of aging and 'greater advantage of' cultural and ta cncluiosrechdatt on- under whose supervision the cen recreational pleasures. The ieennFlwe1 The magnitude of this problem tre pravides the services* of social Queensbridge' Centre bas received Threar 6 aton arîcpa-ize YiIIIKI in a crowded city like New York, workers, -a physician, an optome- a great deal of assistance from1 hrae.6ntisprica- with a population, two and one trist, a pediatrist, a proctoiogist, a Lion Clubs in this important work. sung in t al of 12r en eat e hait million greater tian that of nutritionist, nurses and a research Some af the items under discus- i ta Mr. Drummond whose ioveîy OntàýH', appears ta one fram a assaciate. Teaeaecs e One of the handicaps under isian are:panngmdetermso uc rural area af 'thîs province ta bie patient is $100. per year. whijch the Queensbridge centre op- !mare attractive, ta Mr. E. Cilias, almast insurmauntabie. The situa Some af the advantages of this ýerates is dute ta state legisiation 1. Th e Figlit agaitnst Disparities1 President aof Bowmanviiie KIwais tîon is further aggravated, par- 1Which requires children ta assume' in Warid Economy., Club, wha presented the trophies, ticularli in a -city of this size, bv type of centre might be listed as a measure of financial responsibil- 2. From International Detente'ta ta the members af' lte J 1unior the fact that the two dependent .ailows. t o h aea hi aet.Pne Gardeners' Club1 and ta al whe segments af the population, that af (1) It relieves crowding in bas- Many elderiy people do not avail 3. The Prabiem of Education and danated special prizes. yauth and af the aged, are in pitals and ather clinics by provid- themselves of the services of the the Fight against iliiteracy. Prize winners for. the show are creaîngrapdlyin camparison jing treatment for chronic illnesses. centre because af the attitude of 4 nentaa rtcino sfias with the centre working group1 their children and the necessity of 1-Human Riglits. Mante] Arrangement- Mrs, T. whîch is called upan ta bear a very1 (2) It.provides a clearing centre involving themn in the casts. 5TeRiofMmers of Par- Fairbrather, Mrs. K. Schoenn lý er, large propqrtian ai the casts. 1 for, serious cases by providing liament as Intermediaries between Mrs. E. Schmid. Althaugh' it meant a very 5irectian and transportation ar the Citizens and their Govern. Arrangement using Driftwoocf crowded sehedule we were able ta rangements ta the varions special- Ontario bas similar legisiatian Weits. MCs, O Challîce, Mrs. T. FairbrojJh- visit some twelve different offices îized hospitals. an its statute books but it bas 1 am serving an the Caîmîittee l' r.KSheiae in the city providing, services for ()I eivstepaima neyer .been enforced. The experi- on Paliticai Questions, Internation lr r.K eonnkr (3)It elîvestheprolemofence of the, provincial government ai Security and Disarmament.1 Arrangement ai Roses, - Mrs. T. thcias etd and tpeuss ihofpr transportation for, elderiy popehas been that it costs more ta expect ta speak later in the Con- FibrMr rs. C. Billings. f in umos ind tescitfaro in a crowaed city by meeting a adm*nister the legîslatton tlian it feîre. r.CBilns gress inue'i h iyadlarge proportion of their needs ajisnbet eoe.Ti atl oensi ragmn sn thronghout the state of New York. within the facilities of the Hous- li be ot by statemens madeta The inaugural ceremonytaok acceortie Ar.T ange brnther,ïn MHealth Maintenance Centre in ing Deveiopment itself. bon -ot. .aemnsmaet place in the City 'Hall, Copeha-,en, cesre r.Týï'bol- Queensora 1ugh, Long Island City, me by officiais wîth whom 1 dis. . g Mrs. E. -Schmîid, Mrs. O. Chaillîe. Thevist t te Qeenbrige (4) It is capable of, eniisting aI cussed the p-robiem in New York. in the presence of His Mlajesty Thevist t, te Qeenbrigelare number of voinntary wrkers II was informed that the !city em- King Frederick 1X, Ring of Den- Dining Table Centre - Mrs. study of pagtin and in rt ic uar fo the population of the Devel- 1 ployed forty high priced lawyers mar'k* Danish- Rings are flot sur- Schmid, Mrs. R. Schoeninaicer, wihsetudy tfagi thead seric being opinent ta, assist the older pe ople ta recover moneys owed under the ltoundeýd by the pomp and cr- .F. Tamblyn, pirespdedcby ayCe etres.in in their shopping, in the prepara - legislation, and that of the total m,'ony attending xnany amon.çches,' Troided Qtiçensbr etret flan af meals, in their housekeep. ' ount o.wed approxiately 2% The ing rriveêd ta " open the Con- 1 Coffee Table Arrangement ms ig duties, and particulariy thraugh was recovered. ,rec rse nyi Ar.Gro asn is E gerlatric centre providng bealth i tndispel their feeling o aitiH sochniidytowecon mainttenance services for theheld 1iiig the delegIlteg ta Denmark and ta Arranged Basket of fliwers erly as part of a subsidized bous r loneliness. in this conneetion as well as ini wish them the 1best af luck in ather than glads - Airs. T. Pair- ,kg developmnent in a heavily in- (à) Through its re-activation pro-, many other aspects of social, wel. their important work thruout rteAr.E.ShiAr.K dusrlaize setin a th ciy. gram it is able ta provide therapy, If are legislatitrn we found Ontario' the days OL the Conference. Schaemnaker. Th~e HIsing Developient itself j relieve pain, and maintain or ex Ita be more advrancedd than ùitîr The Prim~e Minister af Denmiark, consists af nineteen higl rise a-1 tend the mobility levels of elderly 1 neighibauring state. Mr. Jens Otto Rraýg aiso spoke at, Arranged container of ZinnLas the opening cerpemnies. -He made Mr1s. R. Ghapman, Airs. K.ShX n .ai),exteme.ly tl.o4ttgtui speech in ii'aker, Mrs, T. Fairbrother. which lie said that th~e last few Asters 3 - Gardon Watson, Airs <4 . ~Yers haëlsen a, onsiderable re- ~BQn lxonfaitension between the iE B own scar xtn Grat Pawers. The p Jay reson Asters, 5 mî-lxed - Mrs H. ur T A kIfor this,..he said.,was that le;4ding ray, M~rs. E. Brown, Gardon Wi stteIIsmen realized tbat an ali-out son. P L6XImodern-XIIL INLJ ay #JPansies - Mrs. J.MoffatAirs. L. clea weaons as otai the Plain, Airs. H. Dean. la i~ ~~~qetin Against this background GlutZnis-rsCTa 1E there were,'increasing contacts, ex- Mrs. H.nDeasp r De amn. panding trade and growing cul- r.H.DaRseDan MOm .fUFI f ural eations between states.NHe -Pam Pam Zinnias - Airs. R.' uîap oudmrte megneahoped that these éleveloprnents man. Mrs. E. Schmid. N 0 few world picture in which a- Àfrican Marigolds . Ars. 1. wareness ai national cliaracterist Farrow, Airs. L. Haoey, Airs, C esand recognition ai the paths jTmln THU KS DAY - FRID A T a S A TU RDA T hcl ndvdulnations had Tchln.Mriods- is.C 1m en would iead ta nnderstandinglbe by,-r. .Mfft-Ar. a.Ens tween pe&ples and a talerance ta- lnMr,.MoftMs DE% - w ards difierent ways ai thinking 5 Difierent Annuals - Airs E. which wauld forfn the basis ai a Schmid, Mu-s. R. Chapman, Ar. R U "" "' U'U ~D world community enjoying a >,nor,, loaey. -S ~E . * o M - forded todaY bY the nullear de- GladKSie -Ar.F ab * * i' unaenalscuit ha ta a- m-terrent. Ms .Shaenmaker, Airs, E. - qw