__________________________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THfURSDAY, SEP~TE1MBER 3rd, 194 ______ Noreen Nancy \Vinfield Bride LOCAL NEWS OhaaMCrol ittlMcNaul.'hsarnts r adMs.1 !and Mr. and, Mrs. Carl Billings. The Lindsay Litte Theatný MIfA l n rs. Edward Dean celebrated Mr. adMs Caom te Kesndal Tamb l. k Terr nc an Mrs Jaes ergisonof roupwil tae part in the annuhl O f T erry V nce A llen er eighity-third, birthday at a'Rochester, N.Y., spent a few days Orono Draina festival in Qcit9beý,, iiinner Saturday, August 29th at tast 'week with his sister, Mr-S.lit was announced rpecently. TâeatL A, pretty, wedding was solemn- trip was taken in Northern Ontar- the homne of her son Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson and M\r Watson. rlcal gýroups from Qmnvlo nized Frid ay, July .lth at the, !o. Mr. and'Mrs. Allen will reside Ken Dean, Newcastle. Also for IMPORTANT!I Orono, Pickering, Ajax,Whty Oronop United Church, When Nor- in Orono. dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Iesper H-' Oshaw-a andl Peterborougli havrýe~ een Nancy Winfield, daughter of, Previous to her marriage theiDean, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean, Tonight, Th ursday , September tered. The event7 is sponsorad byý Mr. and Mrs. James Winfield. was bride was honoured with several Mrs. Ab. West, Orono and her niece r a :0 'cok tth-huctheDra eta giutr untdi arae to Terry Vance showers. On June 25th> MrsWm and nephew Mr. and Mrs. George 1the Orono Hi-C's are holding il air:' Alln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Madili and Mis. Ben Madili were Shevlini, Forestvîlle, N.Y. veryý important meeting, a-c The Orono Band Will play at.thÈà A lleal of Orono.,'The double hostesses for a miscellaneous show- Mrs. O. W., Rolph hbas returned1 Mr. and iMrs. Glenn Tamblyni and 'Port Ferry Fi hscoigMn rngL- ceremony was, performed by er at the home of Mrs. Wm. Madili. home from the 1 Fanair Mm-sonofCaifoni ae vsiin wih ay Rev. Wodland of Newcastle and The, bride received many lovely orial Hospital. the Churcli was decorated -with land useful. gifts from relatives Mrs. R. Dickson is a pationt in, standards of gladiolus. Mis. R. D. land friends. On July l5th Mrs Oshawa Geieral Hlospital Morton played the wedding music. ýSandra Daris was hostess to a Miss Avelyne Lycett, daughter of Thebrie ws gvenin arragemiscellanèous shower where the Mr. and Mrs. William Lycett, Or- Týebiewa ie n araebride again receîved many useful lono _RR 2,,was successful in pass- -- by her father. She wore a street and lovely gifts from neighbours ing hier fifth figure in Figure Skat- leilgth gown ofCatly lcan1rens s elW empyesln in the weekend examinations AClOSSl 7. Part of 2 ye~ wtSarn ekieads o'f Curvply Wood Products presen- h1 nLnsyAea 1. Ensign theee sa - with Sbrinanecklne an shor in Lindsay Areî to aju'r-0i -ys sleeves. Her waist length veil of ted hier with kitchen chrome set. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett, King, . Fiear S . NCazhs orteGA £ tulle was caught .to a crown of se Fellow employees of Goodyear1 ston, spent a few days the forepart T2 Fr' es 1 oet 8 . ~ EE .P quins and she'carried a nosegay of Tiea4RbeBwavleo h ekwt r n r.E 3, With might comm-ns- godless NPL IE whît caratios a D e nroe. presene the groom with a plate IGraham and Terry. Visitors on 14. Adhcre te iond pro U E f Theaaid fmirror.ff Saturday with Mr. and- Mrs. Gm- 15. Knitter',% officer: 29. Trunim. 5L~ Thnfeldmai eof her. idian ___ba________ _inemwere Mrs. O. Gibbs and Shar Teeds U. .Navy Peter NEL a nfieedlsiter wof hlbide, ren !1' ' on, Dunbarton. 16. Gardens of 18. Negative 31... ny EPT EE a tretlneh on f im ren l JeCP Il L mnatrthe desert rep]yon nylon over taffeta ..ashiol ed with±Egc mpleed Mr. and Miss Jack Bail, John Y, etlie 1. ontree3. ' ail round cumberhupd. with a(pceýý- and Barbara, Aylmner, spent the 1.Mti:19. Fuss20sU- siate'Ds sories. Her bouquet was a cascade!n~ weekend with Mrs. Neil Porter. 1922 s2. Ge igt exloe vvipae 3. ' ofgree ndit us. M For Dia Convers'oo Mr. and Mrs. Heniry LeVaillant, 23. Sead forth bomb 35. Southeast mrl Gamey Lycett was best mqn and, Mr. Ben Medill,. Manager ofEwhhaebeonamtrtpo 27. Native of 21. Japanese winct Mr. Wm. Medili weas usher. Central Community Telephone lthe West Coast, spent the week- Havana sash 36. Box 40. Driynk to Compeny Limited ennounced this1 end with hier mother, Mis. J. H. .29. Penniless 24, Crowd. Scient!. exceSA A reception wes held nt the Week that the Company had pur Stevenson, before returning to 30. Prepare for 25, Presiden- ficaly 41. Paradise pur.od MteOrn their home in Scerborough. publication tial 37. Its capital 42. Plant Brntoo Mtl.Orno he ehased a pfiece Of property from M.adMssaiMfa, og3.Gldrc m S Lm v1 bdsmoerecve ina ?2- M. and Mis. Ross Gilbart on Milli M32andA !loackei- - - - -32,A - - -r piece gown of, pink brocade and Street, which will be the siteso end ihM and i s. rnt Mofee- po white accessories and a corsage of the new Telephone Dial Exh nge fath r and milyGraakvihle 33l ootjit ~ pink carnations. Assisting was thc Building. Ecag a n aiy avle groor's mother, wearine a pink ,Mr. Madill further stated that Sunday visitors withMt 36 Ceîerity- - - -- - - - -- flowered Arnel dress with white1 the engineering has been prae- ie y n aiy Ms. Harry 3EMscl.;ç - ale ndfmiywere Mi. and Jntrurnonts accssoiesanda crsae of pink jaly cOrnPleted for the Dial Con-ý Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, Mis. George 43, Dn»M l can tions. The, bride's travelling version and that the cçsrcinWbtr omnilMs u- 4.Èterwa14? costume. was a sea blue.knit dress prograrn for the outside'plant was ___________________ -.uond' With ccsois. Their wedding progressidg on schechile. î7 la flt --24 4.Co la:tla a - I An Farewell To Orono I N Paur- I Lfomsptex 27 3 732 By Leslie Happer brought Out somne of the oddest .-d Corne again is that season of the recollections?! Rememrber the îtales hagePte,~V 1' yealwh~en ail about is arrayed tali and truc of blazing guhanrgmiser b17k, --fo* garlands of colour, of golden Or- old Peg-legs? .Rernember the iron 197 sa 99 .4;.Lon angs and reds, of amber browns Horse andl the firsL Post office anid dx and rieh purples, of huis and the, fuînny ~IIttle incident ofth ii woods and niarshlands and tiny ion -M~an Stret? And renieniber SNAEPTEMBER q, 1964 brooks with floatinig leaves and 1 the scenes « ;orgoten tetaries 14 tinl4ng rmelodies. And Once again ,and phantoms in the night, and jKry-94 ..4~B prod sum~rner puts away lier heat- i recail thenenories that came Orono - 1'5a.m. d ays~ and sun klenched fields of1 tumhling back when we stroledE Sermon lbp. hay, and the world Prepares for together ihrougi- the ernpty and "WoSn ahsAk sleep andsnug pacs.The squirreldrendhlL fthe pbliescool, makes earnest and the geese 1e- 'and thougnt we saw sorne of theesj ard - 2.:uu p.m. gi to stir and all the wild -c'reat- 1 ghosts of students past? These ures feel the tang of winter's first things were, perhaps, trivial andJ warninrg. Autumn, wil soon be mneaningless, but did you not fenl here and with it forest trails and mrore at home when you Iooked woodland paths will becbestrew about and saw that there was so CQjE, IN with faded leave s, and on th muchk interest onaDe ponds the first ice wil form and I Orono not seemn now more alive the world will know that wiinter is land meaningful because we bave around the bend with her cloak of lwatched its pro-gress down through'R snow and breath of noîthein, gusts. the years? And so we bid a lastinig f arewell The stream of years to corne to the warrrn, bright days and in wiîî again change her face, many respect we doff oui caps to a new times over, buit I arn certain that seas on and close the book on this ail the changes in ail the world Most pleasuirable timre called, suni- will neyer quite enase the unfor- mer. And with hamlets too, we gettable private hours which Or- must put away the book of present enod has given to everyone who will days and allow the pages to slip1 but seek themr out. And if,,lu years by until theyi are but another hence, the mernories begin onlyB l yesterday.>1 slightly to fade away, we cen al This summertime has been one take out oui journals and feel as- of extreme delight in ail ways, -and sured that it was sornehow ail for. you, I hope 'tis been the samne. woîthwhile, wasn't it? And so to- During the past wee'ks we have one and ail goodbye and God- together roemed and explored oui speed. loGr1 village and seen only a few of its _______________ loGr many, many treasures. But there's much more that we have not had time, to see- Bonfires of withered eaves and the breath and fresh- nesof autumn and that exciting Boys broai 'm fbc-to-school. We've miss- ed the witch's moon and îinging doorbelîs of Hallowe'en. W e've, N. missed Indien Summnen with is--i hazy diays, and the first snowfall Boys Scho with promise of more to corne..:Sz818yas We've mlissed Christmnas-timie, andSie81 yar funny sniowmren, and the laugh f' childien on cold, wintiy after- noonïs. And the snnto ev Sale on Chih rlot yet seen the buds corne alive 'Caljour with straps. Re end the' blrth~ of newv things when1 a new world is proclaimed. We've licensed Plumbin5q not yet feit January's fierce gales -Mechanical Contractor wheni tempests - howl about the h elistlsM n he eaves and mnoan, through the wosls ntls -M n he branches. of trees aIl baie and foi- ,and guaro.rteec loin. And thosç,;rainy , days which make home feel sowarmn and cozyN and -the buring legs in th e;fine,, CA kR> place more cheery than they ever did on sunny days, whet of them? LJ BI IE TN But the things we have seen, UIM ATN let's remnember them. Remembei: Low we plunged into history and' Phone 148 Orono AND SEE OUR NEW FALL iITS DR ESSES' uses Skîrts MJ'IVING TO-DA-Y Pail and Winter iUresses'- Jumpers PRICE -$2.9ý8; $4.95; $6,95 Ècloth Shirts, colour rede, gold, black Size 8-18 years PRICE $2.99 )ol Pagjts, size 4-6x. PRICE $1.95-$3,95 PRICE $2,98; $3.95; $4.95 Ilren's 5h oes, ýred or brown leather, patent. Al ýgular price up to $4.95 Sale price 95e-$3.39 s, Sizes Up to 8. Reg' price $6,95 Sale Price $3.95 m 771