ORQNDWEEKLY TIMEST4RDiY,,SET! 8R3rd, 1964 ___ _ _ _ _ _ GET YOUR. FREE BINGO CARDS AND PLAY CH EX TV M Channel 12 Peterborough 12:30 to 1:00 pan. Monday thru Frlday DAILY PRIZES * Eleç,trical Appliances *$U.00 Cash Prizes *Hundreds of $2.00 IGA Food Certificates WEEKLY PRIZES . *Expense Pald Trips for 2 to such exciting Places as* New York Worlds Fair Bahamas, Etc. GRAND PRIZE at 4 T.V. Stations at the end of 13 Weeks 1965 STDEBX.KERIý W AGONI'RES ~TÀ~IN-MO!MÜDAYSE ME7 5 Flaveuirs - Sve 3e ALLEN DRINK Bàrights F'ancy - Save 17e APPLESAUCE Campbell's, - Save 20e TOMATO'SOUP- 48 oz. Tins 3 foôr 88c 15 oz. Tins 6 for 88C 810 oz. Tins 8for 88C OMO - Save 7c D ETER,ýGENT giant &8 Kraft Cankadýian 8 oz. PJk CHEESE SLICES 3 -for &8 Freshi Grade- A -Predressed'Roasting or Frying 2%-.« 3 lb. ÇIIICKENS ý ýlb 33ce Frésh Legýs or Breasts Chicken tC'uts lb 49c SPECIAL 88C COMBINATION OFFER lb pkg Tablerite WNeiners e plus lb Tablerite Sausage Skinless botp4 k Ikgs. ;c e fiospitality - Save 10e APPLE PIE IIEINZ SPAGHETTI 5 Bletty Crocker - 6 Varieties - Save29e MUFFI MIX 3 IGA, WAX PAPER - Save 36c,. 4 Frozen - Mary Elizabeth, APPLE r1I' each 39c 15-oz. Tins 88e 14-oz. Pkgs. 88e 100 ft. rolis 88e 3. for $1 EX ATOTAL 48 IN IGA BONUS TAPES Receive ,an extra $10,00 tape Sbirriffs Gond Mrnn MÀRMLADE 24 ez. jar Chareoul ]Biqnets1 Receive an zxtra White or C1).,)red <WHITE SWAN TIS Rcvean extra $6.00 tape Economiy Size CIIEST TOOTHPASTE R'ezelve an extIra $2.00 tape 10 o5z. jar Gqaod Luek Coloured MARIGARINE 1 lb. pkg 10 lb. bag Dragonl Brand- Chieken - FROZEN DINNER Shitrnpij Tabîerite Sllced V.P. $4JA tape COOKED lIAM 6 ZPkgr. Twin Ontarlo No. 1 SSUr, nk. POTATONES 10 lb. bag A: THE CHILDREN'S CHOICE! Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade Seedless GRAPESý 2 lbs 2%c Canada No. 1 Grade Bruss;el Sproui à q* 29C Canaýda No. 1 Grade .,Garden Fresh Celery size 24 2 for 29c Peaches attractivly priced s ~. .-~ .4 .. ........ . .... ........ . ...... . ..... - Kendal, News -3y ail these lovely tokens September days are here With summer's best of weather And autumn's best of cheer. Holidays are over for Most of our citizens and next week the buses will be carrying the chidren back to their sehools. The County road men are Stil wo 'kirg with the big machinery in. the Cayscadden swamp on the seventh line so the traffie is very ileavy on the sixth 1ine. We are g'ad to see a double white lineon the hili west of Carson's corner. lIt would be a great help in prevent. ing accidents if all the hilis on the- sixth line Liad a white line near the top. j t) .i ittwenty-fif th the Ui Jitei .ýiurc'A Women -wereen.- ei Lined at 'the f armni ome of NIvrs. T. Stevens. The weather 'was good for the trip back. The meet- ing was opened by our presidengt lis. W. H. Foster. The minutes ývere read by the secretary Miss C. W. Stewart. They told of our plans for a church kitchen and 'the secretary was able to report tha. tbe foundation and floor were now laid. 1OurAnniversary is to ýbe Octo- ber 25 so the ladies chose a tent- ative date o! October 21 for the turkey supper, depending on coin- pletion of the church kitchen. SMrs. Stevens gave a verv fine address on the greatness of Moses and how his laws anny to our lives todav. A, sale of home baking took place. Then we set the tables under the trees but a thunder- storm came un so the food had to, be taken -into the bouse. Then the rain came down in torrents, and we enjoyed our picnic lunich in the spacious farmn kitchien. Mr.L. Burwash and Miss, 'M. ~ McBide, Cobourg,, are visîting their sister Mrs, C. Thompson thîs week. Wve were pleased to see visitons in Our church on Sunday from Kirby and Onono. We have* had some very fine Men from neîgh- bQuring communities take the publ pit d.uring our mninister's vacation and their messages have been most inspiring. Rev. R. C. White Bi.. will be in bis pulpit next Suxiday. TRACKS TORN UP AT MILLBROOK The last vestige of Mjllbrook's era as a railway centre' was dis- appearing in the direction of Pet- jerborough last Friday. Wreckers have uprooted the tracks between the site o! the demolishied station and the east sideo! the Tupper Street crossing. The CNR'is busy ismanLing the uine from Millbrook to Peterborough. Millbroo k was once a busy june- tion on the Midland Railway, where the Lindsay-Midland brandfi met the Peterborough branch. In 1.950. however, the last train ran between Port Hope and Peterboi% ough. Soon afterwards the CNR ne- moved the track between Mill- brook and Port Hope.- Sporadically. since then a freîght train bias ser- ved- the few Millbrook patrons of the liue, puffing forward one way and backwand the other. 1 Though civil bodies and indui- i tries in Millbrook and Fraserville 1protestcd, the CNR received, gov- erniment, consent to close a 'hue which by reason of highway com- petition, was producing for the gvernmcent-owned railway nothiug but deficits. Maintenance Service