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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1964, p. 1

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r, VOLUME 26, NUMBER U2 ORONO ERL TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lOth, 1964 o View Plans For New New Curricu1Üm For JP lanning Bd. Prepares Orolno 3unda"y Schoo Po aslFo ouni O ro n o E nt ra n ces The0r 1ono Unitêd Church. $un-:r p s lF rC u c' A representative, of the Depart- day, September 13th with RaIly ______________ The Clarke Township Planning ment of Highways'submitted plans U.L DL L Skunday for ail the students, The iîýSudySp Ibr2t Board completed ýthe drafting of last Friday. of newly designed en- .iciie ~ uIai Rally Sunýlay concludes t_sm heprnso teNreya lnigh-Iaw whiclh they are trances,,at the north and south of, mer recess. Kindergarten and Prflmar chiîd to place before Couneil in the Oroo. hèseplas wee sownto Te CurchSunay Shoo isren to an afternoon session wheni very near future. The completion the Oreno Police Trustees follow- L fg this year introducing the N- h orewllb xlind of the draft was-made at their ing their requests for improve- lt b h Log edCurriculum and will have it in- andiusiosaasee.September meeting iast Thursday mens t th enranes Th trs- eaterRebkahLode hldfull operation by the end. of the ay ustos nseed eveng.TeBad ow ret mens o heenrace. hetrs-their first meeting of th falterm nth.for task Counceetoihgld a specia tees wecre aiso informed that the InTedy etme t. ;frteprnso h uir n s oni ohl pca wýrk hias been 'ticluded in theonTuesd, etemarnt, Vce To acquaint the- parents with heeparents of the Junior, In- me r ýîcs rg iof wok for Sse ety Newman, Vice thCurriculum the choGl termediate and Senior students on meng bawihm e the recom provnce proram wor Grand, presided as Noble Grand nwSunday, September 27th. Mdr. Long eddb-a myb umte 1965. ~~in the absence of Sister Laverne - will be present at both sessions te orouclsondeaon Mr. Smith of the planning, div- Barrabali. Sister Mildred Rainey, presented withi her Past District explain the course.11 The by-law is being proposed as ision of the Dcpartment of Hligh- Past Noble Grand assisted as vie Deputy President's Jewel. The, re Perfect attendance records will the Board feels there is a need ways stated that the new designs Grand. port of this meeting was given by begin on, Sunday, October -4th. for certain land use controls in the -were an advancement over the Lodgc openedaccording to rit Sister Betty Major. Also on the above date a new interim until such time as a cern- present entrances and would a1 ,ual witb four officers being ab Sister Mhldred Rainey as cor ivngn prehensive zening by-law can be lo'w traffic to move in and eut of sent. lrdRieya co opportunity for discussion and prepared and adopted. The pro- QronoL more smeothly and in some j Minutes were read by the Re- venor of the Çommittee reperted study. This class will be, under posed by-law would give saine instances at a greater speed. icording Secretary, Sister Mae Ai- that floor cevering had been pur- the iedrhpo r.Dnl a.cnrl vrdvlpetwti At the, north entranc~e traffieilen nd after one minor coirec- belad anor emtee l d eor thete hletwshponaliie ý_coming into the Village will do so 'tien, were approved.. basisa. onltd eoete h hl twsi n iie fromr a lar-ger deceleration lane Report of the visîting committee next mneeting The .Nu-Way Rug AibDKeaiesA as t hrsa' mein r followrig etie curves te . Mlaïinby Sister Betty Newman showedICman fOsaabing- the W. P. Irwin aise mïet with the Srt.Tere wvi11 bc ne abrupt, that she had been kept busy dur-supir The- grounds fer the Orono Falli Board when discussion centred on turnls as exist ïrow. Outgoinrf- igte m e es Sister Gldyeambyayrpr Fair have been manicured for the1 Mr. 1lrwin's îourteen-let subdiv- fie will stili h1ave te stop prier te Sstr ety Majo-r and Sister1sentaýtive gave a report of the Re- two-day f air this weekend, Friday lision south of Orono. crsigthe northbournd lane of Alice Hloeey had attenided~ thelbekab Asseiiibly Sessions held ini and Saturday and are in excellent A letter was aise ýreceived on be. Bighway, 115. A. large island wiji District Meeting as represeiitatives Toronit- Junei 22 te 24. . condition. A quick tour Tuesday haîf o.f Jan and Janina O'Chonsld separate incoming traffie from, the The meeting was held in Bowman- Sister Alice Hooey, Seholar te vnu eeldtisfc hni fOhwaworcni aepr o,,utgoing, traffic. It was shown that viille Lodge Hlall on July 8hwe the Assemnibly reported on the ev-i was noted that the newly Painted ehased the former, Armstrong -the average traffie into Qrono a t Sister Grace Turock frorn Bee- ening sessions,i buildings and rails were a gr1eat farmj west of Orono off the Coun- thle nort.h ent rance numbereda hive Lodge was instaiied as Dis-1I Business being concluded. , ede impro)vemrent. The se,-ttiin$ is set tis road. The letter aise containý round 375 cars a day. tre eiyPeiet tti lsdacrigt iuladaand the big show wilbiossom cd a bOUndary survey, of the 100 mneetinig Sister Grace Love was social heur was spent. fo1 aclo ad sn u A smllcrislad wil aie beAIse of note 'was the extension!I division plan .had huen presente>d ~utiized at the soiith entrance to e diivide the two-way traffic in andi 1 ,te the pouitry building which lias i the Board feit there was ne action out of Oreono. Outgoing traffic will Uflior 'unirs j, .ay £ J vvl Seri-es been doubled in sîze. This eventÈ thcy weuid take in the matter. follow a' graduai snmooth turn elf the f air has gained in exhibits' merge with 115 traffic on an .a- T iL q and popuiarity and willagan tis te pcpular, witty and humrous ý,tlerativ n lane. To aeconmpish t4s iledA t ûk ne ' e -A p1ece lyear note hundreds of~ exhibits in1 Vince Mountferd will be the mast- ,ýn additienal lane Tili bc added tj 1ever a hiundred differént classes. 1er of ceremonies. Vince couid of the existlng entrance. Incenming on ensy evening, meved in- ene roun by C, Henderson te fie luiust be agajin made on the àiio ther entertainmcent this should be ttaffi>e will enter 0lrono ot'Olt o-etiôfin in the Ieague cdiàm- fthe seore. tiOr show ýriSattkday itlght a- ~gireat show. tie proposed island on a greatly pienshîp when they defcnted the widenedl lane of 25 feet. The pres- Orono juniors by a score of 6-9. Orono sýcore-d three runs in the, etsharp) curve enite the CeuntY This win te Newtonvillc places second frame when 'Beverley Ten D>â l tes lotedo s. rfic comng bth eaid had o eckwi.Te ed first. Nn fy 1 D r.C . r ollowns inito Orene through the south eni- final and deeiding game wili be edl with a home run te score the9 trance averages alrnost 500 cars piaye din Orono) this coming Tues- two runners and herseif. In the s eM elo% îr aday. ca evening at 6:00 o'clock. bottom of the second R. Bike r u b lis eMm o r It was the opinion of Mr. Sritlh that the new entrances woull solve miany of, the present prob-, lemns and aise stated that they were of a high design. lun cannec- tieon with the souith entrance Mr. .Smiith pointed eut, that his'depamt- nment had reccived a letter from the Port Hope division in which the division disapprovcd of the present plan of bringing traffic from the preposed Irwin subdivi. sien in at the Orone intersection. Hle feit that this proposai would lessen the efficienIcy and safety ef traffic. at the intersection. The Trustees are to place the proposed 1 scored fer Newtenville. 1It was net necessary for New- Both Orono and Newtonviiie tonville te take their last batting Wènt SeGrelesi te tidwIl as Orond was uniable te comie forth Orôoe nain gig scoreless in the with enough runs in the top of the top of thfourth. fifth te force further play in tbic gamne. The1 Orene girls fell down! NewtonvMel won tiheir gare ne i in the- fou rth when Newtonlvilie the bottom eof the fourth when scored Seven of their nine runs. they scored a total o! sevenun Their hîtting and somne Oon e c ~ ~ ~,.rors aecounted for the runs. ono's first run in the first inniing with asists from bits by Carol Mercer and Darlene West. In the committee and te discuss the preb-, In the topp of the fifth 'Oreno se ored -twe runsý by Carol Mercef and Dariene W est but this was, short of the need for the local team. A bok o grit nteestto r-thcmi as he describes the toil andl A bok f geatintrea teOr-danger Involved, and the rich re- ono Readers lhas just been pub-> wards which foilow in the exhilar- lishcd by 'the University Press-. RI t iooftelibadhepô jis "The AMerneirs of C, B. 5 tin f heelmban te anr prof essor Sissons lurchased a farm c ani beauty that strptches before just' seuth of Oreneo vfift then. A littie depeý,r insight is years an ld se is wel -nown gained iin the chapter on Po>iti, ini that capaeity to imany ini this Cians, and you cerne to realize thîc district. However as you read 'his Ireai wvorth of somne of the men who(- story yeu feel it' a privilege te ýhaIve given nueh cof. themselves. cone te know the man. Each chap- 1whether the cause be right or ter hloids your ifiterest and each wreng. Finally his ehapter on m akes a contribution of its own. farniing,, and here we find the Pro- In the beginnlng of the book yo fesser using his keen mînd and whinsiail' ear ofthestuggîes giving his best, net only te make inuri n ollinfnn n hA nrii. his own farrn nay. but in cham- - ," .V . .,1l m arsn ti e sJne La c -twLUU 4an e uu n i n tnLAI j 5 Larrîe e- 0-"' - - plansý before the Township road I~i ""~a AV~iL Karen Biekeil was the winning district ntrt," oUiest inn h as fohrfr cd in a firne jobonite anourn and a year at Oxford, then forty crs tgo. But you must rcad th SevernlafineTonb tr on the ycars o University tcaching. A bok for yourself- I highiy re, I<~~C Ufl rnmud for Orono and pitched the fascinating chapter (toe m) ~ rmn t T o ~~n sn i p ~ ~ ~ tfirst threc and a hal! innlngs. Car- onaneig ih s i- This book wiIl seon be availat-> ol Mercer finishcd the garne fer sons accornpanyîng hîrn on many at th,, Orono Public Library. In re se B y 27 1 rne. occasions;. and you feel one' with Mrs. A. Loue] The assessment rollof the Town- eut of the total township figure o! The Big Show Cornes To Orono Fn. & Sýat. shipof Cark revals toal p,)-253.' 4lation of 4078 which is an in- TeOooFl ar pnoe oe hwa :0pmteHl ok rcatbkn,-i-g crese f 27 oerthe 3801 on the The foiiowing is a breakdown o! hÎrn aiFisosrdRdoso t23 .. h o-wrat rfs aig e ,creae of277 oer hby the Durham Central Agricul nurnber o! the 4-H Clubs in the ables, flowers, hay and grain at 1963 ol. 0f tic 277 increase 70 the Township population ineiudîng tumai Society, opens the gates te County of Durham. There will aise high and public schooi exhihits. were in the Police Village of 01- Orone as te age greups. 1 Ithe Public >this Friday and Satur.- stein cattie show and events for al eue. 3 years.and.under .. 329 day te present its pregrarn for the be th Willam RddelMrnra Saturday activities wili inu 4- vers---------------------i--12 publie's entertainment. spelling bec during the, afternoen. the Big 4 Guernsey cattle shov The population of Urone now rests at 91.1 which is anIn pse frern 845 in 1963 and is one of the largest' increases rccorded in Or- ùno 'ever the past numnber of m cars. The dýensity o! population ex- ists lu the younger set, thiirteen -years of ago and under. The,,Vil- lage e! Oreno domin.ates the over seventy age group where in the souÂth o! the village 73~ live wîth 3-4 in the north for a total of 7 5 years -----------10----- -- 6 and 7 years -------------208 8 and 9 yars ------------ 208 0loe13 years -------------36 14 yp ars ------------------ 761- 15 years -8--------2---- --- 16 to 19 years -------------278 20 te 59 years -------------1762 60 to 64 years -------------207 65 te 69 years ------------- 96 70 years and over- ----------- 253 ginthis; yeam, -the fair is a two-dfay event- starting Friday with, the Publie Seheol Parade at 1:00 p.m. The parade wili be headed by the Tzainiug School Band of Bowrnanville. The sehool chiidreua will aise prescut semne entertain .ment, before thé grandstand. Other features for Fmiday after- noon include thc, North Oshawa the bie ide ow, -o! great 1interest last ycar and bec! cattie' show, hlight and neavy again appearing this Friday i; the hrssalonigwithteerpoua fat caîf show and auctien at 6:30 larness herse races. Concluding followed by the Tug-O-War co- te faim will beý the amateur show tes, Od TrneFidlers Cntet, efore the grandstand and later in the tobacco tieing centest and o! the evcnlng a dance in the Towft course the choesing of the, area 1 Hall. T-Iobacco Qucen. .1 The directors have worked hard The progmarn on Friday will alsa again, this yeam in an effort te irn- include those featumes aiong the 1 prove the failr and youm attendance Mvidway as weIl as the exhibits o! will give some eward for their e£ poultry, farm implernents, needli forts. Attend The Orono, Pair This Friday - aturday,

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