ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSI)AY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1964 P or t Hope Proposes Camp i Togethernesls No Help To The Deer Hunter season. That's 'togetherness", and that appear te create openng Conservation officers in the it poses many pro>bl'ems. week congestion. ,andeer ranges of Ontario have. Site 'Vo G naraska Au hori ;yomed a tendency of hunters to 'Hunter 'density', is the thing "ee hnes t ThIe possibility was raised of a the area, including an overail pro- flock into the bush in large nurn- that seems to be,.piaguîng the h seveqaloertepn heeway participation-in the de- jeet that would open up the auýh- bers during the first week of thé. people whohunt these days, yetthnslseqalovrhe pe velpme~.of a lýourksit 'trailer;ority'ýs pond area for the ejy esn causing congestion an-d hunters themfselves are largeyre eaotrewudblsscne Gamp on the orthern limits of ment of the public. 1He said thatillcaving the rest of the season to sosbefrcoddcniin facdns ogsini h .ir HoDpe. !while the higli land being offered'a comparative f ew. The pracîlce in the, bush," Mr. Whitfield ob- bush -and tangies on the runways. .serves. "Why is this? It is simply There is also a good chance tbat PortHop coucilar A ~*by the DHO is unquestionablyseenis to be general, they say, in that hunters feel that openinghntn larinheeao wod Çrowhurst told the members of thf etadmsoovein ieesen an otesen de day is THE day when everyone 4h~GaarskaReio Coseva fr trailer camping, the lower ranges where most of the huntinàg ts an qa nnet saeIb qaly good because weather Ganrasa Rgio Cosera-!larýd and river could be utilized is donc. They point out that the neuleac osaei' eeu lion Autliority, at a meeting at for picnicq tables and swîmming. best deer population in the prov the hunt and the deer that nre conditions -have mucli to do with hePort Hope town hall, that the incc is in the western range Chere 'o be hunted. hunter success and could well be toncouncil has been investigat- ie po-ted out that if the auth- wheh as b fa th lowt unt better the second week, not to mgý. the - urchase of a 13 acre tract ority makes the purchase of the wlllcll ............. b'Soer feelta unig i cfland-north west of the inter- site, half-the cost would be cover- pesue ete we ungthe r otn hange of Highways -101 and 28. ed ay government grants. SnirCusrvtini forc.t 'gupe, runn ntheir dg Senio Conervaion fficr R.stîrring ptede n epi Mr. Ciowhurst said both the "I7f the town. feels the projeot E. Whitfield, of the Department them on the move. There is tne CouIncil aa.,d the Port Hope Plan- is worthwhile it could pay at of Lands and Forest in the Tweed belief, too, that if the hunter is nig ord aesusd the least 95 per cent of the cost to District in southeastern Ontario, toutefiswekogths brpoedtriler site, and have the aithori.ty with the other five a typical deer hunting area, re- deer, there will be'none left the sanct.ioned Ithe idea of such f acil- per cent spread over the other pois that approximately 75, icoroweek ý:ties ai thie approacli of the town. member municipalities, as more the huniers there arein the bush than one must contribute to suCh'during the first week of the onDen *"Thcse are some of the things Hie said he also feit the conser- a projeci," he said. ainaut-horiiy should give some 1osderation -to the proposai, as *"Since the cost to the auihority flic land in question adjoins',the would be almost neglîgible, with, utharity-owned site of the f on- 1 Tic poposed participation of theA E VE 0 erpower pond above Corbett's'Port Hope groups, I can see littie .A E R I E Q am. jwrong wiih sucn a project," MUr. The site proposed would pro-ý HooeMsId vide direct access from Ilighway Mr. Hooke said that *what ho thange, for the convenience of ning, was to provide only a cen- tourists. tral well or tap for water andWilb heda M. Austin said that lie tias simple toilet facilities. ilb heda been aware that the land was a The authority members ap---,', vailable,, but thai he was reluc- proved Mr. Scott's suggestion to tan t propose purchî, se to the request a price offer, and seemed ithority as ho feiýt the price in errested in a co-operative de- wo:;uld ho bey ond what the author- vlopment of the site. With de-.on ýty could afford. velopmentof some nature ýn 1 f eel also that if a trailernidfoth pndae arad owned by the authority, it was of- emp and public park is createl icilynî Pr oeCn there it would saddle the author- eratnAr"crirthsyr east a share of theni," he said, I --- --- --- -- wil pne dd ïs'Q Hell n. 1--5qm-n H. Hooke of Peterborough, con- servation field officer, said thit, wi7th, the co-operation of oter groups the authority could w't pan;ýticipate in, the development of1 Have your children of the Orono Library. every age, group., makei Books r.-ýenti:on the number of deer that escape the first-weekers. "The open-!'lg dates for gan'e and fisýh have somewhat the Saine general aspects where sportsmen congr egate in large numbers on on the opening d ay and dwindle ,Aarply îihereafter." NCE er Ith- id will returu te the United general public are invited OneiL-stopj banking lI a few minutes the-y'1 be out again, with ail their banking done. Right now they want to cash a cheque, get something out of their safety deposît box, have their savings account book made up. Next tùne? He may be in about a loan; she to buy a money order for her aunt's birthday. 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