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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Nov 1964, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1964 A h,1me 0 f Remeimnbering, A Sermon by Rev. B. Lonýg During the week thousands ofi peuple bath yaung and old h ave observed a period af silence sim 'balie o ar gratitude, honaur and respect for thase wla gaive their lives' to preserve freedamn. It has been' a timne af remenibering. Tiiose who had been engaged in actual combat remembering the ugliness, those wha waited in vain for the returu of a loved one, and those who watched lu agony as a loved 'one returned with shatter- ed nerves or plysical health, com bine ta say "War is heI." udice, ignoraunce and suspician tco ,frustrüte the membêrs; of society ý,until they becomie pawns lui the hands of tha'se 'who would exploïr their misery by turniug them into inistruments of destruction, as they work out their frustrations. Too aften we allow the emphasis ai if e ta be placed on our awn pleas ures and profit. If we would pay respect ta thase who gave their lives or health, it must be in a positive way, as. we give aur- selves in readiness' to serve, to correct wrang, ta 'obey God. iime waiUs 0 prej uu1ce andu We who knaw the lenefit of ignorance are ta be removed, we freedom, seeklng ta express our must realize1 that sacrifice is necý thankfulness and respect, are essary an aur part. Too easily we surely chailenged with the truih l low the walls of racial and re- thnt war is partly of aur owu mak- ligiaus prejud ice ta flourish in îug. We ailow île walls of prel aur midst. POlling Places for Election of Municipal Council a~W.lSehool Trustees No. 1-Community Hall, Newrtonville i] No. 2-School House in SS No.'5 J NO. 3-School House lu former SS No. 9 No. 4-Orange Hall, Kendal No. 5-Township Hall, OronoJ No. 6-Sehool House lu SS-No. 15 No 7-Residence of Mrs. Mary HarrisJ at Lot 23, Concession 8 No. 8-Sehool House lu SS No. 10 ( No. 9-Council Chamlber, oronoI And at said election,, H. E mii»son, H.- E. WALKEY, Reeve GodS , Deputy Returning Officer James Imlach Ross Adamns Cecil Maliey Arthur Thompson HIorace Best NJormnan Bairstow Lawrence Harris Orme Fails IL E. O Coathani Clerk, shall be ReturuiugC SaVe The Queen Rita SpowçLen tells a Worl4 War iIl story iwhich two sold- leand their sergeant took the body of a dead comrade ta a cern- etery for huril. A priest gently informied themi that only people of a certain i aith could be in terred- there. Sadly the soldiern huried 'their friend outside the cemetery fence. The following day they returned ta see whether the grave was air-iglit anýd faund na grave outside the fence. They went to the priest who tald themr that lie had been troubled by h1s refusai ta allow the dead saldier ta be buried in Gad's Acre, sa during the night lie had risen from his bed aijd with his own hands had moved the fence sa thatt it miglit include the soldier. wha lad died for France and for human freedom. Love abolished the fence. Sa oft en we feel justified in Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Roy mrs. Pol Cerk Leta Samis Margaret G. Boyd Chas. Fisk Helen Couroux Olive Miller Thompson Fred Graham Mrs. John Stark - Mrs. losqe Forrester Off icer H. E. MILLSoN, Clerk reai foe of hate is lave. It Is only as we build Up others that lu a true sen-se we build Up ourselves. Perhaps our greatest smin1's ta stand off ta the side of life, letting prejudice and ig-norance gro.-w. To destroy your son, you douflot need ta teach hlm the ways of cv- II. Ail you have ta do ista t hiir alone. The men and womeu of this cangregation, lu order ta de stroy God's purpoise imong us, do not need ta teach I evil, Althat is necessary is ta leave society alune. If we would remeniber ihose wlo'gave their life or healili, let us reÉalize that walls are flotbniy erecied, they graw il' certain sal. Our challenge is ta roat oui evil weeds of injustice, ignorance, pre- judice and hate. If eaui only be doue through love an~d love casts; the very best thaf is lnu any man.: The awful deceit of war is that it doca not erase frustrations, it onlv adds ta them. If we wold have peace, lei us realize that peace is not merely the cessation of war. It la a state of mnan's mmnd and heart. Armistice menus Uhale if we fail ta relate aurseives ta, tle great spiritual for-ces of lave, un'derstanding and brotherhiood. He Who lived among men almost two thousand years aga, living and laving in a Way 'thaf lias rhanged the whoie world, said. NOMINATION g0 Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors Of the g u hePolice Village of Orono lu tint Township of Clarke that lu coniffliance with theStatues i htbehaif I require the presence of the said Electors at the g c~-- ~, Â4a mBilding iW he aidPolice Village, of Oron o at the hour of g ii thesaid seven o'clock ont gFriday, November 2 7th Q for the purpose of nominatiug fit and proper persons for the g office of g3 POLICE TRUSTIEES flfor the Police Village of Oroiio; of which al Electors are here- gby required to take notice and governu themselves accordiugly, Sand if a greater number of, candidates thali required to f111 the sald offices, are nomiuated and make the required declara- gtions, poils will be ope4ved lu the following places, The Orono 1 gMunicipal Building lunflhc said Polie 'Village of Oirono-on gMonday, December 7th g 1964, and will be open fri 10 olclock, am until 7 o'clock-pm' g and no longer.g 0 Given under rnyv baud thus 19th day of November, 1964.,g H. E. MILLSON, Returning Officer MUNIIPALELECTIONI TOWN&fHIP OF CLA11KE Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting Of the Municipal Electors of the Township of Clarke will be beld ini the TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO on Frday, November 27th 1964, at the hour of one o'clock ln, the afternoon for the nomination of candidates for the of- fice of RevDeputy R eeve and 3. Councillors for The Corporation of the Township of Clarke for the emeuing year, iu conlformity wit h the provisions of The Municipal, Act of the Province of Outario, and also nomination of Five Tfrustees fer The Township Schôool Area ofT Clarke for the eirsuing year if more than the necessary muimber of Candidates arte nominaied, and a poil is required, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monda, Decembe7t 1964, when a poil will be open at ten _o'clock in the morning and continue until seven, o'clock iu the afternoon 0iý the saine day and no longe r lu each Polling Sub-Division of the> said Township> "Tested Truth for Troubied Times"Y HEAR ABOUT IT AT THE GOSPEL SERVICES to be held l he Calvary Bciptist Church CORNER 0F CENTRE and JOHN STREETS, OSHAWA Sunday, Nov. 22 through Sunday, NOV. 29 Stunday Services il am & 71 pm- Week Days at 7.45 pm Rev. Don,, Holliday MUSICAL NUMBERS AT EACH SERVICE Sec and Hear Don"Hollday-Mlarïtîn Wedge Giospel Teamn IN SONG AND SPOKEN WORDl Rev. Martin Wedge- ALL ARE URGED TOý ATTE ND Cons trutting Storm Sewer On Chuirch 'St. South Construction of a star-m iséwer tees. Construction is being dône an Churrh St. S. la now well1 by the Township Raad Depart- underway and wiii le completed. ment. later ,.this week. The sewer runs ý An* adequate number of cat& fram Cobbiedick street ta Somner- basins are also being înstaiied ,à ville Drive , a distance of sanie bath Durhless and Cobbiedick &,~. 900 feet This prajeet la ane insti- ta carry-off surface water ai bath tuted ly, the Orono Police Trus- of these points. T1îc. storm sewer _______________________is an 18 inch galvanized pipe. Thé present project is an extension to wlat we eall keeping people in thepartial systr-m that was cn their place. If they are on the srce tte~uheda h autside, we keep them on tle outVilgin16 aide; if they are af quesiionableVilg n16 background, we try ta keep them 'rae aehi amn xi by themseive.s; if ihey are of a thi, fatrlie ia danolisanfe fc nation frustrated and reblliaus, athta er" ydw islf u we feel they shouli le ground lu- anthere r an asoflyn ta sulmission. Someone lias said Tau r e down Saetimes h T "The only way ta hold auy mani on thiesbatlewel. SMe t en it in a ditel is ta get down in the onahevey a living, luore s - ditc wii hl." Jsusreveledvice of Jesus Christ, aur Saviour tIsai God's purpose for 'man ~ls e demonstrates haw ta lay ý ;t that he-sliouId lecome a iadder down even in île strength ~t an whicl others climb to a fullei- vigor of early years. He showedcg if e. Love was His way. Lave de mankind île only. way ta pence- stroys the walls and puts man which' la living abQve andbyu inta a relationship with 111e that usie upstvproei makes further f ail building unreaosipwhotr. necessary. TIse anly real foc of any vice la the lringing ini of if's opposite virtue. The only real foe o)f selfTN/É ishness is uinselfishness. The aulyON TM

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