ORONO IVEEKLY TIRES, THÛRSIDAY, 1NOV1MR 19th, le64 Report- From Ottawa 13 Novniber 1964>1 RuèlC. Honey, M.P. - Durhan, i WMANVILLE MARE COPS Ail residents of Dur-ham will i T VICTORY ret he renio-va1 of, iniljtarý traitioni fromi our County which-, Justamere Styiish Stella won flowdthe announcement last lier seventh consecutive grand week of the, Honourable Paul Hell- 1 championship for mares in the yer, MVinister of National Defence, Percheron section judginýg Friday that "C" Company of the Ha.sting's at the Royal Agricultural Winter and Prince Edward Regiment_______________ fromn Port Hope and Millbrook are being relocated at Regimentai organized Militia are to be re Headquarters in Belleville. 1 placement support for the regular Thé redefinition of the Militia's army and emfergency support for roYle resulted in the sweeping. NATO forces. He said that todav changes across the nation. Ail there just was not time to mobil utlying companies of the Hast- ize the militia, as there was in the ings a4d Prince Edward Regiment two world wars. "The priority now loated, not oniy at Port Hope is'on forces equipped and able to and Milibrook, but at Trenton, respond instantiy. Somne units will madoc, Norwood and Picton have and must disappear. But, came a beena reiocated with the parent timie when a cavalry had to get unit in Believille. Arrangements; rid Of a horse," Lieutenant-Gen- will be made to enabie personne 1 lAlr aiadn hth who wish to continue in thle Mili- would be among those, "shedding tiate carry on traning with the a tear." parent unit at Belleville.i Total sav'ing«s as a resuit of the The re-organization hias b)een reorganizationi is estimated by Mr carried out on a non-political Helyer tu be $8,700,000. Last year basis and ail parts of Canada have in Durham-i the Militia spent (not beçný affected by the changes. The including service salaries) $5,291. structure oi reserve forces has at' Port Hope and $3,093. at Mill- been under close examination for brook. At the end of 1963 Port some months as part of the Pr~o- Hope 'had 3 Off icers and 39 other gramme to implement the policies RanIks on strength, Milibrook had anmounced by Mr. Heliyer to make 1 Officer and 14 Other Ranks, the militia more effective and to Savings for sub-units at Trenton ,give it a dloser,:over-al working Vadoýc Norwood and Picton are reiationship with thie regular comparable. A Co>jrnijssýiüo n the Reorgai- The savîngs wiil be re-directed ztion ýf -le Miiitj.a was estabilto give Miitia improved trainingc li.shed untder the Chairmnanship of '4LClient, better courses, etc. Brigadie r E. R. Suttie and given Lieu'teiianit-Ge-iral Allard recent- the 'ta4- of recomnlending,9 thel Iy stated,' "It is our intentions te best mean7s of futifiliing, the Mil-i- nstill ixto our M'Niltia new spirit tia requireients of Caniadian de-1 and purpose and te improve the fence rp>icy and changes ,hjh effectiveness of ail ranks by giv- should be made in organizatîcn ngu them more useful and chai- to permit the M1ilitia ta carry out englng parts to piay in Caniada's its revised raies more efficienV1y lefence." and realisticaiiy. -______________ Theý recommendations cf thel Suttie' Commission were tabled before the Copjmon Defenice Cen mnittee and the announced decis- ïons have ail been apprcved by that Coi-idi.ttee~. The Comions ý fence Commiittese is composed "f representatives. of ail political parties. The composition of the Suttie unmisinand of fthe Commons Defence Cemmittee -are mentioned for the purpose cf in dicatin.g that the sweeping- decis- ions takeni were net decisions Of a pelitical nature, but were made alter exhaustive study and con- sideration, on a non-political bas- 's- The annouinced changes have the support . of Lieutenant-General Jean V. Allard,- Chef of, Opera.- tional Fleadiness, in the newly in- tegrated defenice setup and onie cf the country'«s most distinguished' soldiers who recently toid the United Services Institute in Hali- fax that the key raies of the re- Callyour Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who relis, instails and puaranïtees CA RMAN PLUMBING - HEATINC' Phone 148 Orono O, 7-,* * A -KEEP INSURED! When you reaci, your 19th birthday you are no longer covered by your pc!rents' certificate. Re-gister seParately within thirty days to keep insured. FOrms aie available at hospitals, banks and Commission offices. Il CHANGING JOBS? KEEP INSURED! If you change lobs, foHow cai-efully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Paymeqt, For-m104, wiich your gi-oup is iequired to give you. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP INSURED! When you mari-y, the Family premium must be paid to cover bus- band, wife and eligible dependonts. Tell your gi-oup OR, if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMM[SS[UN 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTýAREO LOCAl,,NEWS' Mr. and lWrs. Charles Johns of Bowmanville, visi'd on Moïiday with bis sister M-Nrs. "Chas. Wood. Mrs. W. E. Neals, Oakvilie, Mr and Mrs. HÙrly, son Paul and daughter Janice, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeii, Oshawa and Mr and Mrs. Stan Seymour, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Suggitt,. Tor onto with Mrs. Wm. Seymour on Saturday. Miss Sally Staples spent the week end with her friend Miss Victoria Stappelîs in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham visited their daugliter Mrs. Bud Burnett ansi Mr. Burnett Wn Kingston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H.- C. Rickaby of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rick aby, Mrs. George Webster of Bow manville attended the Clarke Com- mencement Exercises on Friday evening ani later visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cari Bilings. Mrs. C. A. Cumming, Toronto was aise a vis itor over Friday. Miss J,.ynn Bailey andi Miss Car- oie Kent, Newcastle, are student teachers in Port Hope this Week and arestaying with Mr. and Màrs. George Cole. Miss Eva Patterson. is a. patient in the Bowmanviile Memorial Hospitail. Fair. The -gray mare, owned by VictoÊ E. Cookson of Bowmanviiie, also an-led off the senior champion- ship in lier eiass. $UNDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd 1964 Kirby - 3:00 p.m., roo-IL-00 a.m. Leskard - 2 p. SUNDAY SVUOOL Oreono - 10:00 a.ma. Kirby - 2:00 p.m. Leskard - 10 a.m. TO RUN-FOR WARD1EN 'Mr. Cunningham, Reeve cf New- castle, anno'unced his intention to council of again running for of- fice for reeve at the- coming el- ection. It was aise indicated that lie would seek election te office o4 Counties Wardeni. Couneillors Couchi, Benathar. and Dickinson aneiounced at this time they wouid each run again for council. With the absence et Councilior - Walton, it is flot kniwn at this time of his inten-j tions'for'election.,1 WILL RUN INMAOÂT OR ALDERMANIC - MRS. T. Mrs.- Christine Thomras, a formn- er mayor cf Oshawa lias defîii- ely'said she will be acaddt for either niayor or aldermian in the Dec ember municipal election in Oshawa. Her husband T. D. "Tommy"' Thomas, hasalready anneunced lie wili seek election te the Board of Education "as of now". Mr Thomas represented Oshawa rid ing at Quen's Park as an NDIP- CCF member, for 15 years. I TEA TRAYS, P1astic, yellow or aqua, 88e SALT and PEPPERS, Crystal, pair .. 89e SALT and PEPPERS, Vegetable, pr. 59e PIE PLATES, Aluiirnum Re-Usie Foil 9" X 1 1-8", Six to package ...... 35e Baby Food HOT PLATE suction base $1.19 XMAS FLORAL ARRANGEMENýTS Priced $1.39 apnd $1.98 XMA$ FANCY WREATHS priced .. 89e IIOLLY WREATIIS......... 25e and 29e BOOKS - GAMES STATIONARY - *TOYS -TOILETRIES GLASS - CHINA - FOOTWEAR CLOTIIING Orono5c to' $1Store "Where there's Suniething for Everybody" GIRL'S NYLON PRINTED JACKETS Girl's 100 percent Nylon Printed Jackiets, water repellent, dry clean- able, durable, wind resistant hood in collar.,Color of white with blue $8.95 Girl's Tow-In-One "Reversible" printed cotton with plain lining. Can change in a jiffy. Coùdýurs, blye, brown and gree»n. 1NYLON JACKETS 100% Nylon Jackets with Borg lining also Borg lined Colors red or blue....... black hood. $9.95 SNOW SUITS In red and navy, yellow and black, brown, blue. $8.95 - $11.95 GIRL'S COTTOIN BLOUSES Lonig sleeve Cottont Blouses i sizes 8 to 14 Priced at ...... $2.95 GIUL'S SLIMS Girl's Plaid Sliîns l'ned with a good quajity flannelette. Size 8 to 14 years. Pricedat...$3.95 blue. Sizes 8 to 14. Priced at ,......................... each $6.95 AR STRONG' CHILDREN'S NYLON MITTS Children's brushed Nylon Mitts with Suede palms, good warm lining. Color red, brown, white and black. Priced at.................... $1.98 TIIEMAL-FOAM SKI MITTS Children's Thernial-Foani lined Ski Mitts, Nylon and leather painis. Positive warmth, permnent shape. Priced at...............$2.50 Baby Mitts, hi-bulk Nylop. Color whiteý, -pink, y, t-ra"d h1ie Prirpif, ................. $1.50 MISSES MITTS Misses one-size Mitts "Acrylie" Fiber" colour of blue, gold and Winc. Priced at ............. $2.25 UNITED CHURCH Oreno Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long 1