r -- -- -- ORONO WEEKLYTJI1ES, THURSDAY, tDECEMBEII 10th 1964 IRaseil . RoleyM.P.Durh m ent stood :in dan~ger~ of defeat. 4 Decemiber 1964 Oppostih pressure', %vhiih in my op)inioni was quite valid, forced- This Report is a potpourri of the governmient to widen the it.ms ighighîngmv duties as terms of reference of th~e judicial youir reprtesenitative in the past inquiry which was set up to look ten days. jinto accu satioxis that two former Thisweekthe ouseof 1 assistants to Liberal Cabinet Min- raoiýs is stubln through th isters had interfered in 'an extra- latest edition of the flag debate. , iincs i otel The b aftte is bei-ngý carriedi on by No one, including the Conserv- a hardý corc, of Diefenbaýker Con- atives, has accused Justice Min- s~vtvswho are' maig a at-iqter Favreau of complicity 1in the ~Uth sandt'~nr~~nttherenrtaffair, but they do allege that he ~f ~'" 1a'Comv5tte cmin hiwas negligent In~ the performance -f-,ib~ The dleigni now before, of his duties by flot bringing the Pax'ia'en b- rn-oe i a 10iinformation which lie had to the to 4 vote of tlie ii--pjartv SDecial attention of Prime Minister Pear- Coin.nittepp xb rêconiaiiended son. The vote to censure Mr. Fav- nr-i ryla),1e leaf centered on a reau as the debate ended on Fni- whit- I.nckerolind with vertical day afternoon was anti-climatic ai red bar-, at each side. -only 30 Conservatives voted in Ther ar abut 0 Cnseva-support of the motion. Ranged Tivewo are arepare to Coserva against them in support of Mr. tives~~~~~~~ Fh r ýeae oflo avreau were 96 Liberals, and 14 indicated thev ia-e awxSous tri have the mlt-rrnn- hefore Panlia- Men+ 4eý- qa f'1 a-1 ithc1, P-110 ï- favoeur of anoflier -oroloneed 1 ari writinpr thi,; Rno-t n Pridav andiirIin the deatr' so far1 this wek.mi to and including yesterdav's debate thie Posr tives have had 23 speak(l 's (14 hours and 17 minutes), the Libli erals _3 speaker,; (1 hour 4 mnin-. utes), the N.D.P. 3 speakers (391 minutes), the Creditistses 2s Speakersý (46 minutes) andJ Social Credit 1 speaker (12 inutes). Last summ er's debate when the whole matter was first before the House occupied 22 days and inE that debate t'he Conservatives hadý- 117 speakers, ýLiberals 32, N.D.P. 10, Social Credit 8 and Creditiste 7. Last week 1 was -a member of the federal delegation at thie Fed- enal-Provincial ARDA Conferencei in MàontreaL. The Conference ap- proved a new agreement betWeenï the Federal government and the Provinces unjder which the Agri- cultural Rehabilitation and Devel- opment Act will, function for the,. next f:vee yars. This Conference represented Mr. Pearson's "Co- operative federalism" in its best formn as the complîcated agree- ment was worked out in detaîl and approved by representatives of the Federal government and ail ten Provinces. ARDA is a joint Federal-Prov- incial program and is the ohief weapon of the governments of Canada in the war against rural l' poverty.' While attending the ARDA Con- feirence in Montre ai I missed the drarna of the few days last week which followed the charges lev- ouled at the government bý iCon- servative Erik Nielsen. As the events of the week Uni, olded it appeared that the Liberal govern- members of 'the N.D.P., Social Credit'and Creditiste parties. If the facts are as alleged by Mr. Nielsen it would seeni that the Minîster of Justice should have told the Prime Minister. However, it miglit be as well to follow the advice of Mr. Pearson andf wIýthhold iudgement until the, judicial inquiry bas been com- pleted. The Prime Minister has i aid t hat if there are findings froin the inquiry which require action bv the fedlera] rovernment, that sun action wilIlibe taken sftyand without fear or favour ý"N'othingl shold be hiiddenI and no wrongdoing, if any is found, should go uncorrected," he said. Warning of the danger-o bane chargs an accsations by innu- endo the Prime Miisten has said that while the guiltY, if their guîilt is established, must lie pun- ishied by responsible action, "the innocent must not be ruined by ruthless and irresponsible Words.," Cal] your Iiccnsed Plur-nbing &~ Mechanical Contractor wJ.o selis, instalis andguarantees C A R MA N PLUMBING -' HEATI-NG Phone 148,Orono CHI ~S -SOPPER NEEDSj Boxed Christmas Cards also P, ersonal Cards Chocolate Bars Soft Drinks Timex Watches L.P. Records Nýellsonmis and Cadbury Box Chocolates Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes and Lighters UNITED CKUICM Orono Pastoral' Charge Mîi jter Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1964 Rirby -3:00 p.m. Orrino 11:00 a.m. *Leskard -- 2 p.m. SUNDAY 5CIIOOL Orono - 10:-00 a.m. Kirby - 2:00 pm. Leskard - 10 a.m. NEW PCMR OPEN; ICE IN USE NOW An informai opening ceremony for Trinity -College School's ire-' built Peter Campbell Memorial' Rink was held recently and . te school's first hocIýey practice on the new ice began immediately Nýewcastle, ReeveA. Blanchard of Darlington Township' and. Reeveý Lightle Of Hope Township. afterward. The Port Hope Figure Skating Club will also use the An Official iýpCn ng ceeemon-ry Iwill be held in Janmary. Thie iew steel structure plc ,es a, metal-ciad building with. wooden beamns which was demol- !shed early in the fail after it was found to. beunsafe. The concrete floor will enable the building to be useýd in the surnmer as weil a-,s winter. I Reversible Hilo BEDSPREADS i iie Priced front $9.50o to $19.50 yebdped upn,.1e a n IBLANKETS ýEsmond Blankets of 100% Acrilan. Washable, fast drying, resistapt, warmth ,without 1weOght Greeu'only Price - $13.95 shrink Tex-made blankets from a blend of modern fibres. Beautiful shades f ron-, which to choose. Price each -, $4.50 BATH MAT SETS 2-Piece Sets of deep pile or- lon, machine wa shable. Green and white. Price per set - $10.25 ob nChenille Bath Mat Sets in' olnor oval shapes, non-skid backing. Beige,, aqua, orchid, green aîîd white* Priced $5.50 to $5.95 per set BRIDGE CLÔ6THS Embroidered Tablecloths 6 serviettes to matchi. White Price per set: Size 45x45- only. $7.95 SH EET SETS, Boxed Sheet and Pillow Case sets in white with coloured trini. Priced froni $6.95 to $11.95' BOXED PiLL'OW CASES White Cotton Pillow Cases with ii l ite or coloured Floral cut-.work and -embroidery. Priced.froni per pair.............. ... $2À45 to $3.50 BA,'TH TOWELS A good on a white stock of Terry -Bath To-wels ini plain shades or floral designs background. . Rose, bluie, yel!owr, aqua and brown 79e tc- $2.95 ARMS'a LOCALNIEWS Mlrs. Coucb is 'a patient in the, Bowmaniville Hospital. Outside;- Christas decorations are begiinning to appear in some sections of the village.' The bus- iness section has again, as in the past, been transfornied with -dec- orations to provide an air of the yuletide, season. P.C.F. Burford of the U-.S, Mar- ines stationed at Camp Lejeume N.C., visited in Orono with Mr. anfî Mrs, Relit. Black. Othoi- week- '- eîeef were Mn. and Mfrs. Don Henrv and- famnilv. Can0ellford, Mr. and Mr-. Paufl Riedel. Peter- horo and Earl Nixon, Orono. Win- ston is leavine on Fridav to fly to North Dakota for Christmas with bis aunt Mrs. Fitzsimonds and Mr. Fitzsimonds. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford and Janice attended the wedding Satunday, Decemnber 5, of Frances Curran to Bnian Collingwood. Miss Heather Rutherford was bridesmaid. The double ring cer- emony was ini Chalmers United Church, Kingston and Dr. Frank-1 lin Bannister officiated. A recep- tion was, held at Prokofs after the. wedding. It now appears that at least three -Reeves wi11 be contesting the Wardenship for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham in 1965. Those in the running will be Reeve Douglas Cunningham of ANNOUNCING-Store hours for Christmas Shopping! Monday, December 14th through to Thursday, Decem- ber 24th 9 a.m. to 9 p.mexcluding Saturday and Sunday Eldon - Figure,8 Electrical 'Over and Under' Race Set - A Thriller for . $18.44 Mechanical Hockey Came ......... $9.22 Set of 24 Crayon Pencils in plastic case 88e Men's Attache Case, 3 hinges, 2 locks sturdy construction ............ $11.95 Fancy Tea Pots, priced each at'......$1.66 Set of 8 gay Fiesta Tumblers,.......$1.44 Electrie Clocks, priced at ......... $4.57 Electrîc Portable Mixer ........... $14.99 Electric Ilair Dryer, priced at...$14.99 A wide selection of Toys, Doils, Gaines, Books, Xmas Decoraions and Candies Oirono 5Uc to $1"tore- Home of the Lay-Away Plan -,Always Available -