ORONO> WEEKLY TIMES, THURIDAY, JANUABY 7th, 1965 From the Qrono Church LoknInA "TAKE YOUR TIME" is pitiless; the wanderer's tongue Memlbership cards issued at the Taken fromi a sermon preached is swollen; his eyes are blinded by1 openiing of the new Library are ty Rev. Basil E. Long. the glare of constant light; bis1now outdated and Library mem- strength is ebbing.. H1e fails ex- eshv 1n ozeitr i Old, Testament Lesson: Ecclesi- hausted and in agony, and despair Orono residents and alilchildren astes 3: 1-8; New Testament Les he says, 'I would give everything attending Public School wîll be son: St. John 9: 1-4. 1 own for a drink for unless i asked toû pay 5c for their new Týhe expression ."Take your have water I die." The value Of cards. Ont of town High School tîme" can) be used in many ways. water lias increased many times. studnswl be charged 25c 'and It is in the sense of "dlaim what whenCl we think of the purpose of Udtswl is youirs" in relationship tbo time, ite1 mn.creouth ate of town aduits $1.00. that becomnes the theme fo- oryers- life and woe outhd gi tte At the reguýflar meeting of the consideration this imorning. mucsolfte ne w hive very Orono Library Board, held on Thewrier f cceesiste s id:suefr e abirin hche' yMonday, the 4th January, 1965, the ThL ritr o Eceleiasts sid:squndeed erlil- n lfeSecretary-treasuirer, Mrs. S. J. There is a timie to be borni and Yiouth considers time andf says 3Norton reported* that 'close to time to die; tht1 ssprbnatadcn~,o.o had been spent on newl a Ltime to plJant anld a time to lie squandered. Vliddle age be- b1ookýs dingiiý, 1964. From the op-p harvest; cornles mrore co)nscions., of i ts limni-, ening of the Library in JanuaryI ia time Io li and a time to itations but stili deals rather uintil the end of last year, a total heal; loosely ithff it. Old age oaa now of 10,510 books wvere taken ont bY a timIe 'to break clown" and a look clown the corridor ot years' memibers. time to build up; iand sec the vague outine of the A sense of hmor varies s0 a tme o eep anîd atieo end ahead. The value of timie is mucli with the individual that 1 laugh; losely related to 0he age which arn somewhat hesitant in recom- a time to mourn and a tim-e to we are experiencing and to the mendi ng a 'funny' book - "Yea dance.i circumnstances thirough which wie Yea Yea" by -Angus McGill. It Surely it is truce that there is are pasing. Somnetimies very early seems that abokhawilsn ~ tie fr evrytingbutthein life vie leara that 'the expected onle reder into hlls ige leson e ned o laraisthaime is not[ to lie and thiat timie will1 leave another reader stone ealime fo i a oe limited. cold. Howwever, two or three e- eveythngthee su une fr o cntiue hebers remnarked on this particular i,ý.1 lnjefor To onlnoetheexpression of'funniy' book and 1 was encouraged e-verything. We have -10 chose nl îiow time is, used, t1he saine writer to reacl it. 1 certainly laughed and lie eaue ie os n.W mysa-S, I"-,a adreamIn 1Camle toa r haps you vwiiitoo. invest it wie o e niay thro-w 1beautifufl office build1ing with pe ctbr' hs on n away. Well liicarthe leso raiepillars and lmariestprather useless youing chap called iny Sprta1 ings ad i te r and hil bv h drwsteArthur Shields w#ho gels pushed wa s ta t nae te athle s *incipin 'Tjime bougliht and into a reporting job on thIe East Threisa lie o lat hesedsold' ". In lis dream he cntcred SoeGaet.7atStn san la the gr5iound and a timne to lihar-!- ici1 tn Gzte atSoe vest il. if 1 expeci togroirssadbeidîecute 'r ogEnglish seaside resort and the, outid, tistine fhe ea, tei rowVs of pig1eon holes and Io îhe Gazette is owned by 'the n ext oulice tistim o, te ear tencount1er came the world. First PieMnse u ee' i aîpdornc to isappointinent. came a salesmaýin woIo himselt Thîe 'ngs e er uit eve same There is a special, rilghlim re foi'hnsar ee uiete evrtu~.had said, "ytîmle on the trainplEatSo ferAhu b- or in tle aeropflane i, no good. ~It cntesat Sone naftern Arîhbe Tice New Year is slock-taking , stedsao1Iwill seli it." Tt MwascoeajonlsfOn nyhs tim. mn iiison b . second day on the paper his fîirsi tie usiness n. wiisoi b onghl and checked away in a 1toy, ppar and is followed, on going over thieir stock, assessîng pigeoiî holie. Then came1 a pro- tItirday y neaploy n how miueli they have left, how fion-al niant who said, "My much profit the mnacle aad how wif' catr strce corrections. mu3cihlas-togofo, tIc gver- impseat oeris iunhearable. AMy 1lanal l is innocence, le complet- mient. They have to give an ace- ilM w as buwtad I viii di eî. shatters bis first council mieet-, counating of tiihir usinss. e Mnycrngbuliladihcke * is sent to cover and from 1;lhiy cmeand went, se1liniag lr nee t lke tok f or ivs ~ide r orthless time, btatr on chaos sets in. At Arthnr's: rcllioshi toourlim - ot usa while they came back. The sales- sugetating th. ara ods. -er nn the îed fbuiness, not inan m camtebegn for a fewmo10:e nvlfauig~îa îo eal onsdpa, e bat lns~Arthur Ieading he, a~ei tha ve1ik~e~% do bt ~~Isales manaager's Job. Thc protes- Police Car. Nccdfless to say, h asigorsle hseqxsîo~soa ancm ladnJo takes a vrong- turn and leads the "10%actly il ivs 11 ewmr)mnts htei i i hl ass of floals, 'bands and tirn vihcli as tmin1e last yea"r? have ime lluhhs wî e betoemaces oaaiîh aro Arni I nUi alîce 0 Lr sm shc died. Each vas cagerly cen- bckalcy -mul 1the nrou- 111ee progammeus oceaedab- rctg ide unchangeaoue mai chsterniation of the waitiag crovd tveîuviat hveaccmpisedof timie-for the rccovery of tinat vio' o'tge- eea hng 9Wt and wliat 1t hoped 1Lacopusu w -îiunenad wasted. île igit-e t go e aIthink . i i-lve pad al dimsupo ~'book colcibeý macle into a very, lit pomtl o ar Istuiinai How easy it is for thc minutes amusiag movie. rears?"' In other words, did vve use our time vuseîyini relation- to slip useiessly by, or to be fi- '0f course cverythiag tuins oUli.- slip to our f amily? Did'we niave c d with fretulaess, lustie ai-id airigt in the ead. Arthur evtný turne. to lie a nîeaningtul part Q! vorry tait profit litIle. But lime marries the girlyu at i our community? Did we h1ave can be used in the way that God marry and the aýil ive hpi tinue to seek and to serve Our lhas intendcd, to the lealh and ever af 1er. God? We nmust render an acount happiness of the individual 'and Tlere. Now your don't needto ai'~-~ îii~ *~,,,. ~,.n~, ~ because there are' sixtv minutes ra l important question, '"Wlîen i sutb- mit my anlanai siatement to hie King of King, the Lord of Lite, what viii 1He say? ' Wil] He say, "Weil donc, good arnd faitfllti ser- vant, you have invested your life wisely," or viii 'He say, "You vieked servant, you have squand- ered that wliciî was given to yoti." Tirne is important. Thc value we place on time is nsually relevant to îhe age and the circumstaaces blrougli which we are passing. How does youth value time? PiuJ Spicer gives an P,' i~'e n rtot.sl) 1 waler la vhleli le points ont a set of varying, circumstanccs. Some- one cornes to your door and asks, "Will you buy a glass of vater for .50e?" You vould lie likely to say, "How ridiculous! I lave al the drinking vwater I can use. The taps arc handy and- there is no limitation. Il vould be fooiish 10 pay ' 50e for a glass of water." Because there is an ahundance the value of it isn't very great. Next, imagine we are in a hos- pital. 'We have had a serions throat, operation and the. doctor leaves instructions that vie are to have no watcr for tweaty-tour hours. We are thirsting for a drink at a ny cosl and would pay the nuxse" fixe dollars if only she w&d gi-,- 'usu a drink' Tihe value tifth îl 'rer lias increascd a great deai. This cau be likcncd t1md dieage. We know there aren'l 50 raany years betore ns, theretore tley take on more value. We go on to lthink of water iau terais. et old age and imaàginý e ne vanderiag la tice desert. Tic sun I his associates. Hovi mucli time do vie have? We don't know. Just' in every hour, we have no assur- ance that they wiiili e ours. Time wiii go on when our time is ru out and Our opportunity has pass- Florence D. Reid Co Miittees ,from page 1) 'T T.1Reeve Soeýad Cuclu T hm e L iorary Chater were appointed to me _________with _Mr. Hicks in connection wi&à Aifs demnand for $2000.00 for the the Road Committee, the Road Su- uise of the dump onbis property. perintendent and the Clerk to at- A letter was also received froiu tend the Good Roads Convention. the Bowmapville Ambulance, ask- The Reeve and Clerk were giv- ing for a financial subsidy. Mem- bers stated that they did flot a.- en authorization to sign an op- rewt the present set-up andt tion on behaif of Council for alfeit sucli a service, could be oper- narcel of JanI. 13 acres, north of ae hog h optlwt i .or tn prooed s a possibe Thfe municipalties giving assistance. for he ew ownhipgarge.TheCouncîl is, however, to send over Ioption lias been taken on the landia delegation to the next meeting now owned by Mr. L. llooey h fte muac commmittee. property is south of the Durham uac Farmer's Co-op having frontage The letter from the Ambuac both on the County Road and the Companly pointed out that if a- closed entrance into Orono. Pur- sistance was not forthcomîng they chase price in the option is $12,- would have to discontinue -service 1000.00. into Clarke Township. During the New Vear Re- cess of Parilaient I viill e plcased to attend i your home, farm, factory or place of business to discuss any matters .relnting te my du- tics as your Member of Par- liament. In order t arrange calis and avoid duplicatio'n of travel, 1 am.setting out below the days on which I vil be visiting the varlous communities ln the Riding of Durham. January 12, January 13, Bowmianville Manvers January 14, Hope January 15, Millbrook January 16, Darllngton Jahiuary 18, Orono - North Clarke, January 19, January 20, Cartwright NeWeastie Souh Clarke January 21, Cavan Durng he eces1 wilI be required to spendsoe ti-me -in iny MOtta ofý .e but generall y speaking I11 le ava~Iue to) resideiiis of Port ffope and thle Couinty ont dates other thiàýi ahove. WilI you please contact mie by telephlone or ]etter aýt 4y home, 5 More rive, Port Hlope, (Telephonïe 885-5310) RUSSELL C. HO0NEY M.P. DURHA3 Port ope igh 1Sehool ed u Ja arv2Ot cd. year.' - R eevle Stone, a!ppointed depaty- 8 P.M. Thc disciples of Jesus lad an1 reeve L. Perrault and Lloyd Ly opportunity to be with Hum as H1e ery to the Road and ]3"'dge Ccoi The parents Of puPils in Grade 8 vIeo lire in the Towin agoaized ia thc Garden duriag the mitîce. Conneillors Chater andi et Bowmanville,the Villages of Newcastle, Oriono and Miilbrook lasI tevi hours of His carthly lite Falls vere appointed as île Fia- or the Townships of Darlington, Clarke ai-d Cava, and whoýýe whenHe eedd cmpaionship ancia an Proert Comitee. sons or daughters vii lie, or may be, attending Port Hope i vhn 1e nede copanonsip.ancii ad Popely ommtic. Hgh Sehool in September 1965, are invitod to attend a speciai1 They vent wilh Hlm; they loveci Robert Chater vas appoiatcd as Parents' Night, at thc time indicnted above. The puroselato H-im, but îîcy vent to sieep vhen}the Planning ;Commiitîce vilh the meet the Staff and discuss the courses avai'oie i -'t ort Hlope Ill needed them unost. Tiielu op- f 2ei.apît'~- ~sI~oüol which are not available in Youj. local ~ -t portuaity lad passed. That lme taeCmmlc.ij__________________________________ could nol be recalled. Reeve, Stone ancl Robert CIa- ter vere appoiated to,îte Plan- tenr-ing B oard yul îlte re-appoint- 2coD This reminds of thc strre ment of Robert Simpson for a ô minder of Scripturc, "Belold, tvo ycar term. nov is thc acceptable lime! Nov Mrs. W. In ibson vwas appoint-'o is thc day of salvationl!" Every cd to tle Memorial Hospital Bd. GS tick of thee dock spoils "nov" if Chaler and Fails b îlhe Clarke we are not living. ont tle purposes Township Game -Commission. ot God. So I beg ot youi 'take your Roy Foster 10 the Ganaraska 'Ttm a ~ ~ ~M PS~ lime', flot iii the scase ot dally- Conservation.- Authority. I DL U \ U IV U U UA Ir ing tlrough lite, nor graspiag il Reeve. Stone and, Perraul to the,~ and hoarding it for yourseit, but Lake Ontario Dcvelopment Ass- U0 in a 'sense ot using lime 10 ict )citaion. Free yulh every purchase of Gasoline God's highest purpose lie fulfilled Sto)ne anud Perrault to the Orono at la yoeî. There is a lime for every- Park Boardl alon~g vili A. E.G tling- a lime 10 trust vhieh is WestIl S. Rutleri-tord, E. Samuel, -i nov a lime 10 acl, a lime tb H. AMercer and 'Miss A. Cuttll Z wail, a lime 10 resl. Iu itaail God Orme Fal th e Durham Fed- a l SV o kaovs howv lime can lc ie.tlly eration ot Agriclture. used. We canuiot lire succcsstuliy R. Cýhater L 111e lire Copmmitîe. unlcss vie seek 0on1 tle purpose ot Thc appintaie.nt o a RolU i3od and let Htimi have I-is vay laCi kanaWlfr fie a Pick uip our Free Gift Catalogue and eee adv a rfelfFre Glitscvailabl our lives. lef t over pending further investi- G Ônse h reGft vial gaio. ighway 11,5 South of Orono lan thc year vhich lies ahead of% Authorization was gîven to all IGPON 123J as, viii you "take yOur lime" la for applications for Warbie Fly 1 tsense of claiming it in ail ils Inspýctor. proper. values? Authorization vas aiso given forO