ORONO WEEKVV TIMES, THURSDAYI. JANUJA1tY fh, lMe fleceiuber 31, 1964 There are tlireethings which fi. Best Ap- seem to me to be paramouint in i iny review of the federal scenle ' in e as we close out 1964 and peer intoPoi t d S c the year ahead. I The newly elected Publie School An event of the greatest signif- Board of the Township of Clarke icance to ail Canadians is the hed a special meeting on January watershed we reachied in 1964 on inteOo Pbe Shl the subjeet of national unity. A 4hi h rn ulcSho for the purpose of opening ten- year ago Canadians were deeply dr ncnetinwt pon disturbed by the shrill cries Of dtin c Sec wtar Teaurr o th qeparatist groups in the ProvinceBad.Al ebesofte'or rf Quebec. We were even more:'or.Almmeso h or vocswere present for the meeting. disturbed by the silence of vics Si tenders were received* by cf reason and moderation which lx <r i. hetn~rn'M Peroxced oha rmta Horace Best being accepted being Provnce.the lowest tender at $1200.00. Looking back on 1964 At seems1 Other tenders were received that the visit of the Queen marked ifrom Glenholde Hughes and Mrs. the turning point fronm which we!Smith of Bowmanville, Mrs. Wil-J can now look confidentally for- ison, Clarke Township, Mr-. Bar-i wax-d. The %-isit of H1-er \Mieýsty' chard of Newcastle ani Mr-. Paul was the signal for Quebec voi)ces McMackin of Clarke Township. 1 ;uch as Premier Jean Lesage and Ihe nîglnest tender price was Creditiste leader Real Caouette to set at $4000.00- speak out in support of 'Canadian The ,ioard will hold their inau-1 gnity and to denounce the irre- gau4aî meeting at tnie Orono Pub- sponsible elements who would de- iÂC scniooi tnscoming Monciay ev- stroy Canada by removing one Of ening. hier integral parts fromn Confeder- ation. Even a renegade such as Rene Levesque, who a year ago, CHRIISTMAS SEAL was a volatile and unknown quant- 1IETURNS LOW ity on the question of national The figures to date for the an- unity, has confix-med his faith in nual Christmas Seai campagne of Confederation and the place of tue N orthumlerland-DuÉhami TB Quebec in the Canadian nation. and Health Unit, are vex-y xueh This change in 1964 has been lm-1 below what they were at this perceptible and unspectacular but'time last year, Mrs. Margex-y Pew- it gives us cause to look fox-ward tress, executive secretary of the with much more optimism than asoiainaouedtiwek was the case a year ago. - It is hoped, howýever. she said, Secondly, it is apparent that that following the second followx- Canada can lookk fo-ward to a con- up coàmnunication.s, to those h tinuance of econoic expansion In 1965 wich will have as its base the solid year of proggress we have ,"chieved in 1964. 0f particular signific-ance is the increase in oufr national budgetax-y position which, ini the first six months of this fiscal yeax-, produced a surplus of more thian S400,000,000., While the preseInt economi c boom g-i-es ev-, eýr, indicetion of- being self-suis-' Gord(on'5s 1965 budget to see if lie will give the economny an extra imipetus by annqtuncing tax cuts. If such action can be justifi'ed by, our budgetary position thre cuItsý would probably include taxes a both the consumer and the cor-! porate level. Increased dollars iii thé pocket of the taxpayex- resuit- ing fromi such cuts would have a1 marked effect in increasing con-i sumer demnand as well as encour-1 agfing a capital expenditure pro- 1 gram'in Canadian business and in-j dustx-y which will far surpaqss any-1 thing we have seen to date. I will have to close this report on- a pessimistic note because as, hýave, as yet, not made theiéjr con- tributions fo>r the seals received, that the deficiency will be more than made go-id 1 gaze into 1965 i see the possibil- ity of anothier federal election. Such an event is at the bottomn ofi my list of things I would person- ally like to see happen in 1965.1 by mnost Canadians. H-owvever. we must face the fâct that for the Iast two- yeaxs our country has had a inority government in Ottmwa. While the govexnment is not blamieless, and'I do not make any attempt to place ail the blame on the opposition, the fact remains that the government has, been faced at evex-y stop by a determin- ed opp)psition which could, by com- binixtg its forces at any moment, cause tjhe defeat of the govern- ment. This is not a good ams pheré in which to conduct the na- tion~S business and it may have toi be rsve ne way or the otherj in the year ahead. * w INTER'S FOR RENOVATING AND CLEAN UIP JOBS WIIEN MEN AND MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE SUPPORT YOUR WINTER EMPIQYMENT CAMPAIGN Cali Youir Local 314 Simcoe St. South, Phone 728-4631 LOCAL N W The Noxthway Restaurant, on Highway 115, south of Orono, op- enedo Mond ay for business un- der new management. M- n Mmr. Floyd Post are now operating the restaurant. Prior to the x-Oopening the rest- aurant was completely redecox-at- ed. Mr. Fred Truil spent 'Christmas and New Yeams with his dau'ghter Mrs. James Canning, Mr. Canning and family, Oshawa., Mx-.' and Mrs. Phil Long and Todd, Mrs. Oda Laing, Toronto, Mx.. Ciff Long, Peterboro, Mr-. and Mx-s. W. A. Long, 'Darlene, Sheryl and David, Lakefield were Christmas guests at the Manse. Mrs. B. Long, Mr. a.nd Mr's Phil Long and Todd spent Christ- mas Eve with Mr-. and MHrs. ~i Jones, Ennismore for a surprise birthday paxty for Mr-. Clifi' Long. Miss Melba Polley, Toronto, -pent New Yeax-s weekend with Mr-. and Mms. Don Staples and family. Mrs. N. Porter, Mr-. and Mx-s. Carl Billings visited on Sunday with the formerýs lexother Mx-. Jim Oliver, Bobcaygeu(on, Dinne - guests on N\ew V ears Day with -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bill- in.gs were Mr-. and Mx-s. George Cole, Mx-s. Rowena Sherry, Miss Lois Sherry, 11r. Jack Archer, PortHoe Miss Audrey Billings, Mr-. Bill McNaul, Oshawa; Mr. and Mx-s. AVex Watson, Mrs. Neil Port- er, Mr. Wayne Bailey, Miss Carol Little, Mx-. Carl Kimmett, Miss UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Miniister Rev B. E. Long Orono - 11:00 a.ni. Leskax-d - 2 p.m. SUNDAY SCROOL Orono - 10:00 am. Kirby - 2:00 p.m. Leskard - 10 a.m. Lynn Bailey à-id Mrs- 1{larry Bail-i SOIL, CROP UNIT TO MEET ey. paes ceue Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham and . Two sekesarc,vedue i Terv etured orn on hurdayaddress the annuml meeting of the rry returnedhMe n Thrsday dDurham County Soil and Crop In~- frmt GogiMr ngstMn.Bud provemrent Association in the O0(0- Burettof ingtonspet the fellow's Hall at Orono this Thuiv- New Years weekend with them.da.Mrngadfenons- The festivities, of New Year's siofslS Il be held. Eve weïre celebrated looally with George MeLaughlin of Beav er- house parties which were numer- ton, who is'noted for his interezst ous in thle Village. The only group in farm problems, will speak on organization party was that of the farinm managermýnt, with reference H-i-C's which was held in the to agriculture on the British Isles Church basement. iwhere he visited last suxnmner. A window- full of Artificiai Flowers, ail at Reduced Prices.' Lined Plastic Drapes, 72X84 .... pair 99e Car combination long hândIed Whisk and Scraper. eaeh only ............ 27e Window Ice Scraper, each... ..... .9c Children's Snow Shovels ........... 1.59e BysKnitted Toques ....... «........79e B3oy\SKnitted Helmets, 3, to 6 ....... $1.39 Boy ',s Winter Bats, fit ail sizes .. $1.98 Elfin Floss M1ohair Wool, 42c hail, Priced at............ 3 for $1.17 ýNylon Seamless Mesh, 2 pr. and a spare 94,c Coke Tumblers, regular 2 for 15c. On Sale for... ............ 6 for 33e Hlead and Shoulder Shamnpoo, jus'. in .89e Cadbury Chocolate Bars, Sale .. 6 for 49c Or1ono 5c t "Where Variety is~ an Actuality9y I LADIES COATS 1 only, dressy car ceýai charcoal wooj ihge fur ollr ad gey orlon pile linfing, size 12 Regular $24.50 SALE PRICE - $19.50 1 only, Black Wool Flannel Coat witth grey quilted Iining,' dressy style with Persian collar and belted front, size 12. Regular $21.00 now on sale for $16.95 ionly, grey wool iaminated Coat with Leo- pard pile lining, taîlored style, size 12. Reg-ular $21.00 on sale for...... $6.95 1 only, Ski Jacket with hod, prinied floral design with blue!,predominat-ing, size large... Regular price $17.95 on sale for ..$13,95 GIRL'S JACKETS 7 only, Reversible Ski Jackets, printed on one side, plain on fother. Hood concealed in colla r. Brown, red aind blue predominating, size 8 to 14 years. Regular $9.95 on Sale'for only - $7.50) 3 only, Laminated '-Car Coats, warmly lined, green only. Sizes 8, 10 and 12 years., Regular price $9.50 on Sale for ...... $6.95 SALE 0F MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Cotton Flannel Work Shirts, good qualiiy, checked designs with blue, green or red predominating. Sizes small and medium., Regular $2.95, Your .Choice for ..... .9 ARMSTRO)b-ý>,,,,,