Orons VOLU-ME 27, NUMBER 1 WRNOIEEKILY TIMES, THURSDAV, JANUARY 28th, 1965 H. M. Mercer Heoý-.d'sMrAdN.ofa Police Trustees For 965lP'sdnt0 The Orono Police Trustees held t1erfirst meetinge of the year on 'odyevening wvýith H. M. Mr rerliairm-an, presidling oveýr the 1n the correspondence a letter w,,as received fromi the La -e On- ,:-#io »evelopment Associatonr je- ferring te the fart that the Associ- allenwul distribute brochures of he nuniipaliiy free of charge~ Sthree sportsmen shows. 'The letter is to be referred to the habrof Commerce. A letter of thanks was aise re- ed,ýved fromn Mr. Paxton, principal iïf the Orono Publie School, ~hnigthe Board for the use of ixe Municipal Building as a gym. During the winter months the sehool will Lot be using the hall s they Fil!1be using the rink. Mr. H-. Hooey in a letter asked gcer an ine(ýrease in the yearly re- muneration for garbage remioval iii Oroino. R. Forrester moved that the su'm be increased fromý $1,500.00 itô $1860.00 on the cn dainthat garbagýe was picked u on rhe day set. out. D. Simpson ýrntved 'an a'mendment setting the j~ieat $1800-00. The chairmn uconded the motion with al 1.rustees supporting removal of 7garbage on thje day it is set out. R. Forrester reported that ten fiýrms had te date securred plans fr tendering on the inst.allation «f, a water systemi in Orono. it asnot known how.ý many wouild s-ubmit bids which will be opened h7 Toronito on February 4th. it %vas also pointed out that tende-rs' for the stand pipe would be op- ened iii Toronto this Thur-sday. .fterneon. Douglas Simfpsenp questionedl hef act of havin'g, the extension of the wateri systemn to Cu-rv-plyýiii-1 dluded] in the originjal contract. ,.This," lie. said, "had' not been the original decision when it was to, be an addition after the con- Lract Lad been let." B0ith R. Ferrester and H. M. Mercer point- ed ejut that the O.W.R.C. had at, their last mieeting- recommnendedl tixat the extension be hanidled iný Lhcý manner of including itlin tieý -üriginal contract. it has also been «fý,ïced in the plans in a wvay Uiat it Can bc removed if it puts the tedrbid over the maxiiumn. Mr. Simpson also asked who, was going' Vo pay the $4000-00 for this extension? With this quiestioni ae lngh djiscuission) develoiped on Setinc plcy tohanie such cases whch ma î a inot only iiwbut i tefutuire. This polîicy isý to be set forth prior to the'jr- .~tlainof the works. D. M. Simpson reported that the fire hiall doors had been re-in-1 Our rýegular meeting was held Munoiday evenin-g, January 25, ùn the Christian Educatien Building. Our attendance was taken with 18 mentbers present and again 2' new mem-bers, Sandra Gibson and' Beverly Tennant. Mis. Milîson led us in our de- votional period and then Marge Taggart read from our study book "Crash Landîng". This was en- joyed by ail present. Marilyn Taliiblyn gave the sec- retary's report and then ourl leader Mrs. MiWson introdueed our guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. Doug. Powell. MIrs. Po well gave us a very ini- teresting ta],' on "How our Juniior Congregation in Chrc i per- atd"Our C.G.I.T, girls ake turns eaýci Suinday to look. after hie boys amd girls whule their par- en1ts are 'n Church. Mris. Powell then led u's- in siligsomne of our favourite The mneeting closed with lunch and 'taps, N0 Change Dale Challice At Si. Savioors Action wý,as letVin abeyance fol- lowingý a re-cent general mneeting (f f "'Avul.qjft '.lulFu 'liby Oron CçlîpIes Club exe- cutixe me o'i hursay eenini tf~ak planls for the New Year. The-olwn is te slaVe of of- Presclet -Nora and Aiex S.~retry 1Rthy, and Charles Al ntog Treaaur r Fan and Marvin Lunn. Soial omitte Bob and vIMuenJhsu Matt and- Nel] Sne-',eis, Don, andi Jeanne Staples. Lunl'ch' Comittee - Les and Gfladys Aslett, Pauil and Simone Gro0envýelId. Thýe mnembership list s were re- vised and divided nogthqe ex- ecuivewo will caîl their group to announre each mppetiniz A satig prtywill be held on Thursdiay evcninig, January 28 at 9 o'(jfclck a t thie Orono Rink. Gamles wiilI bc providied for those who, do flot skate and lunch will be 's2eedin, the Christian Educa- tion ulig The meeting was call-ed to discuissi the Pre-sent Pli-lit of the churcýh which records very f ew in attend- ance' at the weekIy Sunday serv- ices. The meeting ltook no action ini determiýning the future of the, weely ervce.However it is In- tended to further decide what- ion to take i.f any. 21r. W. J. Caldlwell was electedj the 'congregation of St,' Svou' a warden of ,,!e Church i lowingý Anglican Ghiurch when the futurelthe reinto f r oert: r-Ole üf the Church was dliscuissed.1I Morton. D-.onald Staples Elected Pei dent Drýurham Agricultural Fair SThe Durhamn Central Ag-ricul- tural Society held their annual meeting on Saturday, January 23rd ia the Township Hall with about thirty present. The meeting- received the f inani- cial statement of Vhe organization and also heard reports 'freinVIeý variouis committees Who were lu charge of, Vhe numerous andf di- versified exhibits. The new slaVe df otticers and direetors was aise presented Vo the meeting -whîcl was adopted. 1 MrÉ. Donald Staples was elected president of the fair board for a two year enin. Dr. R. J. Taggart was elected lst viêe-president with the office et second vice-presi- dent b eing lefttopen un il a fu- stalled as they had noV been func- îur,10date. Venîng pîoperlyý. The total cosi of Directors Vo the Board are as opr tiu Ic ire, department dur- follows: F. Jose, C. Tamblyn, W. în!g thle ear was $3,291.00. The E. Reid, L. Pears, J. Moffat, G. B. budgflet set for the departmnent lad ikrBTnK.WoROs ben$3000-00. bread B.TinkoK. WoR s Mi.J. Rickaby was appointed bonn G asn te Ie Orono Library Board for a Aso.ciate directors are: L. AVehi- twoý Yeaî period iand a sum M son, C. Billings, B. Cowan, John $~4689 as lloted o Vc BardCruikshank, R. Cliater, D. Found, irepresenting a eue miii îcvy1 on L. Hooey, L. Harris, J. H. Jese, he isesm nuOrno. IA.Jakeman, A. Moffat, O. W. te1 _M 0er e i cmite Rolph, J. W. Stone, J. Riclard, for thie year, appointing D.' M. Ross Stevens and A. L. Blanchard. Simpon V th tir deartmnt, Lady directors electcd were the side-walks and street lighs.R saine as last year being; Mrs. C. F4oireter o waVer, library an(d Billings, Mrs. G. Carson, Mis. AIL beautification. H. MI. Mercer will L. Blanchard, ýMis. M. H. Staple s, Vaike over .VhcMuicpa Building MIrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. H. Jose, Andl the Village roads. Both Simp- and Mlrs. Wm. Irwin. son and Forrester were appointed The assistant Lady Directors Volu uptebdgtwt al are Mis. I. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. E. îhi'mmer o nesiate set-IlReid, Mrs. H. E. Milîson, Mrs. D. tiïng irui a Public Utilities Vo Hamin, Mrs. D. Bailey, Mrs.. Ted IandII e ail services lu O;ron l- williams, Mvrs. G. Riekard, Mrs.t cuighydre, water, garbage and A. E. Morton,. Mis;. J. Cruickshank otherwok Mrs. R. G.Mffat, Mrs. D. Staples, The ecrtar was in'structed Vo MYrs.W mn. Reid, Mis. C. Taimi-bln, wvrite the DIepartinient t L i oMs.J C. Tambn,)l Mis. E Bowen was requiestiig wa progress Mrs. Clare Alia, Mlrs. Robert Se had been madïe lu planning theyes Mrs. Robert Rutherford, revision t te ntaneslae rs. K. Woed, Mis. L. Hooey, Mrs1 onom. G. Watson, Mrs. Jack Reid, Mrs.1 A. Turner and Mrs. F. Jese. Botil George Carson, as Fair Maniager and Mrjjs. John "Rickapd, as secretary -treasurer, were i-e- hlired for the 1965 erni. Thc Gi-cen Amusement Comn- pany lias been hired Vo pro-vide tle midway entertalumnent for the 1965 p:air in Oreno. The general opinion of those pr'esent vwas Vo VIe fact, that the fair wais an excellent eue in 1964 and was weillilu hue Vo become a claSs 'B' f air. Mr. Francis Jose, VI'e retiring (Coutinued page 6) 1i .1 A poem was read by Mrs. A. Watson. An appropriate selection "Behold a Stranger at the Door" was sung by Mrs. W. Irwiai and Mis. C. Wood àaccompaaiedl by iMrs. W. Cobbledick at 4he piano. Mrs. Taxnblyn in conciLusior terred Vo a Missionary Door. Ini Mafthew 25, verse 40 Jesus said "In as much as ye have done il unt.o meecf the least of Vlese, my brethien, ye have done it unto A prayer ývas offeîed for Mis. sionaries in foreign lands who arej J. Stone Elected To Road Comision Reeve John Stone etfîle Town- slip et Clarke waàs elected Vo the Ce-unty Road Commiiisýsiýin aithe recent session et Coun.., Ceuncil. The ein efthîe appeintint is for foui years. TIc position was also contested by Mr. MeGilI etf Cavan Township wlo was unsuc- cesslni lu lis bld for thîs appoint- ment. i S nts n Evolutio Dr. Clarke of the University et Toronto paid bis second annual visit Vo, tIe Clarke Higli School on Tîursday evening wkere he spoke Vo students of grade thir- teen both frein the Bowmanvillc and Clarke HigI Sehools along With seome staff members. Dr. Clarke spoke on the scien- tific Vîcoîy of evolution, a study whidh las been projected back- wards into the origins of the solar systeiu and man. He said informa- tion bas over tIe yeaîs been ob- taiued frein Astîo-nomy, Physics, Gelogy and other sucli related subjeets. The heory, lie teit, was quite plausible and pointed eut ihat todlay s3ome of Vhe theories on certain stages et evolution have beeu r iecieated lu the laboràtories. 1Thie speaker established the or- ig f etthe solar systern back V o a pîo soine four and a haiftVo tiebillion years ago. ÀAV this ine VIe sun cxisted as a hot balef hydirogen gas. Eddy currents1 continually removed some eftVhe ozone appeaîed1, toîmed by VIeý gas which created thIe aitl and combination et.)fwateî, aîmnia, Go1ther planets, etc. lu VIe solar sy-methanc, treated by ultraviolet stem,. liglit andfute energy froele- As île temperature et the ly- ectrical storis. This stage las drogen gas cooled it began Vo now been îiýodcýucted repeatedly stratisty with tIe heavier mater- in thele aboratories. Fac Vs lead ials galning the central po6sition.ý scicntists Vo believe that similar At this time the outer atinosphere conditions now exst on the planet waàs still lydrogen. The centre et jupitcr. the earth first solidified but as The appearance Mt Oceanir wat- the centre increased la size it ci and carbon eofinethane set VIe built up pressure creating heat stag e for round two «f ,Vie seven and las turned île centre ot the perlodis outinied by île speaker. eaith Vo iquid. iýn this state it Glai-hlas the ability et joinlng exists today, stated Di. Clarke. wvitl anything. Sugar and fatty Dr. Clarke pointed eut tl&t acids appeared and aleng wtl hydrogen was VIe key te the tin- other elements started the pro- ot ex enis as ht was mosi nabund- grcss te building purines and'pyr- asti and snust reactive. imidines. This action continued Wii fu-ler oohnget Ie y-to larger -and larger, molecules drogen there began Vo appear lu ami with île fats producing energy Vhe outer nantle traces et waDter, aud membrane and with thc pro- ammionia and methane. Fite tein enzymes exceleîating the ac- eo.ling soliditiced these ceementsîtien ... - lite becomes a cerVaixity. whicl dropped te île earti. It Dr. Clarke tison outlined the waq . his sc+nze *hn* +the fis 1 1 (flntinued Dnre 6 was 0 ai.mi stet0o L me .4A ii .a±siu ýý,,VLitliluuu 'Udè;e U) i[ Coloured Flm Sko.wn At UCW General Meet Orono U.C.W. held their Gen- giving of their time and very lives >_ eral meeting on January 2lst in to brinig Christ Vo these people 9the main auditorium of the church and to open the doors of, their with a good attendance. hearts to accept Thee. The President, Mrs. W. Irwin Mrs. W. Irwin conducted the commenced the meeting with business of the meeting, minutes houghts on the Year land expres- were read and approved and rol sed hanks to everyone Who par- cail rsoddtoI by Units. ticipated in 19641, after repeatingý Treasurer's report was given by thfle UL.C.W. Purpose she antici- 7rs A. Diariond lu the absence pDated VIhle Saille enthunsiasm and of Mrs. A. Meill. Mrs. R. Logan, .rsso'165 orrso dn Sýecretary, read re- A hymn Sadn tteP~tlPis~o ad ent. Jof thOpening Year'- was sung Mrs. B. Liong ;explained a piro- wifih Mrs. A. Drummond, at the 'lcw ichtei Unit are sponsor- piano.ing iii the for.m ot a Birthday The Devotional was arrangedCaed. and presented by Unit 2., Mrs. M. UiJt 6 are arranging a St. Pat- f'ýamiblyn continued the theme on ick's tea in March. "Building, a House" comparing it. On Feh. luith Oshawa Preshyter-. to the Spiritual lit e. The medita- ial Convention will be held in tion 1was "Jesus the door to Sal- Simcoe, St. Chus ch, Oshawa. The vation". Behold I have set before Éneme will be 'ýThe Whole Arm- Thee an open door, and 'nuo uani ur of God," can shut it. Rev. Long conducted the la-, Mrs. Irwin read a selected pass- stal iation of officers sud speke age of, scripture f romi the' third woras of wisdom to those accept- chapter of Revelations. lLlg office. A beautiful, coloureci film 91 Mrs. M. Tamblyn continued Trinidad was presenrted showing 1,tating: The Bible speaks of many the progress of Cbristianity and c1o3rs, there is the door of the edlucation made on that' island,. sheep foldi, frequently used in Rev. Nee-hall a Presbytermian pgrables and illustrations to show Minister i is esae expaine God's protection and care. the w-ork they are atten-pting te There is the open door 6f the acecmplish,' one could readily de- sepuichre p-icturinug o us the tect the amnazing advancements risen Saviour and oui Hope of'nmade dute to bis Ch-ristian leader- "Eternal it4e. ship and influence. Maay persons talV o he Sceýnes of beauty were presented dorof their heait to the Crist, showing the growing of citrus they lock and bar the already ýfruLits and sug-ar cane refineries. closed1 door. They do not realize Trinidlad has one of the largest oil the trulth . Nowv is he accepted refineries in the British omxo. tiie,, behold now is the day o )t ve*,lth. The fili was brought Vo sahvation. Jesuis stands at the dor a fittiug climiax b a ,rou~p sin- waiting patiently for uis to open ing Uo the Huiis.", it an111(let 'Hum into ouir hearVts. Mrs. Irwîý,n extended Vhlanks Vo- The followin, speakers discuss- Rev. Long, for his kind miessage, ed seme oGf these deors: 0 f encouiragemnent fexpressed te Hospýitab)le Door commnents giv- our, U.C.W. The mi-eetiig closed en by Mrs. W. Riobinson. with repeating the B1eniediction. Door of Faith - Mrs. L. Hooey. A social time was enjoyed and Door of Hope and Oppo tunity Mrs. C. Billiags expressed appre-, MIs.H Barlow. 1 ciatien Vo Unit 3 for serving re- Door of Lips - Mms. A. Lunn. Çreshinents.