ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, TBIJ! O7RONO WEEKLY TIMES FeabEshed in 193S by R. A. Forrýester R(y C. Forr.ester - Edilor aid Manager Pul iecery Tbursday at the office of pub1icýatloe ManSree, Phoine 101), oron, _unrrio (A&utbhOrized as ScondCla(1cas m-ail, Post ffice Dclpaftment, (,ttL-ava) SuJb-acription paya,-blýe 'n advance AnCaaa$5 In U.S.A. $2.50 Mulhr0 he Canadian Wee,?kïy -New3paper Asc.' Meec f 1the ntarlo Weekly Newspaper Assoc, -0ound Poki At the recenti inaugural meeting of the new Town- ship Area Puiblic School Board the Inspeetor, C. A. Ilolmes, pointed out certa1in dirýct-ions to 'the Board which in bis opinion shoufld be followed. H1e outlnined tat the Board members should flot become associaîed dijrectly as inidividuals with certain set policyv and to carry out adm~inistration. 11e feared that sehcols and here pointed out that the Board was elected to direct association with an individual school or schools W*ï'ld narrow the sehool of thought of the members. H1e fu rther statedi that in this alone there was a big job to be 0_Dïom'. We must agree with the Inspector on this l5int for the day is pasýt ,when members of any Board have their time taken up with tivial operational happenings such as paper towels ln the di:spenseýr or bCroken windows.. These jobs can certaIlVehnldb the, staff of theBoard and the care. The ew Bardha a great challengre ahead of thern lu ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý th il fbteigo ducation in this area. This is a 0)Job1 roel ndm duîwilrequire mucli searching and orwad tinkig. ne may look for greater change comng s aresli f t~erecent sbake-up in the Provincial Depaîmen ofEducaton and in tlîese changesthe Board muathe hieb h~ esuficient time tc- kecp pace with them., Il s iteestngto note ta the policy outlined by th Iseco i ue x eesewihis now ln effect wîthn th Duram lstrit Hîh Shool Area. 'The High Seoo Bar hs etup five. local separate co,,,Pmmttees wbib aniiisîr he ffairs of each individual hh chool in te aea.Thi canolbut heip lead bo secton_,al thinking and essn cotinitythro)ughout the area. The Ispectr, aso at the inaugural meeting, directed thought tow aavle hc we nehieve would have great ment. his poicywol0d be one of bringing- grades 7 and 8 to acenralseho1 o seools in the T'ownship. Tbis would in Cark's aestot possib]y., three sehools teaching grads 7 nd 8aîon, wih ttheer g î ades. The smaller achols her ony afew students are in these two upper grade woul thencas teac-hing ,aIt his level. Suich a policy woud lsse th lod o th on-rom tachrsand give mor emhass n tachngthose studnt preparing, for Althogb i hasnî ye been statedI publicly by the Dep~rmenî we eel herel bbe furî-her change in our acoo sstm.Te ,amalgamiation of the I31oarýds, W e feel, was buitt lte fistep. This inL seif does not improve educaion hîcb li the prime purpose, we would hope. Langer chool-uitsad area supervising principals, will be a fact anid thegoenet will force the issue by the set-up ofteigrnsyem dua iolike eery frm of business must keep Sir inson hurchili _A wman Ofsteth courag,?e and inspira-tion has pass- ed from nithe iface of Éibis ert.Sir Winston VChuirchili, how- ever live(s (on, in the,(,symbn_ýols which. hebas lefi, not only fitte pope4f nganut also the people of the world. Sir 'Wlnston wa he giýant among leaders of a world intuoi and pae a position whicb will be held ln bis nae fo ýr (eternity- Ou geateat admiration of this man was the ability lie bad b Inispire courage and strength. His use of words stired niot oiyis countrymen but also those througboaut Tbis man des-erves the most prominent place in the hîstry of tis era. Thiere ,sis îore ha a hint of statesmansbip in the annonceentmad byPreierJohn Robarts of Ontario that Ihis proince i e fuli participant in the Canada PenionPla, wenit cornes mb ffct. While he and his govermentfindsomepoins inthe lan 10 \vbich îhey hav obectons thirdecsio 10comitthe province to partciptio ba hen mae o th stonggrou~nds that sucha nep wuldbe amo towrdsproucing a greater Tusa'iou'cemnî as nswredthe speculations- aand 1-ufa !o tOnaio ig t otout of'the Canada Durham Beef Farm--rs Disuss Marketin Thle Durh am CunyBeef.-Pro-! lie, Presidfent of ithe Onltar-lo Beef ducers fheld theiranualmeeingimproveet Association. Mr. aOono) on TedaJanuay 9Beti l lcoerto(f)mfr _ib ood attend-ance 0of pro- luitheStaynerar-ea wh ene they duesfrom throughou-ýLt te cou - areiatthe peettmkee ing ty. The day was a new ventunie in 1300 hecad 0,f beef cattie at ounel that lu addition to their annua-l lime. 1eliaied the op)eration ieeting wbich was beld in Ih-e ofis farmi with bijs brothler, forepat of theaflerinon, the idpoin ti upthe vanlouss manage- co-operate with the Extens ion ment ph ),ases such as the punchase i3ranch of the Ontario Departmient of lvestock, cno(PPing program, of Agriculture for Durham County healtb and ovenail sales and man- mn planning a day with the head- agement. The thanks of the group ng, Beef Bniefs. were expnessed by Mr. Bey. Gray Temorning program startc.ld A metn f utereat to beef promptly ai 10:00 ar.n. wth a filmnpýJý(1Sthogotteae being shown entitled, "The Ob- probuersthrughoî e reao vious Choice." Ibis film de.pitedwtlehedateDprmnto the purcLase of ai herd, sire point- Arcluç i sy Tuesdlay,, îmîg up the impor tance ofd record March 23r'dw1n)M. D.0. Gibb, of performance. In the film, the AgiuturalEnierg Special- famevas shown, two good type is> n n e.AnlFr Mangemnt Specialist from buWlis but when progenytesting ngtuwl e îcsigbe camie mbu the picture, it poiaited n,ý,og wmthbecnrcao Ie uthat one bull was fan suipenior dfeettpso osn.Ay t e oher. o ;eintre-sted ilu Ibis wiil be wel- Thle Lguct speake.r for bbc ome ith-at meeting. moingpoga a r. George Aruod, Frm MnageentSpec lialiat fior bb eOntario !Departmîent of Arc le in ,Brighitoný. Mn,1Fa. Arnold disussedthe econom!iies of j ' prodvuction lubbciei yphases of co-al pration1s, the feeding NewsRoundup feein. le is tI "Rap", the gavel sounded on up pnbie fo te farmra ndthe o-pering of the ]Durhamr Coun- lmadthe wor luactul csb y Junior Farmers arnnual meet- stud if hey ere ua1ngcîtie Wednesday 2th, by the for~~~~~~~ thronfri h hnso rsdent Mrs. Marie Tamblyn. the grou wer expessed by 3Mn- First On bbc agen a's the JhRikdpeiiennt of tbe as- Cositution ameu -'1dmentS,, ten soito 0U.Ann-old. ceto ofnew -fiers; FolongIe noon luncheo,,)i thc~~~~ Beflýro~e~Anu1al electdwî o ane -Harvey Malc m, eme i RyStnong, Beb UyCartwrîgb - eilWenny, stoc; Hoe - ey GayPorti Corniis, Tyine, hiip Seat Enalak'ili;en. Other olficers iete during the day, wene John ichr Past 1Presid;ent; Harvey -aUom Presîent;Bey. Gra, la Vce prsdu;A.O. DîymlAgni-i cultural Re,-presentative, Secrebaryý Deeg !e ; the Ontario Beef 1mproF(ve-menit -Aýssociation were of- ficjiaidlgt John Riekard with wibhadtt',Rsel sou and Ed. Rtvn Thene 'was some discussion of future pnojects and il was sug- gested Lthat a beef bus tnp be held, pnobah,)ly lu anlyMarch, top points of inerstlucentral and wsenOntalo. A imeeting of thetoff>iciai directors will beýý held on Thursday, Fehruary il a:t 1:15 p.m. lu the Deparîm n f Agýriculturiîe Board Roon irlu Bow- nanvi]ke. Theguet peaiker for the aller.- ioÀprgh wa'- Mn. Rosas et HOEHEAT H S ERe C leluemir: Don Weiln Pr11ess eotr m .Tm Jin Coomes Don Riekard,Ma garet Shack'ýelton. Hope: Ruth Marvin,Kahrn ýMelloîni John oghn Manver-s: RalphHesiDan Srnith. Clarke: Linda Greenwoood, Dc Rutherford, Terr-y Tomînluson, Carwriht:Keith Baker. , Jný Byca, Dae Frew. r.A. O.Daym1 urm tive, showved a film on unio Famractivities, Éthen gv short î alk on dtp fcu ~ Then nw ponns vrVr setdfor stýudybyte eme Theefoe iha nw11 eut old and new mmesji o reassurd y ssstnc fomMn Daîrymple and theDeamntf Agriicuiltu're staff and wýith uds programa o, (f ne-w and idera' abouýtili the futurewekyat ice)itladds Uvp 10 be a nc ppledclub 'for "65." Wm. J.Tmino Adverf s SPE CIAI (ï5INT 12 oz. Can Lathe; Saunpo1 o l 9 ST TTSPhrmc OI}9N0, ONlT. PHlONE 16M Bo)wmanville W~D.- UR. -FR1.- SA. -JANUARy 27, 28, 29, 3 January 1 tFJru;y2 Re-opens 1February 28 ..... ... .... ...... .... . . -04