ORONO WEEKLY TIM4ES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28tb, ilm Orono Hockey Notes With 'the weathermnan at last co- .p,ý,eratinig the Orono hockey teams aýre seeing plenty of action on the j-The three minor teamns play- ,rlg out of Orono Saw their Share Af play during the past week. The mighty Atoms played three games dmring the period gainiig aWin, a tic and a lose. On Wednesday night the local 'boys went doýwn te defeat at the adsof the Bowmianville Bomb-1 e:rs by a score of -1-0. Friday evenin'g the Atorus were host ta the Bowmanville Royals with both tLeams scoring f ive goals aipiece. Bcth Ted Robinson and iBrian Garden scored On tWo occa-1 siens wifih Briaa Black scoriflg the other Orono tally. Assists went to Steven Cox, John Gilbart, Craig Tennanl and Stephen Boyd, Davd Luxon an.d Mark Carmail. The Orono Atoins becamne giant sýlayers on Saturday when they de- feated the Bowmnanviile Giants by a score of 3-1. Ted Rebinson, Steven Cox,, and Bri;an Garden were the Oronio goal scorers. Assists went to Brian Black, Ted ~Robinson, Steven Cox an~d Wilfred Lairry Luna, whio recently has- ,aken over the duties of net imid- ing for the Atoms, turned in ex- cceptional gaines la ail three out- ings. PEEWEES VISIT CANNINGTON The Orenoý PeeWees travelled to Cannringtoa on Saturday where t;hey played in a PeeWee tourna- ment. This tourna-ment was the first action thie PeeWees have ta- ken part in so f ar this §eason. This, however, did not hamper them- from .itaking a victory on the first game of tne series whcn they defeated Caaaington by a ýscore of 3-1. This victory placed the local boys in the second round wýhen they were defeated by Cold- ivjater by a score of 9-1. The win in the first game off gol yBill Robinson, Harvey par-tner and GLerry Murphy. In the second gzame Dean Cox netted the blanzgo-al for rono. The PeeWîAees play Saturday night in Orono when they host a teain fi-m 11Bowmaniville. BANTAMS UNDEFEATED The Orone Bantams are current- Jy proectixzg an unbeaten. record resulting in a win and~ a tie over the week-end. Their first victory camne over a team fromn Bowmanville by al "score od 8-4. Double goals were scored by Erie Duvýaîl, Deug Tay- lor and Steven West with single ,counters by Neil Allun and Stevený Black. Satuird'ay nighit the O-reno crew again returned to thle jc to share the honeiurs f thie game with Neiwcastle in a feture that went louir gols for each teama. Steven West turned the 'hat trick' for Orono with three goals with the other counter by -Neiýl Allia. CARMhlAN Phone 148 Orono Point Once A Busy Aiea The bay and point in Darlinig- ton Provincial Point that were namied after Col. R. S. McLaughlin recently were at one time a busy centre ia the Oshawa district. George Farewell, a 93-year-old resident of Oshawa, says he, can remeiuber wh.en the bay held six ships waiting to unload their car- goe and the point was once part of a 60-acre farm. "Myy father, George," Mr. Fare- well said, "was captain of The Margdala, a, schooner, which used to trade between Oswego , New York and Oshawa. They used to take barley ever ta the States and brin'g back coal la exohange.' The barley was used to makeý beer." "The ships also traded up la the other lakes and had ta use horses to go throughi the Welland Cana. The length of these trips ail de- pended on the wind." Mr. Farewell, also siad he could remiember when the point andý bay were favorite gathering places for the people of Oshawa. They usecd to hold concerts down then,,e and the people would bring p)icnic lun~ches and spend the day. The bay and point named after the pioncer Canadian auto buder are to "commemorate the achieve- ments o'f the industrialist and phiianthropist. 7 IdaSA DOLLA.R FEATURESl! Save u! 20-oz. Tins Dil Monte Fancy IFruiCocktail 3for$I Save Iv! 25-ft. Bolls Fo ap3ftor$1l Save11v! 1-lb., Cello Dol Mnte Large Save ',Oc! 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