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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WI1~fIT-RqDY JANNUA,'&I. - Fr-cmi Orono United ChTÙie .. 1You6an'tGoPIlAtoe "YQU CAN'T GO IT ALONE"i of his friend. More than one have Taken f romn a sermon preachied said when asked the secret of by Basil E. Long. their suecesses in idfe replied,, "I Sckipture Lesson'- St. John 15: ýhave a friend." 1-17 In God's sight we are ail weak- Jesus said, 'l arn the Vine, youi lings; we nleed Christ. 11e said tO are the branches. juless you His disciples of every generation, abide in me, ypu can do nothing" "I cali you friends, not servants You can't go it alone. A host <of or slaves." The slave does not people superficially say they can have the right to came into the go it alone and they meet with Mfaster's presence, the friend does. trouble ail along the way. Life Jesus says,,"You are my friends; get-s out of hand and is meaning- if you abide in me I open up the Iess - there is no purpose. From way between yourself and God.1 Jesus' teaching here, we oughitat Through me you come into the seeý our need of Himi. very presence of God to share in A few days ago the ne(wspaper His wisdom, strength, power, pur- inentioned a man who had gotten itiT." This is the resuit of friend- hiriselW into very serious trouble ship with Christ. for thie second time. The first We are weak and need the timeliseide brthercam testronger Friend. Too many people him, took him ta himself, h1elped are trying te "ýgo it alone" and him get a job and gave hlm inspir- land of society. We have to brinfg atio an stengh t cary 171our chidren up surrounided by it. Ile hved a successful life for a It ought ta be our prayer that We number of years until his eider becorme the friend of Christ and brother was killed in an accident that through -Hlm our commnunîty and the younger man returnedto is transformed. his old ways. H1e couldn't go it alone; lie needed the friendship Many people seem to misunder- c" lis eiderbrother. stand when, Jesus said, "If you "No" said Jesus, ' You can't are my friends, you may ask what go it 'alone. Unîess youle t youriever > you want and it wiil bie roots be grounded in me, you will Igranted to you." Jesus did not count for nothing" Wlen-ý Jesusisay no matter wlat you ask you ,spcke af the Vine, the people un- will get. H1e said, "If you are my dlerstood because f rom the vine friend and you abide in me, then came the living of the peop1e, You ask1 in my Spirit you ask only their food, drink and product or for those things which are good sale. They knew the vine had to, lie, growni on dlean soul. Jesus said, "Now you are clean through the word which I have given you."A in other words, "The soil is dlean in which you are growing." Aise, the vine had to be pruned drastically. The branches which did not bear fruit were cut off sa they would net drain away the strength of, the plant. Jesus is saying, "Unless you are a fruit- bearing disciple you are of the kind that saps the strength of others. For toe long the church has tried to please everyone; lt Internis ofthe virne nuinhers.Y C say,. "gather in people and please them to hoid them and von weak- en the church 'itseif; oniy as your roots stay emfbedded in the vine wiil1 you have a meaningfui pro- ductive existence." In every congregation there are two kinds of branches - the fruit bearing and the non-fruit bearing- Somne of Jesus' folowiers are lovely fruit bearing branches of Ilimself. Others are useless;1 they bear 'no fruit and must be eut off because they are sappinig the strength of the others. Their re- sponse consists of profession ýwithout practice., We do well te, considertrc ways in which we can le uselessi branches: 1. We can refuse te isten te Christ and say, 'il1 go it alone." 2. We can listen te what H1e bas' te, say, agree and then render Him lip service unsupported by any deeds. 3. We can accept Him as Master then, in face of the difficuities of the way, or moved by thc de- sire te do as we like, we abandon We need te remember the f irst prindiple ofthe New Testament is that uselessness invites disaster. No wonder Jesus said, "Abide jn me, because without me yen can do nothing." Yet people go their own way, in their own strength. They may do any number cf goeod things, but if they are neot abiding in Christ, then the rigît emplhaàs of if e is lest. You can't go it 'alone, Not ail are horn il 1 the same strenigth of cliaracter. Some have te stait at the bottom rung of the ladder and work their way rip. Suppose a weak persen las falien inte temptation; le las ruined lis -life and is on the way te degener- ,acy of mi, beart and meintal fibre. But lue las, a friend who is strong, lovely and cf loving natu lre The frieud goe(s te- him and( per- suadles liim te stay wil himi. Thie veak p)erson inilds the only way tle Calive výictoriou1siy is te keep in cojntact with lhis friend, If le loses contact lis weakness over- cornes hlm. Hlis salvaitlin lies in conistant contact witl the srnt 'f v.'. !~fJ -e,' "o 0'O e.. s., B,.. s., w, ~0'~ w, w, e,' s., e,' e,' s.. foÈ, yourseU(-andf or x4bers anC. seif coires Jast.? Yet the wonder - fuI bhig tbaÏ God has in s5tOiùe for us goes runclaiined becaus;e we do neiut take Jesus at His w'ord, conçeernig prayer. If we become the friends of Je- sus, then tlhe resuilt of our abid- i i i iHMnis jojy. 0f couirse, ev- ery man wlo knows Christ knows he'is a sinner, but.there is a dif- ference - lie knows hie is a'r'e- deemed sinner and joy is the re- suit. It ouglit to shine in our lives and everything we do. I don't know how it ever came to be that Christians went about in black clothes witl -long gloomy faces and with a pessimistic outloûok. Don't let us make that mistake. Clristianity is joy which knows victory in living. When we becom~e friends of Christ we are cailed 'to the lif e of love. Hie who dees not love, does not know God. He who dees not love does not abide in Christ. Sc., if we can le at odds with our fellow men, if there are divisions in our congregations, if W.e are separate'd fromn Christians of other denomination-s, th6n it is net an expression of love. As friends of' Christ we are filled with love and ours lecoînes a redeeming feliow- ship in which the weak find strength, the troubled find, peace, ùhe discouraged find hope those who waikin darkness find Light and tley, too, know joy. You can't go it alone'if you are going to live a full and abundant life. The only way is to abide in, Whenl your eommunity has of money in pipe instailatio o 1r sewage, it needs to consiý a decision. Communities ev( same problem. And comîr cast iron pipe by Canada Ir (domestie water is stiil beinî pipes laid in 1816). Cast iroi ins-tail and hasý greater stren, hlte or no maintenance -' and external pressures. In ation problem, cast iron Canada Jron Foundries', Lin For ail your pipe requireme QUEBECe MONTREAL *T PIPE DII ýPropose--County-widè Land-Use Fianning AtL the suggestion of :Reee H. , Reeve A. U. Wartnran of P.rC- C. Eversen of Port Pope, the U- i Township said lle thhinks afni ited Counties council moved VI-- time planninig comrittee oldb day teKward land uise planlning on prernature at this time. 11e sg a cute-iebâsis. Reeve Elv- gested thec ward--en's sp)ecia1l ad- er'son suggestedj a sp)eciai commit- visery comXittee un mderta1kea sr tee of the couincil le foredfo vey of the, muiiipalities in tÀhe the stuidy an(] control of land uise. United Counties te det1ermiý ne, "The needl for an active plan- what.p1lanning by-iaws have been ning comrnitfee is becoming more passed o 1r are beingcnemltd urgent ail the time," le said, ýin cacî municipality. 11e said t-ie 'especially aiong the lakeslore." existin.g planning, 'where it does exist in the counties, slould le H1e said good farm land las I considered when planning over been put under housing and lest, a wider area is undertaken. on land that shoid have been re- served for industriai deveclopmi)en.t.i H1e indicated thiat there were ex- ample s of this between Cobourg and Port Hope. H1e aise said that uncontrolied co-nstruction could place buildinigs in theo way of nor- mal g-xpanisioni of roads, and util- ities witl the growing of commiun- ities. Reeve W. 1. Thomias of Cobourg sgeedthait the warden forre asecaco ite to studJy how thePang Act would apply on a coutyý basis, and if feasible a cemmnittee as suggested by Reeve Everson could be formed later. the Vine whicl is Christ because in Him we find Life with a capital I- in î r )n 'c, fv a- The council agrjieedI with lis sug- gestion, with, thestplio that action le takýen lmdaeite satisfy the need ýor plIanning Reeve Everson hnsisted on the immediate aci on, cmplasizing that the need for planning is very urgent. H1e said it takes up to f ive years of surveys and i nvestigationis before a planinig board can be) put in operation. "Mpre land could le misused because of present day shiorts iht- edness and wve could le criticîzA, by future generations for a f ilI- ure 'to reecogize the need for controls',"le said.' Reeve, W. T. Lighlte 'of Hope Township said the township once lad a planning board, but that every member of council in faivaur of it was voted out. 7:' to ivesta lage aoun J' fo atrs.,y dan __________________ s.kin, rywhee ar facd wih t, in UNJTY'S Irechos )n-beauseit lsts ong, suppled troug cas iro pipeis qîck nd esy , 't rnvealrgte amnst s for watesupphe ainsr nt-eeause t asts l one suppitoughACasUVER ipei uikadayt îr)' ---nd --abi-t-- t-n-d-' * '~ua: :à lm-

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