MAETE INNUGON 12n101 Oroo, nt Phone MotetRei Waters & Co. tWh-itby 668-4131 Ajax 942-0890 OFFICE - MI ST., ORONO phono 12,516j Res. 20616 OrouoO's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator ,S',peeiallze in Faum and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis phione 5 r 1 rn AuT ïinjeccas tic? Pt sizes and at reasnaie rates Commuicae wAth Ihim at Port Perry,Onri t> ~, FRAN f LESTATEut> t> u J 177Church St. j Bowmuviue623-3393 ~teerie1 C(ontractig 1 Electrîc IHeating and ervice PHONE 245 Orono,Onao PHIONE 129 CONTRACTORSFO FARM and flOUSE WIRING to ail Lkidýýof Eetia EquIPipent and Appliances Such at Metors - Water ileaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons, -. >.~.f- - O- Insurance lu, ail its Br anches Auto, Package aud Composite ~ Policies, Fine, Farm, Life,U Burglany, Liability, MarineG a ccd ntad Sickness, Wind Bolier, Fidelity B>ond, Etc. FIRST MORTG;E LOANS Phone Orono IR16 c2~OcZDOc~O& Box 133 MO. 8-35521 IStafford UBrot&ýhers J Limitod 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. f Manufacturers of jCemetery Memorials Dealers, in, fDomestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut Iand CemeterY Repair Work Our q alinaud ervie aves' otigta ho dýesired Ask heperson wuho bought from us, a nleighbour, fîîiend or relative The Rufïîhi%,ANf COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Souther Ontari o" c Phone 194M1 Orono, Ontariû ~ orremdeiingyour presenti nethncontact P-OE2191 ORONO BUVING OR SELLING A. J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 g &~SONg Q Phone Oi-ono 208 g GPAINTING INTERIOR&g PAPER HANGINO SBUILDING CUPBOARDS& G REMODELLING FURNITUIIE REPAIR G FINISH t AND ALL O»D JOBS'g V> PLUMBINand IEATING G 'ales and Service G %l 24 OUR BURNER SERVICE o SLwInterost Rates j Phones:. O 328 Hampton CO. 328 Tyrone O.3-2650 HARRY WIERSMA ' Phono 1737 Orono COMING EVENT The Orono Horticultural Society is holding its Pot-Luck Supper and General Meeting on Thursday, January 28th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Oronio United Church Basement. Your Meinbership Ticket wili adImit yen and a silver collection te, dofray expenses, wiii be taken athe door. Programme andspia speaker wiii be Mr. -Mlntyie Heod, who w;ii aise show slides. Com.iie and bring" youir favourito supper dis'h. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Blood Don.or Clinic, WedneËday February 3-d, 1965:- 1:30 tw 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 te 9:00. The ioýUns Centre, Bowman-é ville.i Volunteer Donors are urgentiyf neodod. anpj .Jack Ricard REALTOR 71 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-250C ORONOHOSS SOMERVIlEE STREET. At- tractive, 2 bdo'm bungaow. Very neat, modlem hiomne, Large modern roomsý. Only $11,600. CIIURC-1 STREET. Storey and a haif- electricaiiy heated hiome niear public, schooi. Haif acre of andi wihohrse barn and cor-ral. A'skinîg $,0.Terms. DIVISýION SRE.Nw3bed- roomý brick bungalow with electrie heating; attachcd garage. If yeu liko em "long and low" you shouid sce this eue, Only $16,000. with $2,000, deown- WESTERN LIMITS 0F ORONO. Attractive bungalow with carport in a poacoful setting overiooking forestry station. Asking $12,500. MILL POND BOAD. Older. two-, DELICATESSEN BK SALE bedroom brick lih-me. New hot Iru invite yen te their An- lwater heating system; new bath;. GuplVlnieSeiu.rhs ea drilied weii- A good buy at the* nuaiVaintie Secia. Tis earasking price of $8,0OO. Terme.- it's a Bake Sale foauring Appetiz- We have several good hmsin ing itemis fro-m meat te dessert. Bowmanvillo, Newcastle, Hlamp- ýSpeciaiizing-in assoited Plates for ton and surrounding areas. 12 people. We are being assistod Cali Ibis year by the C.G.I.T. girls who Wilf HAWKE, Orono 1 r 12 have taken ex er the afternoon tea Estelle LEASK, 623-2503 'JUoUniu~ted unurcn, Jeruary 13 Time 2:30. a-c APPLICATIONS REQUESTED Persons with teaching experiexico nterested in occasionai supply af any of the Schoois under bbe authority of, the Public School Board o-I the Township School Area of Clarke, please contact the undersigned, stating qualifications, and the sehool or schools o-I your choice. Phono 1173 Orono. Horace R. Best, Sec-Treas- RE. No. 2, Orono, Ontario Incom TaxReturns Poae li)NO 3R2 APPL ICATIONS 1REQUESTED The Public SehoolBor of thej 7_>_ý a 1Townýship Schooi Ar:ea of ClarkeAY t S request applications for the posýi ' tien o-I maintenance man' Duties , 1 ýMnte,-nance Serviceý to ÏnClude rminer repairs and , mainltenance in ail seheols under the authority of the above 1mon- Complote Maintertaue on1 Board. Windows, ýFloors and Waýill tiono Boar £Teoapplicants are ISevc expecteid fte supply thoir own iic tools' wn aem! truck wouid be an- aset.f rhrdetails may hbRg dUpholstery obandfromi the Secrotary. Ad- Sapon dreseý, ail replies,, stating hourly rate oxpoctod and clearly markod CmecaIdsna as te contents, te tho undersigneil ne later than January 3th, 1965.Rednia Phono 1173, Oron o.PIN 25 Horace R. Best, Sec.-Treas. rnnt RE. No. 2, Orone, OntarioOront c-î-c j _ WHITE WASHViNf-GSTBE Bert Tompkins' Phone 786-2552 DOIEIATE CORRECTIONS BANISII CORNS, CLO~S W'e have a f ew 1965 Caeears Lat blished wonlthe Craio en asjahgi front Mr.e efctve edicated pad, resuîts left, If you would'like one,. please àpage thatty, eauî at our office., a-c Hood wold speak at ithe Annuiai #1ý-oalantee. LEgland's iretsel- Fred Lycett.metn of the Orone ortciu'.ln emedy for, over a centary- aiMetig in the OdelwsNW Avaiabie in Canada! Wvhy Hal n ednesday January, 27th suffer! ýOne tri4i wili convince you IIAY WANTED This meeting is being heid in the Corn pads oniy 49c; Calious 59C. Hay wanted ln 400 baie las OooUnited Church basementiat Stutt's Pbarmacy. aiso cob corn needed. itoniglt, Thursday. Write: Raiph S. Ailison & Sons Aiso the Publie chioI Area DE Winchester Springs, Ontario. Bordmeets the second' Monday POTR ldysI t rncs d2pof the m-,onth, February 8th in the Mrae opti oot.o Oron Sehol.TuesayJanuary 26 1965, Gladys CHICKSCa bei age S7 years. Beioved "Rapp Line Cross Chickîs are( WANTED wife of W. N. Porter,, Oron>o, Ont.. omparable tb Hi-Lino or Dekalbý Wish to buy geod trees as they Dear mother of Cerald, Peterboroý excefit that Rapp are mranchepstn terapln,220hg, Murray, Bowmanviile andl Verni ~r n ric W gurateeguiit 25"stem îicknes. Welî shapedlof Peterboro. and satisfaiction. Dîscouints on or- t 1rees oniy, in open, rock-free land; Resting at the Barlow Funeral' lers booked, before Fbur 20th bace trig -'rmgo Home, Orono until Thursday, Jan- ATrte r ponolevel: mapfle (hard and soft), ash uary 28th at il a-m. Thon teOor- HenemsnsChick Hatchery, basswood, birch, popiar, wiliow: Jono United Church for service at, ___ indsay branched down te the ground: 2 p.m. Temporary interment Lang N URSIN HOMEiock, tamarac, white cedar, Vauit, Orono Cometery. NURSNG OMEjacký pino, spruco- Excellent prico IE Licensed accommodation at foGr good quaiity. CODhisiaEvey-A h yntonhurst Manor Nursing Hlomei Write, immeýdiately Box 400, Memýroriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie or Senior .Citizens. Reasonabie OooWekily Times,-stating 0 x-Jnay2t,16 vlnMc atesý. aýct location, variety of trees and Dnuga, Oroo,th Ontar5o- Beiovedc Phone Orno 371.1-9-c quantities availablo. a-pwiofre Cxdamthrf Edi'ith (iyrs. Ross Gay) and Aud- t>PART-TIME RADIO rey (Mrs. Laurie Buckioy). Age nTV REPAIRS 50 years. u Resting at the Barlow Funeral 1-FI - Stereo Home, Park St,'Orono, Ont- Ser- ReodPlayers vice from Lang Memorial Chapel, -Antennas -Twr rnFia,'aur 9ha -b -PA Sse o rn ..Temporary itretLn Plumnbirig & eating Ail parts and labour guaranteed Vault, Orono Cemetery.-