ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1965 Dempsters Chocolate - Save 4e BUBBLE -CAKE 45e HIospitality Lattice- Save 10e CHERRY PIE- Each 49e Dempsters Pkg. of a KAISER ROLJLS - 229e Westonis - Trio Deal Pkg. of 36 BISCUITS 89e IGA 1 Mb.Pkgs. POPPING CORN- 2 z9ce Clarks 20'oz. Tins BEANS & POIRK 2 19e 'Gerberas ~aad43/4 oz. Tins BABY FOQDS> 6 69c Gferbers Jtiorý 8 oz. Size BABY FOODS- 4 1 69C Old Tyne '16 oz. Bottie TABLE SYVIUP 29e 2et off Deal - 15 oz. Tins CHiUM DOG FOOD -32e e'amay Wlitýe"orpink FACIAL SOAP - Bars37 Pepsode4 6fileSpeelal Giant Size RAZOR BADS 65e Priceý Effective January 21, 28,29, 30 We Reserve the Right to, Limit Quantities FROZEN FOOD DEPT. Old South 6 oz. ins ORANGE JUICE 4fo93 Vegetable or Pea HABt"ITANT SOUP HEINZ KETCHUP ptunean Ulilies DeLuxe - Ail Flavours CAKE MIXES 19 o Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT Chateau Plain CREAIM CHEES.E 8 Ontrio~ Fn T HE CILDRENS CH ICE"I Fa:ncy Grade Meîntosh or Cee Grade Spy 9g 'APPLES 6 7cg QBurstinug with .iJuice Large Size 12O'sg 0P TEMPLE ORAý-NGES or do 49 g 0FLORIDA TANGELOS go j 0Produce of U.S.A. - Canada No. 1 Grade Sie 24's OCALIFORNIA CELERY25 Canada No. 1 Grade Cello Bagg BRADFORDCARR-,OTS 3 lb 23c g 1 28 oz. Tins 2foi, 39c i 11oz. hottiesl for 45c for 79c Pkigs. of18 for 65C i zpkg 313c A Total 0f$40,00 IN BOINUS TAPES ileceive an Extra $10.00 Bonus Tape With BLUE CHIEER - 30e off King Size tteceive an Extra $6.00 Bonus Tape With SHAKER SALT - Windsor or Sifto - 2 1 lb. Pkgs. JKADANA TEA BAGS' Pkg. of 100 Receive an Extra $4.00 Bonus Tape With HONEY POD PEAS - Stokely Fancy 2 15-oz Tins JGA FOIL WRAP 25 ft. Rol Receive an Extra $2.00 Bonus Tape With 0LUE BONNET MARGARINE 3.lb. pkg MIDI NYLONS - AIl sizes 2 Pair SLICED COOKED HAM Tablerite 6 zg vae pak - CELLO TOMATOES Prod. of U.S .AYan No., 1 14 oz. Tube MeCains Faney- FROZEN MIXED VEGETABLES 2 lb. Pkg. ARiSTRONGSl w -. -~__ Kendal News Mr Norman Sproulelias beeu ini ,o-wmanville H-ospital for a week. WVe are, glad tosay lie i.s feelit- ng uihbetter. MIr. James Lowery was tyn to put a barn door back on ils rollers on Sunday aftceno-on when the ladder slipped on the icy wa I. Hie jumped frorn the Iadder suffering a broken pelvis. He is in Bowmianville Memnorilal Hospital. His m'ary Kendal f riends wish hlm, a rapid recovery. Due to the very icy ronds o)n Sunday mornýin-g the country po pie could not get to churcli. 1ýwo village familles came and were disappointed. MVr. and Mrs. Jack Fonk and sons visited witli ler parents Mr. and Mrs.,W. H. Foster on Sunday. very icy. Mr. Farrow slid across the road in front of Mr. flrowz of Kendal. This caused Mr. Brewin to hît a hydro pole and fence and damaged his car very badly, just west of MVr. R. Morgan's house, Sorry tQ report tliat Mrs. U Manning suffered a stroke on Fii- day mnorning and was taken- ta' Bo'wmanville Hospital. She is m provîng zcdiday. Mr. John Stone's mother, Mrs. F. Stone is a patiènt in Bowmau- ville :Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Foster anil Jane -spcnit the weekend irn and around Teoterville. Mis. J. Mar- latt retiuned home with tliem af- ter a visit of several weeks. Several couples from the_ village attended the Robhert BPurns dhxuze-r in Bowmianville Saturday evenJig. Mrs. L. Walsfi of Vittaria is viei- iting lier son Donald, Walsh lanid The many friends of Mrs. Ro,ýs ,Gay were sorry to hear that lier mother, MUrs. F., Co, lad passe< aa.We exi2tend our sympatliy to the fainily wlio resided in Keni- dal for a few y-cars. Kirby News MVi'ss Marlon cKlvy f Sun-, nýbrook Hospieal spent a few das at bhome vwit lier brother John. William Reid Jr. lias been eaul- ed to the General Mlotors plant this week. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Graham and Steven spent the weekend at Madoc with the Rose family. The Osliawa Ski Club is in fuli swving at the Ski hlis east of Kirby. «ylad to knoW Mrs. Jimi Arc is home from the hospital. Mr. James Lowery had the imis- fortune to f ail off the ladder ýwhile makîng repairs at the barn wý,hieh resuilted in a broken pelvis which could mean three weeks in the The Chureli service was with- ramn and ice storm. As most of drawn on Sunday because of the you know tlie services are'at 9:45 a..every Sund-ay. Come and b')ring tlie little unes and take ad- vân.itage of tlie baby sitting class iowstairs. Dry Cenn service F0OR Frecý Pick-up&n AND Fresh leenCt LEGS & Br iREAaSS lb 49c TABLERITE WEINERS lb pkg 45c L'elian adMet FRESHi SIDE SPARE RIBS lb 49c Tablerite RiCdless SLICI.ýD SIDE -BACON lb 69c