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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1965, p. 1

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Orono VOUE27, NUMBER 2 y lmes ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1965 Township T Down Enfou TFuesd3èay the couincil of the, Township of Clarke discuissed bo -some lengbth tbb enforcemont of lime Townsbip Building y-aw Tbey ais,,o received a niemo of sug- gestionrs from the Building Ina- spector. As a resuit of the discussion il is thme Intention and direction of C nclthat tbe enforcemnent of flice by-law be upbeld to the con- dfitions Of tbe by-iaw. The Building inspector, by let- ber, aise requested a salai-y in- crease to $900.00 plus $100 for zai allowancc annually. This was rýeferred 10 the finance comjmittee. council also imet with the reeve <if Hope Townshîp and oe Townsbip's ILoad Superintendlen I when discussion centred around the charge to Hope by Clarke for, 'work carri.ed out On tmehpe - Cl aike Boundary road by the Týownship of Clarke. Hope Town- ship !bas questiOno l the overex- pe.tnditure by Clankr bcbaon asgreater than that agreed up-' oýn. The mlatter was lef t with bbce ,,two Road Superintendenîs t1i Set- The Clerk was instructed 10 pie- pýare a by-law goverin tbA-cn ring of Public Hals within bbc TFownship of Clarke. This draft te hoý presented 10 the nexb meeting ofCouncil. R. j. (Chateon,echamrnman otef b jlinancCmte e,oiromended a salary of $00,0wibh an ad- ditioflal $ 8 0.O car allowance f or the Townisbip assessOn. The sienirkis oprepare the necessarY býy-law to cover bbcýl recommllendla-, lion. Mr1, -s. Noto soke10council o1 hýJ eb lfofthe oýrono Library. No ation Was taken at this lime mn 'allottinig. a grant te the Board.1 mrs. Norton pointod ouI that one- ifth oyf bbc memnbe-rsbhIp was fromn ther than lthe Vilage Of Ono. A mtio byperrýault and Low- ery gave autboyrity 10 the Reeve ro Clamlp- MsFred 'Cox 'Certifi*cate 0f Ment Deathl camnesuddenfl, Tuesday I Januay 26,~ 965, to Christina- rang yuaw J1v ýaDouaj n 1r erresented 1To ÎF. Teruil ono, Onti. Borni in Lucknrow , RR. The Orono Horticultuiral Society 1Boardi. This hy-law bas been gv .Otro ac 6 94te r.< unf hl hi nua o-ukS en woredigsby ouci. ioa McDu~llan t eae tu et n po11 p el d he neral Meting in the en by CoohnîL. MacDï[uonll.l M4r. Lyýall Lowery was appointed b.andm en of th e tirng inte Warble Fly Inspector-for the year Follwingber. marriage in 1937, Church n t husa vnn of teOooUie 1965. ~~~~~~th-y resided irnDelhi ut1947--- - hrhonTusa eeigo 1965, ý s in cf oesided in nje nd 3 . S mar -last week. One hundred and Alàth'GritY was given to negoti- n evscein-> Oriono. twenty-five were in attendance ate -an agreement with Mr. Robert S>he ssrvdberlvn A meeting of Oddfellows, Re- wben Mr. Melntyre Hood was the Hicks for the use of his propýerty1husband,11, and two daug-hte-rs, Edith, ýbekahs and friends was held in guest speaker for the evening. às a Township dumnp for an an- M- s. Ross Gay, v Kendal; Auidrey, the 1.0.O.F. Commnunity Hall on fluai suni of $1500.00. Mr. HîcsMs areBickeOoqt Wednesday evening, aîy2, Mr.- C. W. Billings, president of had previously asked for $00OOgDons- t JohnBck, d rian'Gay; nu1965.the Socie'tV, welcomed everyone Mr, H. E. Millson was appointed lier mnothier lVis. John L. Mc- Areport eft the United Nations present. The mnu for the supper We1are Officer for a remunera- Doug.aîl ih, and sisters Mýýrs. Semrinar, held at Queen's Univers- was Of a rnist varied nature and tion of $50().(0O. ' Dorthy Crosier, Delhi; Fs:eda, MrLs. :ity, Kingston îast June, w as very also most enjoyable. A copy Of a letter was receivetd Lenard Maclnnes, Lucknow; Kath- 'ably given by Miss Sharon Tam- Ms oeJdesn ertr froim the Presbyterian Cburch asIe- ormne, Mrs. Jim Smith, Winghiam; blyn and Mr. Terry Graham. There Misthe Jo deners, gavrea ing if Counicil intended 10 accept Etta, Mrs. Peter Campbell, Luck- waýs aisoe an entertainer. reor thno yares, avite o the offer of $2000.00 from the now.eoto te er ctvte f Chuchon hecoditontha te redcesedbyhe fahe ~ The main purpose of-the meeting the, organizabion. Miss Anette 1 Cuo the cndteover tthe 1 Pead hist ers, Evely, eln, was the' unveil ing 0f a plaque PInJoî gensen, who this year gradu- Toý,vishi wold akeove fh 191 ad sstes, veln, ele, ,emory of our late Brother Wm.j ates fi ritie Junior Gardeners, Cemetery. The letter was tabled. Rhoda, MNarlon and one brother midlwowsadvtdOd a rsne ihaTilu i The cemetery referred to is l o- Frn service ws el F -feilow, Rebekali. Cburcbman and and a. ceýrtif itate cf me-mbersbip cated in Newtonville,. north of thea, January 29!th nt Lang Mcm- citizen of our community. in the Orono I{orticultuiraî Society ori alChaelGron: cnduteo byAnette will remain a director of Council appiroved an additiOnal Revýerend1 Basil Long. TemporarY Final resting place South Kinloss the Junior organization, where she $33,594.00 for tbe construction of intermient Lang Vault, Orono'. Cemetery, Lucknow, Ontario. will help bbe leader Mrs. Fair-, the Voctional wing to bbe Cour- _____________________________ brother. ltice L111gb Scbool. An error in the original request by the SchoolD Mrs. Fairbrother assisted by Mr. Bor la ncsstte hea ti ustee roposes Ste t C. Billings presented Miss Tove tiona reqest.Jorgens en with an a'ward for the A levy et $235.07 for tbb* Lake Ontano Developnient Association 15 10t be discussed wîth bhe Police rusbes as bbey also tako out memborsbip in bbe Association. Couindil did neot want te duplicabe lime payment of the- levy. Tender Bid 40) PC 'Ab ovYe E stIimaýt e Laist Tbursday afterneen lime tenders f or thbcconstruction, of bthe 150,000 gallon steel water stanidlpinl Orono were opened wibb bbe iowesl tendon being founid te be almost-forty percent nigher theathe e ostmareacost.« Three tenders wero recoivedl with 'the lowest blid being from' ad Chairman of the. Planning9 Central Bridge and Tank, in bhc a- Board 10 seek. legal opinion froin. 1mount of $22206.00. Toronto Iron an)outsIdesoiîr concerning the bld $24,846.00 while Horton Steel codtos of ,lie Restricted A ieabd -25,785,00. ylaw, bchbs en rpoc The estimated cost o the tank by the re Township Pann (Continued on page 5.) ctL tizei. I r by Elizabeth Kozuli hi a survey taken last Monday lbwsfouind tbat a vîsitorý, namely the"sor",made a reent cal bteLowry householdi. Ciarke- atiu.lations bo Mr. and Mrs. L. M. L ryon tbc arrivai of your new baby girl, Lana Elizabeth,. (Now youll noWv when Mr. Lowry corn'Ies 10 school with bagcs under bi yes, ho bad te gelt up for lthe weo'clocwk feeding.) in a rip-roarinig, actionpacked h'ockeýy ngamole, Monday aîtornoon, Lowvry's Lollipops and Cole's Kili- ors played. The Lollipops won by a score of 5-4. (Mr. Lowry's cigar accounbied 'for time KilIons disinto- gration; tbey couldni't sec for al iie sm-ýokc).. Lowry's goal gel- bers wr:-ar Richardson witb 2 oas; blis second goal breaking theKilers4-3 score. John Mathi- erase2geais, biis second goal broe lme -4 ie,. Aise Cari Cob- beikwbo) is creibted wibh 1 oa.FrMr'- Col'e's team il was: ~Doug offat , Wayne Miller 1; and, 1,,e ee reetTerry Gra- On Tuesday, Muerf %on!' Maglers met. The Mangioswn on Wednesday aI our: assemIly,I prîzes were given for the Caudid Camera Contest. The prizes were: first; a "Beatles For Sale" album~. Second; tbc top two bits. Third; two roles of film. The first prize picburie was of Mr. Lowry a&id was taken by Heathen Best. The second prize was of Mrs. Butler and was takon by Shiela Siater. Guntor Tsebinokel was bbe third prize winner and bis picturo was of Ross Wannan. Congratulations te the wînners. and thanks te al, those wbo entered pictuircs. If you would like any of yeun pic- turcs in the year book, pîcase con- tact Grant Williams. Mn. Japmes of the Statesman judgcd bbc pic- bures, iu tact this is bbc third year ho bas judged. Thank you' from al bbc Camera Club, Mr. James. At Ibis assembly, Mr. Withor- spoon gave us a balk bonouring tbc great Smi Winston Churchill, wbo rocontly passedi away. We ai-, se saw a film icenccrning cereb- ralpalsy andmany of bhe unfortun- ate children wbo suffer from Ibis disease Thursday aftornoon, our officiai sehool hockey beam ravelled te, Millbrook, wbhere a very exciting, (Coninued page 4) LightingProgram For 1 965ý Being in charge of Street Lîglits tbis yoar 1 ain recommending to tbe othor Truistees that 175 watt Mercury Vapour fig-hbs be instail- ed on the existîng posts Opposite the fellowing lot.ations. Tblis year wbile we ha9ve a surplus in the buidget is the lime te get Moodi 1ights tr got IbeViJ1, and Ibis LsI will not only com-1plete Mlain st. and MUiii St. but will aisoa pt a goo(i lig'ht at ail the main points on overy street in the Vil- lage. I trust this meets with the peoplos' approval, D. M. Simpson. Main St. N. - Foot of Cobb Hill W. Stapleton Opposite O. Knapp. Mill St. - Jimi Middleton Milîson ill Dr. Corner 'Bruice Myles Ernie Bowen A. -Mitchell A. J ohnson R. Willis Church St. N. - V. Wilson J. Parkinson D. Hoo-per Centre St - front of Waddell bouse Noden (oppýosite E. Dent) Station St. - Corner of Cburch St. opposite A. McLaren Churcb St. S. - Corner of Victoria Corner of Cobblcdick Corner of Duchess Coirner of Sommerville Dr. Feb. 4, 1965 Dear Oronok Young Couples: This is a letter of introduction to the 0O'rono Couples Club. If you need no introduction, please read on to the notice of the next meeting. SThe Couples Club was formed three years, ago by a group of young people who feIt they would lîke to forra a churcli group that would include husbands and Wives. During the first year the club presented a variety show, first for their own enjoyment, secondly for the Centen-nial celebration of the Oro no Uný-ited Church. The proceeds were donated to the building fund of the new Çhrist- !an Education, Building. Our ClIubl also helped with the invitations, for the Cenitennial Service. Each year we give our support at theý Sunday SchIool pidnic. Over the part thrce years weE have enjoyedI many social even-t best gardlen, Miss Doretta Challico with an- Achievemont Diplorna, Miss Do nna Challico wibh an q- ings and in doin.g so, have streng- in the flower show and an award thenod our Churcb and communý- to Miss Susan Aslett for perfect ity by knowing one another bel- attendance and for also gaining ter and by meeting and welcoming the Most points in' the Novice new couples to the community. 'f class in the f lowor show. you have not joined with us, tbis is an invitatio)n to do so, as a The appreciation of the Hlorti- inembîer or as a frequent g-uest. eullu-rai Society w.aseprse bynet stai-t next Satirdlay wb-en the president prescnitod Mr, evoning February 13 wheni we will Fred Truil with an award of mentf hav-e a 1sleigb-nid e and tobogganiing, for bisî splenidid care od bbe flow- parIy at the cottage of Don and er gardens that.are under the care Jeanne Staples, Kendal. If tobog- of the Society throughout the Vil- graning is to>o strenuous for you,. lage. Miss Susan Aslett also pre- cone 'aionrg and enjoy 'the. s ligh sented Mr. Truli with a floral ar- ride ýor a gamo of euchre at the rangement of chrysanthemums. cTtae. loigi he.eeuie Mrs. Faîrbrother introduced tbe Thf fllwig1s9heexcuiv guost speaker, Mr. MeIntyre Hood foorr 1965: I ad 117 wbo sbowed coloured slides of onouar ie. arious bistorical sites, secenery Long.and flowers as oxist on the Britisb Pro.,Nora nd le Mofa. fsIs.His comment ary, proved Sec., lKalby and, Charles Arm- mr neetnga oto i strong, tlec natu fIead Treas., Fran and Marvin Lunn adec nalu fIead T ..~ ~ TScotland and Engiand. LuU'.iluommitte[e~, e eS diU Gladys AsIetI, Paul and Simone Groenveld. Social Commitlee, Don and JoneStaples, Bob and Maureen Johnson. Yours truly, Sec. O.CC. The Orono Beatles, Geke De- Joug, Dale Challice, Wendy Part, ner and Janet Topbam, f avoured the gathering with two pantoý mines. The efficers of 1964 were rein- statcd for the year 1965. P resen ted WhCertîfica e Mnr. Fred Truli on Tbursday ev- ticuibural Society in approciation eming was pnsentc-d witb a Cor- for bis work in caring for the Se- tificabe of Ment, by bbc Orono lier- ciety's flowver gardons in Orono.

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