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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1965, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIM~ES, THURSDAY, FEJIRUARY 4th, 1965 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Egtablisbied irt 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. For-ester -- Editor ani-i Manager Publisbied every Tburisday at the off.;c? çut pïÀb-catie -MaÂin treet, Pnnne 109, urono, unLario <Auhorzdas Second C]ais>ý mail, PostOfieDepa t ent, Ottava) Subscr'iption payable in acivance 'in Can]ada $1.50 in U.S.A. $2.50 Memiïber 0Qfte Canadlian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Memu(-br of the Onar-io Weekly Newspaper Assoc Winter Cornes At Last, In Canada we are favoured with climatic environ- ments whieh produce four distinct seasonS, each having its ownp beautiful charactersties. Spring brings life, summer a carefree joy, autumn a crisp, colourful atmosphere and winter a foi-ni cf white heauty. Presently we are in the inidst of winter, which did flot arrie, as far as we are concerned, until the recent blanket of white snow covered the terrain. Beauty was evident everywhere the forepart of this wveek when the white crystals floated to earth decorating andi loading the green evergreens wvith white pompems, edg- ing t'le bai-e lîmbs of the decidutouis trees with streaks of white and in general givingthe land a bright new look with changing onous The countrysidie was a camnera f an's paradise. M'inter also brings flot only a change in appearance buýt also a changýe in sound. The wind takes on a deeper note as it passes ov'er the land in the darkness of night. Thlis windl, with its ecddy of currents, continually change the face of the earth as it carrnes snow, depositing it in unique d-rifts throug-hoùt the land. Around the bird feeders we enjovy the re-appearance of the winter bi-ds, the Jay with its coat of vivid blue, the Cardinal with its scailet attire and a host of others from S9parrows to Junkels. Even the cotton tail rabbit, the pheasant and thesquirrel wiII, appear out, of hiding to enjoy a mieal at the feeder and add by their appearance another highlight for the winter months. The black crow, a!th(iigh he withholds bis distance. becomes more pncvminent as hie calls out across the crisp air from thicket to thieket. HoW fortunate we are that winter cornes. Poor Liason The United Counties of Northumberland and 'Dur- hiarn have deferred their decision'on entering into the pro- poýsed tri-county jail agreement with four other centres. The defermient resuits from the fact that the United Counties completed last year renovations to their own jail in Cobourg at a cost close to $50,000. Having made this expenditure they hesitate to enter into any agreement forcing further expenditures in this depatment. A letter was read in Coânceil on January lOth fnomi the provincial department of reforni institutions stating that. the departmnent would make no restitution to the Un- i'tedi Counties in connection with this expenditure. It was suggested, however, that the other centres may consider a Partial ribreet fl oul seem rather unlikely that the other centres woul chp in to QteNthm ran and Durham who hsbeencaufi between th'Ie ci-est of two waves. Sueythe departmetînt, who last year introduced the tr onyjail schemne, was awai-e of the work being car- iej outit Cobourg and also had prior knowledge of their owiti-counity p>roposai. If the proposai was brouglit forth in 16 it m0ust have been under study prior to this. Lack of communication :between the department and the cou,,nty level would appear to need repair. The present liason could îver y well cost the local taxpayers an additional $50 000.00. If however, the United Counties opts out of the pi-oposed agn2e;ieent theyould likely lose the locating of thle new jail in the WM'tlbrook area which would have been a source of emlomen. lso they wouild have to continue thie uîseo-f thie present jail and attain standards below'that of thie new popse system. There will be loss to the United Counties no matter what heirdecin...ah resulting fnom 'poon iason. For whfe th Swees a s on the i-un, claiming the psitin ofthe econ mo 1'affuent nation in the worl. bt. ûw, e ae plase tonote, Canada is right up there, led only by the United >States in termas of average FIRE I)EPARTMENT PROTESTS RURAL Ml)AI Teextension of the inutual aid fine fighting assistance to rural municipalities was protested, re- centlY by repi-esentatives- . of the Port Hope Pire Departmnet. At a meeting of the United Counties Mutual Aid Association at Cobourg W. J. F. -Mitchell and Fire Chief J. R. Record of the Port Hope department contested theý right of Orono * and Clai-ke Township Pire Chief Ross Mercer to cail the Newcastle and Be-w- manville departments to assist at a bai-n fIre in the township. 4'I understand mutual aid cails are to be made only to the mcm- ber municipalities. not to the country." Mr-. Mitchell said. District Pire Marshal Herb Mal- loi-y, Of Belleville, said Clarke Township) has a fire department nbwý,vand lias its own truck, and theref ore is able to return mutual aid calîs. 1He said this was done at a recent fine in Newcastle. Fine ChIief Mercer said Clai-ke Towns'hip b)rouglitthe nlew pump- er bis department bas, and it is the truck that always answers mutual aid calîs. Cobourg Vire Chef R. J. Fitz- gibbon, mutual aid co-ordinator, said that the position of Clarke is the same as any urban municipal- ity with a fire depantment of ils own and it is entitled to the bene- fits of mutual aid, co-operation. He said this differs from the town- Yships adjacent to Port Hope and Coabourg who doflot have depant- ments of their own, but purichase fire protection from the m-ban de- pantments. "To'wnships Purchasing fire pro- tection are not eligible for mut- ual aid assistance in cases of bad fires," lie said. Fine Chief Recond said he does not feel it is right for a rural munieipality to~ be able to buy into a fi-e department, and then receive mnutual aid assistance. "Clar-ke Township just horned in on the mutual aid sYstem," he grumbled. Pire 'Chef Fitzgibbon said, "«None Of us would cal«ut an- otbeË department to a fire just to see the other trucks corne out. We would only eall when we feel a fire is beycnd oui- capabilities and assista.cýe fi-cm another depart- ment couldi prevent spreading of fire. Chef Mercer needed help at the lire in question because theI bai-n fire thneatened a nearbyý bouse and more water was. needed to prevent loss of the bouse and probably other buildings at the farm."l At the fire in question the Newcastleý and Bowmanville trucks laid a hose 'line from a waten source so-me distance from the fi-e and relaY-pumped water to the scene. Mr-. Mitchell said that if the ®rono Pire Department also op- erates the Clar-ke Township Fire Departmcnt, and both expect to participate in Inutual aid, then they should' purchase two memn- ber ships in the mutual aid asso- ciation. HOME HEAT M k SER VICE Orono Community Me.mor- jlal Park Statement for 1964 Sunrlav Parking ------------- Rent of Booth Total f-onre Orono Water Safety Cluib- --- T t l Operatinb Incom e --------------------- Other Income- Provincial, Grant i-e Picnic Tables------ Province of Ontario Bonds- Intenest --- Total othen Income ------ Total -Receipts ----- Total Expenditunes Balance on hand----- EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses- Commission on Sunday Parking H yd re ------------------- Picnieý Tables ---------------- Maintenance of Pools and Park --------- Paintfing Pool - labour --------------- * Lifeguards and Gatemen------------ Pantner Plumbing & Heating -------- Roîpli Hardware - Supplies ------------- Lujnn's Hardware- Supplies--------- SturgeoxVs Limiîted - Teakwood---------- Ken Henderson - Painting benches, tables and repairs ---- ---- -- - - --- Oronno Fuel and.Lumber--------------- Orono Weekly Times - advertising and tickets -------- --- S u n d nies ----------- -- -- -- - -- --- Total -Openating Expenses --------- Other Expenditures: Interest on Bnnk Loan Payment on loan ---- H onoraim ----------- ----- -- -- Total othen expenditures -------- $ y49 $ 9100o 74&00 2,553-87 150.00 100.00 89-97 106.25 $149-60 74.56 240.00 584.36 50.00 780.75' 775.00 15.12 20.913 98.41 70-50. 49-68 23.08 9.50 3,S42MT 196.22 $440409 3,505.132. $2,941.49 164.13 300.00 100.00 T otal expenditure ------ --- ---- --5 ---7------.---------- NOTE-The Bank loan ias cf-Decemnber 31st, 1934 amounted te- $2500.00 whî-h amount is fully secured by Province of Ontario) Bonidi Building a House? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd NichOlSOn) PIIONE 2191 ORONO Plurnbing &Ileating Phone 194MI Orono, Ontar l BUVING OR SELLING, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Oronio 110'7 SDOIJG SJMPSO Nà. j] Phone Ofono 2q8 [ o EXTERIOR j] PAPER HANGENG i 0 BUILDING CUPBOARDS &fl, g REMODELLINO .I FURNITJRE REP111iR & à gAND AIL ODD JOBS VALENTINE c Chocolates all slZ-esz Specially Priced STT 'S Pharinacys ORONO, ONT. PHONE 16MJ v j

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