ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEMUARY 4tli, 1965 Constitutional Change ' (Côntinued from page 5) tago W, the British Parliamnent each time we wxishedl to amiend the Be;i-tish North -Amerca Act repre- sýentîed the one relie of colonialisin thfiït remnained after the Stature of Westmninister. -Mr. Honey pointed eut that a j series of conferences were hieldt ovr the years startin, n 19271. He stat'ed that the amlending formula finally agreed upon lÏast October l is the logical and ineveitable con-a sequence of the advances made by. the Canadian Gover*inen.t "Canada is a federation nat a' uniitary state like Great Britain which has one parliamnent -and one jurisiliction. In Canada there ist the federal parliainent, aise ten, provincial eisaurs Under the Britishj Nor~th America Act thel federal parliament was given speci fie areas of jurisdliction such as national defence, banking, tradeý and commerce, fisheries and s0 on. The provinces were given defined aireas of a more local nature in which. they iglht legisiate. These included matters of property, ,civil riglis, eduication, roads and others. "The amendiîng formula agreed upo» in Octohe is a rather coin. plex anid technical document, but briefly its provisions mnay be sum- marized as follows: 1. The Federal Parliamient will be able to amnend the confsýtitution in relation te maptters of exclusively federal jur-: isdiction, with the exception Dlf four cases, relatively insignifi- cant, that have a connection te the interesi. of the provinces lui the constitution of the Federal Parlamient. "For fundcamental matters such as the division of legisîntive pow- ers ýbetween Ottawa and the pro- vinces, and the use of the officiai languages, amendmnents can only ho nia-de if ail the provinces and the fedieral governinenL agree., There is a clause in this regard that allows parliamnent with the consent Of four provinces to del- eg'ate conditionally to these pro- vinces Iimîted portions of its law sniaking power. Similar delegations ean be made by any four provin.- ices to Ottawa, 3. For cases not within the jur- isdiction of the federal parliament ~and -which are net miatters of fun- damental oigbît to the- provinces, the formula aillow,,s amnendmnents ~with the consent of the federal ,parliament as well ais two'-thirds o3f the provinces having at leat 50 per cent of the Canadlian popâ- lation. 4. Amiendments to those provi- sions of the constitution which Presently concerru only a lîimited numlier of province's can be mnade wtxthe consent of the federal parliamenit and the consent of the interested previnces. The procedIure is now, for the' edalparliamnent and the liegis-1 latures of ahi the provinces to pass -a resolution calling, on the British Parhianient to enact as ai statttte the Act mrending, the British North Am£rerica Act, se as t,, make it subject to ftufre amiendmlenits in Whenesoluions t this effect hav ben psse ath Canadian Parlia-ment and ail ten pro0vincial legiiatresthey will be sent te Callyvour Iiceniscd 1Pl umilbin Who sils, instails andquarantees CRMA N PLUMBING - HEATING Phoene 148Orn the BritisiiParliament, which wîll then enaet the legialation without question, as it ha-, dene in the past. This will bo the fnlal 'amend- ent to, the British North Am.î@r- lica Act te be made in the UnIted Kingdom. By its provisions al further power of amendment will be transferred to Canada. Mr. Honey said that when the now amending formiulas is applied in Canada it will give the consti- tution a dogree of flexibility it neyer had before. The formula'is, ani instrument of negotiation, con- ciliaton, and also of peaceful re- adjustment suited to these days, hodeclared. Co-operative federalism, the pol- icy pursued by Canada's present gevernment'means federal and provincial governments working tog-ether for the good of Canada,ý the guest speaker told the meeting Gardeu fresb E TORONTO TRIES COLOURED SIDEWALKS, PRECAST SLABS AND CURBS If an exclusive shopping dist- rict can't roll out the red carpet for its carrnage trade, the next best thing is coloured sidewalks. TFlt' what the Yorkville-Belair Cumberland section can now of- No. 1 lb. 9c Refreshing Calîfornia No. 1 Pani are N. i 14-oz. cello tube arated by natural and eharcoal sidewalk sabs. In otherss the pat- tern is varied by using sIabs off different size. The city had saine aild sandstone curbs removed froem the other reconstruction jobs on hand, and laid handsome flag- tone boulevards in other sec- tions at very nomyinal costs, utiliz- ing this material. fer shoppers who visit the bout- A. W. Pellegrino, Contracts sup- ques, restaurants and coffee hous- ervi sor for the Department of es iin this fascinating area with Public Worýks, expresses satis- its "Village" atmosphere. faction with the appearance ofthe When city council, approved of job, but he points out that this is the recommendatiièn toe experi- only part ef the over-all picture. ment with both coloured. side- "We are as much interested in walks and precast sidewalk slabs the performance of the units_ as and c"rbs for the first ime, the wc are in the way they, look te Yoî>l-villez area was chosen. the public," he says. "If they, Aise experimental are the pat- stand up well we foresee precast terns o"re ut iwith the versa- concrete as a solution to several tile P,-ýast units. in somears growth and mpaintenance problems strips of coloured asphait are sep- Jin the city." IT'S VALUE CHECK'D -.BEEFýl WEEK AT RED & WHITE Scecially Selected-VauChcd Bane You Save Tw ýi Wi Trim and Prie! SHORT Rib Roasts. 49Pb "The King of Ro3),sts" - Short Cutt Chef Style Standingâ Rib Roasts 6ff9C Lean Beef Lean - Chunik Style Boneless 1- Cube Style Steakettes 55C Boiling SeigBe 9 For quick snacks ýRîb Bef 2 lb. 49ç twn Be 9 or lunches For thûe bcilefiddinner Lean and Meaty 1Chef among these la the fisata l ation of services. Streets mMat be dug up for hydro and t,.elepâouê lines, gas and sewver Pipes, ma other servi'ces. Wîith' precast zfide. wallt slabs, it is onfly ne-cessary te remove and stack the precait slabs whichi can be easily rep. placed after installationof the pipe or cable and no asphaIt pa±- ching is required. P, (b -n hands, f e ,vthn l, wOLks Not an acid An herbai f',rnua hrn e nhealthy ski. Stutt's Phaxmacy i ORONO, ONTARIO Au, -nt Mary's Slced Bread 214-oz. Loaf Stokçly's 15-oz, tins lin ;Irk Red Kidney 0l for 39%c S ?e c Coloured Maýrgax lue 1-lb. Pkgs. GOODLUCK 2 FOR 67c' Save 4e! 2-lb. Decanter Crown Corn Syrup 35c Save 4c Club House Ice Box Jar Homo-genized 16-oz. PEANUT BUTTER 47c Save Se Cypress Gardens 4P-oz. Tins ORANG E J UIC.E55 Save 6c New Pure Digestible 24-oz. Bottle Cash youLlr 25e Coupon 6 BEST BUY! Save , 0e! Insanut Coffee 14e off pack -6-oz. Jar BEST BUY! Save 8c! Sweet Mixed - Sweet Miustard Bread WN Butto-r) 16-oz. Jar ROSE Brand PIC E BEST BUY! Save 13e! Boston Brown 2'o.Tn F0o.5'n DEST BUY! Save 10c! Free ý8c Twinkle Coupon on ecdi bng 7-lb. DEST BY ae4!KVP 100-Ft. Rol BETBY! Save ld1eOfPc e Delielous frozen pies Rg.41C value NETBY ~c4 Appe ~ R; i i-4o.s CANADA'S FINEST COFFEES! Red & White Blend lb. bag 93c Aunt Mary's Blend lb. bag 85C Early Rser BlenidIL b.9bag 8C Caudy Special! Four Varicties - Ira"orted Jumbo Bag Golden Hour Candies 39c, PL2- of --0 4-.Pg cÏ * Orono Newtonville' -PRODUCE- Flavor paeked Mclntosh Faney grade 6-qt. basket A-PPLES Reg. 73c Marked fl65e 7ý-oz. Bottie Listerine Antiseptic ...49c Reg. 69C Glant Tube Crest Tooth Paste ... 59c Reg. SL.25 Spray Can Dristan Nasal Mist ..... 99?c FZAKD! RUFFS regular 39e 3*5l 12 to pkg. Ï MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Groe CO*%RN ISH'Sg RED & H-fiITE PECK'S RED & WHITE., --j--