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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1965, p. 4

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ORé%ê WEKLY 1IES, Ù#4R4'T -ÀW--Î 4tt, 1É5 are- at war in youri ieibers? You W ha Mu It 1Do1-10 "e aVj? esre nddo ftot have;- so you (Jton~o HiO( \V hatain;'ss I D o l fo Be athed? aged w r The Orono Bantam Hiockey Club) Uae. B.rong (Ex'moïpeached b shedoWýtb iingagai ha mst Well, a wôrld perilT needs a comipeted in a Bantam tournament Re-v B~Lo~g (xcerts rÔ~ sh do e b saedworîd Saitir. To a wvhole world, la Mllbrook on Saturday- last anod d is Puirpose"ý) A man of forty has waited ten lgone ,ogte Bible says, cB e -k he teywee suiccessful ina their Scriptulre Lé,soa - Acts 16: 16-34 lyears to get a promiaticon. He hiears lieve in the Lord Jesus ChristIfirst gamne of the tournamient. Let tîs think deeply and earnest- in a daze the manager sayiag that and you shall be saved." Believe, Ina the opening gaine for Orono< ly on the question whiehi the j ail- the Board of Directors have de- but what duoes belieëvinig mean? thiey defeated ,Janetville by a er asked Pauil following the earth- cided they must look outside the To believe about a thing ia vasfly score of 9-0. The nature of the quake which loosened the doors of Office for new assistant general different than to believe In some-1 gamne is recorded in the scoring the prison, "What must I do to bie manager. They appreciate his long thing., Here is a newspaper clip- fla which Steven West scored four saved?" service, but the reaponsibility la ping with a real truth in iIL "A goals with Douglas, Taylor fol- Nom, the jailer was a soldier. Ë1e not for hlm. What a blow! Is it chicken and a pig, driving down lowing with three goals. Neil AI- thouglit Paul and Silas, bis pris- really worth while to keep on the highiway,, saw a restaurant lin and Eric Ruvaiýl completed the oners, had escaped. ,LAf isa't working? How cani he tell his ai-d the chicken suggested that Orono scoring. Pete Westheuser, Wortlh nuch to him and he would wife? they stop for bacon and eggs. The Garry Black and Bob Pest were be in disgrace. If hie dida't take Disappointment, faihuire, de- pig said, "Oh no, for you it is also given assists on the goals his own life, soineone else would feat.. -. Most often in the lonely just a contribution, but for me it scored. end àt for hlm. But Paul stays fight we ail must wage for char- la total comnmitment." To believe This victory placed ,Orono in the bis had and the soldier asks, acter, these are the destroyers Of About las one thing; to believe In semi-final round where they met "What must I do to bie saved?" life's joy that make us cry out, means eommitmnent. tIc Millbrook Bantama. This gamne This la the cry of the people of "What musat I do to be s'aved?" It la quite easy to be associated was a feature of theý tournie with the wOrld. It la the cry of people Oh, but saved from what? Saved with the Christian faith and be- Millbrouk edging Orono 2-1. Mill- Whio try to mnake miockery of the frSm pride and false vanIty, saved lieve certain things about Jesus. brook goals cane early ia the Christian faith, who, iaugh st froin the mnemory of what we can then stand before the congrega- gamne an edgIe whicî O0rono was e!notioaalism la others; who ridi- neyer' undo? Just plain saved tion and say, "I profess faith la eule those who tahk about beiag fromn ourselves from what the the Lord Jesus Christ" and not saved. They still are crying out, Bible answers over and over ngaî.n, let it go beyond that. If so-,, it bas Uno rF r e s "What must 1 d to be saved?" "Believe in. the Lord Jeans and been a very bad mistake. On the juil rF r In the beginning of bis book you shall be saved." church membership roll there are The JuinïýirFarmier Leadlership "iGod and Ilis Purpose," Dr. But the Bible goes further. It niaety people who have complet- Schiool will be held Satuirday in Thomson speaka of the biologiat maintains that the whole of man- ely divorced themiselves 'from vis- Peterborou'gîh. who wants to be left alone to- do kind everywhere is plagued with il socainwlhteCLIh ýTi soe fnayJn scentific work. Yet lhe 's troubled this malady that poisons the j ibOlte 3assoiinth oltheGhrchae. ThFreaclla oes.Ioffany Ju- with ill-health and bis cry la, of if e. Everywbere rivals becomO h 9 nteRî hr r o amratvte.I fesu> ",why won't hie leave me atone," enemies; the disease of selfisînesa a great ltnmber miore whio havej porW~nity7 for members to leara Lifednent eav usalue. îer infctswhoe ntios. heybe-shaky reasous for nuot being asso- leadiership thr-ough individual par- Lfeve peuple wi etsdonto talk cnetwoic nat iths.theyuaeforciated. Many la the co-agregation ticipatiun. abe out lbai meninul tna, oaqer nd ossaessionsstha ut forh-are beginaiag to think and look The Leadership school la organ- zthey acmled wîth llth nsameetpoeonposbesonsth enmies.deeply and ask, "What la wrong?"îzed' by Junior Farmers, witî in- they ae ivoled iththesaie r popl beomether eemis.But, if on the other haad, we. structors to give instruction and question, "Why wo't life leave They cry out, "What must we du tn eoetecnrgto o giac nognzn n ln them alune? What must they do to be safe?" In attempting to be sand beorevi the orgaionto us inceoraiin n.ln to have salvation?" safe, they build up armies and FIsa, aInbeiv a h reans mnteniag A cirl's sweetheart tells lber armaments. The end la war, strife hrnit andthemans comiteat, Sounds a littIe too much. A aew that hysolntse ahadedessfeig Ths s thing that can happen. Power and mAMber is soon raueht un lhv the other any more. Rer wonderful how the Bible puts it la the Let-. excitement and the enthusiasm of dreama od home, children, love ter of Jam es "What causes wars, joy is the promise of Christ. Paul the others. After the instructions and security are ahl smashed. It and what causes figîtingsaiamong adSlshdte oün oe ach one takes part in leadiag the ik AifÇiutfor lher Vo make life vou? Th 1+ not Vour passions hto Crs t hmso t -- group in some kind of activity. NOTICE Re GARBAGE PICK-UP in The Village of 'Orono, Until further notice garbage pick -up in Orono will be carried out as follows: Monday North end of Village including both sides of 'Centre St. Tuesday Soutli from Centre Street to both sides of Cobbledick Wed,,;esday . Remainder of' Village south of Cobbledick Street. Please place Garbage out lu Suitable Containers ji x * . . useful in su many ways! campsite, light construction, andý drive power, lightweight, compact Ideal chain saw for farm, woodlot, municipal use. Economical direct- design. filýer, -ail angle cutting. Many allier extras. FREE DEMONSTRATION AT W ATSO"N'S 2M ar i ne &Cy Cl1e ,ORONO ,ONT. ckey Notes Unable to overcome. Dougla, T-ar- lor scored thie Orono goal. ATOMS PLAY TO TIE Tlie Orono Atoms hast Fi~ played to a one aIl tie when te were bast to the BwavheB sons. Steven Allen scored the - ono goal witl ssatgoiag V Craig Teanant. MIDGETS ENTERING PLAYDOWNS The Orono Mlidget Hockey ch h cener the OHA playdowrs t'- scoming week when they will -m the entry from Millbrook. The ec act date has yet to be set. The Midgets ran into strong u position Tuesday night inCour where the y were de*efeated 8-1 b ,the Cobourg team. This team - s.turns to, Orono Saturday ighýit. News îRoundcup, Clarke St.udelnts game was piayed. Our guys playel a terrific game and with' jus-,a littie* more timne, I'm sure the they could have Non. Howev,ý,,r. the game ended in a 6-6 tie. Ou3î faïthful goal getter Petp -Mc Cullough, proved his hockey skiti by getting 4, goals 'for Clark,-- Terry Walton and Terry Grahzi- adýded the other 'two. 1 also hav scome 'honourable mentions, .a we couldn't have done without single one of them!' They,1 are: Bob, 'Best, Garry Richardison, Jh Mather, Doug Moffat, Dennis Rudý- man,Bob Gall, Carl CobbledIckÏ - l jal tey er abe t piay dOnie activity that, offers a real Arnold Wallace, Ron Best and -i to sing. challenge to a few - ia the banquet good old g-aile Charlie: Reid. - To behieve about something la and recreation at the end'of the MeMackia cuached and eacouLrrg kaowledge; to beleve inlaisoe- day, ed VIe team thiroughi the garn thing is f aith -and that bas saving Through doing and îistening You were great boys. power. Much of the weakaness ýo you leara. Come ont to a Junior the Church la the iack of commit- Farmer meeting and l bet you Thursdlay afteraooa also,or ment in Vhe lives of the peuple will corne back. girls piayed b)askzetball vs Boc- who dlaim to be miembers of the Ifyou waalt to kauw nmore about manville. Both outr juniors and" dhurch. Those who. say that they the whys aad wherefores, write or seniors los't to Bowmaaville. B- are not formally a member but a phono our Presideat, Doni Welsh, er luck alextA ime girls. Chrisitian seem to lack c ommit- Bowmanville R.R. 4 or phone Ia boys basketball Tîursday9v ment too. So then we are ail of 263-2784 Hampton. He will le our boys bast to St. Joseph's. Go-r- oae household; we cannot, believe ghad to answer yourqueatiuns. don Allia was the leadlng soe la something, that, we kaow noth- 'I hope to see you at the next for Clarke. iaig about. We may b ehieve tîere Junior Farmers' meeting on Feb. Tusa vnn ruh is life on other plaaets but it l7th, 8:00 p.m. in BowmaavilheCeThrsayCleveng rought ii does't change ont every day liv- Agricultural office. 11"Home Adveijture." The Camera, iag, but it makes a saving differ- Wm. J. Tomhhason Club tîaýnks wou for your support. once wben a sick patient believes L t was decided by the Studeats la bis doctor. DURHAM COUNTY Council that we would order cw Believng About mneans accept- AGRICULTURAL CALENDAR piag-pong tables, which would ro ing fao-bs and aothing more. Per- Thursday, Feb. 4 - 130 p.m. vierceto frtcsuee laps ths la where our trouble is. Durham County Ho-g Producers at noon and at 3:15. People lave beea confronted with Annual Meeting, Oddfellows Hall, rdythSuensConial tIec'Christian faith and they say îOrono. Dr. Julien, Regional Veter- sFriagd ashpayt~ett'3:1ou.clThl teCrsinrlgo em obe mnarian, Guest speaker.'sstedaocbpat31.'e the hrisianreliionseem to Tuesday, Fol. 9 - Farm Mach-t studeats are respunding to th.eýe tIc lest way of living, tIc lest fo.temc -pi'evry well and we plan to have Iepeso toat fct an othing buet Purclasing for the I, . r,iany more in the future. tha fat nd othngmore,bu Wray ina charge'. Everi wlen they go beyond to believecon!IgFe.2 100am-30 La tIc p owor of tle Christian Thrirdpy Tieb. Ini Countv MeYIeting - Extensiono faith, it means trusting that Pow- Durham Bcd JImp -overn t 1 -1 -staff. er and living ly that trust. ciation, Directors Planning M< 1 £uen. .Feb. 23 - 10:00 a-m. - 3:30 WIat must 1 do to le saved? ThIe ing. p rný - Durh-amn Farm Management, Cross stands before me; the Cross Saturday, Fel. 13 D',ctrictiAssociation Aniual Meeting - stands out clearly la the pages of Junior Farmer Training Scr nol - Special Course on Moaey Maragg- Roly Seripture showing us what Urestwood High School, Peterbor.î ment - Pat Wray, Geo. Arnold.A manmua d tole avd. îy he Feb. 14-20 -Ontarlo lRurai0. Dairymple. Crosms Thedos esatelîs us thae Leadership Forum - Gelleva Court Fel.ý 22-26 - Farmers Week. CrussTheandCinss te l wrog Orillia. D.A.C. 10.00 amiî. - 4:00 p.m. - creyand a itingusutice rng to- Feb. 15-16 - Canadian Swine Waî- Mernorial Rail, O.A. C. iacndta t beople. Th erss shosBreeders Association Annual Guelph. usocn t pespteu'T he Cot ss genera meeting, Royal York Hotel, 'for- Feb. 22 Cropa Day usti rih o sagnrlonto. Fel. 2 Soils Da statement about the resulta Of Short Course on use of concen-, Fl2 ar a -wickedness lut as wlat actually trated air blast aprayers and pJ0w 1 Fol. 25 5w me DayteDa,, Iapene. 1 sowsus ha 1Vwaaordusters, University of Guelph, Feb. 26 Beef Cattie Day God's own people who'sent Jesus Guelph. Registration 9:00 a.m. oni c.2-2 n.Aso.o g Christ to > te Cross acting along February 15, Il/? day course. ricultural Soc ieties Annual Meet- witl VIe rulers of VIe world. The Tues. Pcb. 16 - Souls and Fertil- ing and Convention, King Edward tragedy la fIat Christ ia crucified izer Course - Oddfellow's Hall, Or- FTotel, Tforonto. over and over again ly those who ono. 10.00-3.30 - A. O. Dairymple 'flurs. Pcb. 26 - Geo. Ar-o-ld profesa Rlis Nains; the Cross slowst Dr. T. Bates, Wm. Weir; For Vhe Farmn Mapaagemeart Speciahiat la us how deep sin la. Sin es mure ladies, Consumer Buying witI Miss Departmîeat o-f Agriculture office, tlan opposition Vo God; sin wants Pat Wray, Home Economiat ila by oppoiatmeiint only. togtGdoto h a.Nwcharge. Tues. March 2 - 10:00 arn. - 3:30 eou geV god ont osiVh way.Now Peub. 17 - Hlolstein Friesian As- p.m. - Field Cropa Day - H. Wright, actual deed alone but what liessoiationRo anork Rotel Merot- Dr. Glen Anderson. behind it. 1He said, "Hatred is ang, dioal ueYo rk eedeTrs -to.. Mon. March 1 - 11:00 arn. - murer. Th Crssdeclares that CsudinannualmseBetingRoal- 3:00op.m. - Durham 4-H Agrüc-ul- murder." The Crossng, oyaltural Club Leaders Ananal Meet- ahi sin ha Vhe attemipt Vo kill God. 'York. But the ('ross is not Go-d'a final; Thurs. Pcb. 18 - 8:00 'p.m. - On- ing. 2-a.5-C'lg oa word .about sin. This la the glori'tario Instîtute Prof. Agruýlogists Week - Livcstock Show 'on Wed- of the Christian f aitI; it becomes Montlly meeting, Brighton. Pond nesday, March 3, 1965. the triumph uf suffering forgivef discussion - Water Resources., Sat. Mardi 13 - 7:00 p-m. - Duir- nesa. By dying for tbem Jesus Ontario Sheep Breeders Associ- ham Junior Parner Annual Bani- saves mca. That la the onhy way ation Annual Meeting, Royal York quet - Mapie Grove Rall,Gus tbey can le saved by Someone Hotel Speaker, Mrs. Burie Summer,, re,aching o-ut to tbem. Feb. 19 - Ontario Catthe Breed- iBehicyjîhle. WilI talk on Australla Dr. Thomson uses the illustra- ers Association, Royal York Ho- where ahe had lived for a f ew (Contiaued, page 6) tel, Toronto. years- PMN ST. oi>y $209900 With 17" Bar v is UMICUEL lui livi lu Ilut yuuý

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