ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURýSDAY, FEB1tUARY 4th, 1965 flourish only when placed mn a situation with bright dfiffused lighit. 4.rie L U rit is aîays suprisingf0 fin for the average homre,sectn pantýs thaIt ill thrive wjthat1hat these plants wil grow well in sha àmuntof igt ad qitedr our homes even though they lack j âïlint ofthe humidity found ln their native air.environment. Give tbemi the kind Nowdas, arer oosartifi- of sou they like and lots of warm crial lihig seial iýýgnel th and they will grow with the for thte puý oe admr success- greatest of vigor. ~-)f means f humiification have niade il so thi-at there are realy Other simîlar types of carefre výery fe-w planïts that can't be Iyet at itractive plants, are the gron l th-ho e rhids, for Cineuse evergreen (Aglaonema eýxamnple, are- n-ot a great prolem Imoestumn), Pothos, 'Sehefflera, whe thy ae gvenproersturc- Dracaena, Peperomia, the spider tures wvith controlled ligbt and plant (Chlorophytum), and ail the liumiity.multiple forms of these species. But !et us, ti week, keep toý The easiest flowering plants f0 acon1sidleration of plants that igr:ow, are the fibrous begonias (Be- 1,0e n great demands on one howanfs somefhing green around th-e bouse. plants (Impatiens sultanii), Afri- cani violets (altbough some' will fînd this bard to believe), Epfiscia Fr&mthie colections of tropical 'Clivia, sbrimp 'plant (Beloperone) adsubtropical plants la tbe and Achimenes. Plant Research Inst-itut e we mighf choc-se as the easlest plants for Fibrous begonias from tbe flow- tise begiuner to growý; the jade er beds potted la late sunimer Will plant (Crassula arb)oresceas), au- continue tà flower affer recovery cuba (Aucuba japonica), chamae-' from tbe check of digging. Tbey dorea (Chamaedorea elegans will need fopping back fo retain lýsts), tbe snake, plant (Sansevier- a compatspe ~Blathe Neanthe blao lr Episcias, are red and yellow- îa1), the rubbeýjr plant (Ficuýs elasc- flowýered plants that will grow la ic) ise aspidistra (Aspiistra brigliter sunlight than Africaný latior), the English P;v*y (Hed- violets but otherwise require erabei)anmayareeso muc;ý tihe same freatment. Offen Phiodndrnail of whicb are hailed in misleading advertise- 1eyln-uf~n n ilgo ments as "f lame violets" or "yel- wifb tihe least amount of care. lowv African violetÈ", tbey are About tfise only thing tisat ad i eally not one bit like thse African -ersely affects these plants îs tf00!violet but have very fine, decor- issuci water or tcoo flucb f erfiliz-!avef oliage and a more fi ailing er, botb of whicli cause leaf drop, hapbit. y1ellowing of the leaves and other Clici as1 will bloom year after abnrmaitis.Give theni :a f airI amlount, of light and they will year ilbtesm so ifhygt "grow fo yeïs.a resf period -for a montis after Plants that will growla dark they finish flowering. cornersuuay corne from thse Achîmenes plants are sfarted .dark damptrpia ramn forests, ecd Februar3' from small cafer- where tbey grow ontie forest pillarlike tubers and willflower 110oor la ohet ea1ves and moss in summer and fal. or on thse htunks of trees and in African violets need a good, th a ;xils dof lrge branches. Here open, peaty soul. Ideally, they, ut ise base of large tree,,s grows nced enougli ligbf so tbaftbey.will hbe -As- pýiistra. and climbing ar- flower well, but hot f00 mach oundtbesfes o tis tres 1re iglif as to cause leaves to be- severaJ formrs of the common Phil- Corne yellow. A window shaded odendron, a plant aîmost every- from the sfrong sunlight 'during one now. Tis ine;vil cimbthe brigis est part of the day will -- ~ - suit tisem fine. spirally up the îrunk cor the rree ejntil ifs long stems reacb ouf over tietop f tbe fo)rest, some seven-1 y-iefeet bigli.Select ion and1 bredig bvenow prodùÙced aJ wievaiety of these,- plants from tis ct-eaedtypes fo thiose wlfb sinp1e and( hearf-sbaped leaves. 1 Tbe Dieffeiaacia, 'foo, ives ila thse udegowh fthe tropical loresf. la Our living rooms if will These, then, are about the besf of the mff',ore easily grown bouse plants*.,But any plant will profit from more fishan green fhumbs. TalIk wif h others about your hob- by. Read about the plants you like. Do some experimenting. Al these pursuits bclp to make thse growing, of bouse plants more en- ioyable. A Fort Hlenry guardsman, arms reversed and head bowed, stands guard at tise grave of Sir John A Macdonald at a wreath-laying ccermny in Kingston on Jan. 11, l5th anniversary of the blrthday of Canadla's first Prime Miaister. Paricipating, in the ceremoay wcre (left to right), Hon. George McUllwrath, presklent of thse PvyCon'c'il; OtroPrime Minister John Robý'arts; Lieutenant- uCovno W. Earl Roüwe; and Opposition. Leader John Diefenbaker. DECISION DELAYED ON JAIL PROJECT Any dlecision on Northinber- land and Duiham counties enter- ing inito the proposed tri-county jail agreement will have to wait. United Counities council voted withiout comment titis week to mrake a further study. The j ail, to cost an estîmated $1,295,100, is expected to be built in the Mllbrook-Fowler's Çorner area. It could serve the counties of Victoria, iliburton, Peterboro, The Secretar'y Treasurerre Northulmberland and Durham, ported that a cheque for $50. bas and the city of Peterborough. been receivedl from M_ýiss Lena Reniwick of Rediland(s, California. A committee composed of War- This form-er Orono resident, al- den Arthur Blanchard, reeve of thougli bedridden and so many Darlington, Reeve G. A. Carruth-, mles away, takes a keen intLerest ers, Finance çbairman and Reeve in Oroflo actîvities, particularly Frank MeMillan, property comi- the Lîbrary. Tbrough correspond- mittee, will report to council af ence and ber reading of the Orono ifs nlext session. Weekly Timres she keeps well in- formed on mnatters of local inter- 'est. If was infimnated! that a special meeting may be called tuo make Miiss Renwick suggsests that part a, decision next rmonth. of ber donation be used to pur- chase an autobiography of Sir Last week's .January session Winston Chuirchili. It was pointed saw the, question of Northumbelr- out by Mrs. Jenny Norton thaf a land-Durbam's enfry into the pro new publication on Sir Winston posed $1,295,000 area jail to be Cucili 6 en detsd locafed near Millbrook. The jin and will be released on March 15. would serve Victoria and Peter- "Great Destiny" is described si borougb counties, 'the provîsional covering 50 years of memnorable counfy of Haliburton, city of Pet events inathe if e of the Man of, erbrogh ndtheContis f the Centuiry, Sir Winsfon Chuýrcb-, Nrorhbra and h DCubam. oiii, reeounfedi in bis own incompar- NorhumerandandDu.ham. able 'words wt 13 pages of photo- graphs. Standmig in the way of any de- Ms ewc lomnin cision of ;the counties council is Ms ewc lomnin the fact that almost $50,000 bas tormer library coliuma concerning been spent on renovations f0 the the puirebase of farmng books, present united counties jail dur- and ln parficular, recallng ber igthe past year own days on tbe old Renwick ing Farm, shie mentions the book, It bas been stated in co'uneili "Horises and llorsemnsb-,ip" by Ihat the existîng jail would serve ýEnsmiinger. The Library Board ag- the counfies for another 10 years., rýeed fbat part cf Miss Renwick'si dïonatcion be set aside to purchase[ Wednesday's motion for invest- tbese two books, gation of any reimibursement 0fForceDRed the $50.000, carried with it the ______________ D.__________ idea that tise Unit ed Counties should receive onsiderat ion for tise large amount already speaf. Tbe subjecf bas nof been dis-j cussed openly in council since Jan. 19 wben a letter from the depart- ment of reform institutions was read. Tbe letter stated that tihe de- partment would make no allow- ance for reimbursement to thse united counfies. Ift suggested. how- ever that. the otber partners, in the proposed, jail scbeme would consider at' least partial reim- bursement. This approacis will be studied by thse special committee- The tri-county j ail would be the f irst of is knd'in the world. Thse idea was introduced lasf year by the department of reform insti- tutions. What Do I o? (Continued frorn page 4) tion of miners undergroundt eut- ting a deep seam of coal. Suddcn- ly there is an ominous rumible and tise crump of rocks lieaving a'nd failing. The men are trappd Tlie flow of fresil ulias been eut' off, and soon deadly gai, will begin1 to seep into thin na 'row place of work. Their oniy hope, is rescue from outsîde. Soon news pf thc disaster re?ýcles the other min- ers. Men a nd equipnienf are rush-, cýd to lielp thse imprisoned mates. ' Pey toil for houri, and days. Wliy do tlicy do if? Because there arc mcan down tliere Nitli wives' and families like their own. There is onfly one way to rescue flicm and tisat is to risk fheir own l ives. So fhey go down into the danger and work, sfrain and strug- gle f0 save their trapped mates. Tisai is wliat Jesus did. lHe gave Ris own if e that ail mcn migbf have God's salvation. Thse Bible tells us, "While we were yef help- less at the right fime Christ. died for the ungodly. God shows Ris love for us in thaf while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."I Beieving "in" Christ tei mach more than knowing " abou-t" é thse coming of Jesus. Believing ia: ChIrîSt is thel way we allow tise Rescuer fLo lay isold uapon us. It cails us to total commitiment. h William C. Hall, B, Com, C.("A. David G. Perk'n, C.A. Wist To Anuc The Formation üf a partnershlip HALLPERKN ANCe. CatrdAccounitants for thse ractice of their Poeso Office Located At 361/ KIN ST.E.,KING ST., OSHUAWA NEWCASTLE àl' 5am 1 Just North of si PR ODUCTS MayBe i O Ll an V-'aie tygai-9 AýTT'ENTIO-N - FA.RM1EIS & TRUCKE?4,S SPECIAL DISICOUNTS ON GASOLINE AND i DIESEL FUEL JZasy To Grolv H oulse' Plants CeDwinig plats inidoors, with on- ly a mpoderate amjount of atten- tion, is simply a imatter- of choos-1 COMPLUTE AUTO SERVIC 24HR. N.A-L. TOWING Real -Estate When21 Buying or Seiling cal Wilf Rawke IrIz Orono JAckRicard REAL-TOR 71 King St. E., Bownianviile Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Boerd Oronio Public Library Receives Donation rAt the bregular meetinigof the ron public Library Board, the Librarian reported that a total Cd 940 books went out during the, mionth of J anuary, 1965; 504 of these being fvrm the Junior sec- tion of the LibraryI. This figure/ showed a marked increase over the total taken outi i the previous monith. So f ar 217 memberships hiave heen reg,ýisteredi for 1965. lm -