________________ ORONO W.EEKLY TIMES, TH1URSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th. 1965__________ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __rua, DIED f~ CULTE-At ivic Hospital, FANKPeitenborouigh on Thursdiay, Jan- Ce 1~it R. . ~A GAKt 'i ary 28thi, 1965 lýara MaeF VETRINRY UREON I~~T ii~ (Porter) Coulter, aged 80 years, Phone 106M6Ooo n.L ai>I IL of R.R.2, Pontypool. Wife of the Olate William Coulter anid dear ~ 3 LIMITEDG mother' of Jeanne. Service was Ev rJ held la the Morris Funeral Chapel o j 17 Chutrch St. Bowmanviiiie on Monday February ý U , i lst at 2 p.m. Interment Lang W.KA LCEII~A.Bomavile62-393 Vault, Orono Cemetery. a- e In the Offices of [i - - ~ o DIED ,AI Si, RO1 AOrile Chatterton liamiltoni on Fin., Jan. 22, 1965. filove(] wife of Stanley Parkeran l E~ecric eatig Idear mnother of George, Bumhing- ______________ ________don, Stanley, Allen, Robert, Nelson _____________- nd ervie -Jamies, John, Mrs. E. Spera (Vio- and Sevc ýlet), Mrs. S. Marshall (Carol),an PHIONE 245 Shirley Parker, Toronto. Aiso sur- MERRIL viring are 13 grandchildren, a ÏMERP1111D. B O Orono, Ontario brother Robert Reily. Toro. nto andBU B.S.A. JB.A-Sc: :L,:S: . 3 sisters Mrs. G. O'Brien (Nellie), a SPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER j Toronto, Mrs. J. Mullen (Sadie),ta (Civil>) Toronto and Mrs. Patricia Marsh- fl _______________________ ah, Hanover. Rested at Truscott Ontario Land Surveyor Bros. Funeral Home,' Hamilton. 165q Ü,,rona Ia.A Service was held on Tues., -June 121. Queen St. Box .roo ~ ecrIC 24, 1965 at 1.30 p.m. Interrnt Bowmanville, Onitario PHONE 129 Eastla-wa Cenietery. a-c O CONTRACTORS FOR has Teepon 63-25 9t FARM and HOUSE IN MEMORIAM Dti jBAIRSTOW-In lovirig memory 7 WIIN of our dear brother, Bill who pass- on. Free E stimiates cd away February 7, 1964. qui L.J KM E~APPLIANCE:îSÂLES 1lis charming ways and smiling Lat L._._ Lit ace tior Prompt and Güaranteed Repaire Are a pleasure-to recali; sp<i tu ail kinds of Electrical He had a kindly word for each on ChateedAccunan Equipmient and Appliauces And died beloved by ail. Q- Such at Metors - Water H.eaters Always emembered by bis 375 Water Stre-et T.V. Radios - Stoves - Irons brothers and sisters. a-p aci PETERBOROUGH __ __ Phone 742-5482 IN MEMORIAMpe PARKER, George- In loving q fi ~memor-y of a dear father who pass- for Monteith, Riehi, Ha ItnG ed awýay February 2, 1910. stru You're not forgotten father dear Waters& Cc.Nor ever shall you hie, m o As long as if e and miemory last b CHATERD g~ nsrane 9 We shall remnember thee. son o Always remembered by io . ACCUNTNTSg Srvie 9aadaughters Stanley, Cb.arlie, to ilatie Ena, Pearl and a-clstr -35 Simcoe St. Northi, Oshawa o sthE Telephone: 728-7527 g O CARDt0e [îAut, P 1 would like tu express my ap-th whitbyAjax a FireU preciation to ail frieads and neigh- i ff8-4131 942-0890 Ijý bours for their acts of kindness, - ~ - '- - Fidelity Bond, illness. A special thanks toDria 9 Life , Bian Black. IN S J AN E ô Flrst Mortgage Loansa- CAýRD 0F THANKS SEEg U The fam-ily of the late Mrs. W Va] Norman Portfer wish to expresSAc ï LD icp'ria-de H, î 0 ,their thnkstoal frieads, rlnot OFFCE- LAIàSTL ROOf tives aad neighbours for the the eFrlE -MAUN T., RONOtokens of symnpathy, floral trîbutes reta Plione 12516 Reg. 20616 f Phoine 1HB16 Orono and many acts of kiadness during HA] their receat sad bereavement. 679 JACK EID~ ~ _________a-s B> CARI) 0F THANKS T * n VlatrWe wish to express our heart- i Auctoneer anIau,ýu feit thanks to frieads and neigh-el Specialize ini Farmn and Box 133 MO. 8-3552 boums for their floral tnibutes aad Fb IuntreSae many acts of kiadness shown to P Furitue SlesV~fI #Lus at the time of the - lois of a ed. -Consuit jme fo-r ternis LLaOI urieS dear wife and mother, Mrs. Ev-- and dates Limitedl elyn Cox. D phone à r 18.Oro 9 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby*, Ont. Seiitak oD.Eet r Halet; nursing, staff, medical floor nal Manufacturers of of Bowmaaville Hospital, Rev. il'S T E ) A 3 Cmetry em rils Long, Mrs. Morton and iebr Auealerrsnd alntoFred Cox an a ly. S a] CodutsActonSae o al Domiestie & Foreign Granites W siizesa a rasnalerates and Marbies - lýinrecriptions Cut SAIGPRYb andCeete Rpai Wrk On Thursday evening January takS CommndnCcatetewith ailm at 8 nine couples attended the skat- Or Port Perryq Ontail0 ing party at the Orono Rink and 13.j cal oyed coffee and donuts served in the Friendshp Room cf the ( p!*anEducatioa Buiding.C PUM IN O TLFa il Iin rils PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST l î COIMING EVENT B3EAT THE HIGH TAXES Annual Meetinjg of the Durham e aig datg o hso. OUflty Liberal Association On Ct o veenjoycout ivn wt îebruary 12 at -the Lions' Centre, city oneincs ortHoe, t :15p.. e have 120 ltNHA ap- l'ortHopoaved:5only 1rG5 minutesaayfm Dancing - Cards - Coffee, Osh'awa in j a new sbiiin 1verybody welcome. b-3-c Model Home On site. Buildler wilt bidto buyer's sPecificatioýns. WANTED . ach lot is 75 ft x 200 ft. anld Urgenly wated t rent twoprices for homies start at $390 Udroom housewidt onveniences with taxes as lwat $154. Oedroom o surroundinditrc. Take the first steP in being a rihOon 2r3, Oron. a-ptrit.new! home owner by investigating. Phone__1203,______________this Opportunîtynow. Call: - ~GUIDE REALTY LIMITED4j FOR SALE REALTORS - 723-1121~ Seven purebred Hereford eows ornMntis 7825,,Ohw, icaif and one purbred polled LenMaius 24-5,Osaa iii with excellent sire and dam, Iregistered. Phone Newtonvile 786-2972. -1 HELP WANTED Female help wanted by Curvpiy Apply Mrs. Anneart. a-c HOUSE WANTED ___ Have cash buyer for 24bedroom APPLES FOR SALE uagalow in Orono. Wiii buy now Maclntoeh and LaSalle cookîng te possession June 30. ape o ae McGilI Real Estate Broker, ape o ae -.,.J. W. Bo]vd, phone '3R18 Orono.., SAFETY INSPECTOR Reciuired by the United Count- sof Northumberland and Diur- [ties- To carry out safety inspections lconstruiction projects as. re- ired by The Departament of abour according to The Construe- o* Safety Act and to act as in-I >ector for the Roads Department iroad and bridge contracts. ualifications- A~ person is qualified under the it i.he- (a) is over 25 years of age (b) has, had experience for a riod of at least four years, (i) in making safety inspections >workmen engaged in the con- uaction or alteration. of build- gs and structures, (il) in making inspections of ildlings or other structur es dur- thbleir construction or, altera- an, or' (il!) ia supervising construction alteration of buildings or other ructures, or any combination ereof: Applications to be received by eundersigaed, no later than Feb- [ry l7th, 1965. J. D. Moorhouse, P. Eng., Counties' Enginecr ited Counties. of Northumber- d and Durham,, Counties' Building, William Street, COBOURG,' Ontario. b--3c UNWANTED HAIR mished away with SACA-PELO. £CA-.PELO is different. It does idissolve or remove hair fromý esurface, b)ut penetrates and tards growth11 of UNWANTED UR. Lo(r-Beeýr Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 9Graniville St., Vancouver '2, C. ~d5-P NOTICE The Senior Cîti zens will meet the 1.00.FE. Hall, Thursday, bruary 411h at 7:30 p.m. Program a nd luànch will be sÉrv- a-p iLICATESSEN BAKE SALE1 Group 1 invite you to their An- il Valentine Special. This year Sa Bake Sale featuring Appet- .g items from incat to dessert. cializing in assorted Plates for rid 2 people. Je are heing, assisted this year the C.G.IT.T. girls who have ,e over the afterno.on tea. )rono Uaited Church, February Time 2:30 p.m. a-cL ART TIME HELP WANTED ivMc indel(d person having con- uoce and respect cf business )-ie to make credit investiga- sand serve as district Cor- joadei.ii 'ri'-D BI.YjINILS- Nin good helth welcome. ~k is; on a part time and fee s- ddesreplies to: Mr. A. K. Gorton, Drawer 423 Terminal 'A' Toronito 1, Ontario NURSING HOME Liceased accommodation at- ~yntonhurst Manoy Nursing H-omet- *or Senior Citizens. Reasonable, ates. Phone Orono 371. 1-9-C HAY WANTED Hay waatedl in 400 baie loads; aiso cob corn needed. Write: Ralph S. Allisoni & Sons Winchester Springs, Ontario. d-2-p PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS -HI-FI - Stereo Record Players -Antennas - Towers -PA System for rent Ahi parts and labour guaranteed, HARRY WIERSMA Phone 17371,' Orono SPLUMBING and HEAING'" bSaïes a.nd Sericev 241 HOUR BURNER SERVICE0o SB-A FINAýNCING ýIl'A G o-w înter-est Rates o Hampton Co.,-28 g Tyrone Co. 3-2650 g Ineomie Tax _Returns Prepared ORONO 3R2