ORONO WEEKLY TIN o - o "TABLIERITE" o Canada's Finest Red or Bine Brand Beef Only at J g g ~Tm- g g g ~oG~Do~ocE~o ~ Aylmer Chosce Fruit Cocktail Aylmer Faney Cut Wax Beans Aylmer Tomato Soup Raspberry - wîih added Pectin IGA Jam 2 Red Rose Coffeei White Swan,-Pink, White, YeIIow or M Tissue2 Hlente Curtis - Firm or Extra Firmn Spray net1 15 oz. Tins for1 45c il IkiMilli ?,0 oz. Tins 2foi, 39C 10 8for o«. Tins 75 4 ozjïar 49c lb pkg 89c îqua 2 roll packs packs 49c oz size,53c HO$PTTALITY APPLE PIE - Save 10e Each HIOSPITALITY RAISIN BREAD 2 16-oz. Loaves DEMPSTERS MIIXED ROLLS - Pkg. of 12 IGA CANDIES - 29c range 2 for WESTON'SSODACRACKERS Produce of U.S.A. Can No. 1 Grade TOMIATOES Piodnce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 NEW CABBAGE CUCU MBERS, f or for 49e 35e 55e 29c GRE N P['Zý PER!'I.S 3 f or 25 c A Total $50*% IECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.0 TAPE WITH GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lb. bag BISSELL RUG SHAMPOO 22 oz. Size MVODESS - Reg. or Carefree Pkg. Of 12 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH LIQUI D DE-TERPGENT.- Gentie Fels 24 oz. Size TEA BAGS - Mother Parkers Pkg. of 60 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH SOLO MARGICýý5NE - 2 i lb. Pkgs. COOKING ONIONS - Can No. 1 Grade 3 lb. cello bag STRAWBEURRIES. Fraservale Frozen 15 oz. Pkg. COOKED IMEATS - Tablerite Sliced 6 oz. Pkg. STANDING RI3 ROASI s MORT T ROLLED PRIME RIO ROASI SHORT RIS ROASI CROSS CUl RIS SONELESS ROAST, IMMER RIS ROLL SONELESS PLATE BEEF SONE IN BOHE"LESS BRIS ETN TENDER RIB STT-EAKS BEEF STEAKETT7.Es BEEF KIDNE1YS StADE ROASI BQNELESS SLADE ROASI. CROSS CUT RIS RO ASI BONELESS SHOULDER ROASI MIJER RIB ROL POT ROAS ROLLED PLATE BONELESS BOUELESS STEWING BEEF G ROUND CHUCK MEAT LOAF SPECIAL SLICED SEEF UVER BRAISINO RIBS BEEF lONGUES Aylmer Fancy TOMATO JUICE Aylmer -Halves, CHOICE PEACHES Clover Leaf Solid Pack WHITE TUNA Ail Purpose 5 ROSES FLOUR Kraft Cracker Barrel MEDIUM CITEESE REG. 99C 67t 79, 99C 29i 69, 53, 62, 69, 69c 72, 1 49, 1 69, 69< 59, 1 45, 1 %9 644. 4 50~ 64 64~ 52 ib~. 47¶ 44 420oz. Tins 4for, 59c 15 «z. Tins 2 for 53c oz tin 39C 5lb bag 49c 12 oz cut 53e ÎKirby News 1 Mis. hte Boyd ils a Li~ in Bomanvlle Hospital. M'~.anA r~. ob Boynton nd M renda of P nte~hronhspnt a , J Cenlubat s iTedullsing Mr. and Mrs. HWrold Wanng n Rss e inshawa z Suetirdnt Mr. and Mvs ene pe sons aon Sat- urda', nis< Mr. a.inlub ryis i f o sing inv the sice. issdinaOhaWa saturdaynigtht aend attended a preenaion fo ongeti of eBll empoes Mers. L. aroi is nottherspta ting the hospils u fter.j istahgy Wisonscpt ct). aueeaenwthss. lnn a Persofnwho wcannot tlt anxoinauohave todosome.; L thing toietsisty of WeterOn- to e-are hgl ucetbet at cidents. oty inovr Tis a no the ge rklirobser- tons unde 0di n x te th sft etud frn worklre fregentl Drnvolved iii autoacdents, aident- lege, diversity fWe htevr Ou- tarlio lctreisof. obe Accidwreents mostly invoingr cas, ree r Nate l e o e- ons unor 4 aind, faexorto hea of timbe lst from work nhe gsaid. Dr. Tillman',s tudyo aciet- lttii cietprone drivers hwdta aiu feinairit los, of prblem - petaIldacommon oalmsts50 men otisiesachwophyscal, ecotn- armiet or voationlfatstaa- etio-be shtendsw hte eh grou cld not be dcciie-itae.dd upn Jhsoitote accs idltentoedriverg asrm lis f llwid Dr Tinve- ofanit.Sm ildie10t 12r ies io-der Ofte a nti nortay, dislikiiýes woecnthtan anmieturo and uneso an stu- tion-if theetenstolue lihu- s te inthanere fli e i i ay tro rae anhgefli aidentrae. Ofte b theprsoswl aet driving bliy as. a man su etenthmsee 120siles i orr of obwth nthis ainrturmotial dtson cando duce theirexernal awareness toi thepin wertheymayrecn e grh et odanger of avng ahn aci- det-oiemagtervehas good or abld theruiîng aility. el Dn-pr. Tiliman suggested thattene piossibe way of tcopinarwîthlthis acienbt ontiai to t r and t make the po,.ns aw aneofgeirn problm sotheymay econize th eoi rumtaneswhei ariesan cmpNsaefrDth I "MIfX 'EM or MATCH 'EM", IFrozen Libby Faney Junior 12 oz. Poly Bags PEAS - CORN PEAS & CARROTSà MIXED VEGETABLES> #Or 'J v i I ----------- "