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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Feb 1965, p. 1

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Wely VOLUME 2j, NUMBER 4 ORON WEKLVTIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18thi, 1965 Or on o g et FirstPlyon m Tlhe Oirono Midget Hockey Cub; ctýete their strength l Monday nsght at the Orono rinik and were wieIl satisfied with th-e resuit of their 7-5 victory over the Sunder- lanid _Midgets. The gaine was the iirst of thýe best twvýonot of three ga,ýmes in the initial Ontario AMid-e get iplaydowns. T'he Orono Club hield the lead ihroughout the gamie which re- su}ýted in 'a score of 3-2 at the end ofthe first perioci, 54 at the end1 ufthe second an-d 7-5 at the final Richiard Neal started the scor- ngfor Oronio when he netted the poek o a pass-otit fromi Joh-n Matlier, the sa of thegae MNather not ol cro oof h e Orono goals but aiso assisted on tlie goal by 'Neai. Two of Mte" goals came, in the first periodi. *In-, the se-cond pieriôd tthe u ne of 'Te-d Stark, Gordoq, Denit and -Brrian noster cicîked for theuir lone o' fthe inight.- This gý)ai camne off th1e stick of Ted Stark. John âTiather ,scoredl hîs thid gal in >,iiis frame. MUather scored again in the trdwith an assist from Riichard * Neal,. Tliis was followved by a -goal - biy Cameroni Perrault, one of Or- onro's defeftsemien. * Four penalties were handed out on the ganem ith Orono collecting, ±hree of the fou-tr. Bo(b Luixton was in goal f or 4rono fronted by D AieMofat, Bo'b Best and Cmeron, Perrault ou efense. ichard- Biack, Johni Mather, Cecil Knndy ichard YýeaL. - Ted St$ýrk, Brian FIost'er,' Gurdon Dent, Bob -Post and Pal- mer, thec spare goali com-pleted the Oronqo aplinient. Tlhe game sparkedwt somne god hoc'key with teOfooL r wvards bin at *rns ggesiv anfhe defense solid. Canadian Club Speakerý DR. J. B. HARDIE l4APli.D. Dr. Hardie was borninii Scot- land and took- his M.A. and Ph.D. .t Gasgow University. Ho serve(1 on special duty withi the Middle Fast Intelligence of the Imtperial Amyiý during the War. H-e was a Captain ia the- Caiadian Intelli- gence Corps, 1950-58 and is still oh strengtLh of the Armiy Intelli- gence Training Company, Hall- f ax. Hoe speaks fluent PLussian and foýur other laniguages besidles bo- !ng Da qualified inguist in many othors. Fie is Professor of Hebrew, and Oid Testamrent at Pine IHili Coleg, alifax. Ho spoke on a vaiety of topics of international relations, but wouidi prefer to select somne as- pect t1hat is of current interest. tri be determined doaser to the time- Hlis topic for this Monday biu h "Thie Uafriendly Giant", a study- in Communist evolution. Dr. Hardie speaks this Monday evoning, February 22nd to ýthe CaadanCub, B3owmanviiile iný the Trinity United Church. 1 This Saturday a full-scale tour-i namneat is to ho e id at the Onono rink wieni seven Mighty Atom taswiil cuntest for the Cham-' pionship of this district in the rural-urban division of the Littlo NIIL- T1he tournament is under fie auispicesý of the Little N.H.L. with the champions of tournamieat proceeding futier at a luter date Ia thie Ontario final tournamient. Activiti es get uaewa t 8! o'co inl the mornming wlien Millb)roojk and Newcastle piynl gaine one. At aine Canaiington and Bobucaygeon play and at ton oa' dokKeene aa ad Little Britain. Qrono plays la the fourth game of the tournament wýiich is sched- uled at eèlevea o'clock with the winner of gaine one, eitier Mill- brook or Newcastle. If Orono shoulld win their finst game they will advaace directlyll tc- 0ie Championsihip game sched- uled ho he played ah 3:00 p.m. If Oronio>sioutld lIo-se their first game they wouild tien play inD a consol- ation round at two o'clock and psbl iter la a final gaine at our o'clock. TO Spealà At irh nm Couolýiýy Final1s Mis Elen Milîsor. a grade eigh student at the Orono Puice School n, ecenitlywvon-ithe to>p hon- ousin Clanke Town>isip for pub- lic speaking. The fina liwnship Cnteýst wa . oheld a 0tieOrono UntdChurch wien Miss AMilison peetdan excellent address on Sir Winston CUhurchill.* Mliss VWihna Turansky ofthe KedlPublic Sciool, placedi sec- aninc iithe contest with Marie Yeo oif the, Antiodl Public schllo plac- EiLLN 1ILLSUN ing third. AMiss filis;on ~oeat the' West No clo t t Geraid Robinson, uhm elmnto on Tuesday have lis boys, al unerten erscosnon i com pote in the Dulrh)aýfm'inl eld in Orono. of age, ready for he tornlament. nti "igTusaFbur These games wiii be weil worh 23d ili the United Church. Ten the admission iprice for Ithe -y-oung cnetns i cmet tti lads are tunpredictable anid neyerllcont"eslt, fi boeing rom Est lack enithusiasm ini these tourna- Durha,an five, eincludingMiss ments. Miîlison of Oronogfom MWssu noham.Wýs Dr Grand Master Presents Jewels On OficaiVisit Last, Wednesday evening one REC I FIFTY VEAR JEWEL hundred members and wives of District 42, I.O.O.F. attended the Grand Master's visit to the Dist- w rict. The occasion was held in Orono with the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Ar- thur' Birch, St. Catheriwies, in - tendlance- Members were present f-om the, Cobourg, Port oe ilowanvlleand Orono> Lodges. A turkey dînner was served to thie gathering in the basement of tble Orono United Church. Tho)se ýat the hlead table were the Grand Mlaster, Arthur Birehi and Mr.. Bic;District Deputjy CGrland( Matr Ivan BaIl aMîi Mrs.Bal istitDeu Warden, lBro *flouston anti- Mrs. ilouston, C oour; Nole Gand O..o7.d Lo nWtsnadMrs.Wasn Noble Grand of i-eather Rteb)ekah Lodge, Sistnr'Newman ,and Rev{ and Mr's- -basil Long. -- Foiiowý,",ing the dinner the, meet- ,9ing oye to th Ordfeop falwhere a nnjbrof Jewels Wer e px'splntýý, by th e G Mlaster ef thle Grand Lodge of Onl- Brothers Cal Myles and _Percy MIorgýan; both of Orono, were pre- sented with fifty' year jewveis., BrthrsHrry Davey, ClnTy loEverett Stapleton, Keitlii derson and Gordon Watson wr presentled with twenty-five yeai The Grand M1asteriIn his ad- dress, outl-ined the history of the Oddfellows order which ini- back 10to te era of the Roman Emi- pire. Tt was at thistie ha traegenbanded oehe 'to formi a Guild, the initial Stain of 1 the movem, ent. In the 1660's ini Manchester this group dividled in- to two factions with one group carrying the naine of Od!dfellow,,s. The Grand -Master also pointeda to the work being undlertaken byv the Oddfleliows ordes which in- cluded the "World Eye Banik" at the Johin Hopkins University. la this saine field the Order has and is financing eye research con- cerning o ye dîseases. Brother Pericy Morgan Hoe also spok-e of the Edu-cation- ÀOai Foundiation which assisstu- V islti tl ll.:)t rs adents financially wvith. funds f or The former Orono Orphans a-- fuirtheringl their education at a Brother Cal Myle gain dispiayed thoîr abiiity in the low rate of interost. There has Both the above ilembersof the hockey, forum when they playod d aiiUU S C W i heon, ho said, a great respo-nse Orono Oddfellow's Lodgce roceived their' annual re-union gaeatv u ii for such funds with borrowing now - heir f ifty year JewoIs On Wod- the Orono nînk last Saturday ev- well ovor three million dollars a- nesdlay eveninig of last weMý They ening. The Orono team ro0ster TeOooMdesb inn bove the initiai prescribed ai- are te ho congI-ratiated for thoir Thlrn iutsb in otinent. year"s of service to the Orono featured former local rphan the second game 'off the playdowa I players who a numrber of years senies with Sunderland have thus The C.P. & T. fund, he statedoge ag ol wl egrodpa eleiminated Sunderland and they was also very active and that the ~he hockey circle not only locafly themselves advance, to the nrext budget has had to be increased to! Barrie with the addition of a buthough some y b 'rei'round of play-off play. meet the work being done la this Chap-el and Auditorium. .Mthughsom ma be',-eyig" Te scon gae o th Orno-field. Brother Birci informed the Di strict Deputy Grand Master of alon th edgs, heirhocey ail-meeting that plans were nIow Districzt No. 42, Ivan Bail, chaired ity has not left them and on Sat- (Continued page 6) underway to add to the home in the meeting.' uraa igit they defeated, to the ___________ _______ I________________ deligit of lýcal fans, an ail-star- ________________ teamy fromr Bowmanvilie. Their0 14-6 in over BowmaliviileolNfoted Artist With $1 0,000 Worth. 0 f Art futher coofirmied the retention, (Â their skiii. ' r ~ - A - A * -.Z. i T Dean West led the locais with four7 goals duning the evenin. Others figuaring lan the scoringý wene Junior West, Gerald Robin- son, Chanles Armstrong, Raye West, Keith West, Eric Canleton andi Howard Quiainey. Bowanvllegoals were-by Bill CrOsýsey, Moýirt Richards, Brian Hughes and Ron Bujrgess. The Orono ln-p Vince Van- stonýe, goal; Don Mercer, Junior West. DOug ,Powell, Phili Long, Dean West, Geraldl Robinson, Charles Armstnong, Raye West, Keith West, Enic Caneton, How- ard Quinney and Robent Steven- son. Bowmanville: Jack Mantie, Fred Cowliag, Bihl Colo, Ron Burgess, ýClint Ferguison,,Jerry Mai ornison, Bill Crossey, Bnian H-fughesý Bob, Sheridan, Mont Richardls, Terryl ýBlack and Jim Clarke. ItTI witi it is art Satu: at 8 Hall. ME tute, car: onigi m]er meiri to ai Tow: secui such onto, o IUresent Art Mppreciation I~ght In Urono he Orono Art Club is pleased the Charles S. Band Collection, art. 'It is. hoped.tiat Higi School aiounce thatin conjuaction and industries such as Imperial studeats will ho able to attend. iThe Art Institute of Ontario Gil. The value of the collection So ofteni reproductions of paint- ssponsoring a programme of will exceed ten thousand dollars. lngs lose a great deal of the col- appreciation the evening of MAr. Bennett' will lecture oni our, tone and technique of the jrday, the 27th of February these paîatings and illustrate bis ori ginal wonk of art. Hore is a ,:00 p.m. in the Oddfellow's points by means of sldes of other chance for the public to, see good 1. wonks of art by the same artists. original paintings, to examine c. Pauil Bennett, B.A., B.S.W., Ho hlas requosted that local art- theml in detail and fully under, i., Director of the Art Insti- ists bring their own paintings to -stand the artist's original meaning is the speaker. 11e will be the m-eetinge and hie will be pleas- la painting the picture. This col- yiga collection of about ton ed to meet, with this group after lection will * represent varlous mal Canadian works of art. the public lecture and give a cnit- styles from the most realistic to e paintings, will range fnom icismi of these works. the most abstrict or non-repros- scapes, painited by Arthur Lis- The Art Institute of Ontario entational. There are bounid to be and J. E. H. MacDonald, hlas a programmne of travellin~g ex. arguments around such remarks ibers of tho Group of Sovo», hibitionis. This'Ltur is a result of as, "Is that a paiatiihg?" Howovor, in abstract painted by Hlaroldi Provýince of Ontario Council for as Mn, Bennett points out, con- n. This collection ha's been grants beinig securedt fromi th.,e-viyaddicsinpoe ýred brom public gal]eries the Arts and the Canada Council. toes n icsinpoe ias The Art Gallery of Tor- The meeting is open to ail moin-1 that art is alivýe and vital and has private collections_ suci as bers of the public intorested in mieaing for people. limes

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