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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Feb 1965, p. 4

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ORO)NO WEEfCLY TIMES, THIURSUÀY, ÈEBÈÏUtJty fth, 19 5 God A'rd EvQUtin Taken from a sermon preached and God didn't make the worid. by Rev. Basil. E. Long. Well, if God didn't make the world Scritur Leson St.Joh 8:who dîid? Nowhére does the Bible Scritur Leson St.Joh 8:try to prove that the world was 12-32. Icreated by God. It states that Recent accounts of the scien- God is the Creator and it takes tif ic theory of evoltition have faith if you are, going to accept caused concern to a nu inber _ of it. The 'letter te the 1ebrews says People. I-t seems to deny the Co "By faith we uaderstand that the they have known throughout their world was created of things which lives. When the disciples were do not appear." Whatever any- confused and trouibled Jesus said one believes about the origin of to them, "Lot net your heart be 'the world it must be a matter o! treubled. You believe la God, be- faith, even if lie is a scientist. lieve also in me." Jesus lias prov- Why? A scienities caa push his ed in the lives of people how real study back further and further is the power of Ils Spirit.. Se re« and prove certain steps along the gardless of your opinions put your way, but beyend a certain point faith in God and let not your hie recognizes somethiag, a Spirit heart lie troubled. or Power giving direction. We say Jesus wveat further and said,it is God and, Dr. Clark says the "If you will continue ia may way, same thiag. There is no clash be- you wll know the truth, and the tween modemn theology aad sci- truth shall make you free." MNan.y ence. They basically believe that people are flot free and are afraid there is a Power back of ail this, of maay thlags. But if we will aIo 1matter how far they can push open up eur minds and otir heants their searching. to Christ and put our truist iha Theonoly man that caai speak la Hlm fHe will lead us through abJsolutes about what happ)enedis some troublous ways to the i.tth the man wlio was there. So, in the which sets us free. Jesus was book of job, God says, "Where free bocause He lived, la the wvill were you when 1 laid the founda- of God, refusing to allow Himself tions of the worldé" It Is a good to be feund by narrow religious question. Wo were not there, concepts'and dogmna which would neither was the scieatist. Whea have blinded Hlm. we say that "God was in the be- Whea we consider God and ev- gianing and God is the Creator". olution, what are the basic prob- that is a matter of faith and no Iems? Somue feel that if they ac- cept the theory of evlution it deaies God as Creator; it means that the Bible is net dee'edable and that men came from mDeakeys. Should- we find it s0 repulsive.... that Cod weuld make man ouft of a monkey when man so easily aadM readily makes a monkey out of himself. There are two extremes ia thinking about God and evolution. The old saying, "a Éïttie bit of ... . linowledge 15 a dangerous thiag" is very true. Gve people a littie bit of science and they are ready to throw awayte Bible and f0 deay God., The other extreme tries to admit trutl inl scientific findîngs* and another kind of truth la the Bible. Truth is trutli wherever we find it and one does net deny the other. Dr. Clark said, "There 15 1no clash betweea modern theolo-gy and science". ..... Modern theoIogy is just an honest...... searching for truth and readiness te accept it îw,1ere if is breught ..... to light. The Neýw Curiculumi of the Uniited. Churchi is an old cuar- ... ... riculumn whicli fakes uis back te the basic fruiths. The prbîmtses whecn variolns groups make it a stafement of h e v e, their faifh that the bible is v er- bally iaspired. By this tlîey meian .. .... that God tcyok the writer's ha1....d.. and wrofe the thiags He waated ... witen.ý, se tLhere could be absol- utely no room, forany question) ...... as fo the t1ruith of if. They musf ... ... close their minid; fliey are mitteil to aecepting nothiag but whnt tbey see la the Bible. If . ..... anything is brouglit te. liglit that 1IbSprSrtC- ul seemns to calnethis, the- turii freýi t~dsa,,\,"The Bible says," and tliey take another part of the Bible to try to prove it. Youà can't prove one thing by itse'l,' cj i if lias to have a reiationship out- side itself. e powerful, reliable and effective t Book than that la relationlship toý life, but the Bible is nof a book cf science and wvhen a scientifie Here îs 1965's lookc theory is proved then it ouglit to be believed. If we say we cannot lines invite you to loc believe'it even thougli it is a fact the wheel ... there's r bef ore us, because it disagreesfoltsfshudro wth the Bible, then we ouglit to frlt fsole o know that our understanding of texfured vinyls on th the Bible is f ar fromn a true one. The Bible- say§ that God picked Now drive Chevellk up some dust and made a maan smooth a road can be, at a certain day away back there. Scienée says malas been on refiiied front and rea earthmany more years and has evolved, froin something else. If we say that this is denying God onte has dli'pro,;e-d it. Eveif the T<hoi1as was iisg frd m the 1 nire-t elaborae thenry of the ab'- rest ôf the (Ïictples- whn Jes'Li 1 lest scientist is oxly whaV lie bec- appeared folning Ris- resurrec- lieves. Of eonl'se lie dûes flot do tion. After he to ,uched Jesus he this without evidence nor does proclaimed, "Mýy Lord and y e the Bible. There is a g1reat deal God." Jesus said, "You have seen of evidence that God is very real and now youi believe. Blessedl are0 as we look. into the Bible. But, it the people who oan believe with-t does not try te prov e that God out seeing or touchinlg." is the Creator. lu our relationship, to the Bible, Mlaay whio defend the Bible to God and to life, the Bible iso are iii informned about t[he Bible not wýithout a witness of the Pw-a ani1 iiJ-1 iaformed about science. er of' God and the Reality of, God. Many who exait science are iii il- The Bible says certain things are formed about the Bible and also Iueof God and when we put about science. Science is a great them to the test wev a 'tta and broad study and man is prone they work. Where man has faithIý to be tee, soon proud. He learns a t( believe la God and puts lj.s little and then hie thinks hie knows trust ia Him, he fiad ha o it ail, but the more -we iearn, the is very real. more we ought -to realize that we ihose , who, study the- book know so. littie. Many of the argu- "God and His Purpose" find many ments in defence of the Bible are of these thiags there. Certainly a great injustice to God and to the iýt is work, but if we want to live nature of'the Bible. without cost we will neyer kaow Some, are bothered when they the truth of which Jesus speaks, think. that the magic of God as "The truth that sets us free". We Creator, picking up a handful of are niot free until we are able to dust and in a moment changiag, be relaxed ia His Power ind to it into a man, is being takea away, let Him, lead uis, kaowing that 1He They think that if the miraculeus will guide uis safely and brin- us. is taken wa y, it makes God Less, tpbyso nt raertuh but it does not. The people in Jesus' day wanted a sign - "Show So, if you are young or old and us a siga and then we will be- if YOU are troubled on eitheir lieve." Jesus said, "You have had side, let me leave with you the sign a-fler sign and you haven't be- words of Jesus, "Let not your lieved." Your belief will come as heart be troubled. You believe in a matter of faith and H1e refused God, believe also in mie." H1e who to use magic to try to get them to puts his trust la Christ wîll be believe. led in the ways of 11--ht and truth. of luxury! Chev, )ok and look aga more luxury with om, smart new f ie toam-cushion( e. Right a'way, yc ewith Cheve lie': r suspensions f 1È'Éi NEW ILAG9 APPËARt IN TUE ~ ORON4O AREA The change o'vèr to thbe nýýei flag in the iinniedfiate-Oroi)c a)e created very lhttie éetnn Unil Wedh?ésdlay we ha4nÔtd e onily the new Curvply plant tnd the New Dutch OvenRsartî flyig the new Caniadianfla Travelling along the Iîh~ one could stili1 see the UinJc andi Red Ensign flying. It appears that the dmý n ha.qs actually outgrOwn th'e su!pîiy of new flagls with the rstta many wHil have tc wait fer th- 1new banner. Stutt's Pharmlacy ORONO, ONTARIO, .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . ... . 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