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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Feb 1965, p. 6

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M r. ~ N4~.Campbell will Portray the twO M r.A nd M r. . G daugliters tif General St. Pe. Iris e Honoured On 25thAnniversary will be seen on stage for the firsti time as ole of the attractive s1 Mr.and Mrs. John Riekad n-i Oronro; MIr. and Mrs. Neil Elliott mnaids in the St. Pe household,*' ertai1ned at a dinner party at and baby dauighter, Rendal; Mrs. and Ruth Ho'fmnan, who alsc o ihir home, Newcastle, Fr'iday e- D. F'. Hay, Bowmianville, Mrs, IL peared in "Op '0 Me Thunib", wl]ai nnd1~'rmv 1th ho p~inB. Allan and son Pauil.iMonitreal: appear as the other maid. being the 25th weddig annivers- -ry of 'Mrs. ickardi's brother and -iter-in-'la\v,, Mr. and Mlrs E. G. -ay (Bud and Jean) of Clarke. The following guests were pres- ,'it: Mr. and Mrs. Hay's two sons, Donald Hay and his wife Donna and their sohIDavid of Toronto also Biih Hay and friend Miss Cheryl Luxton of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. R. Logan, Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Allin andSarn Mr. aid Mrs. R. B. Benson, son Clacin daughter Leslie, Toronto; Mr. and Mlrs. Samn Turner and chuîdren, Jean, Chris, John and Bob. A gif t of silver flatware was given to the happy couple by Mr. John Rickard on behaif of those present and the sons .presented a beautiful corsage to their parents bringing an enjoyable evening to a close. Unit News UNIT NO. 5, U.C.W. j "God is flot Dead", a talk telling The February meeting of Unit 5 how an alcoholic found Christ. ,vas held in the Frienclship Room, The meeting losed with the Miz-' witli ten inembers present. >1 pah benediction after whieh a Mrs. Long called hler meeting 'social eup of tea was enjoyed. zo order and we joined in singing1 hymn 27, -What a friend we have nJ esu s."lMrs. Bowins read the crptuire lso fromn St. Luke 8,~ ,erses 27 to) 40 and Mrs. Long-JX Ie read an article concerninià the (Continued fromn page 1) fact that thiose who are strong Sunderland series was played in should be willing to heip adSdrand on Wednesday night guide those who are not, as re- lwhen Orono' defeated Sunderland lated in. the passage froin the by a score of 6-4. Bible where Jesus spoke to the in- John Mather was the star for sane man \iti,,h uh uderstanding O and ompssin. he flloed ith Ofno gaining four of the six Or- .-ïidcoiilasson Se fllve wthono goals while Bob Luxtoni, in prayer. teOoontmitie ud During business. period the, thu OoosetmantiedSud uijreprtswer red ad aisig lerland's score at four. Paul West- bualireportsserd and arlsng heuser and Richard Neal netted phon-in-g committee suggested and the other two Orono. goals. plns for serving a dinner to the, Bagshaw was the high scorer Ordelr of Oddfellows on February for Sunderland with three goals. 10 compl,ýeted. Mrs. Joan Cox wil] belokg after'phoning for don Assists for Orono went to Bob tionis iand food. Mrs. Long re- Best, Ted Stark, Brian Foster mninded uis of the bake sale to be and John Mather. hield b Unit 11 on Saturday, Feb- TeOooMdesnwme ruary i3 when tea will be served Minden, and the local manage- by, th3e girls of our CG.I.T. , ment, Jaec Moffat, is hopeful of The study of Brazil was given liaving the first game of this ser- by Joan Couvier and with the aid ieàîydi idnStra of mnaps and written material and ight th ed secondengaeplay- coloured fictures, we attem-pted edin Oronote Meondaniht.ay tocorne to know the countryv and its« p)eople.1Corne out and support thie or- Thie Mareh meieting -M11 also Ibe!(Ono ,boys, held in, th-e Fiendsh-ip rooim. IAfter a very lovely lunch serv- ed by MHrs. Long and a miost livelyD I L timec of fellowship another enjoy- rfama vl%ýorkhop able mîeeting came to its close. UNIT NO. 6,', Presentiog PIay Unit No. 6 held thýeir: February m,--tni n tlé. op ,ing n Fb.2. Director Jean Sheridan, who at the home of Mrs. Elýeanor ýShet- 1er with twelve present. MrIis. Annie West, our leader, op- ened the meeting with a eall to worship, f ollowed, by prayer. Mr. Lonig played for us a record "God is noýt Dead". which we found mrost interesting. The offering was eceived'and our birthçlay and anniversary box passed. Minutes of the January mieeting were read, and the treas- umre's report given. Our gmoyup was asked for help in baking and servin.g at a ban- quet on Wednesday, Feli. lth. Annouincemient was madle of the t)elicatessen bake sale by Unit 1 and C.G,I.T. to be held on the af- tenon of February l3th in- the Main hall of the church. A delicious lunch was served by Eleanor Shetier assisted by Eileen Stephens. Next mneeting will be at the home of Elleen Step hensà on March 2. UNIT NO. 7, U.-C.W. U.C.W. Unit 7 met on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 2:00 p.m. in the Friend- slip IRoom of the C. E. Bidn for its business meeting witli Mrs. Hanicock in the chair, After thie eal to worship and words of welcome by the leader the inuites of the ast meeting were read'- and approved. The re- port of the treasurer Mrs. Roar showed a total of $34-69 for the monthn of January. Sixteen members answiered the rol eall with 22 friendship caîls. .Aftem the business meeting the unit mnet with unit 2 in the Upper C.E. Auitorium. The woship btý1vice was ,conducted by Mrs. 1iancocýK ILi Mrs. Tamblyn as- sisting, the theme being "The Light, of the World", with reýadîngs frQm t he Gospel of St,. Jo,,hn. Ifyma13b LeadKinidlyLit" was sung. Mlir. Long then amanged for the units to hear the record brings to the Bowmanville Drama Workshop's production of 'Waltz of the Toreadors" her wealth of experience and skill will be me- membered by local audiences for lier outstanding productions for the Bow-wanville High School of ,"Quality Strýeet" and "Life Witli Father'. Mrs. Sheridan also dire, ted many fine productions for the Young People's Union of Trinity United Church, among the most noteworthy being, "Dear Ruth", "Pride and Prejudice,' and others. She lias also directed some note- able endeavours for the Drama Wokrkshop including the popular "George and Margaret." Featured in the cast-of "Waltz of thle Toreadors" will be John Amesbury, who, retumns to the stage havingý directed "The King Decides" for the Workshop's au- tumn presentation of, three one- act plays. Mr. Amesbury had lead- ing roles in "George and Margar- et", "The Curious Savage"' and "The Chalk Garden". An accomP- lished actor, Mr. Amesbury should, bring much polish to bis perfor- imance as General St. Pe. As Madam St. Pe, Doreen Kit- ney will have the opportunity to bring.,ail of ber skill and dramatic ability to this most demanding ole as the invalided wife. Mrs. Kitney appeared in, "The Curious Savage" and ater had the lead, ing ole of Mmýs. St. Maugham in "The Chalk Garden" and appeared opposite Mr. Amesbury in his production of "The King Decides" Bob Sheridan will debut, with the Drama Workshop in his role as Gaston. Mm. Sheridan has dir- ected "The Hungerers" and "The Man ln the Bowler Hat"' for the Workshop and this will be bis first stage appearance.1 Also mnaking lier stage debut will be Mary Ken-, who, with Iris H-elen Nelles, famaliar te Work'ç ;hp audiences for her moles in 'eorge and Margar-et", "The Cur* ous Savage", "A Battle o-f Wits,' md "The Chalk, Garden", wlll ap, )ea a the fa'thionable dressmak- er. Barry Cowling, well remember Fresh fromn the prize-winning edj for his performances in "Thel production of "A Resoundling Curious Savage" and "George ami Tinkie" is Sylvia Tueker, who WilI l rart' return~s to iterpreti portray the former love (YI Geni- the mle of the Doctor, and Doug eral St. Pe. Mrs. Tueker, a native Oke, whlo appeared in the same of New York City, brings a great productions will appear this time deal. of experience to 'the Work- as the priest, Father Amnbrose. WARTS Unsightly WVARTS a-dot rfungoý growth on ,hanlds face.tet er - nently removed w i thin 3 .t5S eeks with DEIGIITONs WART REMIOVER.* Not an Reid. An herba] formula, harm- es@ to) healthy skin. Stutt's Pharmacy ORONO, ONTARXO IOrono Figure SIkating Club '*4.. AT Presents their 17,k ANNUAL SHOW, iREN A 8:00 P,,M. FEATUIUNGi AN A RDERAND RICH,ýARD STEPHEN CANADIAN JUNIOR PAIR COMPETITORS PLUS OTHER GUEST'S AND PRESENTING 115 LOCALSATSUNE THE i',VERY CAPABý:L iRETINF CLUB PRO- SOýLOS - DUETS -PESIN NUMBES .COMEDY Tickets Now Available fmom antïY, Senior Member Or PHONE: Mcs. By.West -.?235J Mrs. A,%deleMeGili - 140'4 Mrs. NancyWest - 2443 , Mrs. Simone Groenveld- 16?3j ADULITS $LO( Publc Shool SOc1 Want to buy a really good camera? Get a Commerce Shutterbug Loan. You naine it. 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