ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES, THUBSDAY, FEBIRUA1tY 18!th, 1965 1DIED Prof~sinaIDecwy ~ W. FRANK BUCKLEY-At'St. Miéhael's 1Hors- h omnil rm W~- HLPR1 O t't<.. R. J. TAGGAICT Truary l6th, 1965 William Norman' shop presents it's 5th uie~ conat VTETERINARY SURGEON REAII' ATL Buekley in bis 85th year. Husband ary production "Waltz of the Cherteved Actnat 1,1on1e 10616 Orono, Ont. REA1L LJ LJ LA 7 of the late Agnes Ferguson, dear, Toreadors" by Jean Anouilh. ---TED father of George (Owen Sound and A gay French Comnedy directed King St., Newcastle LIMITED ' Huntsvile), dear brother of J. by Jean Sheridan. Bowmianville 987-4240 uvîv ~~~berta (Mlrs. R. A. Deive) Hamnil- adStraMrh4 ,6 t 36% ing St. E., Oshawa LYCET, BA 17 Chuch ~ Q . Bukley Petrborugh and i- Towi HallThu4sa5, 6rida [V. Kft I I * B.Q ton. Resting at the Morris Funeral 8:15 p.m. 725-6539 QQ Bowmnanville 623-3393 o Chapel, Bowmanville for -service 1 0.C HlCA ellarrIsteir -ona Friday at 2 o'clock. intermrent Aut tdnsWlimBCm. luth Ofiesof QLang, Vault, Orono. a-c d-6-C David G. Perkin, C.A. R. R. Waddell Q.C., 0 1O CARD 0F THANKS _______ M1AIN ST., ORONO 1i~ htet wish to, thank my relatives,PATIM EPWNED t Telephone 138 Orono ElectrÎcal Çontrac ting neighbours and friends for the Civie minded person having con- BUYING OU SELLING 1 ovely fiowers, plants, gifts and fidence and respect of business, SI Electric Hleating cards, and ail who visited me dur- people- to make credit investiga. I ad Srvie jng my stay at Memoriai Hospitai. tions and serve as district C or- REA L ESTATE I urses and staff (d the "surgery MAN in good health welcoine. MERIL D.BRWN HOE 25 oo "an 2nd floor." Work is on a part' time and fee MERIL . RON 0 HOE145Tnk you ail very much. basis, A. J. McGILL D B.S-A- B.A:Sc: :L-S: Q Orono, Ontario Mrs. Violet Ball.i Address replies to: REAL ESTATE BROKER SPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER0 a-p (Civil)____________ Mr. A. K. Gorton, Phones- Orono 1107 (CtaioLn vil eyor O ,CAD0F~Terminal 'A, Oshawa 728-4285 OntrieLan Suveyr g* 1 wouici ike to express My sin- Toronto 1, Ontario t2 ue s. io 65 rn0t.etz cere thanks te niy friends, neigh- ______________ Bowmanvifle, Ontario OPHIONE 129 ours and relatives for their Trelephone 6375 CONTRACTORS FOR thoughtfulness teinxy f amiiy and BEAT THE HIGH TAXES 13 FARM an.d HousE 1during my stay in hospital and taigaangeothsf- DOGSM ON ~a<~a=o=,oa<ac-JWIRING Berniece Mfa.frt enjoy country living with,ï- Free Estimates _______________ City conveniences. Ï L.J K IE APPLIANCE SALES CARfl 0F THANKS We have 20 lots, N.H.A. ap. hneOon 0 E.-l.ctricalpove only 15 minutes away fromPoi rn è Prompt and Güaranteed RePairti uring my stay in the Bma-Oja nanwsbdvio. P G - %ueto an d A laof ville Hospital I was Ynlst deeply M IHOmle On site. Builder will XÉut Chartered Accowitant Suha etr aerHaes aeul for al the cards, good bild tobluyer1s specifications. WE AGG 375 Waer Steet TV. - adios- Stoes - roin mse many klnd frîends. prices for homes start at$390.'~ <O>Lm PETEE BOROUGH Thank you ail so very mnuch. witj taxes as loýw at $154. Phoie74~48 ~ lg Beucamp. the first step in beiig a Q a-c V$ 4 now. Clga: &a4D ALL OFIN S _____________________ 'y Ipnew Powner bYinvestigating Monteith, Rîehi, lmi1nsf CARI> OF THTANKS GUIDE REALTY LIMITE», Itelid ike to thank miy rela- REALTORS 723-1121 ______________ Wates & o. ives, friends and neighbours for or HRERDmy recent illness. Thanks te Dr. c > Srce QMelCenzie and Dr. Sproull and Dr. Buliga-ue Qand staff of Oshawa Generailieos- 45 Snço, sz»Nýoîh, wilaa pial.a-c 'Vanished away with SACA-PEIAO. or reunodelllng y.ur presmt 1 Te1 orth»,ftOs aw5 aMrs. Laverne H S4Cess .PE dsslv or r in( tt otc 'fipioe -7s _______________ nt4osl, r eoehair fromll flAutO, Ilthe surfa"e, but penetrates and Fbtb ja 0Er ENGAGEMENT retards grewth o (f UNWANTJED Ncol 0841342-U»Package policies f RW, hre aiddu hIAIR. Lor-Bee'r Lab. Ltd., Ste.5,d 1BRM7N Sirly Lnd, dugher679 Granville St, Vancouver 2, FloydNchlo il Fidelity Uoi. of _Mrs - Veldo Bro-wn R.R. 1, New- B C d.ý i ~~~~~~~tonville and the late Lawrencee______________ PON 1 (RN G erlLiability B1rown te Rebert Frank Coad, soi.' IO fieeri f M. ndMrs WlbrtCoad, NURSING HOME LiiQ Toronto. The m arr4age to takeý i e s i c o m d to i~ ~IfÂW f~ ' First Mor0gage Loan 0 .Place at Kendai United Church, Licnhastaccodaturion atome QSaturday, February 27thi at 2 p.mi. ytohstMnrNsngHm 1NS a Nc or Senior Citizens. Reasonable SEE 0 3___ ts aPhone Orono 371. 1-e- WANTED TO RENT ___________ FD LYCETT Sadfie rHamiIton bspeeal n te PR.IERDO~LYCETT-4AR"DENQ OFIE-MAIN ST,, ORýONO i w0ntr,ihiidcoviee. n-n ZM. i siesoresaeor garage. 0 Plumnbing &Heating 121tue.261 phoi.ne i R 16 Oronio Ili- HI-FI -Stereo Orne -Record Players Phone 194Ml ~wu ,- Anatennpas - Towers JOCQËOCDOCRlïD< PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST - PA System for lent Ooo nai ______________Ail parts and labour guaranteed Ooo nai Oronio's Licensed _____________ The Final County Public Speak- HAR0VIRM MOë-3ý552 no United Churchi at 8 p.m. on Phonie 17-37 Orono _______________ Speciali,--,zeÀ11.1aafinand io 13ruesday, ,February 23rd. Everyone F'uriture Sales Svelome.a-- n e for te-lrnis Safford Brothers and dates Limited HELP WA.%NTED Accontiog and Phojne 5-D r 18 Orong6 318 D-undas'St. E. Whitby, Ont. Femae hep vantedby Crvplyý Bookeeping Service, Manufacturers of Weocd ProduCis. S Apply Mrs. Aînneaýrt. d-c Income Tax Returns Prepared Dealers in HOUSE WANTED A uctionieer and V aluator Domestie & Foreign Granites JACK, FERREN Ctýn&îts AuûiLýn SMoving to Orono or district 4 sie adat reasoniable rates and, Marbles Inscriptions CutMaclt.WttornforrORN3R Commuicatewith lm at and Cemetery Repair Work -fer omoue