BELEVE IT OR NOT! First Arrivai 0f Water Pipes On Tuesday morninig the first Ioad of water-main pipe arriverl lun Orono by Tennant Transport. The above shows unloading on Main Street north. Et was antici- pated that the installation of the pipe wouild also start on Tuesdlay but dute to the f act that test hl1es revealedI frost to a depthi of 34'» the ûperation has been temporar.. îly postponed. Warmer weather wýill see the program in fulsin, eeivP it or flot VOLUME 27, NUMIIER 10 OnONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, APiIIL lst, 1965 Studyinw Cnadian Cultural Methods Vre rga QvOr ilquussueîc- Afria ad R R.Wahn of Jam- aiea ar hwnwt r. Wm. Bunting, Sprnedn of the 'Provincial Forest ttin Orono, as they inspeet an evergreen at the local station. Mr. Mamibiri and 2fr. Watso'n are spending fouri weeks at the local Forest Station where they are observing the op- eration and cultural practices be- ing emnployed. The two men are taking courses' at. the Ranger School in Dorset and during a four-week recess are here in Or- ono. Both men have been associated with their respective F~orestry Services in their own countries for a period of eleven years. In conversation with both uMr. Mam- biri and Mr- Watson it was ln- teresting tLeaf ý-.n titat tae major- ity of fo)rests in their country are of ladod and that trees ma- ture wîthîn a periou of twenty- five to ttirty yeas. U.rowth iu TO DATE EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE $6,000 CflIPPED$CIIL000 NEED VOUR SUPPORT heigh p"r an' ranges from six fi îgLt fet.This growth, dif- drng greatly from that in On- tari, is due to climate conditions w'here-by growth is continuous throughout the year.. there being no winter season. Moisture is also consistant throughout the year. Forest cutting is chiefly car- ried out for lu'mbering ahl of which is now used in their own countries with no export. Jamaica is planning a pulp and paper in- dustry. Following their four week stay in Orono Mr. Mambiri and Mr. Watson wiil retura to the Ranger Sechool for further studying be- fore returning to their respective countries to continue in their Foi estry Services. A tour oi. Curvpiy Limited, Or. on10 was arangeu where tie two muen ooserved the mouling of curved and fiat plywoods and the cechniques used in the manufac. turing process. TO INSPECT OPERATION AT CURVPLY WOOD PRODUCTS A group of executives from the Brunswick Coroporation, Kalama- ioo, Michigan, will arrive by plane at the Oshiawa Airport today, from where they will travel to Or- ono to inspect the operation of Curvply Wood Pr'oducts. Those in the party are Robert Godfrey, Don Wagner, Myron Sales, Ro- oert Watson. Mr. Lloyd -Patton of the Brunswick Corporation lias been ai Curvply where lie is su- pes vising the manufacture of seats and backs for his Corpora- tion. Curvply manufacture the sets and backs for Brunswick whii are uised in the production of College furniture. The Orono Brass Band are presenting a Music Night to be lield in the Auditorium of the Clarke High Sechool thîs Friday evening. The pro- g ram features the eightee'i member Orono Band wiVi further selections by guest performers. Two vocal quartettes will provide variation for the pro- gram when appearance. will be made by a Sweet Adeline group of the Oshawa Chapter and the popular 'Count 7y Four' quartette. Miss Tina Kozub is also to perform wîth her accordian. The yag ar wilIProvide a wide coupe in-nmi ual-nin - bers and shouli; orh altendance. The band will provide transport'ation to Ii school, and any on e io'nisuchl transportation are asked to phone 22310 by six p.m. Fni day evening and are asked to lie at Raine~y's Store at 7:30 The prograrn is to start at 8 o'clock sharp. Speelal Guests at First Meeting Our first meeting was held on March 25th in the Christian Edu- cation Building with 33 children present and 12 ýaduits,. Mrs. Fair- brother introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Bunting who in turn introduced some very s pecial guests of 'Orono, Mr. Roderick Watson of Jamaica and Mr. John Mambiri of Kenya, South Africa. These men are guests of the Canadian government and are Pl Coir mili day sed prol Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornish, now of Indian River, were beckoned back to this comfmunity by their friends, and former nelglibours Whio, on Saturday night lonoured tliem with a presentation. The couple, Who formnerly livèd nortli of Orono in the Leskard area, celebrated their' twentyfifth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish are shown above with their two sons, (.left) Edgar (and on the riglit) David. The twentyfifth wedding party wasi eld in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall with one liundred frîends of the bride and groom present to offer their congratu-lations and to enjoy the festivîties of t!ie evening.0 1 The forepart of the evening was' spent ln, danicing, to the miusie of lôcal musicians- studying Forestry at Dorset ani also at our forestry station Orono, We take this opportunity to weL corne them to this comrnunity and hope their visit will be memor. able. .Mr. Bunting»then showed us a beautiful film on "the Four Sea- sons". Thbis picture was filmned in the Gatineau his and was of particular' interest to the men- L'ers as olir leader, Mrs. Faiw.- brother had visited in some of îhe housýs and also the chucil shown in the film. A vote o! thanks was moved to Mr. Buntiig bY Mrs. Fairbrother, J~rlile theP showed as how to make a bottie garden, using a large glass flottie and stories, for drainage, good pottiag sou, certain types o-f plants. This is a most interesting procedure and this writer would like to try _________________________one herseif, just for funi. Ilow to make a pretty Enster ,o mmit tee F a vor arrangement was demonstrated and mauve mums, pussy willows, ublic Car vas I-2ister bunnies and green foliage. Some special questions were The Finance Committee of the askeýd and then Mrs. Fairbrother Ymunity Centre and Rink Pom- gave' out, potted plantsý to the lee held a meeting on Wednes- followin g new membeýrs as prizes' yafterno-on when they discus- Cari Chatterton, Gay, Marie dpossible financing of the new Quinton, Nancy Barrabali, Fdîfh oposed Centre. 1-\-ilpatrick, aîd Wendy Mercer. Also present at the meeting A contest to secure new mein- igMr. J. Eilbeck, of the Comf- -bers is in full swing and some inity Centre Branch of the Uoys, and girls have aire ady >vincial Government. brougit 'in 7 or 8 new memnb2rs Tlie Finance Coinmittee favour for our. club. il you are interested uhlic subseiptio camp i n joining oui- club, contact Mr-. be hed tlroughut te Tow- Asett or kVrs. Stioenmaker -f )r be hld trougout he T wn-il n trmration. Our memberihip ip to raîse the major portioni the funds, neededfl or the con- icv .s just 50 cents a year. iction of the proposed Centre. unwb)kwlleaviae Thie Committee also feels >that L é egco.leaïsy 10 Aile Bow h a canvass should be ieýld mJfVa -iex uI .ail pad Ting the months of May and i->unaypc\u acoyt ne. Grants for the construction ~ .Calcsor Mrs. Asletts. sucli a Centre woiuld amýount to S Hgfhf susgpeuanne ly $1,00.0 ro ,teProv.i- .i I Wftiu 'is Id aso e obaind ou uî~uuu cisedwith the- inters W-ri - , nd tha ~~ ni .ae u-.i wîun ilrs. Thie Bilding Committee iscuw ut~pac 5de,-arranýgemencýts to visit other, itres to ve theircnsu- i ndutliy.Which 'al information .pertaînîng ~ geeralmeeing f thenita the proposai maý be presented mittee sis o b hleld in the to those in, the Township. ar futuTre whi-ýen ill )nformation It is considered that a certain Il be discussýed. Prior to any, portion of the cost would have to peal to the public a general be backed by the Township of blic meeting wilt be heid at Clarke. For the pr-,irtation Mr. C. W. Billinge, a former neighbour of Mr. andMrs. Cornish when they lived in the area, acted as chairman. 11e ex. pressed the, joy and feeling of those present and called upon others who also passed along congratu. lations to the lionoured couple. Mr: Fred Truil, another former neighbour also passed along his best wislies and con~gratulations. Mr. Cliarlie S3tapleton read the address afterwhich Mr. and Mrs. Cornish were presented witli a chest of silverware and a silver tea service set in recognition of their anniversary. Mr. -and Mrs. Cornish capably replied. set. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cornish capably replied. SThe social ýevening was brouglit to a close by the serving of lunch., JFilm Shown To JuniorGardeners Celebrate Twenty-fifth, Wedding Anruversary