ORONO WEEKlY iMES, TIRDY PI s,16 Establîshed 'n 1938 by R., A. -Formeste-r Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager ?ublis hed. every Thursday at the office of publicatior Main Street, Pnone 109, urono, 3nLario (Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Subscription payable in advance In 'Canada $150 In U.S.A. $250 Member of the Cao adian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Mcmebr of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc The Royal Commission on Biiingualism and Bieultur- alism continues its hearings and s presently in session in Toronto. It continues to listen to briefs which surely are, by now, becoming repetitious for the members of the Commission. Recently the Commission filed a preliminary report stating that Canada was in great danger of splitting up unless English speaking Canada recognized the demands of French speaking Canada. The Commission will accom- plirli vemy littie, judging from their preliminamy report, other than being a bill of expense. It lias been designed only to ascertain the pulse of the nation which surely could have been obtained through elected members of Parliament. We can see no advantage whatsoever of this nation becomong bilingual. Red tape is in itself enough to hamper government works Jet alone adding another stumbling lock in bilingualism. Englisli is the business language pactically the world over and to clutter up our government and business dealings with two languages is ridiculous. ne Minister Pearson and his Libemal government Ii i Lutiù going overboard in their efforts to establish wo official languages in Canada. Their efforts, we would imagine, are more political in nature than having sound reason, The two language system would hape been alright 100 years ago when communications were limited in scope. To-day the communication systemh is instantaneous and the proposai Pearson and lis Liberals are fostering is surely outdated. Biculturalîsmi or multiculturalism in Canada should prove no problem. The greater number of avenues of cul- ture will ensure a more interesting and richer Canada. The Province of Quebec must bc given every oppor- tunity to prosper and is entitled. to control its desiny as f ar as legislation will alow it to. Quebec, ho'wever, cannot. turn aside fmom the English language and expecet to prosper especially in a dcniinately Englisrh speaking continent- Neither will Quebec gain anything bY forcing upon 'the rest of Canada the French language. Such a move will only further the cosr-of governing and add to, it another burden in a free wheeling world enterprîse. If we are to Iearn two languages a whole new concept will have to be established in our schools te establish bi- lingualism in the Engliali speaking ameas. Chidren will have to start Frendh in grades 2 or 3 and of course adequate teaching will have to carry on in both levels of schooling- The teaching of French as undertaken today would neyer acc 1omplish any success in establishing bilingualism. Recent s tafistice shows that the percentage of French speaking people now being bilingual is mudli geaer than is the percentage of English speaking Canadians. The onus will cetainly rest with English speaking Canada and could, if certain suggestions are caried out, create yet another division in the elementary school system. Q î d U 4N'TTI IVU h( ~AN'~ -PRI J' DELIVEREFI 4'~ ~ s~ c t Prefiuished First Grade FLAKEWELD,1/4" 4'xS' s2et ..... Prefinished Seconds CIIFRRYWOOD MAPLE, 4'X8' sheet 4'x7' sheet ......... $2.,30 $2 .00 merfinished CANADIAN Bt "CII, lsts, 4'x7' sheet $5.00 2nds, 4'x7' sheet .... $3.35 Seconds. in mrost cases are only slightly damaged at edge Oronouel&LmbrLd ORONO, ONT. PHIONE 10~16 4-H OGNZTO ETN A reindcr that ail Durh.am County 4-H Agricultural Clubs will be organized on Saturday, April 3rd. Boys and girls who, are 12 by January lst, 1965, and undler 21 by Deceraber 3lst,, 1965 are el- igible to become 4-H members. The Millbrook Caif Club and the North Durham Corn Club wil] be organized in the Cavan Com ï-lunity Hall at 10.00 arn. AI] other agricultural clubs will be organized in the Oddfellow's 11a1 Orono at 1:30 p.m. The Durham 4-H Farm and .home Electrie Club will 'be or ganized on Wednesday, April7th at 7:45 p.m. in the Department of Agricultural Board Room, 141 Frank St, Bowmanville. This is a senior club and you must be 15 by January lst, 1965 and under 21 by De-cember 3lst 1965., Each club will meet about s1c times from April through Septem- bei.- This is not a large demand on your tirne. In return you will 'eceive inst]uction and trainine in modern agriculture, experience in working with boys and gids : our age, and the thrill of .Xuwing your personal project at the local Aievement Day. if you are eligible and are in- terested, awI would like furthec deteils, poone the ExLension Brnich of the Ontario Depart- rment of Agriculture, 623-3348. ODE TO MR. TRULL Somne peopje think to walk is work While others sit right down and shirk But soine there are who think it's f ine Sud' are the thoughts of fidsof mine.- 0f one 1 speak who walks each day For exercise and young to stay Corne hail or rain or snow or sleet out he goes some smiles to meet. Horticulture bears bis name 1 tell you now if's brouglit'hlm f ame Upon bis wall you'll see 'a £rame With celebration te hlm carne Enjoying if e and just as if Each and every day a gift For hlm alone it was created 1 guess that line could be de, bateci. He's quite alert on world affair.s To gossip just when'er he cames But of ten lie will just sit back And give the others chance tu chat, Fc ae O o g guy j- dy t àa ~ ~ff AN.~S ~ HOME HEAT and a, great trne to geýt or give a new Kodak camera KODAKLtOflC100 Outfit Instant loading ... at amazingly low, low price! Loads instantly .. . automaticay . .. soyou get good pictures more easily fhan ever! iust drap in the Kodapak film cortridge. - the camera is instantly loaded. No dials ta set, no focusing needed. Takes color slides as well as black-and-#hite and color snapshots. Buit-in, pull-up flashholder keeps vou set for indoor pictures. Comes with film, bulbs,flush guard, batteries. -omplete'o utfit 1.1 ST U TT'S'P harmc OPI)NO, ONT. PHONIS 168J NWAT YOUR STATION Hwy, 35 and 115 - Just North of Newca.stle FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY 1.PRODUCTS, AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES May Be Pickd any ~ > ~FT N - '~. ~I~MEP & YRl*C~{EW~ Bowmanvie 623-5589 THURSDAV, FIIIDAY, SATURDAY - APRIL 1, 2, 3 Mu s cleBeach Party (COLOR) Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello SUN., MON., TUES., IVED.- APRIL 4, 5, 6, 7 <COLOR) Twice, as daring and sbocking Aduit Entertainment et ............. gi