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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WVEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL lst, 1965 To Sing At Mlusie Night This Friday The above quartette "The Country Four" iun. Those in tihe quartette are (1. ta r.) Jack will perform at the Orono Band Musie Night this Allun, Donald Staples, Merrili Brown and Glen Friday evening in the Clarke High School Auditor- Allin. C.G.I.T. Service, Taken from a, sermon preached living that can easily take us by Rev. BasAi E. Lang. Sermon away -from God and from the Text - Luke 2: 52. abundant life that Jesus lived and "Jesus increased in wisom and taught. in stature and in favour with Gad Learning ta lve with others and man." This text is the basis does nat always mean popularity. for the C.«.I.T. Purpase which is Quite often society chooses the ta cherish health, ta seek truth, wrang way af hf eand we must ta knaw God, ta serve athers,' and have the courage and conviction wit h Hs help ta became the, girl ta live aur own lives. But there Gad would have each C.G.I.T. girl are many instances where people to be. whai were dedicated ta Christ "Ta ýbecame the kind of person weeoe h is aplrA God would have me ta be"l applies' the graup: There is na hard and ta; each one of us. "Jesus increas- fast rule but ta get alang with ed iniv isdom and'An stature and, peo'ple daes not always mean in favour with God and man" PC>Pularity. sums Up cigliteen years cf Jesuis' The f act that Jesus could un- lîfe between the ages of twelve dergo great periads of physical and thirty. In that short verse ýstrain when His faliowers, who there is a world of meaning. In were strang fishermien, were ex- that time Jesus was subject ta his hausted, surely suggests that he parents, continuing to be an obed- was care'ful about the develop- !ont Son. "Tc- honaur thy father ment of his bady. But strength of and thy mother" is a meaniingful body is flot everything. The o0k! commandment for people in every Testament tells the stary of Sam- generatian and in every age. so wh'as he trgst f Let us think what t meant men but he was flot strang An his when Jesus încreased in wisdom thinking so, ost uis strength. On andstatre nd i faour iththe other hiand, Paul was small of md satue ad infavur îthstature and sickly of body. Paul Go and man. First, we have ta prayed ta God that this trouble realize that Jesus did nat have an wauld be remaved butJesus gave extensive formai education. Nev- the answer, "My grace s suffic- erthe1ess, H1e was a- highly edu- ient for thee." Sa 'Paul, a smal] cated Man wha had wisdam man with a weak body, became whereby ta learn., Jesus' wisdom thgrastfuetcwrdhs not anly came from Gad but from tee knowfiuecetforldJess he teaching of experience. ïnCrs Hmef Btweever it i xep orJss many ways society does naot seem Crs isl.Btweee ti o learn ,by experience but goes on making the same aid mistakes axver and over mgain, cryrng out aotthe traubles of if e, yet brngugitoniselfÏ. CGod wul fv )-0 Id, Y othe hr 'i iV.w cernnit 'lia fai y r cther dziees nat mean ta be so easilyý swayed that there isever îanrv 1tension n life. We stili have dif ferent opinions and' expressions s0 t does not mean ta confarmI wi life.and ta athers. 110w piti- i AtA s that people wth tra patential became a pale shadovJ cf drifting society, tic kind oî possible. we ought to be practic- ing those things which mean healthy, strong bodies so that aur mninds can be strong and active. Jesus' inerease in favour with <lad and man reveals that H1e touched ecd situation in life and made it more beautiful. Same people feel if they become Christ. ian they have to withdraw from life just do certain 'things, live like hermits ta became kind of holy people. Jesus was flot like that for we read how 1He was at a wedding in Cana, enjoying .Hhi- self with the rest of the people, on a happy occasion. 11e didn't withdraw fro'm ifp. 1He ate witl. publicans and sinners but H1e toouR ell of this great1 Power that was within Him, right into lif e and let t work for the good of othiers. Jesus did flot do what the Publi- cans and sinners were doing. H1e went amnong them ta show theiu that H1e had respect and c'ncern for themn, and that in a sense Ife was one with themn because 1La loved. thein. This is an experience tbat H1e would bring ta us. We mus t not be satisfied ta go with the crowd when the crawd is wrong, nar can we withdraw from if e. If takes real courage ta be a Christ- ian. Christianity does nat eut you off fram hf e, it puts you right inta life. Many people have not the courage ta be real Christians but if they will choase ta be,' and trust God, Hie will give themn (Continued on Page 5) NOTICE DuiawCountly Progressîve Coos~rvtive Assocjat;on NOMINATION M EETING AND ELECTION 0F OFFICERS Port Nope Lligh School at 7:30 P.M. Guest'Speaker: Erik Ni.elson M.P. for the Yukon SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT EVERYONE WELCOME Orono ass band MUSIC NIGI-T CLARKE IIIGU SCU%>QL AUDITORnIUM FRIDAY, APRIL 2rid 8:00p:m. FEATURING: SELECTIONS BIY THE~ * Orono, Brass Band * 1Oshawa Sweet Adeline Quartette * Country Foutr Quartette STina Kozub,; Accordiapist ADMISSION ADULTS 50e For people wisbing Transportation to the lligh Sehool be at Rainey's Confectionery at 7:30 p.m. or Phone Carlos Tamblyn 23310 before 6,p.m. Friday

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