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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1965, p. 5

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-~ -~ - - -------- -"~--~.-~- - .- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL Ist, 1965 R. C. Horney Outlines Cornitt*ýfeOperations March 26th, 1965 Russell C. Honey, MP. Durham There is a great deai of pub- licity given by the, news media to tue debates of the House of Co3m: finsbut the"ýre isfot much space given tu proeeedings ofthe Stnigand Special Committees cf the buse. it occcurred to me therefore that 1 might in this, Report outline briefly some of the details of the operations of such Committees. This thought came to me this week as I ýhad the privilege, as Chairman of the Standing, Com-. mittee on Agriculture, to present (Contînued f rom page 4) gtrength that they mnay succeed. Jesus had to struggle with the obstacle -of pride in His people as well as of ignorance. They' trusted in tradition and the- en- 'Vironiment was wrong.-Any coin- nunity provides to some extent a wrong enviroliment for Christ- ian living. The'atmosphere of the home can be an obstacle. Quite often girls and boys have wanitecl to really live for Christ and yet their home atmosphere was wron<g with wrongly conceived ideas of God'and Hisý will. Cod wants them (o give respect to their Parents but at the Saame time- they have to overcome the obstacles and live the life that Jesus cails them to live. it is possible. e b ,Texnptations are anthe ob Stacle above «whiel young people Must rise_ but God will help you to do it if (te body matures into full womanhood o) r man^hood and the spirit bas not grown, (bat, would be to increase in stature but notW »tjni, and not in favoi with God and man. There is a 'right way 'Io live with people. Jesus grew up caigW$ very wrhat happened to pople and HIe cails, you to do the saie thg - niot to be ju.ýt preoccupied wiitb yourself living a goodl life, but tQ be deeply conccrned about other people; not to push them around but to gîve (hemn a lift. We have (o realize that the beautiful Baby of the Christmas story- grew through boyhood into manbood and that be so increased in His wisdom and stature and re- lationship1 with God that H1e could go into the temple, defy the peo- pie and, chase out. the money changers who wcre defiling things ThÉt is the Jesus we follo"w; not a si 3y but a man's Man and a wornn sManwbo was ready to iook lfe diectlyin th face and to acep d th i neessry;a a Report (o the House of Com- mnonis dealing with findings andJ ecomnmendations of the Commit- tee on the ýmatter 'of the spread between prices neceived by the1 growers of feed grains 'in the Prairie Provinces and the prices paid by feeders in Eastern Can- ada and British Columbia. The Committee Report culmin- ate's abc-ut 16 months of study by the Agriculture Committee. The recomniendations represent prac- tical suggestions which can be in- corporated in government 'policy and will, prove to be effective in, iceeping the price spread to a re- alistic and economically justifL.1 able margin. I do not want to deal witb the substance of the Report of the Committee at this time, but rather to give a brief outline of the duties and operation of Panlia- mnentary Cormmittee-s generally. Tfhere are twelve standing Committees of the House of Com- mnons which, deal on a continuing basis with such things as Agricul- ture, Veterans Aff airs,- Externa] Affairs, Banking and Commerce, Marine and Fisheries, etc. In ad- dition there are Special Com- mittees set up from time to time to deal with such matters as De- fence, House Procedure and to review legisiation such as the ne- cent Special Committee, on the Canada Pension Plan. The Bouse of Commons meets in the afternoon and evenings and the mnornings are set aside for Committee meetings. The mnem.bership of Committees is ini ratio to the Party composi- ~itioni in the Bouse of Conituons, For example, on the 60 imember Standing Committee on Agricul- ture these are 29 Liberal mem- bers, 3 N.D.P., 3 Social Credit and 2 Cred1tiste. Çommnittees are regarded as being part of the Ilouse of Commons and are gov- erned for the niost part In (hein proceedings iby ( he samàe rules which prevail in the Bouse. The Chairman is the presiding offic- er of t he Committee. The Committees meet in- rooms- specificaliy designed for that purpose. The nooms are equipped with simultaneous translation so tlat proceedings may be carried on in either Engiish on French. as is the case in the House of Commons. Ail pnoceedings are * aken d.own verbatum' and theià orinted transcript of the proceed- ins ndeidence is availablein bethlanuags a fCw days atter LOCAL NEWSý Mrs. Walter Steiner of Regina visited with her sister Mrs. Ruby Porter and also with hier brother Mr. Jim Oliver wb;o is seriously iii in Lindsay hospital. Mrs. Rene Gibs-on returned on Sunday from a four-week bus trip tu California. ,Mr. and Mrs. Bud Barnett of Kingston visiteýd on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham and Terry. Miss Sandra *Bowins, nurse in training at St. Joseph's Hlospital, Peter-borough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar have returned home ofter spending several Weeks in the sunny'South. Mrs. W. E. Armstrong is home £rom 'the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Mr. Carl Kimrmett spent the weekend at his home in Napanee. 1Mr. Norman Aluin was thue win- ner of the Newcastle, Ladies Base bail Club's 50-50 draw at the value of $50.00. Miss Betty Branch was honour- ed with a miscellaneous shower last Friday evening at the 'Orono United Church basement. Be- tweýen forty and f ifty friends and relatives were present to bestow Bet ty with gifts and good wishes. The co-hostessýýs were Mrs. Joan Gibbens, Oshawa and Miss Patsy Reid, Orono. Mrs, E. Bowen, Orono: and Mrs. E. McDunald, Bowmanville were co-hostesses on Friday evening at a misýcellaneous shower for Miss Joy Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa,, -umirvDcHuîtciii Orona Pastoral Chiarge M inister Rev 3. lE. L n g SUNDAY, APRIL 4th, 1965 Ororî,- 11:15 a-ra. Kirby- 945 a.m. Lesiçard - 2 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - 10:00 a.mi Krby - 11 am. Leskard - 10 a.m. whose marriage to Mvr. Dale. Miss Sharon Willis, bride to'b Stringer of Toronto, takes place was honoured with a miscellan- Aprili 7thi in Harmnony United eous shower last Wednesday'ev- Church. ening at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Joy received many lovely ýand Taylor. CcïhostâsEis were Mrs. useful gifts, along with wishes of Larry Poper, Bowmanville, sister future happiness. She very grac- of Sharon, Mrs. John Forrester îýously thanked -everyone present Mrs. Floyd Nicholson and MIrs. and an enjoyable time was spent WLloy dTaylor. renewing acquaintances. A delic- Word was received on Wednes- ious lunch was served by the host day of the death of Mr. Charles esses and their daughters, Misses Stephenson, Port Hope. Mr. Ste- Lynda Bowen and Linda Mcbon- phenson1 was a former member of ald. The shower was held at the the Federal house representing home of Mrs. E. Bowen. Durham County. LADIES' HIANDBA-GS A new stock of han dbags in soft grained leather- like plwefic or lastic patent. Severa.l casual as well as dressy ýstyles in black, brown and beige. Priced from $5.00 to $7.95 "i -e-~ ?ej~ ç-~' JTX 't' 9 iolifi PIIONE: Found',R s Billiad s <t-, t he-ieto th l )li, b t tee-r fe a -a l eetithca aite . - 1 '1-re tej e tu' o: ittees tm . po tngte t -îie m areîg -re no at dby r:m mz o tembess. Reherpublic, butathere aresste aon specnatonal ho ave pa par- tuan yin ateest lu themattîrb- fore the ommicttetmthte tee teemeinsae.oee 't ~, - ~s ~ S'z~s4t~Xctv's Prî~J~tt i. 'i --t t -t o toa -'~. b 't,, -~3,93 Rek sof LmntdNyo esyfoirboys or girls., Zi' iper fotadtoSlash Pockets. Blue and red, si, zes2 to 3X y ears Priced........ $2.98 SSc SALE BBc, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY FIRST COME- FIRST SAVE Little Tots Brush and Comb, reg. 98e for .88c Bears in Wood Soap, regular 99ec........ 88e Linden Wild La ender Lilae Mist 3 Soap in box, regular $1.00 for....... 88c Green or White Coffee ,Mugs, .... 5 for 88c White Cups an~d Saucers .......... 4 for 88e Glass ýCream and Sugar on Tray, Set for,88e Mixing - - erîced only .... .......88e Utiiïtz' riced only ...... .......88e Teapots ýýriced oly ..... 1...............88C Crystal, Sait and Peppers ........... .... 88e Cutflery Tray.................... - 88e Hair Set Lotion ...................... 88e Bridge -Table Cover ......... .......... 88cý Three Zip Purse...................... 88e Roulette, Ring o, Poker Chips in Rack, llunting Sets," Tool Sets, Junior Basebal lSets," Pencil Crayons each Qfly ........ c.... 8c $1 Stor "WH-ERE YARJETY PREVAILS" Lakeshore !Cleaners Port Hope, Ontario

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