VOLUME. 27 NUMBER 15 ORONO IVEEKLY ýTiME'iS, THURSDAY, MAY 6tb, 1965 The Township ef Clar-ke re, undetr te ommunity, Centres [ Tcuwu of PrHope requestiug ceied a total of seven appic-Act C ucltt give the by-law couni'5suS'.7par;t'te a revision lu i tnsfor the position cf road coiisideration et their dune meet-I the ailtting cf 1-1gh'SeheoocstS clerk. Later 'this week council ing at 10 a.m. Council"_too neo action on the will consider the applications The cerk ipformed ceuncil reguestý. whîch lhave been presented by that Winter Works would noet be A ltewas recefved from Mns. Messrs. P Rottine, Whitby, K, C. extended for the installation. of RutiTgat etcefettat Mark, Port Hope, Dave Ruhe the water system lu Orone. the dpour I woiild be disen- Orone, S. Simpson, onil, A Committee of Adjustment'iuued as of May 3lst. A. . Cai, Ohaa, A. A. Mun- Was appointed for the Tonhip The OntanoMuiiplBor nlOrene and Hlenry Dewiti, of Clar-ke te haudie certain as- requested cuclte send a copy Bowmanville. peets la the sale and division ef ef the Restrnicled Ai-ca By-law ta Ce-undcil intend ta separate the land. Those appeînted te the the Commtit--iy Planning Branch noadý departmnent from the rest of three man committee were E. Rý for their recommendatiens pior the' ý Te-wnship administration. Lovekin, Newcastle, Hl. E. Waikey te approvai being given by the Ou Friday eveniug the Town- of Newtonville, Kaas Schoen- Board. Tic by-laweau net become shlp ceuncil will be opcuîng ten- maker, Orene. law until such "Lime as the Board ders for th ,ic contrucetion ef their Approval was neceived from gives ýthein approvai. new township garage te be placed the Department of Highways for New offiee urs for the Clerks nati of tic Village of Ornn on the purchase of' a uew truck for office bas been set from 8:30 te the Couuty road. the sum of $10,048.00. The trucek 5.00. Work on thus projeet, started i s te bc purchased frein Bramnley A byiaw was passed setting the the ferepanrt of the week wihI etrs Oshawa. Road Superintendant's salai-y at the leveling of the property. - A letter was received £rom tie, $6,000.()0. Messrs. 'C. A. Holines, Public School Inspector, -L. Greenwood, and H. Best met with Council at Ceiincil's reguest to discuss as- pects of the Township Public Sekool !buildingprogram n ad fi- ancing program. Also discussed i was the sale of old school lieuses which utimately become residen-1 tial units. Council bas asked fer consideratiaIl ta be given t the turniug over of such build ings te the Township nather than selling them for a f ew huudredt cc.àsid(eratiion vwas aise givel b-ý.y ýouncil on the Union sections of the Public Schools with the possibility of arriving at an à,. greemeunt lth Darlington te dis. ~bnigSuci units. Mn.-H.Best, Bild(ing Inspector inf eounil that In tw"o in-. stabnces letters have b-een ignored ln whîch it was pointed Oult that1 building regulatiODfS were nlot beling adhered to. Counil stated they had neo bjection ta legal prosecution- A request was aRgain received fromC> Newtcflv!Ile> for the con- trcirlof a sidewalk. The nie- quest was handed ovec ta the-* poad and Bridge Coenmittee. The clerkwa instructed te peaethe necessany by-laW 1!te' establish, the NeWto-lMille H1all ewca3~!C Ho~ds lvi a, I x ree Fï'I Showing T» At8~3O The Village of Newcastle bas T wio F~. vi c Librar~ are this year maintained il-s miii sate thl: ~t again sponsoring an. at the saine level as in 1964' In of films to be shown 1964, the residential miii rate was j" heary, toniglit, ThursdaSr 88 milis with the Commercial rate May 8th. Theré is no admiss ion at 96 mills. The, Miii rate for 965charge and everyeone Is welcome is identical to that of 1964. i to attend. The Coutity rate for Newcastle The films will feature areas c saw littli change while the High, the east, coast, Ncw Brunswick ISchol rate rose by 1.3 milîs aud and Nova, Scoia along with the the Newcastle Public Sehool rate fîiu3g industry. Another feature by 5.1 milis te, 27.17 milis,. The of theu evening will be a fili n a Village general rate droppcd six ý-Ncwfcuudland. milîste. 26.37 fer residential. The film' show will commence Newcaste tax pai ers pay te 2fa 8:30 and will last about an taxes' in twoe instalments. the first heur. aý nd the second on Octber 29th. OPERATED STILL FINED $100., COSTS VACCINATED A total of907 animais were vac- cinated' at a neceut anti-rabies euAl mgitratefsorto 'n i lch n PrtDearmet o Ailue.b h net openate a stili capable of pro- The Depantment said there was HoeMnayta eromya tlo '62dg nd25ct T' lasebai T'ducing illicit spirits even if the vaccinated at the clinie. This i T re e Niinor 'b se ë L'1 earns output is used only for private beleived te be rhest of tect consumptien. and dogs in Bewmanvîlle. r>R. Kpdovich, R-11. 1 Pontypool, The Department 'aise asked T R\ep-,resent 'û.rono was fineil a minimum of $100 and the town net te relax their doe9 ý Il F ýcosts of $5.50. Accused turued contrel bylaw even thougli the Three Orono Basebali teains or practice.' In recent- years the down an offer of time ta pay bis vaccination program had been have been entered lu the East handling of these young boys bas l fine after saying lie had suffi- carried out. Ontario Basebali Association sche always been loft te two or thre.-'cdent ýmoney witla hlm te make dule of play for the summer base- peuple. This year let more get l amends on the spot. copper tubing, and a wooden bail season. involved with our sons and we'jll The investigating officer said banrel fer cooling. In ýaddition, 'The Orano Tykes..-are ln a five- see yout at the park. 'Yaur help they had f ound parts of a moon- lie said, 260 ounces of illicit team league until',play-off s start is always app)reciated. Ken Nîxonishine stili including a cooken,I spirits were discovered. lu the first week of August. will be the boys coachi this year ________ Thiey wl play onie game a week and, further information can be' schedule which wlll be a home otie renhmo1M.Mri -(ihap qrig ithOsaw, 1Lu.F ire Rages Over 600û Acres Po)rt Hope, Cobourg andi Peter-i bon, ugh. epaedi h relTe .games wîllb Ledi h floigparks, Alexander, Oshi- awa; Beach, Port Hope; Quaker, Petrboougi;Sinclair, Cobourg and un Orona, the local park. j SCHEDULE June 3, Cobourg at Orono, 6:30. June 11, Orono at Port Hope, 6:30 Junie 17, Port Hope at Orenýo, 6:3 Juned 22, Orono at Oshawa, 6:30. July 1, Oshawa at Orono, 10:00 'July 4, Orone at Peterboro, 2:00. Jufly 8, Peterboro at Gi-eue, 6:30. J-uiy 20, Orono at Cebourg, 6:30. Thursdlay nigIct will be Tyke ight lu the park whether gaine ORONO MIDGET SCHEDU NlIt guiswilI. be pïayec 6:30. Sunday gamies 2:00. Al ena home gamies, will be plî on Wednaesdays. MVay 24, Oreono at Port I-oi May 26, Peterborough et Or« June 2, Oshiawa at Orano. June 23, Port Hope at Orono June 28, Orono at Oshawa. July 6, Orana at Whitby. Julfy 14, Coboua-g at Orone. July 21, Whitby at Orono.' July 25, Orone, at Peterboro, August 1, Orono at Cobourg. The PeeWee sciedule lias te ceme ln. BUSIEST PLACE IN ýORONO The United Chundi Ciristian Educatien Building was Complet. efriedand dedicated in January, 1964, athougi part of it ,as ilu use frein Octebe>r 1963. Since it bas been officiallY eened for more tian a year, tIls seemns to be a fitting tine taO report te the corngreg8.tion and commuliitY on the extensive use being mnade of this Centre- The total mealbershiP 'Of tie Sinady Schloal is 365- This ia. ,Jiee31 aduits and cilidreil ,,ceivlug instruction, 32 tahr xdofficers, alsa 14 chbldren un. dier 3 Years on the nursery ral TO DATE EASTER SEAL OBJECTIvE * $,0 $5,001.00, CRIPPLED qIILDREN NEED VOUR 'SUPPORT ayed ?e. ne. 2.00 yet wio de not, attend. The hîghest 14 chuldien lu, regular attendance. attendance for any eue Sunday1 was 321 , and the average for 1964 Mauy cemrnunityr organizations was 26. hold special functions bere, such 173 take part iu the Chris-tian as the Little N.H.L. Tournament Educa-tion pr-gram tirougheut noon meal, Public Speaking Con- the week. This coesists of the tests, -Horticultural Soci-ety An. follefwing orgauized greups: Mes. nual, me eting and supper, aise sengens, Explorers, C.,G.I.T., HLiC their flower show, and the Junior and Couples' Club. . 1 Gardenens h'old their regular The membership of U.C.W. is meetings in whatever noom is 231, wbo use the C.E. Centre for available, ýaise numerous other ail General Meetings, and eacb events. month for several Unit meetings. TegetyicesdSua The Aduit Study and Discussion STheol had evenresedin th Group of approximaîtely 30 mem. Odfeows Had vl and into, the berses each week iu the Main Odlflla Hall a-therlng the il Hall and the Men's Gopin the Tw al ahrn h hl Friedshp 1Room Grhou espiscool .ack under ee rof, aisei Fniedsbp Rom. he Ma ~expansion lu thein prognams of Recreat.iou Graup meets regularly neliglious training bas been made twice a week for fuandgaes possible oaly tbrougb -tie provi. 'Wîtbout the excellentý facilities sien Of tue langer accommodation ef our new building' it ;would be and the modern facilities of this Impossible ta accommodateý suci is a magnifilcenit achievemeat large groups as the 3 day Rural Christian Education Building. It Life Seminar whicb met here due te two thinàs,-tlie vision and about a year ago. Most of thee men wisdom of, people invôlved lu tie frein the five Conferences nepre. discouraging task of tny3ing te clû seuted veiced thein adsninaloa of a 'big job inu quarters muicl toco the mnany fine features o h rmeand therefone baving to carefully planined classroomis and ljeave so mucli undone; and aise: the three assenibly auditoriums lu a big way, te the mauny f olk~ whiceh gwave tiem better accemme. w1-,ýho bave cntnibuted se worthl dation tîan they could obtain Ùa te brng inte being suci an assel muai larter centres. to the teachîug of the Gospel ai Regular day schoal Kindergar. Chjrist, te the developmieSt of ten is conducted ln the Kinider.i Chri.stian ciaracter, and to the garten rooom f ive days a week, 1enni-ichuient ef the if e of the coin- under the capable manageent mni-ty, whiic flows eut lie tith lof Mrs. Jeanne Staples. There are world with iinmeasurable value. 0f Graoss And Bush Land A fine whîch raged along a wîde had te mun for safety -of their front, buraed over, more .than six lives. hun-dred acres of forest and fanm T-ighway. 35 act-ed as an effective lan o Tusdy -ftrnon u he fîrebreak andit was at that point vicinity south of Poutypool 'and the flam es were fiually contained. west of MacRae's churcli onthe Fire, it bas been reported, n orth bound-ary of Clarlýe Town- vaulted the highway twice but shlp. The fine was actually lu the each_ time men and equipinent Township of Manvers. managed ta- prevent the spnead Six-year-old Debbie H-1arper te evergneen trees iu the area. first neticed the fire and rau to The fine burned out a vanlety ber father, William Harper, wvho of fan-m land, brusb land and aIse lives west of MacRae's churci. He Cbrýistms tree plantations. rushed ta tic field witi neigh- The fine strted a-t least a mile býours but the gnoup was paowen- west of MacRae's, swinging fur.- less ta beat out the flames wihch tuer West and then with a change were fanued by a brisk wind. la the wind travelleid east to 35 More voluneers arriveýd with Highway whene it threateued JinI shovels and 'back-pack' water Curtis' bouse on -the west side of pumps. Still the fine raged eut of the bighway. control until bulldozers and plows A number of calis were placed came ta the scene te dlean fine with. the Onono Fine Departinent guards anound the flames. Who did net auswer the cails due At -one time tbe flames raced te the fact that the fine was lu forward with suci speecl that men the Township of Manvens. 1111 Boks Locined During Month 0f April At the regular monthly meeting art. This collection will be en of the Orono Pu)blic Library display at the Library from June Board it was reported that a total 2lst to July 5th and is noted as of -1111 books were eirculiated du~r. being- an exceilert showing. ing the month of April. This num. I' was also decided at the meet. ber was an increase, over that of in- tliat certain reference book,% Mardi but a decrease from April wliichl in the past havenot been ofe 1964. The decrease rom -ast year was expected as the noveîty allowed out of the Libraxy, woiild of the library bas abated. now be allowed out under certain Of te 111 ook cieultedregulations. Such books taken 0f te 111 ook cicultedOut imust be back la the library on 138 were aduit, non.fiction, 340 the following open day. aduit fiction and 633 chidren. Chidren of the Village and lin, Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Mercer re. mediate area are stili the heaviest ported on their recent trip tO the readers at the library. regional conference in ýKingston. In the accounts a sum of nearýy Bath reported the vast ýsource of $260 '00 was authorized for pay. reference books that Were avaiL ment being for new books that able through the RegionouI Library have arrived at the Library with. and that the Reglanal, Librarles in the past month. are begging for this service to be A letter was received fram the used, Anyone wanting a speial Ontario Foundation and the Or. reference book bas onl'y to ask the ,anàa Library is to receive a collec..local librarian to obtain it froin tion of prize winning grade 13 the Region. M imoil M 1 1 ill, 4--, iïï li, ï il illâiluillgiýl !Wîw!ïW wm il