ORONQ WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, RAY 6til, 1965 ProfeitmFOR SAcLE vWANTED W____________~. FRANK 'HALL, PERKIN &Co.I Massey Harris Tractor Dise. 32 Woman for bouse work, two Iblade-- $50.00. days a week. SB LAL ESTATE Chartered Accountants verett Stpleton, 3R~4 Or ono. aC hone Orono 162. a-c ý W. KAY LYCETT, B.A.0iý ý King St., Newcastle - NOTICE ~ B~t~ Soicto ~LIMITED 9874240 DEW WORMS FOR SALE Sno iies<etn Affl 177 Church St. 36% King St. E., Oshaiwa Apply Raye West Jr. after 5 Thursday, May 6th at 7:30. Pro- lute fic f725-6539 *P.m., Churcli St. South, Orono. gram and lunch a:p R.R. WaddeIl Q.C. f i Bwmnil 0339 William C. Hall, B.omm~i., C.A. Phone 135J. A N ST.l ON David G. Perkin, C.A. COMING EVENT MAI ST, RON Id _______ARTICLES FOR SALE The C.G.I.T. of Orono United Telhon 138 Orono j ______machines_______________ Church wish to extend a speciai epone __________________________ eingmciets oes invitation to their Mothers, Mes- fti Iecting decorator clrsw urvie Chatterton- zigzig, buttonholes, etc. Lifetimi sengers,' xlrr n hi I UIGO ELN guarantee, wholesale prîce to Moty/ars to attend a Moyther and !Electrical Contracting BUNGRSELN cash buyers, trades accepted. Daughter banquet in the -Main or wrte OnarloHall oif the Chu'rch on Tuesday, -lcti Hain Phone 655-3090 o rt nai May llith iat 6 p.m. A program of * IleaLlng TE Sewing Center, Box 292, Brooklin, great interest to al concerned, MERRILL D. BROWN f and Service ont._________________ 1 BS.A. B A:Sc: O:L:S: i HO E245 hsbe ra gd : 0PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PHN .J.IG L FOR SALE COMING EVENT (cvl A J. Mo Ontari One grey English Pram in ex- Nrewtonville United Church <Ciil)o I Oroo, ntajoREAL ESTATE B1ROKER cellent condition. Women's Anniveràary Service, Ontario Land Surveyor 0 Phone 3492 Qi-ono. a-p SundaY, May 16th, 1965 at 2:30 Bo12Phns:Orn 107 _________St.______p.m. Special Speaker, Rev. D. H. Bo121ile Queen St. Oshawa__7284285__FOR-SALEWood'hause B.A. D.D., Port IHope. ~owmnvm, OaiioOshwa 28425 FR SLE Special Musie by the chair. -7251- An old barn wth steel roof for-Spe nMy 9a :0pm Telephone 623-751O rono E-iectric sle-ls Surge milking mach. Supe n ay16-c50 pm PHONE 129 _____________ e. CONTRACTORS FOR po=co= 0==c=0 See Fwed Graham, Orono. ___________ FARM and IIOTSE ~DU IPO BAIRSTOW-In, iovirwng~ WIRING FOR SALEoi 0 of our dear m9ther, who passed Làn0FRSL away May 11, 1964. Free Estimatesu g J sIiir0& SONSraeryPat.Rd oa, prgtadusinabewa, L.J KIEAPPLIANCE SALES f Phone Orono 208 Cavalier and Sparkle at $2.50 per Faithful and true to the end 'of Prmtadirtrate eaO hundrei. lher days. Chartere Accopntnt Promp ai~nd GaranteedRepaira PAINTING -INTERIOR& Kaa etma rno1hn I iece 'she suffered, in pt Catru oalkinds of Electrical 'fiR& 1177.aRc:16:c ronoePhe n se bore, 375 Water Street Equipment and Appliances 0 FAPER HIO g0 T7.c:6e iGc hied er, oet Such at Metors- Water Heaters AE AINTilo clehiromt, * EEBRUHT.V.- Radios - Stoves - Irons 0 BUILING CIJPBOARDS & gNTC suffer no more. Phone 7425482g REMODELG g Digging Wae vnsai rmn. Always remembered by ber f2ooOCO=)o=>o<=:>o=% FURNITURE BEPAJI &f ning water service into your family. a:p _____________________FINISH basement. $1.50 a foot complete. Monteith, Riehi, fiUi AND ALL ODD JOBS g No large machinery to dig up AVON -COSMETICS 00your lawn. lias opening in Millbrook Area. '=c " 'Harold Raby, Bowmanville, Fine earnings, convenient hours. Watrs Co Hatilonsphone 623-36581 d:17:p Write: Mrs. ,M.,Lambert, Beath CH ARTERED ____________ Farnis, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Insuraue 0ýNURSING HOME Il ~~LicensecL acconunodatîon' at -a rneHl fi ~ Building a buse? Lyxtonhurst Manor Nursing leKnaOrgeHl .35 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 0Hom frSeir vties.Resn 0f0 able rates. MAY 15 at 7:30 p.ni. Telephole: 728-7527 0 or remnodeffing your present PoeOoo~1 PhoneOrono371. n:28:p 6U4131 9.9 nte otc FEMALE HELP WANTED Pen &BaeSl o FreO icolon Female heip wanted for factory Sponsored by Keudal W1 Package Policies [i Flov1d Nih sn work. Beautiful Appliqued Quilt and y Apply Curvply Wood Produets, Ci ul g Fidelity Bond, South plant, Orono. blc 'thrmicllQeus 'Item General yPHONE 2191 ORONO WANTED Bclab sItes Liability which include:- _______________________The Orono Athletic Association Crce Cnrpics- ad U A First Mortgage Loans require an1uniir to umipire ail Made INSU RANC=> home gamnes at the Orono Park. Aprons SIB o $2.00 a gaine. Pillow Cases - aiïd Emibroidi' SEE O fiContact Mrs. Marvin Lunn, Or-.ol Clothes U VL 'T T',II h ono, Ont. acW eaing ý, Apparel LIjLIU1IUL1Many other items too xime1r- OFIC -MAg T.fiON 00LOST ous tu mention PoFFe MIN51RS. 261 ORONO 1- %-1 Oe o lmig& H . ng Abrown wallet with zipper al LUNCH 25t Ph0e1R1 rn if around It, containing a suni of Phono ~~ o money, insurance :pprs, drivers _____________ JA KREDI 1cc,oc=oc=oGz'eCzDOC9Oroflo, Onro 0Finder please rtr to E. s___________________ Martin, phone 14R5 Orono. Auctioneelr and, Valuattol______________________ Specialize in Farm and Box 133 MO. 8-355e uei oropotnt.Go SalesRawleigh business now available Furiultum fre terms Stafford Brothers Âccounting andi.* i Tonshps Cavan, Manvers and aPh neddates nt)318 Dundas StLimited S e Write for information. Raw-1 1 -------BookepingS(ly(e lighDept. E-306-922, 4005 ih Manufacturers of eiuS.,S.Hny otel TED JACKSON CemeterMeoal Income Tax Retumus Prepared Auctioneer and Valao Domestîc eaFoeigranite JACK FERRE cJcck Arnott Conducts Aution Sale> ofa Il ORNO3 sizes and at reasonable rates and Maes -uervRiptios Cut 3R Representative _________________ and Cemetery Repair Work EXCELSIOR LIFE ____________ nothig to u desed fi Sales and Service f SETI-TNK sk the per-son %'ho b<1, from ý 24 HOUR BURNERPAVC COil ~ Low Rc 7~ ntre îee Phxones, PA lauto C.3-228k1 lAl at ~e ORT ~ Pi Tyrn CO. 3-2650 pr 'RT-TIME RADIO TVRiEiPAliS FI- Stereo ord, Players ennas - Towers S ,'ystem for ment s angaor guranteed 177 Oronu & 1MýOTOiRS CHAIN- ISAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawvn me-mm 1