NtO3TO VEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1965 Di~t &ws UNIT No. 3, U.C.W. 7,he May me tin l Unit No. 3 was held at ithe home of Mrs. Vkair Robinson with an attend- an<ie of 14 ladies. Tao open mhe meeting two hymns wee played on the record player 'The Lord's Prayer" and "Jesus shall reign where e're the Sun." Mgrs. Sherwin was in the chair. She said tfhat this week was Mche 4's and Christian Hoine We ". It has been said that Mother, borne and Heaven are the nicest words in the English language. Mrs. Sherwin continued by repeating an approprîlate poem M~rs. Rainey gave the Devotion- a rnessQage, her theme was "Math- trs ffthle Old Testament". She rnenýtionedî, imany mothers and of the contribution they liad made in >leir tirne, speaking last of '1Vary, Mnother of Christ". She Cloedý the Devotional with prayer lèrs. Gr ant of Leskard was the gue-st speak-er. Taking the Bible Study Slhe reviewed the 8th ehap- ter of the book "God and bis Purpose." Her tal.k was most 1iii- 'ter«ýting and inspirational imt'd very much appreciated by the Jadies presýent. Mrs. Drunrninond expressed thgnks to Mrs. Erwin RainOY and Mrs. Çoant and spok;e of the very fine messages they had giv- en. Mrs. Sherwxin conducted the buSinegss an4 closed the meeting with the Mizpah Benedcon *Mrs. Robyipson -served delicious refreshments and a socia half hour was enjoyed. UNIT NO. 7,ý U.C.W. On Tuesday afternoon, May 4th Unit, 7,of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. W. b(ar, with f0ur- teen members present. Our leader, Mrs. bancock, op- ened the meeting with words of welcorne and a cail to Worship She then read a group of short p oerns on "Spring Cornes" to the ailis ,- to the woods - ta the gardons - to the countrY. The devotional, led by Mrs. Johnston, was based on "Family Lif e." After prayer thé hymn, HII-appy the home when God is iere', was sung. Mrs. C. Hamm read the seripture lesson from proverbs 31, verses 10 to 31. Fol-- lowing a short talk on present day Family 1f e the devotional was' closed with prayer. Mrs. 'Staples eontinued with our Mission Studv on Triniîad, readLngus their national, anthem, describing their flag and the siguïficýnce of its design and col- ours. The first missionary was Lhe, Rey. John Morton from the Maritimies, who went to Trinidnd in, 1867, with bhis -Wife and sniall daughter.,Mrs. Staples led a ques- tion und answer period in whieh each memb1er answered ber own guestion. This led to a spirited discussion ini review of the tapies întroduced previously. Mrs. boar read the treasurer's report. Twenty-eght visits were ceported. ,Plans were, made ta assist with the "Mother and Daughter Banquet" on May 11th. 1'he next General Meeting, on May 2th, was announced. As this clasedl thce meting w.:'tb )ïýyer 6 nd a a c l iIlour yýs -enJ and ail joinecd in repeatin~g the lo)yEei lby ail Irs.Haok Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was moved a be.arty vote of thanks to.1 sèirved by ùur hostes assistdb Ir.arndalwohdepd Mrs. Coo.per a«id M.Johnston with the meeting iii any way. LIME PEAR SALAD' Refreshing flaveur for Springtime meals 1 tin Canada Choice canned pears 1 pint cottage cheese 2 pkgg. lime gelatin 2 cups cole slaw V4 cup chopped walnuts (Serves average famiily) Drain pears and set the juice aside. Fi!centre of 6 pear halves with cottage cheese and sprinkie with ehopped,walnuts. Carefully place the filled pear halves face down, in a loaf shape mould, arranging neatly. Cover with layer of cottage cheese. In a separate bowl, dissolve one package of gelatin i one cup of hot liquid, using pear juice, with balance of water. Pour gelatin into mould slowly, keeping the pear halves in place at bottom of moutld. Wheu sigtly set, place the cole slaw in the mould and pour in the second package of dissolved gelatin (one cup of water) up t#o the rim oft the mould. Chili thoroughlr., Unmould anld garnWis , -- aining pear halves filled with cottage cheese and 1t Admiring a picture of the '65 Oldsmobile, k one thing. Eventually, you wiIl turn the page. But sitting behind the wheel of a beautiful new Olds-now that's something else. If you don't believe us, try it. Corne in now, during Trade 'N' Travel Time and slip into a new Olds. Take, a moment or two to admire your surroundings. Then ease 'it out, onto the open road. Feel the luxurious, quiet comfort, the smooth,. powerful response to yourslightest touch. It gets to you-thýis '65 Oldsmnobile. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE No whetal Tore'* naw mymo e4e Ir 1 «ep rPIy#m hndilles Me no d Afiturqp est tierMOWerIcàn . .. 4POfie bocum I fIa~ oî*Ir *,LOArs ON AIR. A b~i ri~é t t Fymo ûfy abupvvtl Straght ahoa&d. osl djaa Lau s3fe-and ensy tuuse 1 and 1 ï4i-hes. en ui as, it la on level Ibwns. No discharge chute > --cippings and debris e defictcd downyvard into - týh* grass beioth theNev TO#ro, mowe r See Flymo f loat on, air at: RKolph Hardware ORSOO, ONT. 'PHONE 1143 Something else: when you ask about the price you'll get a surprise too. You'll find it's much easier than y ou ever thought to become an Oldsmobile owner. Especially now during Trade'N'Travel lime when your present car can bring top dollar. So go see your Oldsmobile dealer. T'rade today'.. .and travel away in a luxurious new Olds. tme08 Pne w r uq (The one in the picture is a L)ynarnic 88 Celebrity Sedan) I Going to New York? See the GENERAL MOTORS FUTURAMA at the New York' World's Fair. 5 ! lt's Trade 'N' Travel Timne .. . At Vour Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer's Now 1 AUTI{ORIZED) OLDSMOBLIE DE ALER 'IN BOWMANVILLE Bowinanville I H L hn * 728-6206 --Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Checkiyour local listing for channel and time.- 1 Corne Mn and testilypur OIds -resistance during Trade 'N'Travel Timba iffllulfflm-! m im - 11111,