ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1965 Re ading (Continued from page 1) county« next faîl with a view of providing readin.g, assistance for students who may requii'e it. A new exhaust fan with an ex- plosion-probt motor is to ho in stal led for the prining room at Port Hope High School. principal Bigelow told the board the roorn gets extensive use îech day and inflammable liquids are, used. ýHe said considerable am6unts,.of fumes huild up in the room with the resuit that acciden- tal sparks from machinery or l1igb., switches miglit bo dangerous. Mr. Bigelow said it was only necessary to remove the fumes for safety, )Ahen some board mei- bers expressed the view that it inight ho well ta remodel the room extensively to make it coin- pletely explosion pro0f. Hoe said two inspectors had recommended only the exhaust systen.- The fan will ho intalled at a ,cost of about $300, whereas com- plete renovation would cost up to ln addition, Mr. Bigeiow receiv- ed approval to have chains attacli- ed ta lids of containers c arrying volatile liquids ta' conduct away static electrical charges. Board gave coniderable discus- sion to future means 0f acquiring insurance policies. The finance committee suggest- ed that tenders ho called for to oébtain premium prices for student accident insurance, since fire, and other policies were in effect until varying times reaching, ta bte oard members foît the tender caîl shouid include prem* iuffs for ýah policies held by the -board. lit was feit this would put a large volume of business in the tauds of a single fia-m, resulting in btter prices, btter service, and even rosponsibility. Another opinion was that this oould lead to a situation where only large hrckerage firms out side the district would he able 'to bid low enough. It was pointed out the present insurance supplier had given commendable service. The board ýfinally voted ta asi the finance committee to meet vith the present insurance hrok er. to develop a dlear-eut recom- inndation for future guidance. .A report is to he made to the board meeting next montia. Callyour licensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractor, who seils, instclls and guarantees PLUMBiNG - IIEATING' Phoue 143, Orono TWO-YlkAtgCOLLEGES TO BE SET UP SOON A system Of'twoýyear colleges for Ontario was announced rec- ently by Education Minister Wil- liam Davis. Hoe said the colleges wiil be financed entirely by the province. The numbher of locations of the new schools hasnot been decided, but the education minister ex- pressed hope some would be in operation in the "very near fut- Best Buy! Save 19e! 15-oz. Tins CAT OR DOG FOOD PARDa8for 99c Best Buy! Save 6e! 50-ft. Ral Saran Wrap 33c sehoois. The junior coileges would have three major responsibilities: -To proviçle courses of types ,and leveis beyond, or not suited to, secondary sehOtIS. -To meet the needs of gradu-J ates froin any high sehool pro-1 ýgram, apart fromn students wish- ing to attend regular universities. -To nieet the education needs 0f aduits and out-of-school youth, whether or not they are nfght sehool graduates. Details of administration and SHORTAGE 0F PHYSICIANS financi*ng Imust await coenpletion1 0f stud ios still under way, Mr. A, shortage, of physicians in Davis tol the legislature. He Port Hope, sale of the former added, howover, there would he Port Hope hospital building, and modest ,tuition fees for the low water pressure in the viinity of the Port HMpe and District Hospital, were ail subjeats-of dis- cussion at a meeting of the Port Hope 'Hospital Trust held at the hospital. Reporting ta the meeting, for ffhe hospital medical staff, Dr. E. A. Hunt said it was stiiil a ques- tion whether additionul physicians could be obtained for servi-ce in Port Hope. Dr. Hunt said arrangements tao offer more sui+able inducements, may have to ho mrade ta get doc- tors because of greater opportun- ities 'which exist f3r physicians seeking locations for practise. He did flot elaborate on what induce- monts might have to be offerd, except ta say that proper otfie spaco seemed to be a iprjblem. r, SWEET (ORN No. 1 WA!EER PROJECTS PASSES HALF-WAY MARK The 72 foot water stand pipe, being cons'tructed at the; north of the Villa;ge has passed the, haif-ý iway mark in construction and by Trhursday two more sections 4houldhaveý been. added bringing 'the 'hoight to date, ta 56 feet. The 'project is expected to be coin- pleted within the next two weeks. ýlThe capacity of 75,gallons per ,minute from the well has been es- tablishod through testiug and it is feit that this capacity could be steipped up if necessary. Puinping of the woll continues to make sure that the formiationn is free of any sand.. This however will -be discontinued shortly and the wel completed. FRESH BAKFED! Weston or Sunbeam CINNAMON 5cL # Reg. 39e! 12 to pkg. 4Cobs 35c 1-lb. Pkgs. BEST BUY! Save Ile! l-Ply Facele Tisue 4rls7c BEST BUY! Save !Oc! Twin Pack là-oz. Bags' pott h ots LSpeci.ally Selected Fresh Picnic, Style Shoulders lb 'ST lb Save 4c! Red& White lo-oz. jar Save 9e! 7-oz. Tins Hàomogenized P a~ututtr 5c 6,9 V LU SacoTuna Fish à2for c br 5c "M 12 GALLON sar 10 Coupon on Nestle's Quicae 20 Save 6c! Large Ready-to-Eat 1-lb. Bags LIBBY'S QUALITY FROZEN FOODS Sae 4 i511d 15-cz. Pkg. R d15-oz. Pkg. Save 4c! 4 to pack pkg- MIAULES COLOURS TRD, OlEMA "plO m pisH Printed on each 3-lb. Pkg. CARNATION 1 DISCOUNT PRICES! Reg. 69e'! Marked 61c Giant Tube Reg. $1,09 - 15c Off Pack Super Size PP SOD ENT75c Reg. 45,e! PpoetTojoth eacb BRUSHES 3C Regular Aduit - -7Orono g I Chiquita New Spring No.1 20-oz. poly bag C.A. Faney 3-1b. poly bagý CARROTS 2 bags 33c Maclntosh Aple 4c BEST BUY! Save 15c! 12-oz. Tins BEST UY! Save, 10c! Dble. Size Jely 6-oz. Pkgs. I-o~ ~ o Desrs235C BEST BUJY! Save 6ic! 25-oz. Tins *ý re cornoil BEST BUY! Save 5c! Coloured M onach Margarine 1