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Orono Weekly Times, 27 May 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1965 "The- Family In Our Changirig Society". May 9, 1965 - Even in Orano there is evidence Scripture Lessan: 1 Corînthians of this dictatorship by the child- Chapter M. ren. Today is Mother's Day but in Family life is not the Samne as recenit years we have been using it has always been. There is a new the term "Family Sunday",. it is freedom for the wif e in the home. important for us to think about There are strength saving and the family in our changing Society timfe saving devices. Many wives, We need ta accept the fact that highly educated or with a greit thin*gs are not as they used ta be. deal of ability, are accepting some Our young people are growing of the challenges of working, or of Into the new ideas and new ways activities beyond the home. But of 11e. Thei-r parents were pushed when the Mother is taken out of inta those ways and many of them the home there is not the same aýre still sputtering. We çan't stop wo rking together. The hushand ~change. We cani get out of step, can be arrîving 'home as the wif e out of toucli with reality, go oýn is leaving for work. Our children talking about the past and misslar drani evr direction The importance of the present. thoigh theïr activities so the The worid inta which we were byorn bas changed and'is changing. Now we must develop a capacitY' for self renewal in this new en- vironnient. t isn't enough ta hold ground - We must make pragress because the world will naot wait until a new generation takes over. Many have'not accepted the fact that aid standards are gone, aid ideals are questioned. People are corning and gaing with greater rapidity. Ours is a transient age. A chid*growing up in our pres- ent daST world cannot be at case. Values transmnitted by his parents and the thiings lie learns in school, churdli and from his friends are often contradlictoiry. Doctùr S. R. ILayecock of the University of Britesh Columbia said lnu 1962 that the world had witnessed four major explosions, ecdlimare im- portant than a hundred megaton bomýb These explosions' were: Knowledge, Population, Space, Freedom. Today dhidren are learning in childhood wlat their parents be- gan ta learu alter matqýurity. They have a mnucli broader understand- ing of things; they are taught in na ifrn way; there lias been an explosion of knowiedge. The population explosion mears that it is not bo easy ta l-ive'by ourselves. Wlierc it has pressur- ized if e acrass the oeean we are affected by it. In the next few years the population' explosion wîll rave even greater influence nnd impact on our children. Man easily lauwclies out into space and returns ta earth again. Space is another explosion. Tfhe.explosio>n of' freedom a- cross the world, perhaps gained premnaturely, is causing problems and we are directly invalved. The inidividual today lias a greater freedom than ever befare. There were social 'restrictions , s tand-, ards and ideals which set bounds for us that aour chiidren do not kniow,. With freedom comes a -greater responsiibility. To eal eilidren oE today ta live suecess- fully in this difficuit and fretful age, Dr. Laycack says, "We need ta focus our emphasis on these things. We need a broad back- ground of meaningful and inter related, knowledge.,We nýied'also a well established set of generai- ized habits, attitudes and creativ- ity. -We need, ta pay respect andl use the sientific method. There ný,eeds ta be critical thin'kiing, a wholesome personalitY growth, and devotion to a set of moral and spiritual values-" Ï We as parents need ta, realize that our chiidren need ta be, brougit uip with a devotion 'to a set 'of loral 'and spirituial- values. We cýau sputter and fum-e and drag aur feet but society is chang- ing. We cannat serve the best in- terests of our childr-en or society if we igýnore it. -We can go on getting inta a worse state if we deny the need of God in aur Uives. Soiety is. changing. Is the f am- iiY itself changing? Dr. Stuart E Roseniberg says, "The cuit of the chlld bias reached sucli propor- tions that in many ways aur ebjiidren are no longer children. They are willfui dictators, pint sized Caesars, littie Napoleons, who h ave becomi-e the important dison mkers of fainily 1fe*' tainin g her glamaur and attrac-j tiveness. Sa mother bas more1 freedom ta exipressalher native ' ability but faces the danger ofj lasing some of the greatness of her influence in the home. 1 Father is stili the symbolie head of the home aithough patri- archal pawers are largely dissipat-1 ing in aur sacietY. t used ta, bel that when father spoke everyone jumped, mather included. Perhaps lives were twisted to some'extent because the menibers of the fam- ily were unable tao express them- selves as 'God intended them ta do. Perhaps it is a good thing that there is more tollerance in the home than there used a be. j But donIt1't et the pendulum eswing ta the other side because if we tolerate anything and every- thing in our 'homes we are deny- îng,,aurchildren the right ta have Athe guidanee in if e, whieh they as a generation agao. This means athe rightflrs aievey ae not that influence is coming from a gv their ih famrles the aeduca- diffren sorceta agreterde-tion they should have. t is bop-1 gree. Nevertheless the mother of sided, not a well rounded out edu- today, 'even thougli she can go cation of spiritual things as well beyond the home, is still the as others. centre of family if e, the hub around which the activity of the But today father lias to put up f amily revalves, the, centre of ed-1 with great stresses and strains in ucation. She must be understand- la fast moving world. He is tired ing, sensitive, strong enougli ta ias far as nervous energy is con- bear, f amiiy_ troubles, whlle re- cerned and neéds homne as a revived. Mother seeks some of haven of Pest where he can be his ime for- an outiet beYonth home. Stress can build Up and i is more difficuit for familles to live harmoniougly than a genera- [tiofi ago. midst of His activities and 3aid, "Your mother and your brothers are without; thecy want you", Jesus lookinga up to tie ,ero;wd said, "Who are my brothiers and my mother?" He indicated that ail people *were,. If we admit change and prob- If we can only realize the Pur- lems then the Biblical injunction pose of Gad in the meaning of for ail of us is the best that any the family, then we too will real- lf us can receive. The Bible says izle that while we can be close to children "Honour your father knît in individual families, we and mother". Where chidren do must flot let the meaning of the not honour their parents they are famnily rest' there. It goes far ýnot likelIy ta grow up as worth- beyond lihis ta take in ail of the whlecizns or well balanced in, people of aur community, yes al dividuals. The Bible says, ,Wives the people of our world. Unless obey your husbands." Around we sec it then nation will con- God's house women take the tinue to tear apart nation; trag- greater responsibility. The -menledy will be piled on tragedy; say, "You go and represent me."Imisery ujon misery. And because The wamnen are ýdoing well but we can't influence the whole they cannot take the place of the world we say, "That's a wonderful husband. The Bible says ta the1 ideal, but what, can we do?" husband, "Reverence your wives" We can make the change right If ou o, hen it isn't a cas Jhre in our place. t will have it's one makingthe other obey - itlinfluence and be in keping with is co-aperation. in aur changing society there is a need ta keep the2 family close knit. They should be in God's house somewhere together. LIt is urgent that tlie fàmily, become more closely knît but we must re- alize that the greatest need of the worid' today is for the recognition of tlie broader farnily. When the disciples came tao Jesus in the God's prposýe and God's will. His will is that we should knaw that great 'love which is written out by Paul in our Seripture lesson- the ,greatest of ail things is love. Love is what hoids the world tagetiher; love' is the Nature of God. ýSa in our changing sS~iety and in the change of, famiiy ex- pression let us n nîcean- ing and the exp-- coe. Corne in aâjnd test your OIds-resistanve during Trade 'N' Travel Timffe Admiring a picture of the '65 Oldsmobile is one thing. Eventually,you wiIl turn the page. But sitting behind the wheel of1 a beautiful new Olcs-now that's sometling else. If you don't believe us, try it. Corne in now, during Trade'N'Travel Time and slip into a new OIds. Take a moment or two to admire your surroundings. Then ease it out onto the open, road. Feel the luxurious, quiet cQmfo-' the" smooth, powerful response to your slightest touch. It gets to you-this '65 Oldsmnobile. A CENERAL MOTORS VALUE Something else: 'when. you ask about the price you'II get a surprise too. You'll find its much easier than you ever thought to become an Oldsmobile owner. Especially now during Trade 'N'Travel Time when your, present car can bring top dollar. So go see your Oldsmobile dealer. Trade today... and travel away in a luxurious new OIds, (The one in the picture is a Dyn amic 88 Celebrity Sedan) Going to New York? 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